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The Purple Dolphin Inn


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Ħraan Evermeer


Ħraan looks faintly shocked. "Yes, that must be it. Lilirea must have gotten it wrong, this Procan god people venerate must just be some subsect of the wider Kanaloan faith, it makes so much sense! I never couldn't understand why he'd allow an upstart church to challenge him.."

"I'd hardly call Rodana exotic," she snorts. "I suppose maybe it is, in comparison... definitely more cultured, but I don't miss that in the slightest. I can't speak for the wider empire, but magic was a way of life where I grew up; you'll have to show me what you can do," she leers at him for a second before breaking into a laugh and taking a swig of her drink.

Twisting around to make herself more comfortable, she settles in to listen to Dorian's tale. "Well look at you, mister team player. My crew only let me fight when things got bad, said I was too recognisable; they're right, of course, and there's plenty can be done leaving off from boarding. This one time, though, things were bad; real bad. Ship was taking on water, and there was a frigate with black sails on our tail. We threw all we could at the wind, but they must've had a mage or two 'cause they were gaining. Eventually, captain asked me to distract them; left me on a dingy out in the blue while they pressed on. I won't say much of what happened next, secret rites and all that, but that was the day people started calling me 'Kraken'. I'm sure you'll be able to factor me into whatever battle strategies you might be scheming. To our recruitment," she toasts before downing the last of her drink.


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"Oh, you're Rodanese. Well that could be quite useful, if we should run into the 'Masters of All They Survey' out there on the ocean. We could get you to handle any delicate negotiations that ensue." 😉

"Your secret rites sound fascinating. My mind boggles at what one lone girl in a dinghy might do to earn the name 'Kraken'. But whatever it is... I can't wait for the chance to shout out the order "Release the Kraken!" in a boarding action. How cool would that be!" 😀

He laughs at the jest, before looking around again to see who else has turned up.

"Have you met anyone else with interesting stories? I met a charming bariaur girl called Althea. She's a little shy but apparently she's the chosen one of her god and is looking to follow the omens to a life at sea. Never known a quadruped at sea before. Have you talked to the fish yet? What's it doing here? I have to admit, it fair gives me the creeps, that one!" 🤨



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He looks around. The noise from the crowd is at a low rumble and the excitement is in the air with the interviews going on. Sven finishes his ale and grabs another. The place is busier like never before, yet the musicians seem to be no where in sight. Maybe the din of the crowd is too much, or just no one is paying enough attention.


Making his way to where the stage usually is, he makes sure he has plenty of ale. If he is going to sing, at least he should be quite lubricated to do so!


Taking a slight sip, the small little one decides to start singing with a more common song and see if any will join!


"There once was a ship that put to sea
The name of the ship was the Billy O' Tea
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down
Oh blow, my bully boys, blow (huh)

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done

We'll take our leave and go
She'd not been two weeks from shore
When down on her a right whale bore
The captain called all hands and swore
He'd take that whale in tow (huh)

((OoC: The song is Wellerman. If any care to join, please!))

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Ħraan Evermeer


There's a flash of uncertainty across Ħraan's face, but she hides with by taking a sip of her empty drink. "Oh, yeah, maybe.." but any awkwardness is relieved when Dorian startles a laugh out of her. "You have absolutely no idea. I don't suppose you happen to know any of those quickening magics Old Rivajarah used to talk about? I'd never object to a little magical aid if we get into a scrap, then I'd let you call me whatever you want!" She winks before turning to observe the rest of the room.

"It's definitely an interesting crowd. Just had a fun conversation with Thorvald, Lothar and Lastanor," she points each of them out as she names them "about a giant squid. You missed a good story and a hearty tune there. And that one's Adalmar," she gestures towards the queue of people crowding around Garth, but she could have just as easily pointed to Khan as Adalmar himself. "He's got some pretty impressive magics of his own. God I'd love to see this entire room in action; you didn't see a dart board or anything downstairs, did you? Feel like we could do with an outlet for all this competitiveness."


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Bart Môrbrennin 

Bart held a bright grin upon his face listening to the cacophony of noise within the room as more and more potential crew mates filtered into the room. Each with eyes that shined with the thirst for adventure. These were his sort of people.

