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Year 2950: A Darkness in the Marshes


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Barin Greycloak

Sitting down right on the cliff edge, Barin took one look over his shoulder, then looked the huge Beorning straight in the eye.

"Let's hope Mahal is watching over both of us this night." he whispered before nodding firmly signalling his readiness.

He lay back, torso out over the yawning chasm and waited for the inevitable stomach-churning lurch when his balance would brat to pull him ever downwards.

"Mahal, let Dahr-Ol's words hold true, along with my boots." he said in a grim, silent prayer.



Well, I should have known that this wouldn't turn out well. Missed the roll by a country mile, so I'll take any and all help I can. Also happy to burn hope if needed to gain the success.

Athletics roll (TN14)
[7] (1) = 8
tor(1,no) 7,1
+1d6 from Sloth's Hope Burn
1d6 2
+1d6 from Barin burning hope
1d6 6
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Gramtyng, son of Fastredspacer.png

Riders of Rohan | Standard of Living: MartialCallingTraits | AP: 1 | XP: 5 | DP: 0

Valour: 4 | Wisdom: 4 | End: 27/27 | Load: 15 | Fatigue: 2 [+1] | Hope: 11/14 | Shadow: 6 [0] | Parry: 6 | Weary: No | Miserable: No |Wound: No

Skills: Body 5 (8) | Heart 5 (7)| Wits 4 (5) | Weapons | War Gear | Equipment | Songs

Gramtyng had not heard the woodman calling for help, instead helping the bucket line - but when another woodmanErnstyr called for aid and he saw Dahr-Ol's silhouette dashing in the direction of the cliff, he followed. When he'd gotten there, the man had already been secured, pulled up by Barin and the Beorning.




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spacer.pngspacer.pngThe wounded woodman was thickset, and he proved a rather heavy burden, but at least he remained compliant as the three members of the company made the attempt to rescue him. In the end, through the combined efforts of Dahr-Ol, Barin and Cecil, he was pulled away from the precipice and out of immediate danger-or, at least, danger of falling and drowning. To tell the truth, the hobbit's actions, though well-meaning, did not contribute much to this feat, but they did not hinder the dwarf and the Beorning either, and they did not result in any of them falling into the river, which would have proved disasterous.

As soon as the Woodman was placed upon terra firma, his comrade Adraeg rushed to his side, concerned for his friend, and the injured Raegac tried desperately to speak. His wound was so grievous that he could hardly manage a few whispered words.

"The goblin..." he muttered, straining, "...is dead." He moved his eyes towards the direction of the river; a subtle gesture, but enough to carry the meaning to any observant onlookers. In their struggle, Raegac had managed to throw his foe into the fast-running waters, though it had come at a price: he himself had almost met the same fate, and he would no doubt have drowned or bled out (or both), had the companions not found him.

But Raegac was not out of danger yet. Now came the matter of dealing with his wound.



As discussed briefly, now is the time for that Healing TN 14 check. Only one PC can attempt this. I will use the level of success (or failure) to determine the outcome. Most likely, Raegac only faces the prospect of instant death on a failure with a Sauron. On a regular failure, he will fall unconscious and his fate will remain for a while uncertain. On a success, he clings onto life. On a Great or better success, he will recover quickly (and may be of use in Mountain-Hall soon).

For those who rolled successfully (even with the Hope spent), mark your Advancement Points. Dahr-Ol for example scored a Great Success on that Athletics roll.

-1 Hope to Barin and Dahr-Ol also; I've updated the first post of the thread. @thesloth be careful with hope/shadow, you're currently at 5/4. When the two become equal, Dahr-Ol will become Miserable, and if he then rolls a Sauron he will suffer a bout of madness relevant to his shadow-weakness, ala Boromir, which is a bad time (or a fun time if you like that sort of thing).

Good luck to the healer, which, I guess, will be Ernstyr!

