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Yeah, PH has me pegged correctly here. Add onto that we started construction in the house, which means we spent the last couple weekends crunching down three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and the family room into our basement plus a storage unit... along with soccer tournaments... free time has been servicing emails and bug reports on the site. If everyone can suffer through another two weeks, I will be back to normal posting around April 8. If you can't, I completely understand.

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You've made a powerful enemy delaying the game Eric.. but i can tough it out..lol

I know what moving two houses is like, and at least repainting an old house..So although it's not the same ,i do empathise..

I just hope Golan's arm's can hold out for that two week period..:)

We can do something in the mean time to pass the time..


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9 hours ago, cheezal said:

We can do something in the mean time to pass the time...

We could make character relationship maps ala Dramasystem!

(I am only half-joking)

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5 minutes ago, cheezal said:

Um what????


This may help make some sense of my ramblings: http://www.lloydianaspects.co.uk/rolePlayGaming/hillfolk.html

Tl;dr: Dramasystem is a narrative RPG where the relationships between the PCs play a very important role in the story. Although this game does not use that system, there's some cool ideas in Dramasystem that could be easily portable to other games to make intra-party dynamics more interesting and complex.

But I mostly said it as a joke, as I don't think other players would have any interest in this.

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Oh ok in a expanded different format where it was just an on going game... i would have no problem with that, as i often have problems writing a background to a blank slate character.. so my characters are first are 2d,but as the game progresses,and i get a feel for my character, i evolve and expand my pc.

Like for instance offline i play two characters in an OSE game.. and i gave them both backstories,but i play my character with logic and at times it peeves some of the other players..

But i mean by that is you have your type of players that are people who just play murder hobo's, others that just want to knock over the module get their reward and move on, then there is those that want more depth to their pc..

Like others wanted to go into a cave they discovered with ghouls which we found out have ties to a horde of death cultists, when we had just wiped out a military force from another region..other pc's wanted to go in, because hey! its gets us xp.. yet i was like.. um if we do that, we have the potential to piss off a second big group who could likely descend on the same people we just aided in repelling the military force who also may come back once they querry what happened to the awfully quiet scouting warband,and have us then fight a war on two fronts.. so i like to play a thinking person character..


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I like to play a character determined by the stats I rolled. With an 8 Wisdom, a 7 Charisma and a 16 Strength and 15 Constitution, Ohthere is a physical brute. He doesn't get social complexity and tends to rely on the brute force approach to problem solving. He is impatient and imprudent. So far it has worked for him, eventually it won't. I play to have fun playing a character, that is the challenge I am into. If the character dies because I played him the way that seems appropriate then I will roll up another. I don't really care about beating anything or getting xp, that is just part of the game moving forward.

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