Suddenly hearing the diminutive pixie begin the sea shanty, seeing that he was looking for others to join in, Bart jumps to his feet and begins waving his flagon of ale in the air as if conducting a choir. The foam of the ales slopped over the side onto the floor. Beginning to thump his chest in a drumming rhythm in beat with the tune, Bart joins Sven in the next verse, turning and looking around the room to help inspire the others to join in.

"Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go
Before the boat had hit the water
The whale's tail came up and caught her
All hands to the side, harpooned and fought her
When she dived down low (huh)"
His voice a booming bass tone, rang out in the room. The nasally timbre of which revealed his lack of talent compared to true bards.
As the last verse ended Bart sank back to his seat, laughing at his enjoyment of a good sea shanty.
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Dorian Hawkwind

"What on land or sea is that godawful racket?" exclaims Dorian, as the booming sound of the giant joining in the singing downstairs filters up through the inns timbers to those in the upstairs room. "Is something trying to knock down the inn around us?" 🤨

Seeing there's now only one giant left in the room, Dorian doesn't feel quite so inadequate, so he takes the opportunity to manoeuvre Hraan over towards the hairier, though less colourful giant.


"Good day to you, sir." 😊 says Dorian with his customary smile. "It sounds like your equally tall friend is in some discomfort downstairs. Hraaan here was just telling me about some of you she's spoken with. Apparently you have had a wild and adventurous life upon the waves. I'd love to hear a little of that. I'm Dorian... Dorian Hawkwind. I've seen a bit of action out there myself, but... well, I've never wrestled a giant squid or anything quite like that. Are you a legendary hero? You certainly look like one." 😀



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"Finally!" He thinks. Rejoining in, he sings the next couple of verses of the song happily.

"Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go

No line was cut, no whale was freed
The captain's mind was not of greed
And he belonged to the Whaleman's creed
She took that ship in tow (huh)
Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go


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Lastanor Nightwater

SahuaginDDtransparent.png.25eb0739bea280163e7e1e369828781c.pngUpstairs, Lastanor turned and stared in the direction of the stairway.
"Are they performing a musical number down there?" he asked with an incredulous tone.
A second later, he shook his head, "Of course they are, it's a seaside tavern."

After a pause, with Lastanor muttering something about 'preparing spells' and 'merfolk' and 'under the sea', the sahuagin looked back at Garth, "Where were we?"



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"I think we're waiting for the Captain to work through the interviews. A fair bottleneck it seems to be at the moment," a sea-faring man dressed in a white ruffed silk shirt and carefully embossed leather over-coat stated to the sahaugin. The man had just finished speaking to Garth himself and had paused to examine the sea devil as the creature passed with no attempt to hide either his astonishment or curiosity.

"You'll have to excuse me, we don't often see any of your race ashore, let alone applying for an officer position in an expedition of this nature. I'm sure there'll be more than a few prying questions. However is there anything I can be of assistance with? Any questions you may have here? You can call me Vae."

The man was frankly appraising the creature that had introduced itself as Lastanor.



OOC: @Avaday Daydream taking the opportunity to strike up a conversation.



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Lastanor Nightwater

SahuaginDDtransparent.png.25eb0739bea280163e7e1e369828781c.png"A bottleneck? I wonder if it'd be possible to apply as a captain, to delegate some of the interviews to." Lastanor said wryly.

The sahuagin shook his head, "You wouldn't. See any of my kind ashore, I mean. We are not amphibious, and our eyes are much more sensitive to light than yours." After a pause, he added, "Among far less savory reasons."
He was silent for a few moments before continuing, "In fact, I'm not quite here to apply as an officer, though I suspect I would make a decent pilot. Rather, I..." he trailed off, visibly thinking for several seconds before he began anew, "Vae, was it? I am Lastanor. Would you be interested in diving several miles to the pitch black bottom of the ocean in hopes of finding treasure and lost artifacts from a bygone age?"




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There was a chuckle. "Oh, I'm familiar enough with your kind. Or at least I thought I was."

"Hmmm... diving is no problem. Pitch black, not so good. Hopes of finding treasure and lost artifacts. Sounds interesting if the hope part can be done away with and there's some knowledge of just where to look."

"Is that your gig Lastanor? Treasure hunter extraordinaire?"

Vae glanced at the sahuagin quizzically.






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Fenza Sendarine

While I await my turn in the anteroom, I gently tap a foot to the commotion downstairs. I sing bits of the song, quietly. "No line was cut, no whale was freed.. The captain's mind was not of greed..."