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Ernstyr of Rhosgobel

"Easy. Gently, now." Ernstyr hardly breathes as he approaches Raegac's recumbent form and takes stock. The wound is indeed deep, and the Woodsman struggled mightily not to frown as he beheld the cut up close. The warrior had already lost much blood, and yet the pulse throbbed in the arteries nearby--fortunately not severed, nor even nicked. It was possible for him to survive--but there would be no time to find a worthy sage or learned elf. His hands would have to do. "First to rinse with clear water. This may sting, but we cannot have the goblin's deed finished by supturation." He pours a goodly amount from his skin across the gash, taking further heart that the mixture ran clear blood and water after just a few seconds.

"My bandages will serve to staunch the flow, but we will need to keep compression upon them until we can transport him to a place for rest and recovery. A cloth belt or scarf; does anyone have one to offer?" Taking the first of several white strips, Ernstyr lays it across the length of the wound; then another, and a third, before the blood no longer immediately soaks the cloth. Three more, and the wound is only slowly trickling. He lays both hands upon Raegac's neck and applies gentle pressure.

OOCOoh, so close. And being new, I have a lot of hope and little shadow, so expending a die here to boost into success.

Sorry, ignore the d8 -- +5, so an 18. Not a great success but a success nonetheless.

Healing vs 14
[1] (4,3,5) = 13
tor(3,no) 1,4,3,5
+1d6 Hope from Ernstyr
[8] (5) = 13
tor(1,no) 8,5
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spacer.pngspacer.pngRaegac was at first reluctant to reveal the wound to Ernstyr, fearing that the task would prove a futile one. But at length he was convinced, and he uncovered it, causing blood to pool up at once on his neck and around it. Almost at once he regretted it and try to move back his hand. But his fellow Woodman was a capable healer, and without losing a moment, he turned to the task.

As he did his work, Raegac struggled at times, feeling the full effect of the pain. Yet despite the occasional wincing and the biting of his lips, and the odd grunt when strong pressure was applied, he did not protest, and proved an otherwise compliant patient.

Those gathered around the pair observed in silence, still unsure of the outcome and of their fellow Woodman's fate. They thought it grim and hopeless, and this was reflected on their mood and demeanor. Yet at length the last bandage was applied, and Raegac, though weakened and weary, still stood, and he still drew breath, however shallow.

It was time for him to retire and rest. As Aldraeg took his friend to seek a bed, Raegac turned to Ernstyr, and he silently thanked him. He owed his life to the man, and to the companions who had found him in the nick of time. And though he was in no state to repay it at once, and nor would be anytime soon, Ernstyr was certain of one thing: he would not forget it.



I enjoyed those descriptions!

Rules-wise, when you burn Hope, you do not need to roll another d6; instead, you add the relevant Attribute, or Favored Attribute if it's a favored skill. For Healing, it's Heart (because Healing is under Heart), so Ernstyr should have simply added +6 (because Healing is favored), well enough to beat the TN of 14. Just explaining this for future reference! Hope is a powerful resource, actually.

Feel free to add an advancement point in the Survival category for the success!

I will try to advance the plot soon-ish (ideally this week) by writing the next scene. In the meantime, you are sfree to chat amongst yourselves, make introductions, exchange news or whatever, but it's not mandatory-all up to you!

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Ernstyr of Rhosgobel

image.png.c4e8c72bc4927f7e9fc828e453de76dc.pngErnstyr met Raegac's leveled gaze with a slight bow of his own head. There would certainly come a day when the Woodsman of Rhosgobel would owe his life to another's effort, and he considered the gift of healing a payment forward against that future debt. Such were the times with the Shadow swirling at the horizon's edge.

Turning to the others who had been instrumental in saving Raegac, he raised a bent-armed fist in salute. "Well met, friends of Mountain-Hall. I am Ernstyr, not a native of this clan but kinsman to all Woodsmen; I am honored to have fought alongside you this night. It seems woe comes upon this town not looked for, but the goblins know neither peace nor mercy. Only steel may show them the error of their treacherous ways."


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Dahr-Ol of the Beornings


"Ernstyr, if you are the bowman who slew my opponent I owe you a debt. He had gotten the better position and nearly skewered me. I am Dahr-Ol of the Beornings. This is my companion Elfwynn." Dahr-Ol gestured to a fire haired woman, who stood near his side bearing spear and shield.



