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Lastanor Nightwater

SahuaginDDtransparent.png.25eb0739bea280163e7e1e369828781c.pngLastanor watched as Lothar sauntered off to his interview, before sharing a glance with Ħraan.
"Well...good omens or not, I'm afraid I must remain wary of anything big enough to eat me. Such is an inherent peril of being a delicious king-sized fish." he said dryly.

After a few seconds in which he made a few popping noises with his mouth again, Lastanor looked towards Garth and the line of interviewees.
"I would say it is high time to speak to that man, or, hadozee, about an audience with the captain." he commented, taking a step forward before turning to look at Ħraan again, "Unless you wish to speak with him first...'Iraan', was it? Or have you already checked in?"

After everyone else had had their turn, the unhooded sahuagin stepped forward, slowly and quietly lowering himself into a seat across from Garth.
"My name is Lastanor Nightwater." he introduced himself, for the third time that day, "If it is possible, I would like to speak to Captain Zentaru about seeking passage on the Swift Vengeance."
After a brief pause, Lastanor continued, "I am a salvage diver of sorts, seeking treasures and lore that have been lost to the deeps. Because of the difficulties involved in transporting such artefacts and the potential hazards in said depths, I am seeking to recruit the aid of a sturdy ship and a...sufficiently brave crew. In exchange for passage, I can offer some small upfront payment..." here, the sahuagin produced a small wand with a faintly glowing tip from his robe, holding it out for examination before pocketing it again, "...and I can also offer my magical services to the crew during the voyage, if the need arises. Do not worry, my spellbook is quite waterproof."



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Ħraan Evermeer


Ħraan inclines her head with a soft smile. "Can't argue with that; you've gotta respect the food chain." She salutes with her pint before taking a swig.

She leans back and smirks when he offers to let her check in first, which becomes a friendly grin at his mispronunciation of her name. "You go ahead, friend, I checked in earlier. Come back around later though, huh? I'd love to hear more of your stories beneath the deep. Perhaps you'd be up for a swim when this is all over?"



From her chair partially down from Garth, she has a decent view of the entire anteroom as it slowly crowds up. Watching Lastanor slip into the queue to check in, Ħraan blinks several times to notice the Hadozee conversing with a dog, and it conversing right back before slipping off to the side of the room. Watching it for a few moments, she stands and walks over, leaning against the wall as she looks out at the rest of the room. "You can speak? That's right impressive for one of your form. You here with someone, or you looking to join yourself?"


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Dorian Hawkwind


Dorian listens to her tale with rapt attention. When she pauses, he waits a respectful time before replying "So you are from Crendu, the Forest Isle. And clearly you have a special blessing... I should have realised earlier how unusual it is to see such horns upon so pretty a face." ☺️

"But you've never actually been to sea before? That's remarkable! And it speaks to your courage to seek out such a life of adventure. Ah, the things you will see... it's a magical place... so vast and apparently empty, but in fact filled with life of all kinds, all struggling in their own ways to exist in a harsh and unforgiving environment."

"Seafarers tend to be a superstitious lot, if my experience is any guide. Having one blessed by the gods aboard would be seen as a very good omen, I'm sure. Especially one with a healer's skills. I have a good feeling about this... my lady. But I don't know your name?" 😊

When they have finished their drinks, he says "It would be good to speak with some of the other people looking to join the crew, don't you think? Shall we return to the room upstairs and mingle a little while we wait for our turns in the Captain's chamber?" ☺️

He won't press the matter, though, if she is nervous of the crowd. But he will go back upstairs with or without her company.



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9 hours ago, Arbuthnott said:
Ħraan Evermeer


From her chair partially down from Garth, she has a decent view of the entire anteroom as it slowly crowds up. Watching Lastanor slip into the queue to check in, Ħraan blinks several times to notice the Hadozee conversing with a dog, and it conversing right back before slipping off to the side of the room. Watching it for a few moments, she stands and walks over, leaning against the wall as she looks out at the rest of the room. "You can speak? That's right impressive for one of your form. You here with someone, or you looking to join yourself?"

"Yes, I can speak. I am not a dog, but a shaman, something most people would call a "shapeshifter". Able to transform my body into other shapes, other creatures, if you will.

