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"Kaspar of Ederthal, how may a simple bard be of service to you mylord?"

tries to place the family within his knowledge of the noble families of Anchorhead




Edit: (ooc perfectly appropriate that I rolled poorly on this as i clearly apply the check to the wrong area of the world. black legion would indicate Sidonia)

Edited by Shocker (see edit history)
History check
1d20+3 4
Intelligence check
1d20+1 17
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spacer.pngSilas looks down and takes a cup of wine. He removes his still smoking pipe and lifts the cup with the other, toasting the others before taking a sip. "Silas Lane." He hesitates. "I don't currently have a profession, though I suppose I have the habit of collecting information."


He offers a shallow a bow to Lord Lightbringer. "An interesting combination of talents you have assembled, my lord."

Intelligence roll
1d20+2 9
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Lightbringer sits at the make-shift table and motions politely for the servants to bring food.  They start laying out fresh baked bread and the mutton stew, on wooden plates and bowls.  He takes a bite of bread and a spoonful of stew, clearly meant to demonstrate its safety, then speaks.  "There is a woman, an elf, currently in Anchorhead. This woman is wanted in Rousset, for petty crimes, nothing serious," he begins, smiling encouragingly if you sit and eat.  "I believe in redemption and so persuaded the King to remand her to my custody.  Unfortunately, she fled the kingdom before I could apprehend her.  My authority does not extend to the League cities," he waves a hand in the direction of Anchorhead.  "Therefore, I would like you to retrieve her for me, without harm and without my involvement known.  I could make an official inquiry with the Guild Guard, but I suspect she will hear of it and flee again.  My squire made some discreet investigations this morning and she is not wanted in Anchorhead for any crime, in any event."  He takes another bite, giving you a chance to ask questions as he chews.


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spacer.pngEhrick Archer Human Ranger 2/Fighter 1 

AC: 15, HP: 24/24, Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 14



I do not mean to question your integrity, but do you happen to have some written documentation to prove what you have said? Again, I mean no offense, but if you do not then you would be hiring us to kidnap this woman and bring her to you. Which would be an illegal act. I am not interested in getting into trouble with the local law, or any law, simply at your word that what we are doing is just.


I hope you understand.


He waits for the man's response but is ready to defend himself if he has to. He realizes that some would take his question as an insult. Especially if they were lying. He hopes it won't come to that.





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Intuition check to determine if Lightbringer is lying
1d20+2 19
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KaspaKaspar_token.png.f557392bf9ccae41dcb19ba62d1959cf.pngr of Ederthal  Half Elf Bard 3

AC: 14 HP 22 Initiative: +3





Kaspar leaned back, and bought his hands together that just the tips of his fingers touched. And rested his chin on this tent in thought. Thinking through everything said and left unsaid so far.


My Lord I have to agree with Master Lane, you have invited a rather peculiar set of talents here. May I ask why you think that the task of finding a single Elf will require those talents? Also just finding her is only half the task, if she doesn’t want to come and meet you, what are we supposed to do apprehend her against her will? The Guild Guard does tend to frown on such activity.”


He looks straight into Lightbringer’s eyes “Is there perhaps something about this job you haven’t mentioned yet?”


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"I agree with Ehrick. What you're effectively asking us to do is an extrajudicial extradition. Your jurisdiction ends at the border of the cities, and so as far as the laws of this land are concerned, she has committed no crime. You're effectively asking us to assume the risk that would normally be on your head, and we need some form of guarantee for that."


Eadberht sipped the wine again, looking pointedly at their host.

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spacer.pngSilas slid into a seat and took a bowl and spoon without hesitation. A few mouthfuls proved it to be both unpoisoned and fairly tasty for being so simple. He listened to the offer and the other men speak, washing down the stew with more wine. His pipe lays on the table, having been snuffed it only leaks a thin stream of smoke. 


"I have to agree with these fellows, my lord. If the crimes are so petty..." He looks around at the others. "Well, I would imagine your standards are quite high, Sir Lightbringer. But if it's simply a matter of a few pockets picked or eavesdropping in the wrong place, it's nothing I haven't done on occasion. My conscience would condemn me for a hypocrite." He hesitates for a moment. "Truthfully, if I didn't have some inkling of your reputation, I would suspect you of holding details back. Or changing some entirely. My lord."

