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Chapter 1.5: Honey Well


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OOCI'm pretty sure you already gave the treasure a value. I have to go back though, I don't remember what it was.


Brixie's expression changes from annoyance over the machinations of capitalism, to acceptance of the system under the current terms because she doesn't want to get in the way of Hoop's dreams.

"Well... yeah, I suppose the workers and guards should be compensated for their work. You are right."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ripley watches this exchange go back and forth and tilts his head to the side. The question of if they are the wanted criminals amuses him. After all, Ripley is far closer to that. "Not t' my knowing, no," he answers Shniff.

The Mongooses' question is the more pressing one, of course. "Nay," he says and keeps walking after a moment. As they pass, he calls to the guards. "We'll be comin' right back in again. So by t' time we get back, please have this figured out."

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Our heroes learn about investments



The clerk seems to get excited from the chance of explaining one his passions.

"Oh! Well, I can explain the basics.. you see..."

he snap his paws and an assistant roll in a board on wheels with screens which she change as the clerk explain.


There is a doodle of a rabbit with a ! over his head.

"Lets say that bunny has an idea-"

next page:

the rabbit dream of making and selling boots-

"For a buisness. But oi."

next page-

the dream cloud pop and the bunny pull at this empty pockets and looks sad.

"The bunny dont have money for his buisness idea!"


next page- a respectful rabbit- a banker with the bank's emblem offer a sack of money to the dreamer.

"If the bank believe in their idea, the bank will give them money!"

next page-

The bunny is a succesful shoemaker- customers give them money- and he give some of the money to the banker.

"And then, naturally they would share their with the bank. Annnnnd most importantly-"

the long legged assistant quickly sketch the next page-

showing a doodle version of the bank clerk giving money to doodle versions of Hoop&Brixie

"TADA!' The clerk gesture in excitment




Back to the crime scene


the bickering guards are shocked from Ripley's audacity and doesnt stop them.

For now.


The walk is relativly much quicker now, with more daylight, less rain and less bodies to drag, so in about half of hour they are back to the battle ground, where muddy sinkholes are everywhere, half of the caravan is still seen sinking in.. and Sodaggar- the parrot master's remains are nearby.


Rikitikkitavi and Sandukan silently also.lay down the corpse of their brethren.

Everyone are looking at Ripley

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Brixie looks slightly bored of this, though it isn't anything the banker is doing wrong. Brixie just feels like she has no more business here. However, she won't leave Hoop by herself, just in case anyone tries something nefarious on her best friend.

"Well, Hoop, I leave that decision up to you. I don't have the mind for money stuff."

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Ripley sets the supplies down and rubs his paws together. Then, remembering the solemn occasion, he clears his throat and turns to the others. "Gentlebeasts," he says, "We be gathered here today t' say goodbye t' a dear friend and look towards the future. Now, we're gonna give yer old shipmate a right good send-off, courtesy o' Captain Ripley Firetail. But first, we need t' build him a good pyre. Normally, it being so wet an' all, that'd be a right bad idea. But thanks to our good friend 'ere, we have a solution fer that. So while ye two see t' him and get him sorted, I'll be settin' up a little device o' me own invention that'll make sure his soul gets a proper send-off."

Once the mongooses are at work, he will call the otter over to help him set up a rudimentary flame-cannon using the saltpeter, the cauldron, and a few other bits and bobs. He admits to the otter, "It be more useful than just that. A proper one'll drive off a whole army, I shouldn't wonder."

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Hoop looks at the doodles. "I have an business idea. How about a water shield that goes on your head." She doodles out an umbrella, unknown word for her, in the air then she gestures like she is wearing it like a hat. "It would protect you from the rain while keeping your paws free!"

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Bombastic Funeral


The moongooses quickly work, mostly dragging the broken caravan, building a pyre while singing some chant from the Ivory Valley.


The otter-Shniff follow Ripley's guidance witn curiosity.

