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Olympolis! Friday, December 23, 2022, 8:45 a.m.!

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It was an easy enough conclusion to come to; everything here was normal. She stepped to the side and more into an open area, out of the way of foot traffic. "Why don't we move out of the way, of everyone? I don't see anything unusual here, other than us of course." The light laugh that came from beneath her mask and face-guard was undisguised and quite real. She glanced around at the bystanders, pedestrians, and all the people going about their normal business as well as the other prospects.

"We should see if the building has us listed, it should I would imagine, and then it should let us continue... although... to be fair if the Crusaders truly have vanished I don't know what good it will do to waste time here." The concern in her voice was clear as she continued. "Perhaps we ought to simply go do what we can against the Crushers without delay. After all, its quite likely that people are in danger. Any sort of delay will at best be the loss of more property due to theft and at worse could be the loss of lives."

She'd never been good at waiting. For her if there was an action to be taken then it should be and she tended to be more headstrong than she ought to. Still, she had a good heart and always tried to help others with a result that more often than not was positive. This was one of those situations and she was eager to be off.







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"I'm not sure if it would do any good if we lingered here, the Crusaders are not here, after all."spacer.png

Titan moves out of the way so any of the residents can leave the building.

"I think we should talk to Detective Broykowski first to get more intel on the Crushers current activity, then maybe Dr. Patrovich about the non-functional emergency link. The Monitor may have an idea about that. What do you think?" says, addressing all of his teammates. If only for now, they are exactly that. "Have to get to the bottom of this.."


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Aegis waits for a response for the panel to see if it would let them in. But he has to agree that top priority would be dealing with the Crushers. But once that is done he would like to come back and try to get access to the Crusaders home and see if there are any clues as to where they went or what happened to them.

Yeah, I agree we should deal with the Crushers first then worry about what happened to the Crusaders. I would assume that if they knew they were going to be gone for a while they would have contacted us and rescheduled. So they either left in a hurry with no time to spare or they did not leave willingly. Once done, I would like to try to come back and find out which.


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9:15 a.m. outside Harmon Tower



The face on the building's access screen says, "The Cr---", then the screen flickers a split-second and the face reappears, "Welcome to Harmon Tower: please speak the name of the resident you're trying to reach, or, just ask for the operator..." The doorway slowly opens as the elderly couple carefully exit the lobby looking warily at the heroes. The old man tips his cap at them, "We're proud of you, CRUSADERS! Keep doing what you do. We love you." The two walk past out onto the sidewalk and head down the street, "They come in the front door now? I guess their spaceship is in the shop."  The woman shushes him and waves for a taxi. The crowds passing Harmon Tower increase with more pedestrians staring at the heroes in passing but, a few more bystanders stop nearby to take a quick pic of the group! Some folks even stop asking questions, "Hey Crusaders! How are you today?" - "What are you guys gonna do about the Crushers?" - "Hi. Can my son take a picture with you? He loves the Crusaders." In seconds the crowd builds around the heroes ...!


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Aegis glances around at the people and is confused.

Why are they calling us the Crusaders. Have they never seen the group before?

Yeah, we should get out of here before things get out of hand. Anyone able to give me a lift? Otherwise I have to try to struggle through the masses to leave. Someday I got to get me a jet pack or something.


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Titan nods, agreeing. "This is quickly getting out of hand.."spacer.png

"Yeah, we should bail. It's not much of an offer, I know, but I can jump up pretty high so if that works for you, hop on my back. We'll get there in no time." Taking a look at the others, he says:

"This stands for any one of you, of course. Titan-taxi, at your service!", with a grin. 



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THE MONITOR, The Quantum Man


The Monitor is left with a doubt about this access terminal as it cut off before saying "Crusaders" and then went back to its starting command. Some code must be disrupting its operating procedure. Whether it is a normal glitch or a deliberate violation of its command functions he doesn't know at this time, but it also seems a bit low on the priority at the moment. The assembled group of heroes seem to believe the clues to their investigation start at the police department. He is inclined to believe them and wants to find out where the Crusaders are, and if they discover any rumors about Crushers then that will be a boon as well to their investigation and service to the community. 


As the citizens begin to gather around them he issues a warning: "Please stand back as I am about to initiate flight protocols." He begins accessing his Nanotech flight platform as it begins to grow in size under his feet so he may take flight and join the other heroes on their investigation. Once the platform is at full size he vertically lifts off into the air and starts heading in the direction towards the police department.      





By public space I am referring to the restaurant. Should it not have a door with street access? Or is the restaurant for residents only? Either way he is going to try and enter the door and see what happens. 


A follow up questions: Why could my little computer not talk to the machine access panel? 

