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Edge of Anarchy: Harrowing Fortunes

Zen Gypsy

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Human• Entertainer • Maestro Bard 1
Medium • Chaotic Good • Humanoid

AC: 16 | HP 18/18 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +5 | Resistance: None | Speed 25 feet | Class DC 17


Ihrin is more than a little startled by the sudden dissolution of the scene before her. Was it all an illusion conjured by the half-elf now talking to them? Her gut told her no, although immediately claiming you weren't capable of illusions right after was a little suspect. "Do you know where your mother is?" She asked, not sure if that was too prying.

Meanwhile, she wasn't sure if they were supposed to share their reasons for seeking revenge on Lamm. One had so far, and one had not. Was it expected, or would hiding it be best?

"Lamm has addicted someone close to me to the poison he calls Shiver," Ihrin said. "I want him removed from the stage, either by being turned over to the watch, or a more permanent end.






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As Lira absently played with the Vision card, her fingers traced its edges, and her gaze fell upon the reverse side. To her surprise, a subtle symbol caught her attention – a mysterious blend of lines forming a Varisian waysign. The symbol seemed to dance and flicker in the lantern's dim light, revealing an intricate design that hinted at danger and intrigue.

A flash of recognition crossed Lira's face as she connected the symbol to her Varisian roots and the traditional waysigns used by traveling Varisians. This particular mark, however, bore an additional element – a small fish intertwined with the waysign. The symbol conveyed a specific warning, a silent proclamation meant to guide Varisians away from danger.

Without a word, Lira held the card up for her companions to see, her eyes locking onto the symbol. The unspoken message hung in the air – the path to Gaedren Lamm's hideout lay entwined with the Varisian waysign, coupled with the symbol of a fish. It was a language known to those familiar with the city's underbelly, directing them towards the Westdock district, a place where the threads of fate pointed to their next destination.

Out of Character

As a reminder it is the morning after you met in the curio shop, you have all, lost an evening. However, you will count as having completed your Daily Preparations, thereby reset abilities, and can re-prepare spells, if so required. Also, please note that each of you still possess the card that originally drew you to the, now abandoned home, the Madame Zellara.


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token_1.png.89de49c37e89361f2a64c21ee7e4cefd.pngCaltrix Nimblesquirl
Twilight Halfling; Acrobat; Rogue (Thief; 1); (TBA) Archetype; Harrow Card: 'The Locksmith'


HP: 15/15 AC:17: Explorer's | Speed: 25' |Senses: Low-light vision; Keen Eyes | Lang: Common; Halfling; Gnome; Varisian

Perception (E): +7 | Fort (T): +4 | Ref (E): +9| Will (E): +7 |

| Skills | Attributes | Attacks | Sneak Atk Dmg |Hero Pts.: 1


Having seen the revelatory nature of the reverse side of Lira's card, Caltrix quickly flips over her own.

Would a Perception Check be needed?


After a few moments, her stomach growls ... embarrassingly audible.

Dropping off her chair, cushions tumbling, she hastened to the nearest window to assess the time -- and the weather (does it appear that the storm broke overnight and there is a lot of water draining or does the weather still threaten or ...?).
















  • Perception Check, if needed, on reverse of her Harrow Card
  • Estimates time of day and weather conditions





Edited by Vedast (see edit history)
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spacer.pngAquila | HP 20/20 | AC 17 | Fort +9 Ref +7 Will +3 | Speed: 25 | Perception: +3
Hero Points: 1/3 | Kinetic Gate: Closed
| Conditions: None | Effects: N/A

"That was quite the show, Lira. Your mother has quite the taste for theatricality, though I can't say I'm surprised. We're a cryptic but not subtle people."

While her white hair and blue skin don't exactly scream Varisian, anyone with enough familiarity can spot tell-tale features, although it's certainly more difficult. Drawing closer to Lira's card, Aquila's eyes flash with recognition.

"If this card is any indication, we're being pointed somewhere nearby. Should we head there right away, or do we draw too much attention with all of us together?"

While the others take their opportunity to look at the marking on Lira's card, Aquilla takes out her own card, looking it over for markings much as Caltrix seems to be doing.


'Couldn't hurt to double check...' she thinks to herself.