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Ernstyr of Rhosgobel

image.png.c4e8c72bc4927f7e9fc828e453de76dc.pngErnstyr inclined his head to the Beorning and his companion. "Would I that the opportunity to repay that debt never comes. Yet I have placed myself in the service of the Brown Wizard, and dark tidings beckon me to the Gladden where the river-folk are troubled. If your path leads south, I would gladly travel the wilds with a stout-hearted warrior such as yourself."


Ernstyr was on watch and so will remain awake until around dawn, then take a brief nap before being ready to resume.


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Barin Greycloak

Barin nodded in agreement as each of the leaders and head people said their piece.

"Aye," he agreed. "Those goblins likely came over the mountains, or they have a burrow elsewhere in the high passes. That much is evident."

Speaking directly to those of his kinfolk who were present he continued, "You would be wise to seal the mine for now and lend aid to the menfolk here. And I'd urge you all to bend your efforts to a flood of the mines to try to rout the greenskins later."

As the newcomer to their group introduced himself to Dahr-Ol, Barin took his time to appraise him before coming to a decision of his own, "You seem a useful man when it comes to the healing arts, and your bow-skills, from what I saw are impressive. I, for one, would welcome your company on our journey." Extending a hand towards him, he formally introduced himself, "Barin Greycloak. Originally from the Grey Mountains, but more recently from Erebor. And I would be pleased to call you friend."



As the remainder of the night draws on, Barin will linger whilst plans are being made, but will try to get some sleep before the dawn, if possible.

To ensure keeping with the timeline (given that the meeting occurs in the morning, rather than in the immediate aftermath of the raid, let's say that Barin went off to get some sleep after the rescue effort, then rose to attend the morning meeting. The introduction to Ernstyr still stands as he didn't introduce himself in the aftermath of the rescue attempt the previous night.

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Gramtyng, son of Fastredspacer.png

Riders of Rohan | Standard of Living: MartialCallingTraits | AP: 1 | XP: 5 | DP: 0

Valour: 4 | Wisdom: 4 | End: 27/27 | Load: 15 | Fatigue: 1 [+1] | Hope: 11/14 | Shadow: 6 [0] | Parry: 6 | Weary: No | Miserable: No |Wound: No

Skills: Body 5 (8) | Heart 5 (7)| Wits 4 (5) | Weapons | War Gear | Equipment | Songs


"Gramtyng, formerly of Rohan, now of Firienseld." The horseman introduced himself. It seemed strange to him to mention the Mark or his father, at this point; what he really needed was a proper byname - but that could not be rushed. "Our jobs are similar, it seems." He did not want to mention Radagast by name. "I will see you all come morning - I will be headed to Gladden. Before that... I need to speak to the old man about his granddaughter." The horseman sheathed Cenegeslit and walked off to speak to Hartfast about his granddaughter. It was not a good time - but perhaps the draught would lessen the child's pain.


Gramtyng goes straight to Hartfast and tells him everything he knows about Mab's Draught, what it can do, and gives it to him, if he accepts it.


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Dahr-Ol of the Beornings


"I for one would be glad for your company if the others are agreed on adding you to our company. Ernstyr, from you position upon the tower did you see any sign of which way the surviving goblins fled? I suspect they would flee straight way to whatever hole they used to bypass the defenses. After we rest, the light of day should make it easier to find."

Dahr-Ol took a turn through the Firienseld before catching a few hours sleep on the floor of the great hall, ostensibly to ensure that no goblins lurked within the walls. But also to exercise his leg and side after the vicious strike from the goblin. It did not do to let bruised muscles sit idle for too long.


Elfwynn set her shield aside and extended a hand to Ernstyr. "You have my thanks, Arnstyr." She struggled momentarily over the name. Both Elfwynn and Dahr-Ol shared a similar accent, though for Elfwynn it was more pronounced.



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Chapter 2: The Harrowed Hall

Scene 12: Onwards

Time: Early summer 2950 T.A. Sixteen days since the departure from Rhosgobel. Early morning.