I'm called Adalmar, pleased to meet you.

I'm very much looking to join; I have quite the respect for the captain, and I'm convinced we can reach a mutually beneficial and agreeable alliance."

He finally takes the time to look at each candidate, taking in the diversity of profiles.

"The field seems very crowded, she'll have her pick. I'm quite confident in my chances, but you never know...

I be here alone, yeah; I don't see familiar faces, though I've some experience sailing. What about you? What drives you here?"


@Arbuthnott the shapeshifter thing is obviously a setup (OOC) for your benefit. Ignore it or knock it out of the park, as you wish. :)



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"Well, that's because I'm deciding if I should tell you." Unfortunately, she had already given her name upstairs in front of other applicants, and for Flavinia. "But if we meet again on Swift Vengeance, it's Althea."

"Oh, I did promise that storyteller I'd be back to hear more of his songs. Hey: you have a nice smile, but I hope it isn't code for something? My mate would scatter the tables and chairs in here if he saw you, and then you'd be in real trouble."

OOC: She wanted to hear more songs/stories by Lothar, so she will go up.

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Dorian Hawkwind

"Althea... a charming name. And I cannot help but smile when surrounded by so many delightful people, but there's no hidden code or anything. I'll take pleasure in your company and conversation, if it's not a burden to you, but your honour is safe... the logistics would be challenging anyway, and that's a nickname I can do without!" 😉

As Althea also wishes to go back upstairs they do so together, he giving a sweeping bow to allow her to precede him into the room. Once there he looks around the room once more, while she heads towards the minstrel. He notes the arrival of several more applicants, including a pair of red-haired humans, and he spots Hraan apparently talking to a dog. Must go back and resume our unfinished conversation, he thinks. But then he spots a flash of wings over near the desk, and his attention is distracted once more by another of the fey folk... ☺️

He makes his way over to the pixie and says "Well hello there. I'm Dorian... Dorian Hawkwind. Very pleased to make your acquaintance. I haven't met one of your kind for longer than I care to remember, though I have fond memories of playing with your people as a child on Vern Isle. What's your name and what brings you here today? Are you looking to join the crew of The Swift Vengeance too?" 😊



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Ħraan Evermeer


Ħraan gives Adalmar an impressed glance. "Well, you're better at it than me; I've also done Kanaloa's transformation rite, but I've never heard of anyone retaining speech... I'm a little humbled, actually. I hope we're both recruited, I would love to see you in your element." When Adalmar introduces himself, she merely nods and adds "Ħraan."

"Well, life's always better with company, huh? I much prefer the open water to dry land, but my crew and I parted ways recently; I'll admit, this was the first post I came across, but it was a darn good find. I needn't be an officer, although I'm bloody qualified for it, so long as I get back out there." After a few seconds of silent pondering, she speaks up again. "What about you? Lone sailors ain't exactly the norm unless they're also green, and you don't strike me as new to this."

She glances down at her two pints before sending Adalmar another look. "Don't suppose anyone's offered you a drink.. you want an ale?"


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Dorian Hawkwind

As the flighty pixie doesn't seem to want to talk just now, Dorian gives up on that one and decides to go and resume his conversation with the friendly girl from downstairs, who appears to also have nobody to talk to at the moment. Approaching just in time to catch her last line, he says...

"Don't mind if I do, thank you kindly!" and he takes the drink she was holding out. 😊

He takes a swig and gives the dog a friendly pat "Hello there, boy. Who's a good fellow, then?" 😀 before returning his attention to the girl.

"So... Hraaan... there's certainly a lot of interest in joining this crew. What's your thing? What do you do aboard ship? I'm a fighting man myself, boarding parties and shore raids and the like. You into stuff like that, or do your talents lie in other roles?" ☺️



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The dog wags his tail briefly when he gets complimented by Hraan.

"Oh, don't be humbled. I'm sure it's just a matter of traditions, rather than talent. I'm not familiar with this Kanaloa rite myself. You'll have to tell me about it if the waves bless both our luck in this endeavour.

With time to practice I'm certain I could teach you... Teaching is something I wish I would spend more time on, in truth.
Gotta prepare the next gen-
Something seems to catch in his throat, and he stops.