OOC & Actions

Likewise willing to roll Perception or whatever else may be needed.


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spacer.png Ionacu Davian HP: 16/16 Saves: Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 6 AC: 15, Perception: 4, Speed: 25 ' Character Sheet

Ionacu listened to the introductory comments about their backgrounds and abilities then like the others his interest was immediately drawn to the strange harrow card depicting a supposed route to the lair of their mutual enemy. Ionacu leaned forward to examine the card in detail, committing the map to memory.

In response Aquila Ionacu remarked, "I have some spell casting abilities courtesy of Bran, my familiar," with a nod to the large raven on his shoulder. "Yet no great ability. I don't know about the rest of you but I would be hesitant to take on a hive of villainy as Gaedren Lamm' lair is likely to be head on."

"Someone dear to my family has been abducted. I must attempt to rescue her from her fate, not simply look to end Gaedren and his activities," Ionacu finished quietly.

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As the group examined their harrow cards and discussed their next steps, Caltrix, ever practical, decided to check the time and weather. She dropped off her chair, causing cushions to tumble, and hastened to the nearest window. The storm had broken overnight, but the sky remained overcast, and a constant drizzle added to the oppressive gloom that hung over the city.

The wind sighed through broken windows, causing tattered curtains to flutter in the breeze. The atmosphere outside seemed heavy with the weight of the recent storm, and the streets below glistened with rainwater draining from the rooftops. The city, usually vibrant and bustling, now exuded a subdued and melancholic aura.

Caltrix, having seen the revelatory nature of the reverse side of Lira's card, decided to inspect her own. Aquila, following suit, took out her card, looking it over for any markings that might guide them.

However, much to their surprise, the harrow cards seemed to have lost their mystic markings. The runes, symbols, and the message directing them to meet at Lancet Street had vanished. The cards now appeared as ordinary pieces of parchment, leaving the group in a momentary state of confusion. The discussions in the room were interrupted by the stomach growl from Caltrix, a reminder of the mundane needs amidst the unfolding mysteries.

The constant rain, the creaking of the worn floorboards, and the distant howl of the wind through the broken windows created an eerie soundtrack to their impending journey. The group faced a decision: to face Gaedren Lamm head-on or to gather more information before taking on the criminal mastermind and his lair of villainy.

Out of Character

While the group is confident that the card's (literally) point them to the West Dock district of Korvosa, you would still need to travel there and then search the area to discover where Lamm is currently sheltering. This will be an extended task requiring multiple checks, the checks are as follows, however, each check takes two hours and the group must accumulate eight success, before eight failures. The options are, as below:


1. Bird's Eye View (Athletics): Climbing to higher vantage points, such as rooftops, to survey the Westdock district.

  • Success: Reveals hidden paths or structures associated with Lamm's operations.
  • Failure: Slippery surfaces or uneven footing may lead to an accident, drawing attention.

2. Gather Information (Diplomacy, Deception): Talking to locals, tavern-goers, and wharfside residents for information.

  • Success: Each success provides a piece of information about possible locations or recent sightings.
  • Failure: Misinformation or hostile reactions hinder progress.

3. Intuition (Occultism; Esoteric Lore): Tapping into mystical senses to pick up on supernatural clues or disturbances.

  • Success: Reveals occult-related insights and mystical connections associated with Lamm's activities.
  • Failure: Difficulty in interpreting or understanding mystical signals.

4. Shadowing (Stealth; Thievery): Following orphans or individuals with ties to Lamm while remaining unseen.

  • Success: Reveals hidden paths and shortcuts, providing leads.
  • Failure: Attracts unwanted attention, potentially jeopardizing the investigation.

5. Shakedown (Intimidation): Isolating and threatening individuals likely to have ties to Lamm.

  • Success: Intimidated individuals provide hidden connections and potential leads.
  • Failure: Resistance from targets, leading to a dead end or increased secrecy.

6. Streetwise (Society; Lore (Underworld)): Using knowledge of the criminal underworld to navigate the Westdock district.

  • Success: Gains insights into potential hideouts and criminal activities.
  • Failure: Lack of familiarity hampers the search, leading to dead ends.

