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Out of Character Chat


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As I read it:

@SirLoganofGilead with Oliver is going to the woods.

@matt_s with Stavard is going to the woods.

@8w_gremlin with Brother Koji is looking to do construction work?

@TheWhitefire with McCuddy is unspoken for to my knowledge, but I anticipate to be going to the woods.

My personal preference, as the DM, is to not split the party - but if people have strong opinions on splitting up, I won't stop anyone.  Just let me know what you want to do (especially with Brother Koji and McCuddy) and I'll get the next IC post up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, 

Brother Koji is back at the camp building shelters etc. I didn't think he went with the Hunters as he doesn't have any real weapon skills. 

in other news, 

anyone know why this game isn't appearing on my content I follow stream (i've double checked that I'm actually following) any help appreciated

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if there is an alert for you all to see it, but I added a zoomed in area of where you guys are in the Setting Information tab, under "World Map Thus Far."  Each hex represents 25 miles.

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Man, that lagoon is massive! 
I take it we're near the end of the peninsular? 
Might be a good place to fence off, and build out. 
Question: where did we see the dragon winged fire breathing lizard thing...and how far have we explored? 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about the delays - Iceland trip was great, but both wife and I are down sick.  She has covid, my tests keep coming back negative.  But I feel like crap and am struggling to do anything beyond the barest of rest and feeding ourselves.  Just bear with me - posting is high on my list of things I need to do (like dishes, laundry, and mowing the lawn) - but I'm just having a hard time fighting this off apparently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, just to make sure I'm rocking this the way you all intend, the way I'm mentally framing out this adventaign... (yes, that's what I wrote...) - I figure we have settlement building as a "down time" activity, and then "adventuring" as the... up...time? activity. I want to use the one year mark (the date the boat is intended to return) as the "book" close on this adventure so that there's a firm "end" point, but then it's open for re-evaluation as to whether everyone involved wants to do another year, re-recruitment, yadda yadda yadda. Basically have a "campaign completed" point, and then look as to whether the next book is opened immediately, in time, same crew, different crew, etc. etc. etc.

What is sounds like we want to do from the player standpoint is to frontload some of that down time activity to build up the settlement first, and then perhaps adventure more afterwards. If that's the plan, that's totally fine - I just want to make sure I write it the way y'all want. I've been doing down time as a season, crudely chopped into 3 month blocks, so we'd have another 9 months to play with afterwards.

IF you want to frontload the downtime, then I'd also want to know what each character individually wants to do with it. Settlement building is the obvious one, but it also sounds like there is the desire to train up a rifle squad, and there are other things that could be done such as regional exploration. (I'm also open to other down time activities too.)

Just give me your thoughts on how you want me to do it - I'm pretty flexible 🙂

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Yeah for Koji and me, for narrative/downtime activities is to get a functional colony set up, I understand that would take a while.
Fishing, Fish-runs, and nets plus hunting and gathering for food until we get planted food up and running.

if there is an emergency, or encounters, dropping into dramatic time seems a good idea.

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So right now, I have:

@SirLoganofGilead with Oliver training up a rifle squad and doing light exploration.

@8w_gremlin with Brother Koji working on food / colony building.

@matt_s with Stavard helping on the same.

@TheWhitefire - How did you want to utilize Harlan for approx. 3 months of downtime?

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