When he recovers:

"As for sailing, well, I've been doing short commissions, mostly, in recent years, but this one could last longer. I have... other goals in mind than plain corsairing, but they're a private matter."

He quickly rejects the offer for a drink:

"Thank you, but drinks don't do much for me anymore... though I won't say no if there's something to celebrate, later!"



When Dorian tries to pet him, the dog seems to shift subtly out of the way, although he didn't quite move, and the presuming hand finds only empty air.



Once the conversation is done, he trots over to Vaeril.

"Good sir, I caught your introduction, and your name rings a bell. Did you work for Captain Sunny Sarah some years back? I did some weatherwork for her on a round-trip, after you had moved on, and heard quite the tales about you, if you are indeed that person.

I'm Adalmar, by the way."

Edited by namo
I had missed Dorian's trying to pet him (see edit history)
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An unassuming middle aged gnome dressed to blend in quietly enters the Purple Dolphin's main entrance. Seeing the crowd he decides to use his small size to his advantage and attempt to skip to the front of the officer line. He quickly and quietly makes his way to the Hadozee.

When he does make it to Garth he introduces himself.

"Hello, People call me Kit. That's K-I-T. My clan name is Cervantes"

“And what skills might ye have that would suit a fine ship like the Swift Vengeance?” Garth asks

"I've got a few skills that might be of use. I spent several years as a sailor and I've served a few ships. On my last one I was the cook, and I pride myself on making sure everyone gets fed properly. I have a decent skill at patching up injuries and as well as treating morale issues that sometimes come up. I'm stealthy and good at boarding ships and great at hampering and taking out mages."


OOC about Stealth

I don't see him as trying not be seen but rather acting like he should be where is his. I.e "You must not have seen me I am quite small". If he's spotted and someone calls him out he'll roll with it and not try to push his luck further.


Edited by Fallout_Monkey (see edit history)
1d20+9 10
Move silently
1d20+12 5
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Sven.png.a51d218807e0799d6405f6f3d17a2604.pngSven leaves the upstairs area in relatively good spirits. Heading down the stairs, he can be heard humming a dainty little ditty. "Yohoho, Yohohoo! Yohoho, Yohoho!" By the time he reaches the bar, he stops his song and orders up the same thing everyone else is.

"Yohohoho! Ale please! And maybe a fun little number to bring up everyone's spirits!"

((OoC: Post-interview. Regardless of him getting hired on he is still just as dandy. Also, Bink's Sake for the show!))

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On 2/21/2024 at 10:09 AM, dalamb said:
Garth Stormchaser


“Name?” the hadozee asks each person who enters. “And what skills might ye have that would suit a fine ship like the Swift Vengeance?”


image.png.0927ed9ab1849203da4e7fd79f1db0c2.pngKhan pushes open the door to the Purple Dolphin with little fuss or fanfare. He props the door open with his staff as he walks in to stop it swinging back toward him. He then promptly uses the same staff to nudge, guide or thwack those that get in his way as he approaches the anteroom where Garth is. He smells of recent smoke and wears his always present black stained cloak.

Stopping before the hadozee he slowly looks up and glares at the first-mate. He then throws back his black hood and his yellow eyes pinned the man-ape to where he stands. The staring match carries on for a few moments before Khan gruffly snaps. "Garth, if you don't know me from all the time we've spent at sea then your addled brain has become even more dense." He speaks extremely well for a kobold, his enunciation on point and his voice sounds raspy like a seasoned cigar smoker.

"Tell Melara I've finished with the family business I needed to sort and I'm back to get her ship back to ship-shape condition. And you best not tell me some-one has made a mess of my stores." He grunts as though clearing his throat and a puff of black smoke rises from his nostrils "If I need to rearrange everything, I swear I'll have you and the other lifers in there doing the heavy lifting!"

Looking past the Hadozee he tries to peer into the room beyond. "Is the captain in there or am I required to do this interview process as well?"



Part of my backstory is working on the ship previously for a few forays.

Garth will know Khan is primarily a spellcaster, that he's a meticulous Quartermaster and he keeps records of everything. He's a generally well-meaning but gruff old kobold who has a soft spot for the crew of the Vengeance.


