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Just now, Drunva said:


I *think* that was back before we knew what was up with Zora, wanted to collaborate on figuring that out but we got that sorted.

Not sure since timelines were muddled, but I know it was when he made contact with gene thing because of Enochs and Farhvan's work on it. I personally wondered why but things moved on. Something having some "personal questions for the vampiric doctor" Ironically the fact that I have no idea what it could be made it stand out.

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yea i think its the crew that wanted to ask what it was like to be a vampire, Deacon wanted to be one and Ozen was thinking about but didnt know how his psionic would work but i think you kept yours so its made Ozen less worried

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@evedgebah Analog doesn't save you as I recently learned. If what you are trying to use has a tech level tied to its existence of a certain level (I think gunpowder was TL 2, I would have to track it down again), and it wasn't magiteched, it doesn't work. I would be happy to be corrected further though.

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Much of the gear Enoch has listed would be PL level 2 or 3. For instance, his mechanical kit has high quality wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. His medical kit as well. Syringes (for example) haven't changed much besides better manufacturing techniques in several hundred years IRL.


If there's a DND 3.x item analog to any item in question, may I presume it functions?

Edited by evedgebah (see edit history)
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8 minutes ago, evedgebah said:

Much of the gear Enoch has listed would be PL level 2 or 3. For instance, his mechanical kit has high quality wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. His medical kit as well. Syringes (for example) haven't changed much besides better manufacturing techniques in several hundred years IRL.


If there's a DND 3.x item analog to any item in question, may I presume it functions?

yes i will have to check gunpower cause std D&D does not have gunpower and its TL 2


In the D&D tech level table, gunpowder typically falls under the "Early Modern" or "Industrial" tech level, depending on the specific setting and the advancement of firearm technology. These tech levels typically encompass the use of firearms and related technologies.

Here's a general breakdown of the D&D tech levels:

  1. Stone Age: Primarily characterized by primitive tools and weapons made of stone and bone.
  2. Bronze Age: Introduction of bronze tools and weapons, advancements in agriculture and early civilizations.
  3. Iron Age: Widespread use of iron tools and weapons, development of more complex societies.
  4. Medieval: The era of knights, castles, and feudal systems, with advancements in armor, siege weapons, and engineering.
  5. Renaissance: A period of cultural and intellectual growth, marked by artistic advancements, scientific discoveries, and early firearm technology.
  6. Early Modern/Industrial: Emergence of gunpowder-based firearms, industrialization, and technological advancements in various fields.
  7. Modern: Modern-day technology, including advanced machinery, electricity, and telecommunications.
  8. Futuristic: Highly advanced technology, space travel, and futuristic concepts.

Gunpowder and firearms are typically associated with the Early Modern or Industrial tech level, as they emerged during the Renaissance and played a significant role in shaping warfare and technology during that time period. 


So everything up to Medieval works tech wise. In order to get past Medieval, there has to be a magic component to the tech as stated the chemical reaction do not function something stops it from working.

A screwdriver will work, a power tool may not as it has compounds that require tech past medieval. The magitech items replace parts with magic and tech making them work here but not outside as the magic stops. But you could then take the parts using magic and replace it with tech.


Hybrid are not magic and tech items fused, they are items that have BOTH tech and magic so when one does not work the other kicks in to replace it. They got two whole systems the item can draw on.

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Only things on Enoch 's list that isn't likely working are the lock release gun and glock. The glock depends on smokepowder.

Happy to source item analogs. Dungeonscape has the grapple winch (duracable and grapple tags).

Artisan/Thieves Tools for his Engineering kits. Healer Kit for his Medical.

His Pharmaceuticals all have actual DnD analogs. There's even an anti-Farenz (radiation) drug in FR.

Edited by evedgebah (see edit history)
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29 minutes ago, Drunva said:

I'm guessing this is a situation where tech based stat boosters from the Station no longer work?

That's actually a good question since Jake is already there and he literally has every single one of his stats augmented in this way. Though my understanding was that these were permanent stat boost and not something that can be removed.

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Yes but remember there are three types magic tech and biological i thought most choose magic as its the only one that was hardest to block. If you took tech option then yes while on the isle they would be suppressed. If they are ever ripped off you or blow off they also stop working. If took either other one your find, funny enough the magic one is NOT blocked when on mainland.

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So for those coming in from the Vault, what equipment, if any, would have been available to request? And does the standard black clothing offer any Defensive benefits?

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Well, wrathgon gave a link for what was being offered to Jake. Gotta admit though, the item levels might pose an issue? I thought the higher level stuff imposed penalties if they exceeded your character level, barring specific circumstances.

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