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Lightbringer nods his understanding as each of you voice your concerns.  He takes out a folded parchment from his breastplate and passes to the nearest one of you.  The parchment has the royal seal of the Rousset Kingdom and, after some flowery language, declares that one Elf maiden by the name of 'Caelyn' is remanded into the custody of Sir Anders Lightbringer, Chevalier of the Royal Order of the Rose, dated, signed and stamped.  "There is history between us and I am responsible for her, an obligation laid upon me by her late husband, my ... mentor.  Your combined talents will be useful as she is quite clever," he says, his voice grows heavy with mention of the obligation.  "If you can talk with h er someplace where others cannot hear, the mention of my name to her should be sufficient to induce her to come with you."

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spacer.pngSilas takes the paper and begins to inspect it closely. He has some familiarity with official paperwork and looks for the few signs of authenticity he knows to look for. He'll also scan it quickly, particularly looking for a description of this Caelyn's crimes.


His inspection complete, he passes the warrant on to the others. "Well. I believe my only remaining question, before moving on to practical matters, may be a delicate one. If the terms are so generous, and the young lady positively disposed to you, then why did she flee?" He sighs and grimaces. "If you find the question impertinent-- Well, it certainly is. But I must ask if I am to deprive this woman of freedom on your say-so."

Insight on warrant
1d20+6 18
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spacer.pngEhrick Archer Human Ranger 2/Fighter 1 

AC: 15, HP: 24/24, Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 14


That and do you have any idea where she currently is? I suppose a description of the lady and at least a general idea of her crimes so we have an idea of what to expect from her. I am willing to go talk to her and deliver your message, but I will not bring her out against her will.


He really wishes he knew what was really going on here. He feels the man is telling the truth, just not all of it.




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KaspaKaspar_token.png.f557392bf9ccae41dcb19ba62d1959cf.pngr of Ederthal Half Elf Bard 3

AC: 14 HP 22 Initiative: +3




Kaspar mentally files away the slight pause Lightbringer makes before saying mentor. A casual glance on the document, makes it look like many of the official documents he has seen in his life.

"Very nice my lord, of course the warrant is meaningless in Anchorhead, but if it is only finding the lady and speaking with her, I would be willing to do so. But please understand I'm an artist who has to work for his living, and this search could eat up a lot of my time. Do you have some form of compensation in mind?"

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Again, Lightbringer nods his understanding as the three speak up, passing the letter from one to the other.  When Kaspar mentions remuneration he smiles, genuinely amused.  "Yes, I can pay you for your trouble.  She fled in Rousset because she was not aware I had secured her freedom, and has some talent for locks and manacles.  That is, for getting out of them," again the genuine amusement, and unabashed pride.  "Her 'crimes' are almost always of a social nature, the kind that leads to embarrassment of those holding titles or wealth.  As I said, petty," he adds with a shrug and it is clear that he thinks nothing of such things, despite his own title and apparent wealth.  "Would all of you like gold in payment?  I have only a few sovereigns with me, I care not for wealth and carry only that which I need for upkeep.  What would you consider suitable, Master Kaspar?"  He retrieves the Rousset letter and folds it back into his breastplate.

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KaspaKaspar_token.png.f557392bf9ccae41dcb19ba62d1959cf.pngr of Ederthal Half Elf Bard 3

AC: 14 HP 22 Initiative: +3




"The last time I worked for a noble patron it was an evening for the Grand Duchess Annuschka, reciting stories and poems for one evening. I was rewarded by a small pouch of gold pieces. It is entirely up to your discretion on how you consider this task to rank in comparison, when it comes to time, danger and effort. But I can't presume to speak for the other Gentlemen here."

He continues to look innocently at the knight.

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spacer.pngEhrick Archer Human Ranger 2/Fighter 1 

AC: 15, HP: 24/24, Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 14



I am more than happy to deliver your message. We can discuss payment after we find out how much trouble doing that will be. Again I ask, do you have any idea where she is? Anchorhead is a fairly large city and without some idea of where to look it could be an almost impossible task. If no idea of exactly where she is, then an idea of the type of places she likes to frequent?


He decides to partake of some of the bread and mutton stew. He dips the bread into the stew to soften it before eating a bite. He did not realize how hungry he was till he started eating. He strives to eat slowly and not scarf it down as he normally does with his food. Old habits from having to eat fast so he could get back to work on the farm. He takes turns eating a spoonful of the stew and dipping his bread in it, washing it down with the water he asked for.



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Making fools of the wealthy? I like this one already. Though not getting paid...


Eadberht stroked his beard for a moment before leaning forwards.


"If you lack money, then I can think of a few possible options. The first would be the simplest: a favor from you in the future. If you have access to arcane writings, the ability to learn new magical secrets is also always of value to me. If neither are acceptable, then perhaps a letter of recommendation from you to perhaps open doors for us later."

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