7. Surveillance (Perception; Lore (Underworld)): Watching crowds, particularly in the Westdock district, to spot signs or activities related to Lamm.

  • Success: Reveals hints about Lamm's known associates or common hangouts.
  • Failure: Missed opportunities during surveillance compromise information gathering.

Please, limit yourself to one activity per round of posts. Once everyone has posted, I will present you with the results, your check may be rolled publicly and I will narrate and adjudicate results, letting us know how much info you have obtained. Players may return to their residences to equip, or grab gear that they may not have brought to Zellara's, and that will not affect the timing of this investigation.


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The shifting of the vibrant store to the now desolate and decayed building seemed to shake Carthen. He stared silently around him, clearly unnerved. He slowly stood as if not even trusting the chair he had been sitting upon. He listend to the others and followed suit by looking at the back of his card not seeing any markings on his. His face clearly showed wariness and trepidation.

He listened to the ideas put forth, "Skinny is right, we can't just bust in on Lamm without a plan, it would be folly. We should hit the streets and dig up some information. I have done some work for Lamm in the past and feel comfortable enough to apply some... pressure, to get some blokes to talk."


OOC and Actions

Carthen Brisbane-------------------------
HP: 20 (20 base)
AC: 17

===== Reactions =====

===== Actions =====

Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things

Ongoing Effects:

Remaining Resources:


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Valerica Radache
Human (Versatile)Humanity's versatility and ambition have fueled its ascendance to be the most common ancestry in most nations throughout the world. Select a general feat of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.; ArtisanAs an apprentice, you practiced a particular form of building or crafting, developing specialized skill. You might have been a blacksmith's apprentice toiling over the forge for countless hours, a young tailor sewing garments of all kinds, or a shipwright shaping the hulls of ships.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.

You're trained in the Crafting skill and the Guild Lore skill. You gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat.
; Ranger (Precision; 1); (TBA) Archetype; Harrow Card:
'The Owl'


HP: 20/20 | AC:18 | Speed: 30'+5' from Fleet |Senses: Normal | Lang: Common; Dwarven

Perception (E): +7 | Fort (E): +6 | Ref (E): +9| Will (T): +5 |

| SkillsTrained:
Acrobatics (+7); Crafting (+3); Lore/Guild (+3); Medicine (+5); Nature (+5); Society (+3); Stealth (+7); Survival (+5)

Arcana (+0); Athletics (+2); Deception (+0); Diplomacy (+0); Intimidation (+0); Occultism (+0); Performance (+0); Religion (+2); Thievery (+4)
 | AttributesSTR +2 [14]
DEX +4 [18]
CON +1 [12]
INT +0 [10]
WIS +2 [14]
CHA +0 [10]
 | AttacksUnarmed:

Fist +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4+2 B (Crit 2d4+4); Agile; Finesse; Nonlethal; Unarmed


Shortsword +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6+2 P/S (Crit 2d6+4); Agile; Finesse; Versatile S.


Shortbow +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6 P (Crit 2d6+1d10); Deadly d10; Range 60'
 | Precision Damage+1d8

You have trained to aim for your prey’s weak points. The first time you hit your hunted prey in a round, you also deal 1d8 additional precision damage. (Precision damage increases the damage you already deal, using the same type, but is ineffective against creatures that lack vital organs or weak points.)
|Hero Pts.Heroic Effort: When you Fail or Critically Fail any, non-secret, check you may spend a Hero Point and improve your degree of Success by a single step, a Critical Failure becomes a Failure, and a Failure becomes a Success
Heroic Recovery: At the end of any turn in which you would gain the Dying condition, or your current Dying condition would increase you may spend a single Hero Point to stabilize with zero Hit Points. You do not gain the Wounded condition or increase it's value from losing the Dying condition in this way, but if you already had that condition, you don't lose it or decrease it's value.

Undying Heroism: At the start of any turn in which you have zero Hit Points and are not currently Dying you may spend a single Hero Point to recover a number of Hit Points equal to your level.
: 1


Valerica had been silent since the greeting in the main entrance of the shop, watching the others in the building and doing her best to assess their characters. They all clearly came from different backgrounds and weren't all the type to be trusted, but she could tell that they were all honest in their hatred for Lamm. For now, at least, she felt like their differences wouldn't be an issue as they were aligned in that goal.

