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IC - Dragonheist - A Friend in Need


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The more Vadania hears and sees from this strange creature the more he thinks staying back is the right course of action, he has never seen a creature behave in such a strange way. It's clearly hurt but it behaves like it endures this level of abuse on a daily basis.

And also what's the relation between it and the rest of the group? At first he thought they had just met but they behave like they have been together for years.
Can they be trusted?

But then his mistrust could just be caused by the fact that he has lived a secluded life for so long and has grown to mistrust anything else that walks on two legs and can order a drink.

When he hears Volo's tale and offer he decides against everything he would normally do or would not do and to approach the group of adventurers.

"Say, might there be room for one more? I'm also looking for something, although I'm not sure what, but it may have something to do with this.
And in case you're wondering, what you witnessed earlier is not how I usually shoot my bow. I guess I'm not used to standing knee deep in ale and surrounded by drunks."

Vadania looks around the group and adds: "Yet."

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Garth| AC 13 | Ini: 0 | PP: 12 | Hit Points: 36/36 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |


Garth looks sideways at the newcomer "Sure, that's why you came to the rowdiest tavern in the entire Waterdeep despite it having a hole directly to the infernal labyrinth, to drink lemonade and talk about poetry." While talking Warrior holds Kobold by the scruff of his neck so he can't grab the gold

He looks at Volo "Never met celebrity, and considering I never heard about you, not any offense meant, that hasn't changed. Now could we change ratios a bit instead of 10 gold upfront and 100 for those who have the luck to return alive, we get 15 gold upfront and 95 upon return? I planned to fight Goblins and Kobolds, not Trolls and Tyr knows what else. It occurs to me I might need to buy some more equipment...and possibly a nice gravestone"

Tools of the Trade



Glaive: 1d20+5, 1d10+3,

Greatsword: 1d20+5, 2d6+3

Hand Axe x2: 1d20+5, 2d6+3

Longbow (20 Arrows): 1d20+3, 1d8






Move: Move

Standard: Attack

Immediate: Spending 1 Superiority Die

Maneuvers (5d8)-(4d8 left)


Grappling Strike

Quick Toss

Sweeping Attack

Trip Attack










Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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WIZ-GAT | STATS:13 ~ WIZ:16 | HP : 1/19~HD 3/3D8



Wiz-gat flails like a rat as he is held by the scruff. He gives up with a huff once he realizes the folly in an attempt to free himself via nawing off his head.

"Mez think to count trill encounter as 'fight' youz need to... Hit it? Perhapz?"

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Garth| AC 13 | Ini: 0 | PP: 12 | Hit Points: 36/36 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |


Patting Wiz over the head as the impatient child Garth shush him "Easy now my Dragon in (long, long) waiting we are just engaging in the dirty human custom of negotiating, soon you will rub your part of the gold into whatever crevasse you want. Here play with these until then" He pulls out a handful of copper coins and showers a diminutive dragonlike creature.


Tools of the Trade



Glaive: 1d20+5, 1d10+3,

Greatsword: 1d20+5, 2d6+3

Hand Axe x2: 1d20+5, 2d6+3

Longbow (20 Arrows): 1d20+3, 1d8






Move: Move

Standard: Attack

Immediate: Spending 1 Superiority Die

Maneuvers (5d8)-(4d8 left)


Grappling Strike

Quick Toss

Sweeping Attack

Trip Attack










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Donaar chuckles at Vadania's remarks,"Grumph, grumph, I have no issues anyone with long range attack can be very useful in a fight. Anyone else have an opinion? Volo will the pay increase to include a new member or will we have to split the earnings among us to make up for a new member?"



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Vadania sits at the table, his eyes darting between the faces of his newfound companions. His fingers drum a silent rhythm on the hilt of his dagger, a subtle sign of his unease. 

"Volo, I can't say I've heard of you before, but I'm sure you've got your fair share of stories." His words are polite, but the slight narrowing of his eyes suggests a deeper skepticism.

Turning to his fellow adventurers, he continues, "We all have our reasons for being here, don't we?" He chuckles lightly, a sound that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "I suppose we'll learn to trust each other in time. After all, nothing builds camaraderie like a shared mission, right?"

Inside, Vadania's thoughts are a whirlwind. 'Trust is earned, not given,' he reminds himself. But for now, he keeps his doubts to himself, choosing to observe and make assessments later. He always mistrusts, is always alert, always watching.
As he doesn't know what his vision means or where it will lead him, he knows he must tread carefully, revealing only what is necessary.

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To Garth, Volo makes a slight grimace. "I'm afraid what you see here is all I have available to give out upfront but rest assured I will pay each person in the group 100gp if you bring me my friend back alive.

You can run an insight check against Volo to determine what he means by that.


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Garth| AC 13 | Ini: 0 | PP: 12 | Hit Points: 36/36 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |


Garth finally unleashes Wiz onto the payment and briefly touches wizard robes like he's wondering how much it would fetch on a "free" market. "So let's see, you are more than ready to hire another worm body for 100 gold, making it in total cool 550 gold pieces. But you are prepared to part with only 10 gold in advance even if we are fine with 110 per person, but just want 15 instead of 10 in advance...and you are a celebrity. I'm starting to think your dear friend is not that much dear and you are hoping half of us will take a dirt nap and giving 5 gold extra in advance each would be just pointless. I mean imagine wonders you could do with that 25 gold, while we're lost in the tunnels down to our last 5 arrows, 2 torches, and a last third of Wiz jerky cursing your name."

