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Chapter 4: When Worlds Collide


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spacer.pngIphigenia turned towards Brother Koji. She understood his reluctance, which was why she addressed him with a gentle tone, seeing if she could not help him understand the threat of the Maliente with carefully worded argument.

"Karadoon is correct-more information would be welcome. Perhaps the Oracle can provide answers. We must, however, consider what little we know already. As you say, the Maliente are malicious and murderous. On their scouts we found a missive that spoke of the eye-gouging of children as punishment. I can show you the documents, if you wish to see. And the use of thralldom amongst them is also suggested in that letter cache.

I do not know precisely what it is that the Church of the Father preaches these days," she continued, adding in a hint of sarcasm for what she perceived as corruption amongst members of that holy order, "...but such actions strike me as ruthless and unambiguously evil. No?"

She paused for a moment, allowing the good Brother to give his response.

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brother_koji.png.db3e3bb099e1b76d282b3e6b702cc501.pngBrother Koji 

Gathering his thoughts, Brother Koji addressed the group gathered before him, his voice resonating with a mix of conviction and sorrow. "I must confess, my friends, that the Church's stance on matters such as slavery and the harsh punishment of children deeply troubles me," he began, his eyes reflecting the pain of his inner turmoil. "To think that an institution devoted to the Father, a deity of benevolence and love, could endorse such acts of cruelty and subjugation... it's a contradiction that weighs heavily on my heart." Koji paused, choosing his words with care.

"In my journey here, away from the old world's barbaric practices, I've come to see the true nature of these doctrines. They are not just misguided, but fundamentally wrong," he continued, his voice firm with the strength of his convictions. "I believe, with every part of my being, that our faith should elevate us, not be used as a tool for oppression. The act of enslaving another, of inflicting pain on the innocent, especially children... it's a perversion of everything I hold sacred."

His gaze swept across his listeners, earnest and unwavering. "Though my beliefs may brand me a heretic in the eyes of the Church, I cannot, in good conscience, support or condone such practices. It goes against the core of what I believe the Father represents. We must strive for a faith that nurtures and protects, that fosters kindness and understanding, not one that harms and divides." Koji's words hung in the air, a testament to his unyielding commitment to a more compassionate path.

"So yes, Iphigenia, I do feel that such actions are ruthless and evil. My Church might not judge them so harshly, but my faith does"

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"Mayhap, brother Koji, our best course of action on the boat ride over will be to decide what behavior we are willing to sanction in ourselves and our allies. If we know what moral ground we are willing to die on; perhaps we will be better able to choose allies and a path forward. And, knowing in advance between ourselves where such lines are drawn would lend us a certain unity of spirit.

I will go first. While Dwarven parents can be stern, none would cause injuries like a broken bone or a gouged eye. Any that did would be driven from the hold, the children sent to live with close relatives.

As to your experience with human politics, Iphigenia, I am afraid such attitudes have worked their way into the dwarven clans. A particularly large clan has become especially cut throat in it's council dealings. Being on the receiving end of such ....tenacity.... makes me ill inclined to adopt it. But I have no desire to be buried alive in a box or my eyes gouged out either.

Were we to make it known such cruelty is forbidden in our new venture, we might even attract allies from the local peoples who have suffered such at the hands of the Maliente."

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Beitris had slipped back into her quiet ways, she had been working with Koji and Stavard and had started to feel comfortable with them, she didn't like this version of herself. Your opinion matters, and you can answer for yourself!  She wasn't mad at the others, just annoyed with herself for putting herself in that headspace again. It was too late for her to go back and answer the question about gunpowder, but she was not going to keep her mouth shut now. "I will not tolerate violence on children, or those who hold people as slaves."

Her voice was stern and uncompromising, she used the short sentence to boost her own self-confidence and lay her own rules at her feet. She raised her head up, stopped, and looked everyone else in the eye as if daring them to challenge her opinion on the subject.

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"We seem to be of the same mind on these matters at least, Beitris.

If the Maliente were ever brought to the point of offering a truce what would be your opinion on the matter? I personally have no desire to rule over another group or see them slaughtered. But I would be nervous that they had only ill intent or would merely be regrouping for some later invasion."

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