The Monitor


Motivation - Doing Good
Possessing a strong positive outlook towards life allowed Mitchel to never succumb to the darkness of his fate, and when he was able to create an artificial body to house his digital consciousness he was nothing but grateful for the opportunity to continue living a 2nd Life. This feeling of gratitude and goodwill makes him want to share his thanks with others. 

Motivation - Responsibility
Because his new body makes him more than human he feels obligated to use its abilities to better serve humanity for the common good. Never one to openly advocate violence he understands that force must be meet with greater force in order to stop it; though if he is able to find another solution he is willing to explore that first.  

Weakness - Quantum Entanglement
Mitchel suffers from an incurable disease that has left his consciousness trapped inside his paralytic body, and because his digital consciousness is quantum entangled with his moral body if anything were to happen to his paralyzed body that would result in death would his digital conscious also share the same fate? It is unknown but highly plausible that both consciousness would perish. When the mortal body finally gives out it might also end the existence of the digital consciousness as well? 


The Monitor, the Quantum Man - PL 10


Strength 0, Stamina -, Agility 0, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 10, Awareness 10, Presence 0



Eidetic Memory, Evasion 2, Inventor, Speed of Thought, Well-informed



Expertise: Physics 5 (+15), Insight 5 (+15), Investigation 5 (+15), Perception 5 (+15), Technology 6 (+16)



Nanobiotech Physiology (multiple effects) [cost 32pp]

The intention for this power to was to create an android like body that would be the heroic alter-ego of the paralyzed Mitchel Green and his cloned digital consciousness. 

  • Immune System: Immunity 30 [cost 30pp = 1/r x 30r)

         (biological, technological)

         Fortitude Effects

  • Regenerative System: Regeneration 2 [cost 2pp = 1/r x 2r]

        (biological, technological)

         Every 5 rounds

Nanotech Armor (device: removable -2) [cost 10pp]

The intention of this power was to create instant body armor; like Tony Stark's nanotech armor. 

  • Appears Instantly: Feature 1 [cost 1 = 1/r x 1r]


  • Armor: Protection 10 [cost 10pp = 1/r x 10r]

         (armor, technological)

         +10 Toughness

  • Light: Environment 1 [cost 1pp = 1/r x 1r]

         (light, technological)

         Light, Radius: 30 feet

Nanotech Computer (device: easily removable -8) [cost 12pp] 

The intention of this power is to create a small handle device that would allow the android to detect, analyze, and use the electromagnetic spectrum, while also being able to communicate with others and objects of different languages, including machines.  

  • Sensory Array: Senses 10 [cost 10pp = 1/r x 10r]


         Darkvision, Detect + Acute + Analytical: Energy Spectrum (visual, ranged: 2), Penetrates Concealment: X-Rays (visual)

  • Universal Translator: Comprehend 5 [cost 10pp = 2/r x 5r]


         Languages (read all, speak all, understand all), Machines / Electronics

Nanotech Flying Platform (device: easily removable -2) [cost 5pp]

The intention of this power is to create a flying platform to move around his environment in while remaining out of sight. 

  • Appears Instantly: Feature 1 [cost 1pp = 1/r x 1r]


  • Flight: Flight 4 [cost 4pp = (2/r -1fl) x 4r]

        (gravity, technological)

         Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round; Platform

  • Invisibility: Concealment 2 [cost 2pp = (2/r -1fl) x 2r]

         (gravity, light, technological)

         Sense - Sight; Passive

Quantum Forces Manipulation (array) [cost 37pp]

The intention of this power was for the digital consciousness to gain the able to manipulate the quantum forces in the universe as a result from cloning Mitchel's esoteric knowledge and merging it with a higher intelligence and complete understanding of physics in our reality. Once the digital consciousness attained a complete understanding it opened up the possibility to change energy and matter in localized areas.    

  • Atomic Manipulation: Transform 3 [cost 35pp = (5/r +3ex) x 3r +11flat]

        (atoms, quantum forces)

         Affects: Anything, Transforms: 3 tons, DC 13; Affects Objects Only, Increased Duration: continuous, Increased Mass 10,

         Increased Range 2: perception, Precise

  • Gravity Manipulation: Move Object 7 [cost 36pp = (2/r + 2ex) x 7r + 8flat]

         (gravity, quantum forces)

         3 tons, DC 22; Damaging, Increased Range: perception, Penetrating 7, Precise



Initiative +10

Atomic Manipulation: Transform 3 (DC Dog 13)

Gravity Manipulation: Move Object 7 (DC 22)



Dodge 5, Parry 0, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 10, Will 10


Power Points

Abilities 30 + Powers 96 + Advantages 6 + Skills 13 (26 ranks) + Defenses 5 = 150


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Hey Monitor. Can you platform hold more than just you? If not I will accept titans offer. Just figure your method would be less rollercoaster like.