"If that true.. I can see big buisness. The Marquisate and Eyrie here both are looking for a tie breaker. And honestly, paying taxes twice Isnt benefical. so Um. I talk too much."


Shniff chuckle and he is a quick learner.

The pyre is ready.

Though, Ripley feels a certain shiver and not because of the rain.

Maybe old scar ache if he has one.

But he has the gnawing feeling they have watchers.






The clerk chafe his chin.

"I think I have someone sell a primitive version of this. Can you really craft something like that? It.. does has some potential. But do you have the time and place? Arent you um.. a traveler?"



"Cattenberg would have the facility for this... But, honestly you already has enough for money for such a project. I assumed the idea of the money doing the work for you, would intrest you."



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Ripley takes a deep breath. The stage is set, and now it is time to perform. However, his ears twitch. He raises his nose and sniffs the air. "Hmmm," he says to Shniff, "Someone's followed us. Keep yer eye out." However, there does not seem to be any reason to call them out just yet. And a part of the fox, the prideful part, enjoys the larger audience.

He clears his throat and steps forward. Taking a flint and tinder, he lights a spark, and sets his 'cannon' ablaze. And it is far more powerful than he intended. A massive gout of flame leaps from the old pot and strikes the pyre dead-on, igniting it instantly despite the rain. Ripley leaps back in surprise, shouting a little in alarm.

OOC: Create to Destroy! I rolled a 10, so taking the "More Dangerous than Intended" option.

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10 hours ago, igordragonian12 said:

"Cattenberg would have the facility for this... But, honestly you already has enough for money for such a project. I assumed the idea of the money doing the work for you, would intrest you."

Brixie looks to Hoop if she wants to invest her money in this idea?

"Well, we only need a little to cover our traveling expenses."

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"I could always sell the idea to them." She says about Cattenberg. "I am rather busy today. I am afraid that will have to conclude our business. I will think about this money making money idea." She moves to leave. Brixie had a wolf she wanted to talk t o?

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The explosion pyre is massive and send everyone flying at all directions.

Burning wooden pieces fly at the trees around starting to set them on fire!


What Ripley does to try to avoid being crushed into a tree/sent sinking into a mud pit or get burnt?



(If you dont have an idea for a specific move, Luck or finnesse would fit..)






"Um. Alright." The clerk say a bit dissapointed.

"Well, you are welcome to come back. Ask for me- Hirsh Carrotshield." He say and then give a scroll with the Better Burrow Bank emblem marking it.

"This scroll worth as much as the treasure chest. Keep a good watch over it."he say as he paw it over to Hoop.

Their weapons are given back with no issue.

And indeed at the outer "ring" of the burrow the albino wolf wait.

is a bit shorter then Brixie, maybe by few cenitmeters, and more lean then muscular. completly white furred with -pink-red eyes.

He wear a hood, and a chain with a single fang longer then his own muzzle. He wear a bronze armband with a symbol of broken shackles on it.

Over his body he has many ropes and chains placed on X over him.


He now looks more decisive.

He walk toward Brixie and try to stand tall as much as he can, and give an unblinking glare at Brixie, as if it sort of a challenge.

"Stronbiggah' He hiss.

This name also.. might trigger memories.



(roll cunning of you want to memory check)



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Brixie takes her hammer and waves goodbye to the banker. She admits to Hoop, "Well, he was actually pleasant."


5 hours ago, igordragonian12 said:

He walk toward Brixie and try to stand tall as much as he can, and give an unblinking glare at Brixie, as if it sort of a challenge.

"Stronbiggah' He hiss.

Brixie, not one to back down from a challenge, stands up tall and looks him in the eyes. "Yeah, I'm strong and bigger." She somewhat forgotten her earlier memory of this wolf, and so she's just hoping that she doesn't have to join a fight this evening. She really would love to just get back and take a nap.

But, well, her honor is now called into question by this wolf.


2d6 4,3
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