Whatever had happened with Zellara had also been unsettling and Valerica found herself idly touching pieces of furniture, walls, and small objects afterwards to convince herself that the illusion was over. She wouldn't pretend to understand what had happened, but magic was common enough in Korvosa that she was able to keep her head.

Some of the group have started sharing their stories about what Lamm has done to them and Valerica opens her mouth to tell them about Aramis' murder, but emotion begins to well up inside her and she stops herself. After a moment she has pushed down her emotion again. "I think Aquila brings up a good point. If we all head to West Dock together, we could end up drawing Lamm's attention to ourselves instead of the other way around. I'll admit that I don't like the idea of getting mixed up in this on my own, though. Maybe smaller groups or a buddy system would work?" She looks in Carthen's direction. "And you're right that we need more information. Should we agree to regroup here later on and share our findings?"







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Human• Entertainer • Maestro Bard 1
Medium • Chaotic Good • Humanoid

AC: 16 | HP 18/18 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +5 | Resistance: None | Speed 25 feet | Class DC 17


Ihrin considered taking her mask of. Probably for the best once they hit the docks themselves, but for now probably not the best idea. "Smaller groups would cover more ground. And I agree on it being safer. Lamm has his contacts." Like her father. Blast, the costume was even more of a horrible idea now. Too late to go and change it seemed. "In terms of gathering information, I can trawl the streets and docks. I'm a decent talker, and performance tends to loosen lips in my experience." Lips and pursestrings.






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Valerica Radache
Human (Versatile)Humanity's versatility and ambition have fueled its ascendance to be the most common ancestry in most nations throughout the world. Select a general feat of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.; ArtisanAs an apprentice, you practiced a particular form of building or crafting, developing specialized skill. You might have been a blacksmith's apprentice toiling over the forge for countless hours, a young tailor sewing garments of all kinds, or a shipwright shaping the hulls of ships.

Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.

You're trained in the Crafting skill and the Guild Lore skill. You gain the Specialty Crafting skill feat.
; Ranger (Precision; 1); (TBA) Archetype; Harrow Card:
'The Owl'

HP: 20/20 | AC:18 | Speed: 30'+5' from Fleet |Senses: Normal | Lang: Common; Dwarven

Perception (E): +7 | Fort (E): +6 | Ref (E): +9| Will (T): +5 |

Acrobatics (+7); Crafting (+3); Lore/Guild (+3); Medicine (+5); Nature (+5); Society (+3); Stealth (+7); Survival (+5)

Arcana (+0); Athletics (+2); Deception (+0); Diplomacy (+0); Intimidation (+0); Occultism (+0); Performance (+0); Religion (+2); Thievery (+4)
 | AttributesSTR +2 [14]
DEX +4 [18]
CON +1 [12]
INT +0 [10]
WIS +2 [14]
CHA +0 [10]
 | AttacksUnarmed:

Fist +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d4+2 B (Crit 2d4+4); Agile; Finesse; Nonlethal; Unarmed


Shortsword +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6+2 P/S (Crit 2d6+4); Agile; Finesse; Versatile S.


Shortbow +7 (Dex 4; Trained 3); 1d6 P (Crit 2d6+1d10); Deadly d10; Range 60'
 | Precision Damage+1d8

You have trained to aim for your prey’s weak points. The first time you hit your hunted prey in a round, you also deal 1d8 additional precision damage. (Precision damage increases the damage you already deal, using the same type, but is ineffective against creatures that lack vital organs or weak points.)
|Hero Pts.Heroic Effort: When you Fail or Critically Fail any, non-secret, check you may spend a Hero Point and improve your degree of Success by a single step, a Critical Failure becomes a Failure, and a Failure becomes a Success
Heroic Recovery: At the end of any turn in which you would gain the Dying condition, or your current Dying condition would increase you may spend a single Hero Point to stabilize with zero Hit Points. You do not gain the Wounded condition or increase it's value from losing the Dying condition in this way, but if you already had that condition, you don't lose it or decrease it's value.

