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20 minutes ago, Lwmons said:

I am a bit curious about the thematic link going on between the evolutions, but I don't have any immediate objections

Oooh, okay, let me try and sell it! I'm pretty sure I'm the Digimon novelite here, so happy to be talked down or into another direction.

So Ketamon's canonical presentation focused on consumption. It eats all the data. Can't dodge that. But it's got that humour side. It's got Crazy Laugh as a move, so it's not just a black hole-as far as it's concerned, it's just having fun. Thus Publimon, a mon that's still seeking out data, but using it to create its news stories rather than just eating more and more,and shares that kinda gremlin 'just for fun' style.

Sirenmon, I'm less sure on, the idea was going more in on the creation aspect. Go all in on the performer, the presentation... but it's maybe a bit too much, too fast.

Quantumon might actually fit this line pretty well, as an example of data collection pushed to the limit. I think I'd need a different Ult to Sirenmon with that pathway.


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I see. All that makes sense, I can see the connections. If you aren't wholly sure, you can decide later. The Digimon are influenced by their partner significantly, so if you decide you want to double down on teaching Keramon music, maybe it's evolutions could be music themed. I actually thought that's what you were going for with Sirenmon

One thing I should clear up is that because this is presented in the form of a video game, instead of taking place inside a Digital World, "Data" isn't going to be some nebulous defined energy source like it is in the shows or games. The ability of Digimon to interact with data outside of the context of the video game will be limited, though not nonexistant. Particularly after certain plot things happen.

My only other comment for the time being is I see you gave your Keramon musical expertise. While I'm 100% on board with your character helping teach that to the Digimon, it isn't something g they should start with. Music isn't really part of Keramon's basic MO. Remember, the Digimon you see making should be the default for the species, they haven't had time to develop individual personalities or identities yet. Every player across the world who gets a Keramon will be getting the exact same Keramon.

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Also currently thinking about potential lines, and I think I got a few Digimon figured out for the fables I was thinking about using as inspiration, using elements of the story as inspiration/connection to try and be thematic.

I don't have any idea on what I want the Rookie to be as of yet, but here's what I got so far - any thoughts or suggestions?

Little Red Riding Hood Line: Fangmon (to represent the Big Bad Wolf) -> Soloogarmon (Also connecting to the big bad wolf, but also the idea of fables too - magical data and magical flames, could be cool.) -> Cres Garurumon (to represent the Woodsman).

The Wild Swans Line: Swanmon (to represent the brothers, that were cursed into...well, swans. It is an Armor Evolution though, needing the Digiegg of Love, so I'm not sure how that is going to work in game; if it isn't allowed, I'll see about finding other bird-like champions!) -> Shutumon (Potentially, though I'm unsure if it could connect well enough [bird, connection to wind which connects to Swanmon...] Meicrackmon was another option as well - stinger on its tail could represent the stinging nettles to sew into shirts, though this feels kinda flimsy.) -> ??? (No idea on what I could do for the Mega, yet.)

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Depending on how far you want to stretch the definition of "fable", there's the Bulucomon line. His whole schtick is that he was a tie in for another virtual pet franchise "Magical Witches"

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21 minutes ago, Lwmons said:

Depending on how far you want to stretch the definition of "fable", there's the Bulucomon line. His whole schtick is that he was a tie in for another virtual pet franchise "Magical Witches"

Perhaps! If I stretch it a bit, it could work if I define fable like that! This also did get me looking at Bulucomon, and other things that had it - including a Vital Bracelet line it had - and I noticed a digimon called FrosVelgrmon! Maybe that could be a cool mega to build backwards from (plus, could make it connect to The Snow Queen...)

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2 hours ago, Lwmons said:

I see. All that makes sense, I can see the connections. If you aren't wholly sure, you can decide later. The Digimon are influenced by their partner significantly, so if you decide you want to double down on teaching Keramon music, maybe it's evolutions could be music themed. I actually thought that's what you were going for with Sirenmon

One thing I should clear up is that because this is presented in the form of a video game, instead of taking place inside a Digital World, "Data" isn't going to be some nebulous defined energy source like it is in the shows or games. The ability of Digimon to interact with data outside of the context of the video game will be limited, though not nonexistant. Particularly after certain plot things happen.

*hums* With you! That does present a bit of a complication with Keramon specifically, since its original MO was so focused on 'eats data'. I guess translating that would make it more like just... a natural predator with a regular bite attack? I liked the idea of playing up its ability to track down data, since that fits its original purpose and helps sell the line better, but I can ditch/refocus that to keep things focused on the game. (Maybe more of a 'minimap' mental sense?)

How would you handle Nullify descriptors BTW? Nullify on one of the elemental types seems pretty specific. Given general toughness shenanigans, figured it made sense as an alternate way to have Keramon eat weird stuff, but I can see 'data' is too broad. That's pretty much 'any effect'.

