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Character Creation Discussion

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Are we using the Power Armour options/History from Rites of Battle? I ask because there are some noticeable differences in terms of available power armour during the Great Crusade/Ullanor Campaign. Mark 7 and 8 don't exist yet, Mark 6 is a relatively recent innovation, Mark 5 doesn't exist either yet (it is called Heresy Armour for a reason afterall).

So In practice we've got access to Mark 2, Mark 3, Mark 4, and Mark 6 Armour. Maybe something like this for the dice bracket?

1-3: "Crusade" Armour

4-6: "Iron" Armour

5-9: "Maximus" Armour

10: "Corvus" Armour

Edited by Maester1216 (see edit history)
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Good point! I actually hadn't thought of this. That looks good for the PA options, I'm double checking the history results but they should be nondescript enough to still work, though a lot of power armour at this time is likely to be fairly new

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I was reading through the book you mentioned pulling these Legion stats from. In it, mentions replacing the Deathwatch Training Talent with the Crusade Training Talent.

the Creation guideline mentions dropping Deathwatch Training, so should we take Crusade Training instead?

For context, Crusade Training functions identically to Deathwatch Training. Per the book it is "a remnant of days when they hunted Xenos across the galaxy under different banners."

Edited by Maester1216 (see edit history)
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One minor issue with the RoB armour types is that most of them grant various bonuses to Fellowship and Cohesion-related tests on account of such ancient artefacts' hallowed nature awing and inspiring their wearers' comrades. This makes sense enough in the 40k setting, but I do not think that any of those marks would especially impress anybody in 30k. Then again, perhaps this disconnect is more significant in terms of fluff than actual game mechanics?

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I’d had a similar thought myself. From a balance standpoint though some of the older marks also give additional negatives to stuff like Concealment or the like, which the bonus to Fellowship could theoretically offset (depending on how talkie your Astartes is).

We could assume Mark 4 to be standard issue in that regard, then work backwards? Just a thought though. I’ll admit to a vested interest here by having made a Fellowship focused character, but am content whichever direction this might go.

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1 hour ago, Dybrar said:

One minor issue with the RoB armour types is that most of them grant various bonuses to Fellowship and Cohesion-related tests on account of such ancient artefacts' hallowed nature awing and inspiring their wearers' comrades. This makes sense enough in the 40k setting, but I do not think that any of those marks would especially impress anybody in 30k. Then again, perhaps this disconnect is more significant in terms of fluff than actual game mechanics?

Very true, leave this with me and I'll get back to the group with a decision on this. Also, good to see you again Dybrar 😄

4 hours ago, Whitehart09 said:

Hi friends! I would be interested in this but do not have any access to the books. Is there a site you would recommend to get it in pdf form?

Hello! I'm not 100% sure on the site rules regarding this sort of thing, but in the meantime there are pregenerated characters available for free from FFG

11 hours ago, Maester1216 said:

the Creation guideline mentions dropping Deathwatch Training, so should we take Crusade Training instead?

So I'm changing the way Righteous Fury works to be more like in Only War. On a damage roll result of 10, if the attack does damage after armour reduction, it also produces a 1d5 critical effect result on top of the damage. If it normally wouldn't do damage, it does one point of damage ignoring armour & Toughness Bonus. Elites & Masters can get Righteous Fury as well, but usually not troops/hordes

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I've played Deathwatch before but i'm no expert on 30k, so it'll be really interesting. Especially being able to bring in other legions.

I feel like i read somewhere that you could also swap two characteristics around, but that might be a house rule because i can't find it.

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I see that every basic marine start with the Scholastic lore (codex Astartes) skill. The codex was created by Roboute Guilliman after the Horus Heresy to restructure the Imperium's legion to prevent another civil war, fragmenting them into one-thousand-warrior Chapters and dictate military/tactical doctrines as well as moral behaviors.

Should we swap that skill for something else, or eliminate it completely?

Edited by Harding (see edit history)
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I noticed that too. If I might offer a stand in, maybe something like Scholastic Lore (Principia Belicosa)? The Principia Belicosa was essentially the same as the Codex, but on a larger scale due to the nature of the Legions.

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18 hours ago, Trish_the_Nugg_Queen said:

Also, good to see you again Dybrar 😄

Hi there. 🙃

Further on the subject of power armour: according to table 3–8 on RoB p. 151, no history rolls are made for marks 2 and 3 at all. In the default 40k setting this is because those types of armour are so ancient that the GM is meant to create and customise each such suit as a unique artefact, but things obviously are different in 30k. It seems like this might merit some GM-ly attention as well. 😗

Also, would it be right to assume the official errata will be in effect?

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22 hours ago, Neopopulas said:

I feel like i read somewhere that you could also swap two characteristics around, but that might be a house rule because i can't find it.

It might be a house rule, but I'll allow it

18 hours ago, Maester1216 said:

I noticed that too. If I might offer a stand in, maybe something like Scholastic Lore (Principia Belicosa)? The Principia Belicosa was essentially the same as the Codex, but on a larger scale due to the nature of the Legions.

That works for me! Let me know if you guys find any other lore discrepancies like these

9 hours ago, Dybrar said:

Further on the subject of power armour: according to table 3–8 on RoB p. 151, no history rolls are made for marks 2 and 3 at all. In the default 40k setting this is because those types of armour are so ancient that the GM is meant to create and customise each such suit as a unique artefact, but things obviously are different in 30k. It seems like this might merit some GM-ly attention as well. 😗

Hmm I'll say two history rolls for Crusade or Iron, one history roll for Maximus or Corvus. Many PA suits at this time (especially Maximus & Corvus) are likely to have not been worn by anyone prior to the current wearer, but armour history is a neat mechanic that I don't want to do away with entirely; it can perhaps tie in with the PCs' personal histories instead, up to each of you individually

And yes, the official errata is in effect for this game

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@Trish_the_Nugg_Queen: I notice that members of all the chapters in listed in the Chapter Guidelines thread gain a bonus talent, while the members of all the chapters in the normal sourcebooks "only" gain a solo mode ability. The only chapter that provides both is the Salamanders, whose members gain Resistance (Heat) as well as a solo mode ability. I have two questions in that regard.

1. Do the members of the chapters in the chapter guidelines not gain their solo mode ability?

2. If the answer to the question above is that everyone gains access to their solo mode ability, can I kindly ask that the members of the "standard" chapters also gain a bonus talent to balance everything out? For example something that costs 500 xp or less from the relevant chapter advancements?

Alternatively, is the bonus talent meant to compensate for a lack of something else, such as Chapter Trappings?

Personally, I won't change my character concept just because I don't get a bonus talent. I'm just fishing for a free talent because it (probably) can't hurt to ask.

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