Undying Heroism: At the start of any turn in which you have zero Hit Points and are not currently Dying you may spend a single Hero Point to recover a number of Hit Points equal to your level.
: 1


"Why don't you and I go together then, Ihrin?" Truth be told, Valerica was relieved; Ihrin had been the only one to shake her hand in the entryway, had also confessed that she was new to... whatever this was, was agreeing with her proposal, and despite her odd clothing, she made Valerica feel more at ease because of it. She was real. "I'm familiar with the people of this district. I can keep an eye out while you work a crowd or whatever; maybe someone will stand out as suspicious."

Valerica stepped into the privacy of a side room for a moment and removed her leathers, storing them in her backpack. There wasn't much she could do about her bow, and she would be keeping her sword at hand, but at least wandering around town in her normal clothing wouldn't send as strong of a message to anyone else. She rejoined the group, hefting the backpack back over her shoulders.

"I'm ready if you are."







Edited by Gnaws (see edit history)
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token_1.png.89de49c37e89361f2a64c21ee7e4cefd.pngCaltrix Nimblesquirl
Twilight Halfling; Acrobat; Rogue (Thief; 1); (TBA) Archetype; Harrow Card: 'The Locksmith'


HP: 15/15 AC:17: Explorer's | Speed: 25' |Senses: Low-light vision; Keen Eyes | Lang: Common; Halfling; Gnome; Varisian

Perception (E): +7 | Fort (T): +4 | Ref (E): +9| Will (E): +7 |

| Skills | Attributes | Attacks | Sneak Atk Dmg |Hero Pts.: 1


 I have done some work for Lamm in the past ...

Turning away from the window, Caltrix addresses the pugnacious Carthen.

Lamm would likewise recognize me, of course. Sounds like both of us have an advantage in knowing something of Lamm and his minions, but also need to avoid recognition ourselves. I think we'd have different approaches, you and I, but perhaps we can stay in proximity - in case either of us need backup?

I need to make the trip back over to Endrin Isle ... I didn't bring everything last night ... and that's assuming my place wasn't looted last night, she said somewhat dejectedly. I didn't anticipate an overnight layover.

I could meet you at The Bookmaker (S11) around noon?

She also wanted to know whether the Catsdew Lofties had any reply to her brokering on behalf of Enoch Reeves, but she wasn't ready to share this information quite yet. If Reeves and Lamm were aligned, it could be trouble, she thought. On the other hand, The Contractor could easily have turned her over to Lamm already, had he wished.


And ... she really needed a good breakfast.











TBC ... wanted to get this part of the dialogue submitted before turning to what, I think, happens on her journey both to and from the Shingles in Old Korvosa. @Zen Gypsy feel free to give feedback on the CL & Enoch thread, if any. That might take time to develop, of course.








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Human• Entertainer • Maestro Bard 1
Medium • Chaotic Good • Humanoid

AC: 16 | HP 18/18 | Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +5 | Resistance: None | Speed 25 feet | Class DC 17


Ihrin nods. "I think that would be for the best," she replied to Valerica. She removes her mask, stowing it back in a small pack for now. She really needed to look into getting some different clothes for this. She knew a few people decent with a needle for later. It felt a bit uneasy not having her mask on with everyone around, but if she couldn't trust anyone here she'd likely be dead anyway. "The taverns first then? Lips tend to be looser on the drunk than the sober."






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token_1.png.89de49c37e89361f2a64c21ee7e4cefd.pngCaltrix Nimblesquirl
Twilight Halfling; Acrobat; Rogue (Thief; 1); (TBA) Archetype; Harrow Card: 'The Locksmith'


HP: 15/15 AC:17: Explorer's | Speed: 25' |Senses: Low-light vision; Keen Eyes | Lang: Common; Halfling; Gnome; Varisian

Perception (E): +7 | Fort (T): +4 | Ref (E): +9| Will (E): +7 |

| Skills | Attributes | Attacks | Sneak Atk Dmg |Hero Pts.: 1



As Caltrix made her way southwards through the Five Corners and towards a possible rendezvous with Carthen, she could certainly pass as one of Korvosa's downtrodden. Disheveled; one cheek cut; an arm wrenched; a sore hand; and a puffy eye turning shades of purple; she made quite a sight, or would have as most wayfarers in the city kept their heads down and covered by hats and hoods against the persistent drizzle and feeling of gloom.