2 hours ago, Lwmons said:

My only other comment for the time being is I see you gave your Keramon musical expertise. While I'm 100% on board with your character helping teach that to the Digimon, it isn't something g they should start with. Music isn't really part of Keramon's basic MO. Remember, the Digimon you see making should be the default for the species, they haven't had time to develop individual personalities or identities yet. Every player across the world who gets a Keramon will be getting the exact same Keramon.

Heh. Okay, I'm curious what happened here. Because very fair point, you established that in the explanation, I missed it in my first writeup - but I caught that and edited it out prior to you posting this. Prior to the whole conversation about the line, actually. Did Baldr not show the edited post? Did you already have the sheet up in another tab, or had notes taken? Don't get me wrong: I'm glad you took an interest and caught the earlier version, I'm just bemused at the mixup.

But yeah, provisionally swapped it out for investigation. I'm a little unsure on that too, since it seems counter-intuitive to the games... but it fits as another bit of 'find data' building.

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So with regards to Keramon's lore, and by extension the lore of basically every other Digimon, my advice would be to not worry about them too much besides for the purpose of narrative parallels or contrasts with your character. Just about every Digimon has specific lore relating to their ecology or behaviors that aren't necessarily compatible with the nature of the in-universe video game. Keramon devours data, Betamon is an endangered species, Hexeblaumon is a single entity that retired to another dimension.

It's a bit awkward to explain, but while that might be the in-universe lore of the Digimon, that's not the lore of them in this specific continuity. Using Digimon Tamers as an example, the original two Digimon anime are treated as a TV show within the Tamers show, so all the lore there is irrelevant to the Digimon as they exist in Tamers. It's kind of a similar situation here.

Having sensory abilities like tracking down data and other non-combat utility powers is 100% expected and encouraged. Using another example of Digimon Cyber Sleuth, "data" is treated as a very unspecified, almost mystical energy source, with things like "I'm detecting strange Data Waves" or "You have strange Data powers" that aren't necessarily a real function of how "data" works in the real world. And that strange, nebulous interpretation of data is how it works across most of the Digimon franchise. That's not how it's going to be working here. Data is code. It will absolutely have it's relevance in the plot, but as code. I think the Data Gourmet power you gave Keramon works fine conceptually, it just needs to be tightened a bit, because you aren't going to fine loose bits of data or code floating in the ether. Maybe instead of "data", the sense could work specifically for "Digimon Data", and allows it to sense/track expressions of the Digimon Go! mobile game in AR space. And then after plot happens and things stop being just a game you can expand it into other types of data as this particular Keramon becomes more of an individual.

And then as for the music thing... Honestly when I posted that I didn't look at your app for an update and didn't realize it had changed. I actually wasn't going to mention it outside of a formal review, I just figured since I was talking about him anyway it would be relevant to mention. Though I think Investigaton works just fine. You could also add a few ranks of Intimidation to represent it's generally creepy appearance, for example.

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12 hours ago, Lwmons said:

And then as for the music thing... Honestly when I posted that I didn't look at your app for an update and didn't realize it had changed. I actually wasn't going to mention it outside of a formal review, I just figured since I was talking about him anyway it would be relevant to mention. Though I think Investigaton works just fine. You could also add a few ranks of Intimidation to represent it's generally creepy appearance, for example.

^^ Perfectly fair. Like I said, happy you checked it prior, was just confused.

I'll get back to playing around. I'm still kinda curious about how Nullify might work with this setup, but I can rework bite without it (and Digimon Data's a fine way to solve the sense issue! Thank you! ^^) I'm starting to get a rough idea for my Digidestined too. I'm leaning towards a bit of a delinquent type? Not sure if I'm looking more rough and tumble, or more smooth trickster; maybe bluring the lines a bit.

(Or maybe I'll go with something completely different! I suck at decision making! ^^)

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Ah so sorry. No idea how I managed to overlook the nullify question. I'll need to sit on it and look at the power in more depth once I get off work, but for now, what exactly did you want the power to do?

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Oh, don't worry about it! This isn't needed. I was just playing around with having Keramon eat more stuff, and how to represent thay. So I was thinking 'what if it could eat through armor'? And since Weaken Toughness is a little busted, I was playing with Nullify.

I don't need that power for Keramon, I can just make it a standard bite attack thing, but it still has me wondering about descriptors and Nullify. I dunno if there are great examples of Digimon with 'counter' moves like that, maybe it'd be better to table it.

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Hello everybody! I looked away for a week and BAM everything is at full steam!

I am gonna catch up on stuff and have something more meaningful to say later.

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Oh, yeah! I noticed them today through Wikimon and BAM, both Digimon fit perfectly with my theming! Though not sure which one could work.

I will most likely see about figuring out the rest of the line depending on which of the Digimon I decide on, and work on the Digidestined half...then it's just formatting stats!

Edited by MelodicAstrology (see edit history)
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I know at first we are not building unique versions of our digimon. So a couple questions on that:


1) Should we just build our Rookie or do you need us to build the Champion too?

2) How do we build the powers for our standard 'mon? Copy what is on the wiki? Just do a single simple damaging power and one simple affliction power? Something else?

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