Another candidate farther along my bench leans forward, and glances toward my tapping. I lean forward, meet his glance, barely raise a fist, and whisper, "Huzzah!"

I look about the room, tapping a bit more lightly, and observe whatever art is on the walls or objects are about. I sneak a few looks at the Hadozee, guessing at what his story might be.


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Garth takes down Adalmar’s information, and says “That is enough for now, though I am sure the Captain will have many more questions."


Garth’s brow wrinkles at Vaeril’s mentioning a short list, and he looks towards the closed door to the interview room. Fortunately, at that moment a recent interviewee steps out, followed by the male elf who has been accompanying people in and out, and Garth asks him, “Do you have the short list?” The elf nods, steps back into the interview room, and comes back out with a short stack of papers much like the one Garth already had. The Hadozee looks it over and says, “Very well, Vae, but fair is fair; you’ll have to take your place in line just like everyone else.” He puts Vae's paper from the short list underneath the main stack, as he had done with every other note for every other candidate.


At Lastanor’s request to seek passage, Garth’s hairy brow wrinkles even more than when talking with Vae. He scratches the side of his head with his left hand and says, “I don’t believe we’ve ever had a request like this, Mr. Nightwater. Very well, I’ll put you down as potential short-term crew, and you’ll have to work out everything else with the Captain. You’ll have to wait your turn, just like everyone else.”


Garth pauses in his note-taking when Kit mentions being a cook. “Well, if you’re a good chef, maybe the Captain will let us take Batura with us to the new ship after all. Very well; have a seat and you’ll have your interview in the proper order.”



Garth rubs his eyes and shakes his head, then says, “Khan, you old so -- soul, it’s good to see you again. But the Captain said everyone has to interview, so fair is fair and you’ll have to wait your turn. If she turns you down for the Vengeance, maybe you could join me on the new ship?”


Suppertime. This is the next post for me to look at.


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Lastanor Nightwater

SahuaginDDtransparent.png.25eb0739bea280163e7e1e369828781c.pngLastanor snorted, a brief spray of water squirting out of his gills (which oddly evaporated before reaching the floor), "Really? You've never had a mysterious cloaked stranger in a tavern approach a disparate party of adventurers to offer them a quest for lost treasure?"
After a brief pause to contemplate that lampshade hanging, he nodded to Garth, "Alright then. If it helps, I largely specialize in divination. And sometimes illusions."

Turning his attention back to Vaeril, Lastanor nodded at him too, "'Treasure hunter' is accurate, I suppose. I do have a copy of the Andaron ship registry, specifically a listing of those ships lost at sea, and I do intend to track them down. Deep undersea ruins as well; you'd be surprised what ancient lore can be found, long lost in that all-encompassing darkness."

The sahuagin seemed on the verge of adding something else as well, but after several seconds, he popped his mouth and averted his gaze. Only for his eyes to immediately fall on Fenza.
His face immediately went through several expressions, taking in her appearance with visible confusion. He opened his mouth several times to say something, pausing and catching himself each time before eventually admitting, "I am wondering what race you are. You resemble a sea elf, but at the same time...there's something in your eyes, an innate cunning I thought only sahuagin possessed."


Character Sheet

Has anyone noticed that half the elven subtypes (wild elves, wood elves, aquatic elves) have an Intelligence penalty while the other half (drow, grey elves, fire elves) have an Intelligence bonus?


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Vae's eyes suddenly narrowed at Lastanor's words. There was something bleak and chilling in the sailor's blue eyes, even as a member of a non-humanoid race Lastanor could feel the impact of the ferocity that welled up momentarily in the man. To vanish like the foam on a breaking wave.

"Divination. That's a... useful ability to have Lastanor. The seeking out of lost Andoran's ships a worthy task. Who knows what may be found. Especially proof of war crimes committed by Iverina," the man almost spat out the last word.

"If we don't get picked for this voyage Lastanor we should talk again. Yes, indeed."

"Excuse me for a moment."

Vae belatedly realized he had heard a voice addressing him, there had been a long moment of confusion before he the worked out it was the dog who had previously been introducing itself to Garth.

"I beg your pardon, did you say something to me?" Vae turned and asked Adalmar.



OOC: @namo I trust that works? I believe Adalmar is still upstairs.


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