Things had started well. Upon leaving Zellara's -- as she, and she suspected, the others thought of the place -- the halfling had made her way north through the city pausing for a few minutes to grab a mug of hot tea and a morning meat pasty - to the loss of 3 coppers. With what passed for a full belly these days, she continued across the Narrows and up into the Shingles.

Though she had acknowledged the possibility that her little lean-to might have been burgled over the night that had so strangely and mystically passed, she hadn't quite allowed for squatters: or an ambush. One of the pair had already taken up residence: as Caltrix made to deal with the interloper, his hoodrat partner returned, taking the outsized halfling from behind. Caltrix wasn't at her best with her fists and feet, but when knives were drawn, she gave better than she received. Eventually, the two fled to seek other living arrangements ... their cuts were most likely not fatal.

That said, the little thief had taken a few blows, one right in the eye; kicks; a bite that her hand gloves had spared her the worse of; and a cut just on the cheek of that same eye: that had been scary.

Still, her small abode was hers again and word would spread ... there had been any number of curious, but unhelpful eyes observing.

All this, and setting the few things inside aright took up more time than she'd allotted. Her plans for communicating with one of the Lofties might have to wait.Unless GM, you wish to interpose with a contact as this point in the narrative? She was still anxious to pursue the contact that she'd had from Enoch Reeves. For all she knew, Lollifar might be out of Lamm's direct control at this point, so The Contractor might be the rogue's only hope to track her friend. Not that it made any difference as to her determination to see Lamm put out of commission.

She actually hadn't much in the way of furnishings outside of a few utensils and bedding. Some trinkets. Most of her few valuables and useful items she kept on her small person. Only her bow and quiver of arrows ... fortunately, the squatters hadn't time to make a wreck of them -- or use them! She arranged her cloak and hood to make the shortbow a bit more discreet alongside her backpack. She thought quickly, but decided to leave the bow unstrung for the moment, what with the rain.

So it was that she was making her way back towards the area of West Dock, trying to stay somewhat loose and limber as the pain intensified with the waning of the last effects of adrenaline. As per her arrangement with the rest of those who had been called to Zellara's by means of the Harrow Cards, her task was to lurk about in the hope of spotting and Shadowing someone known to be an associate of Lamm's.

How far was she from The Bookmaker (S11)? She tried to keep her eyes open for a potential Mark as well as for Carthen.





Ending edited as per guidance








Edited by Vedast (see edit history)
Shadowing Check (Stealth)
1d20+7 18
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spacer.png Ionacu Davian HP: 16/16 Saves: Fort 5, Ref 5, Will 6 AC: 15, Perception: 4, Speed: 25 ' Character Sheet

"If someone is familiar with the underworld we could compare notes and see what we come up with," Ionacu noted quietly. "I hear a fair bit and might remember something of use."

"We could swing by a library and put our collective knowledge to work. I can help someone also trawl for knowledge out on the streets at need, but won't be able to lead that.


OOC: explanation of intended actions

Ionacu is asking a) if anybody can help him with a Society roll for Streetwise. And then b) say he may be able to attempt to aid another on a standard Gather Information.

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Carthen nodded at Caltrix, "Yeah, I can meet you there. I am sure I can find someone to rough up for information in that area. As for your idea," he said turning to Ionacu, "I know a fair bit of that kind of information. Perhaps you fill some time and we can get back in touch when we all meet up in a few hours?"

The half-orc was flexing his fingers and, was he seriously stretching at this time? "Listen up everyone, we all know Lamm is bad news. Stay calm, stay patient and move with a purpose. A slip up can cause us serious trouble."

Carthen head out and off to gather a few things and head over to the Bookmaker for his scheduled rendezvous. He slouched in the shadow of an overhang, as he waited, eyes scanning any possible foot traffic. As the time came up he figured he would get started on his own errands, assuming the small locksmith would be in the area. He targeted local businesses, sure that some would have the information he would need. Racketeering was nothing new to him, so he went about his work with a single minded determination.


OOC and Actions

Carthen Brisbane-------------------------
HP: 20 (20 base)
AC: 17

===== Reactions =====

===== Actions =====

Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things

Ongoing Effects:

Remaining Resources:


1d20+4 8
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