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A Romp in the Snow


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Thanks for running the adventure for us, @paladinred!

My notes say I got 1080 XP for the encounter with the blood hulks early on, and then 4230 XP for this encounter. Is that correct? If so, I've just barely breached 7th level!

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So how do we want to distribute the loot? Obviously we're splitting things evenly, but are we selling everything except the wisdom amulet or was someone going to claim some of the other stuff?

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So, after going through all the loot, the only thing Morgo can utilize is the wisdom amulet. Which, honestly isn't that pressing for him. So, if someone else needs it, go for it. As for the rest, we can sell and divvy up. Morgo makes it to level 5, so this should be fun.


@paladinredThank you for running a fun mission! I look forwards to the next!

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+Wisdom isn't super important for Vana either, considering 15 will last her basically her entire career (Beastmaster obviously doesn't progress spellcasting). She'll only ever get 6th level spells by level 20. All +wis would get her is a few extra spells/day; and I guess boost the DC of some of the crowd control stuff.

Edited by Faeryl_ (see edit history)
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MW Heavy Mace (x2) - 624 gp

Morningstar +1 - 2,308 gp

(assuming the weapons labeled as "mace" are also heavy maces)

Heavy Mace +1 - 2,312 gp

Wand of Summon Undead IV - 21,000 gp

+1 Twilight Mithral Chain Shirt - 5,100 gp

Cloak of Charisma +2 - 4,000 gp

(Can't price the "masterwork chain" because it's unclear if it's another chain shirt or chainmail)

2,000 gp in coins

-250 gp for Chrystal's share

Total = 37,094

split treasure as evenly as possible (3-way split between Vana, Morgo and Leofric) = 12,364.67 gp each (or round down to 12,363)

IF "Spawn's Chain" is a MW Chain Shirt, that's +250 gp

ELSE it is a suit of Chainmail valued at 300 gp

IF Chain Shirt = TRUE, THEN total money is 37,344 (effectively paying back Chrystal's share) and split results in a nice 12,448 gp each.

IF Chainmail = TRUE, THEN total money is 37,394 and split results in a less nice 12,464.67 gp each (rounded down to 12,464 presumably).

ETA: If Morgo and Vana both want the Periapt of Wisdom, but neither particularly needs it desperately, perhaps we should roll a die to determine who gets it?

Edited by Faeryl_ (see edit history)
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Sounds good to me!


1 minute ago, joran1313 said:

@Faeryl_ Roll a 1d6 with high roll wins?


and Woohoo! That's a nice chunk of change for a beatstick priest that speaks in the third person! 😆


1d6 6
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Okay, sounds good! The difference was negligible anyway but I'm glad I thought to pick the lesser amount anyway. Less chance I need to adjust something later. Thanks again for the game!

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I'm just taking gold up to WBL, which amounts to 6000 gp in loot for me. If you choose to take some of the loot, make sure the total value of your gear stays close to your WBL.

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The only difficulty with that is that the +4 wisdom amulet would eat up all of a 6th-level PC's WBL by itself and then some.

29 minutes ago, Blue Jay said:

I'm just taking gold up to WBL, which amounts to 6000 gp in loot for me. If you choose to take some of the loot, make sure the total value of your gear stays close to your WBL.

I understand wanting to ensure everyone adheres as close as possible to WBL, but I don't see how it's possible when the GM basically hands you WBL in a single item.

Right now, my 6th level druid from this mission is just going to be seriously overdrawn on WBL unless I remove the amulet until next level up.

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