Warrior picks up his coppers now when Wiz has gold to play around with "Anyway, I'm in. Are you sure you haven't meant "celery" and not "celebrity"? I knew a Bard once who was quite a local hit, he never was stingy with his coin. And Peckarillo for sure was not Waterdeep...it wasn't even Phlan post-invasion. But beggars/choosers and all that, I'm down to my last gold and need a job. Any details we should know?"


Tools of the Trade



Glaive: 1d20+5, 1d10+3,

Greatsword: 1d20+5, 2d6+3

Hand Axe x2: 1d20+5, 2d6+3

Longbow (20 Arrows): 1d20+3, 1d8






Move: Move

Standard: Attack

Immediate: Spending 1 Superiority Die

Maneuvers (5d8)-(4d8 left)


Grappling Strike

Quick Toss

Sweeping Attack

Trip Attack










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Leaning in and peering closely at Volo, "Yes, if you won't part with more gold then do part with more information. " He lights his pipe from a small glowing stick pulled from a small brass box, which quickly disappears inside his robes. He blows a smoke ring that drifts slowly away over the table.

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WIZ-GAT | STATS:13 ~ WIZ:16 | HP : 1/19~HD 3/3D8



"On diffent note, Volo! You should get into writing~ I bet a primer on goblins would fetch quite a pretty sum over time. I hear they are quite docile toward Balder's Gate. In fact, I bet you could just walk up and into their camp, ask them questions, no problems."

The kobold coughs and his holy symbol feels like its buzzing with... smugness? Maybe Gond has an issue with this odd character, but Wiz-gat dosnt care.

He starts playing with any gold he has been handed and his eyes dilate with joy. "If onlyz I had a boozum companion~ that would make life perfect!"

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Volo gained several sweatdrop as both Garth and Donaar press him for information.

"Gentlemen Gentlemen I apologize if my upfront payment is not to your satisfaction, but I am seriously concerned about my friend and I need your help in finding him. His name is Floon Blagmaar, he's a handsome man in his early 30s with wavy red-blonde hair who wears fashion fit for a royal but he's a mate through and through, We were at the Skewered Dragon over in the dock ward having drinks and fun but after quite a bit I had to return home and he decided to stay behind much to my objection as that neighborhood is not a safe area but I'm not one to force my way and I left. When I went back to his place no one had seen him since that night and I grew concerned, considering all the violence recently I don't dare just go investigating on my own lest I disappear"


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Garth| AC 13 | Ini: 0 | PP: 12 | Hit Points: 36/36 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |


"Writer? Yeah, that would line up, they all think of themselves as celebrities even if 70% of common people don't or can't read. Once I was interviewed on a hospital bed after being stung by a young Death Scorpion. There was this dweeb with a quill asking me do I think stinger or pincers are the primary attacks while Cleric was trying to save my leg. Very fortunate for him I was tied to a bed at the time."

Garth picks up one gold coin and leads Wiz's eyes toward Volo "See that perspiration on his skin, my scaly friend? That's something we soft skins do when hot or getting uncomfortable by something...like being questioned about things you would rather leave vague. For example, if that "Skewered Dragon" is slightly more dangerous than he advertises it, or it is not the place "celebrity" should be caught after sunset." He looks at Donaar puffing on his pipe "What do you think? We'll find a place that is run by the most lethal gang in the area or is frequented by clientele that likes to have apples shoved in their mouth by a stern Elf matron and paddled on their behind for being bad, bad boys? Maybe we get lucky and is both."

Garth returns his attention to Volo "Some other names you could furnish us. Owner, bartender, waitress? Their names and personalities would ease the pain of stumbling in the dark. Something specific we should watch out for?"


Tools of the Trade



Glaive: 1d20+5, 1d10+3,

Greatsword: 1d20+5, 2d6+3

Hand Axe x2: 1d20+5, 2d6+3

Longbow (20 Arrows): 1d20+3, 1d8






Move: Move

Standard: Attack

Immediate: Spending 1 Superiority Die

Maneuvers (5d8)-(4d8 left)


Grappling Strike

Quick Toss

Sweeping Attack

Trip Attack










Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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Watching and listening to Garth and Donaar turning on the screws to get more information and money from Volo makes Vadania have more respects for Volo's interrogators.
As he watches Volo squirm and sweat in his seat it's quite clear there's something he is not telling them which could be very useful in completing this mission without too much hassle and loss of blood.
"Look Volo, there's clearly something you are not telling us. If there's something that might help us in finding your friend as soon as possible that you'd better tell.
You would regret it for the rest of your life if we didn't find your friend in time because you withheld some information from us.
We promise this information will stay between us."

He looks around the table and add: "Right?"

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Turning to look at Vadania, "Oh...I agree, no need tp blather things about." Looking around the table as well. "Looks like the floor show is over for tonight. Doubtful any more trolls will show up. I'm getting bored waiting for this fellow to cough up information. I say we just get up and leave him to find his friend if he can't be honest. Besides there are more interesting possibilities." He eyes a couple of the curvier waitresses and blows another smoke ring at one catching her eye with a smile, she smiles back.

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spacer.png Idan

HP: 17/17
AC: 15 | P.Perception: 13

+0 STR | +2 CON
+2 DEX | +2 INT
+5 WIS | +1 CHA

Idan shakes his head. "Nah. Keep your secrets, I say. I'll take the job. Let's go before I die from boredom."

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