If he can he will ride on the platform. If not he slings his shield over his back, shakes his head, and hops onto Titan's back and holds on feeling like a little kid getting a piggy back ride from his dad.


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Morgan had been trapped in a bit of a feedback loop with the intellect spirit while he was trying to recall what he knew of the Crushers, which took him a few moments to get out of. By the time he had managed that, he had gotten distracted by the arrival of the Silver Shrike, who was lighting up on his Arcane Lens like a Christmas tree. Curious as to why, as nothing he knew of her indicated heavy magic use, he engages some of the more detailed sensors, trying to get a feel of the nature of her magic. He is quickly pulled out of his analysis by the growing crowd, however, and he quickly switches gear, noting that none of his teammates seem too keen on interacting with the crowd much.

While hardly a glory hog himself, Morgan still figures it's best to actual talk to the people, reassure them and keep them from panicking. Taking a half step forward, he raises his arms slightly to address the crowd. "People, please," he says, trying his best to project gravitas and confidence, "I know how you feel, I really do, and I appreciate it. But I'm afraid that we cannot stick around. Unfortunately, crime doesn't rest easily, and as such, neither can we. We're doing everything we can to put a stop to the actions of the Crushers, and keep this great city safe."


Persuasion to placate/calm down the crowd and make a slightly more graceful exit than just sprinting off. Using Extra Effort for a +2 bonus and a Hero Point to recover from the EE. 


1d20+8 4
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Unsurprisingly, the crowd just kept taking pictures and creating a bottleneck in front of Harmon Tower. As the heroes departed the scene, they watched the people of Olympolis wave and cheer before slowly dispersing ... 


9:19 a.m. Downtown OPD Precinct




Within minutes the heroes the heroes had arrived in downtown Olympolis just outside the police precinct! 



Predictably, there were several officers either coming out or just going in the precinct when the heroes literally landed on the sidewalk in front - the reception was typical: guns were drawn and pointed at the heroes with shouts, "GET DOWN!" "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" "GET DOWN NOW!Officers looked around at each other then back at the heroes as if waiting for something to happen ---!

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Aegis hold his hands up and out in a non threatening manner as the officers freak out at their entrance.

Whoooaaaa! Easy there officers. We are here on behalf of the Crusaders to offer our help in dealing with the Crushers. Can anyone direct us to Detective Browncowsky? Yes I spelled it wrong and he said it wrong on purpose.

He hopes the cops don't start shooting, but is ready to bring his shield around in front of him to protect himself. He is not sure how the others can deal with bullets, but figures Titan at the least is not in any real danger. He might have to suggest they sit down and reveal their powers to each other so they can work better as a team.



Persuassion roll if you want it.
1d20+9 6
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Titan puts his hands up and takes a non-threatening step forward in front of Aegis and if possible, the others.spacer.png

He's hoping that this situation doesn't escalate, but one never knows and instinctively wants to act as a human shield, if necessary/it comes to that.

Continuing Aegis’s thought, he says, “Jessica Anderson told us to come here and talk to him about the current crime spree. We’re here to help.”


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Persuasion (Team Check)
SyntaxError: Unexpected token undefinedd20
roll d20+2
Persuasion (Team Check)
1d20+2 7
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THE MONITOR, The Quantum Man


The Monitor was a little shocked by the police reception but felt that it might be expected. While they are heroes it can be difficult to differentiate between one costume person from another. Maybe these police officers thought that these heroes are villains. Even if the police take them into custody they would at least get into the building. 


Raising his hands in the air he says: "Please, do not shoot. We mean you no harm." He offers no resistance if they try to restrain him.       





 I have no Persuasion to offer.

The Monitor


Motivation - Doing Good
Possessing a strong positive outlook towards life allowed Mitchel to never succumb to the darkness of his fate, and when he was able to create an artificial body to house his digital consciousness he was nothing but grateful for the opportunity to continue living a 2nd Life. This feeling of gratitude and goodwill makes him want to share his thanks with others. 

Motivation - Responsibility
Because his new body makes him more than human he feels obligated to use its abilities to better serve humanity for the common good. Never one to openly advocate violence he understands that force must be meet with greater force in order to stop it; though if he is able to find another solution he is willing to explore that first.  

Weakness - Quantum Entanglement
Mitchel suffers from an incurable disease that has left his consciousness trapped inside his paralytic body, and because his digital consciousness is quantum entangled with his moral body if anything were to happen to his paralyzed body that would result in death would his digital conscious also share the same fate? It is unknown but highly plausible that both consciousness would perish. When the mortal body finally gives out it might also end the existence of the digital consciousness as well? 


