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Main OOC Thread (OOC)

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These are the campaign traits as far as I have been able to find them:

Deargrim: stolen fury
Nera: chance encounter
Teza: child of the crusades
Gareth: touched by divinity
Brucilda: Riftwarden orphan
Iolana: Riftwarden orphan

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7 hours ago, Inash said:

@Rakle our characters share a campaign trait. Do you want to take a bit of time and hash out how they likely know each other?

How about: The parents died on the same mission, so we have the same secret bad guy. We could say that they ran into each other while researching their birthmarks. They are acquainted with each other from the shared research. Occasionally they contact each other to share rumors about the riftwardens.


We could be meeting at the cafe to swap information, or rather the lack of new information about the death of our parents and riftwardens

Edited by Rakle (see edit history)
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Currently, there is a 5 or 6 year age difference (half-orc have short lives I guess). Brucilde's parents could've died on a follow up mission-they had the secret bad guy who killed Iolana's parents trapped this time; nothing could go wrong!

Shared research could work. Iolana could be one of the few people she doesn't attempt to sound stupid around.

The advice from the trait is: Multiple Characters: You should be siblings with any other character that takes this trait, so that you share the same missing parents. Your parents could even be foster parents.

Would it make sense to have them share foster parents?

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The eyes and ears of the city trait doesn't mesh with his background. There is an alternative racial trait, Fey thoughts, that would have worked. But I'm not going to ask to make that change now. So it'll be the Cosmopolitan feat then.

Thank you all for the recommendations!

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