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22 hours ago, pesukarhu said:

@Eric I think I have to bow out. I don't have the time and attention to add another game. I thought I did, but I was wrong. :orcsad: Thanks for organizing, and have fun!

Fare thee well, friend! Hope to catch you in another game sometime.

As for everyone else... looks like we've got three characters basically done, one almost there (Jasan), and one more in progress (Tlanextli). Should hopefully be in good shape to start next week!

I will be posting a poll momentarily to gain the sense of the group on how to begin the adventure.

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I saw this game and since I just decided to apply in another or only another Ironsworn game, I wanted to ask if is it an issue if I'm green as this when it comes to the system, I just yesterday downloaded books and perused through them. As mentioned in other game the system seems interesting and would very much like to dip my toes in it. Is there more empty places and does it matter I never played Ironsorn before?

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23 hours ago, Grudge said:

does it matter I never played Ironsorn before?

I think for a few people here (including me) it's the first game of Ironsworn so you shouldn't worry about being new to the system if you read the rules :)

Also one person dropped out recently so there may be a space for you, but it depends on our GM @Eric of course

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23 hours ago, Grudge said:

I saw this game and since I just decided to apply in another or only another Ironsworn game, I wanted to ask if is it an issue if I'm green as this when it comes to the system, I just yesterday downloaded books and perused through them. As mentioned in other game the system seems interesting and would very much like to dip my toes in it. Is there more empty places and does it matter I never played Ironsorn before?

It's also rather straightforward to pick up, and there's lots of good actual plays to see it in action (and learn more easily). I personally wouldn't sweat it too much :)

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23 hours ago, Grudge said:

I saw this game and since I just decided to apply in another or only another Ironsworn game, I wanted to ask if is it an issue if I'm green as this when it comes to the system, I just yesterday downloaded books and perused through them. As mentioned in other game the system seems interesting and would very much like to dip my toes in it. Is there more empty places and does it matter I never played Ironsorn before?

It’s my first try GMing this system, too! So no worries that you don’t know anything, we’ll all learn together.

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Thanks all. The first part of the sheet was easy to fill in but I kinda hit a wall when I came to Assets since I saw nothing except examples like you need to come up with your own. So this is my character in another game when you come to assets I took Companion, Path, and Combat talent and saw for all three to kinda connect with each other. While I don't think it is an approved companion I took a Bear and copied his stuff from the Animals section. For Path I took Berserker and somewhere on the internet while looking up other people's builds someone mentioned momentum being important so I made it: 1. When fighting without armor add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit, 2. When using 2-handed weapons take +1 on a momentum, and 3. Pin Down Enemies From there I was in an even larger dark since for Combat Talent I saw only examples so I figured I couldn't imagine Berserker without a large ass weapon so I imagined Combat Talent: Two-Handed Weaponmaster, and for it combining with Berserker I took 1. You can use your Two-Handed Weapon to deflect blows, 2. When using a Two-Handed Weapon you can sacrifice your hit bonus for extra damage, and 3. Killing a Formidable enemy using a Two-Handed Weapon gives you +1 momentum on a hit until the end of combat.

So that was how I went about that for the first time. Here I planed to play more Scout/Ranger/Rogue type depending on others so I don't step on others' toes. I'd likely go with Path, Ritual, and Combat Talent this time. But I'd like if someone would comment on the way how I managed with assets the first go around so I don't make the same mistakes. From the resources I gave Free Core Book from the official page and I didn't see that there are other ones, Steelsworn, Wintersworn, and Threads of Destiny. Any comment would help me, I'll start with the character today.

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Ok, I did the best I could for now. Someone check did I spent EXP as I should. I wrote down just a major vow since I assume a minor and immediate one, will be getting of the island for everyone. Some backstory is under equipment.

Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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Hey gang, sorry for the delay; my wife dislocated her shoulder earlier today and free time basically evaporated. I'll plan to get things started as early tomorrow as I can find the time.

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Alright, catching up now. We're going to get started and use the initial get-to-know dialogue as opportunity to flesh out the vow(s) and scene-set, as well as resolve any open questions you may have about your characters. Based on the voting so far:

  • Caldas, Jasan, Hallbjorn and Bjorn are crew aboard Marpessa's small ship. If Tlanextli is completed soon, she can join on the island.
  • While fully intent on exploring the island for her own purposes, Marpessa has (perhaps with some assistance from one or more PCs) convinced a local spice merchant to fund a voyage to try to establish trade with the natives of the island, who were described in Rory Barbarossa's log. This is a Dangerous quest, which I envision has the following milestones (subject to objections from the floor):
    • Brave the ocean voyage to the island
    • Establish friendly contact with the natives
    • Bargain to secure trading rights
    • Exchange gifts of suitable value
    • Return to your patron with gifts
  • For each of your personal vows, if you wish, you can identify milestones that would represent progress. This can help the group decide on what needs to be achieved (and how) incident to the above.
  • While adventuring on the island, you will indubitably find opportunities to advance your personal vows, and/or swear new ones.
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As with most things Ironsworn, there are a lot of ways to skin the cat. The most straightforward would be to treat most options as Face Danger right now, but a good case could be made to apply Secure an Advantage for anything that could reduce the effects of the storm on the ship's movement. In either case, +heart or +iron, at your discretion...

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Inaction doesn't require any roll, it just leaves the narrative action in my hands and might result in a different Face the Danger situation. Trying to convince the rest of the crew to keep the sails up would normally just be dialogue among you; if it came to rolls, it would probably be more in the realm of Compel.

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