The Monitor, the Quantum Man - PL 10


Strength 0, Stamina -, Agility 0, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 10, Awareness 10, Presence 0



Eidetic Memory, Evasion 2, Inventor, Speed of Thought, Well-informed



Expertise: Physics 5 (+15), Insight 5 (+15), Investigation 5 (+15), Perception 5 (+15), Technology 6 (+16)



Nanobiotech Physiology (multiple effects) [cost 32pp]

The intention for this power to was to create an android like body that would be the heroic alter-ego of the paralyzed Mitchel Green and his cloned digital consciousness. 

  • Immune System: Immunity 30 [cost 30pp = 1/r x 30r)

         (biological, technological)

         Fortitude Effects

  • Regenerative System: Regeneration 2 [cost 2pp = 1/r x 2r]

        (biological, technological)

         Every 5 rounds

Nanotech Armor (device: removable -2) [cost 10pp]

The intention of this power was to create instant body armor; like Tony Stark's nanotech armor. 

  • Appears Instantly: Feature 1 [cost 1 = 1/r x 1r]


  • Armor: Protection 10 [cost 10pp = 1/r x 10r]

         (armor, technological)

         +10 Toughness

  • Light: Environment 1 [cost 1pp = 1/r x 1r]

         (light, technological)

         Light, Radius: 30 feet

Nanotech Computer (device: easily removable -8) [cost 12pp] 

The intention of this power is to create a small handle device that would allow the android to detect, analyze, and use the electromagnetic spectrum, while also being able to communicate with others and objects of different languages, including machines.  

  • Sensory Array: Senses 10 [cost 10pp = 1/r x 10r]


         Darkvision, Detect + Acute + Analytical: Energy Spectrum (visual, ranged: 2), Penetrates Concealment: X-Rays (visual)

  • Universal Translator: Comprehend 5 [cost 10pp = 2/r x 5r]


         Languages (read all, speak all, understand all), Machines / Electronics

Nanotech Flying Platform (device: easily removable -2) [cost 5pp]

The intention of this power is to create a flying platform to move around his environment in while remaining out of sight. 

  • Appears Instantly: Feature 1 [cost 1pp = 1/r x 1r]


  • Flight: Flight 4 [cost 4pp = (2/r -1fl) x 4r]

        (gravity, technological)

         Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round; Platform

  • Invisibility: Concealment 2 [cost 2pp = (2/r -1fl) x 2r]

         (gravity, light, technological)

         Sense - Sight; Passive

Quantum Forces Manipulation (array) [cost 37pp]

The intention of this power was for the digital consciousness to gain the able to manipulate the quantum forces in the universe as a result from cloning Mitchel's esoteric knowledge and merging it with a higher intelligence and complete understanding of physics in our reality. Once the digital consciousness attained a complete understanding it opened up the possibility to change energy and matter in localized areas.    

  • Atomic Manipulation: Transform 3 [cost 35pp = (5/r +3ex) x 3r +11flat]

        (atoms, quantum forces)

         Affects: Anything, Transforms: 3 tons, DC 13; Affects Objects Only, Increased Duration: continuous, Increased Mass 10,

         Increased Range 2: perception, Precise

  • Gravity Manipulation: Move Object 7 [cost 36pp = (2/r + 2ex) x 7r + 8flat]

         (gravity, quantum forces)

         3 tons, DC 22; Damaging, Increased Range: perception, Penetrating 7, Precise



Initiative +10

Atomic Manipulation: Transform 3 (DC Dog 13)

Gravity Manipulation: Move Object 7 (DC 22)



Dodge 5, Parry 0, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 10, Will 10


Power Points

Abilities 30 + Powers 96 + Advantages 6 + Skills 13 (26 ranks) + Defenses 5 = 150


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9:19 a.m., OPD Downtown Precinct


The officers don't seem convinced by the heroes' declarations as they keep their firearms trained on the superheroes! An officer speaks into his radio-mic as additional officers and detectives walk outside the building to see what's going on! Several cops shout out,

"Are they Crushers?"

"We don't know!"

"Watch your background, people!"

"They say they're here to see Browncow?!"

"What?? Broykowski?? The Detective??"

"About what?!?"

A detective walks forward, coming down the steps towards the stand-off. He's just over six foot, medium build, glasses, early thirties, dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a tie (that looks like a Birthday gift) with slacks and dress shoes, wristwatch (that looks like a Father's Day gift), "I'm Detective Broykowski. If you're Crushers, you'll find OPD doesn't scare easy. What do you want?"


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