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Ħraan Evermeer


Ħraan chuckles to herself at Dorian's treatment of Adalmar, and his subsequent fleeing from the situation. "I'll fit in anywhere, really. I like to make a scene of myself as'n when we need it, but shipboard I've tended to keep up top with the crows nest and upper rigging. I'd volunteer as chaplain, but folks here don't seem all that fussed with Kanaloa... I don't get it. I was always told he was the Lord of the Sea, the one true God out in the deep, but there are folks here who've never even heard of him.."

"Still, wherever the captain wants me, I'm sure I'll be able to join you in the odd skirmish. I'm a capable mage thanks to Kanaloa's blessing, but my preference is getting stuck into the thick of it; I once took out an entire crew single handed, highlight of my life."

"Enough about me, though; I'm not interesting. Tell me about yourself? Fighting man like you, you've sure to have some good stories."


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Dorian Hawkwind

"Kanaloa... I have to admit I'm another to whom that name is new. Is it possible that your deity may be known by other names in different parts? I've heard they sometimes do that sort of thing... moving in mysterious ways and all. Your accent is a little unusual. Are you from some exotic land far far away?" 😊

"Every ship needs good people in the top keeping watch for danger. You move like one who is at home upon the shrouds. And you have magic too... fantastic! I know a few tricks myself; useful to give us an edge when it comes to the fight, eh?" 😀

When she tells of beating an entire crew single-handed, he grins broadly. 😁

"Wow! That's quite something. I've had a similar experience in a fairly recent encounter with an Iverinan frigate. But truth be told it was far from a single-handed effort. I like to big up my part in it when it comes to the story-telling, but without my captain and fellow officers it would have been a very different outcome. Still, I pride myself on being the strategist responsible for our success, and I did defeat the enemy captain in a duel upon the quarterdeck... with only a little help from my captain's own magic tricks!" 😉

"We were the ones who captured the Black Reiver... you might have heard about it. There was quite a stir when we brought it in, with our little caravel leading this dirty great frigate into port. I guess that's what brought me here today, really. I realised it's time I moved up to something a bit more... adventurous. More of a challenge out there. Well, we'll see in a while I expect when the captain makes her choices." 😊

"But anyway, you are far more interesting than you think, Hraaan. I'd love to hear about how you took out the whole crew. Who knows, I might learn some useful tricks I can borrow for later." 😀



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Erika Sanolda

Erika looked at the small crowd that had gathered around The Purple Dolphin, taking in the sight of the others seeking to join the crew of the Swift Vengeance. I hadn’t quite expected this many people. Erika thought to herself as she took a moment to straighten out her shirt and shifted her pack to a more comfortable position. It has been a while since I had my last interview, and I hope that my skills are not too rusty. Taking one last moment to brush her graying hair back into a low ponytail with a well used hair tie, she took a deep breath and made her way through the tavern doors. 


The tavern was much like ones she had visited before, though this one seemed rather nicer than your average dockside dive bar. The smell of alcohol mixed with the fresh salty breeze coming off the ocean, which seemed to lack the usual taint of vomit and other unmentionable bodily discharge that she was fearing. Trust an elven captain to have a decent taste in taverns. She thought as she nodded to herself. Seeing the woman close to her age sitting at the table near the door, Erika attempted to put on a charming smile. “Good day. It seems like quite the crowd. Hopefully I am not too late to apply for a job as an officer?” Erika asked with a small chuckle, letting her eyes briefly drift over the note with directions and seeing where she was supposed to go. “I shall see myself upstairs, I wish you a good day.”

Erika made her way up towards the stairs with a confident spring in her step, and heard the wooden stairs make a small creak as she climbed up them. Seeing the hadozee at the door, she offered the man a small bow. “My name is Erika Sanolda. I am here seeking employment as the ship’s mage and wind singer. I have my credentials and letter of recommendation from both Lord Byron and Captain Ha’shim of the merchant ship Flower de Luce, my previous employers.” She said as she popped open the case of her violin and removed a pair of sealed scrolls and presented the documents to the hadozee. “And I am more than willing to answer any questions you might have about my competency.” She said with another charming smile.


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