Location: The Great House of Firienseld


spacer.pngThe companions, much like those amongst the Woodmen that were deemed able-bodied, remained vigilant through the night. But no more attacks came, and as the first rays of sunlight pierced the sky, it was decided that the goblins would truly not bother them for at least one more day.

In the aftermath of the attack, the companions pursued what they deemed was necessary. For they had resolved to depart, yet they still had some unfinished business in Mountain-Hall. Gramtyng sought out old Hartfast, and Lachiel came with him: for the matter of his ailing granddaughter was in both their minds. Ardith's plight had moved the elf, and though she was no healer, Lachiel now resolved to stay with the girl, and to lend what aid she could to her and to the rest of the village. And when they found Hartfast, and managed to secure a minute of his precious time, the chieftain seemed at first reluctant. He had heard a little about this Mab, and knew that the river-folk went to her for counsel, and he distrusted them... but such was Ardith's need, that in the end he took the concoction. He may have been unsure about the river-folk, but he knew Gramtyng, and trusted him at least.

At the same time, Barin sought his kin, and he spoke to them at length about the mines in the Dwarven tongue. At last Fundor was convinced about the need to seal them, but as for flooding them... that he could not yet promise. For it would be no easy undertaking, and one that could prove difficult to reverse. Fundor made no promises save to consider it.

And as for the others, they spoke to Ernstyr at length, about Radagast and the Gladden and the river-folk, who lived to the south, and whom the Woodmen of Mountain-Hall were wary of.

In the morning, before the sun had even risen fully, Hartfast called for a gathering at the Great Hall, and the village elders summoned all those that could attend quickly-virtually every man and woman that had not been wounded, save a few, who kept the watch or minded the children.

By now, word of what had happened had spread throughout the settlement, and there was little point in repeating it to the assembly. What little Hartfast did was only to dispel any untrue rumors or misunderstandings about it. Indeed, some of the companions-all if they wished to speak publicly-were invited to give their firsthand accounts, which the villagers listened to carefully.

But there was also new information to be gained: for when the dwarves spoke, they revealed that the goblins could not have come from the mine that they were watching; it was more likely that another had been used, or a new opening to their tunnels had been secured elsewhere on the mountain-side. Still, the foul orc-kin's goals-to burn down the storehouse, and perhaps spread the fires elsewhere-had been thwarted.

But the attempt, which had come so soon after the one that had preceded it, had unnerved both Hartfast and his kin. Already the chieftain was hard at work organizing a stronger militia, and more watchmen. This could not be allowed to happen again. And at last, the dwarves, though reluctant, were coming to: perhaps they could allow the sealing of the mines, at least temporarily, until the root cause could be dealt with directly. And though the aid of the companions was both praised and welcomed, it seemed that things here were under control-at least as long as Firienseld was not attacked by a greater host.



This is the part where we should decide what the company wants to do next. I will set up a poll in the coming days. Until then, feel free to decide amongst yourselves. The main decision is to continue Radagast's mission and investigate the Gladden, or stay here and help with Mountain-Hall's troubles (mainly the goblins). You can split the party, if you want, in which case I'll run to parallel (and probably private) threads.

The voting is complete, and there's a unanimous decision to continue towards the Gladden. So in coming days, I'll start making posts to set us up towards that direction.

A few notes:

  • We've unfortunately lost Malkavian Grin and Lachiel. Narratively, Lachiel will remain in Mountain-Hall to tend to Ardith, using the potion Gramtyng gave Hartfast.
  • Modest Proposal is busy, and will not return until Friday. So I may not post super-fast until he can catch up.
  • I assumed that the company shares at least some information with Ernstyr, but how much is up to you. Though it does make sense to be more open than secretive in this instance (and is helpful for the narrative).
  • I am not sure who remembers the river-folk. Some PCs like Gramtyng or Ernstyr have had interactions in the past. Others may have just heard rumours. If you think that your PC may have heard something, give me a Lore TN 14 check. I'll provide the info in my next post. Gram and Ernstyr can roll too; but for them a basic level of info is guaranteed (even on a failure).
  • @Suzuki Stumpy if you want the dwarves to try and flood the mines in Barin's absence, give me a Persuade check TN 18. Convincing them will be difficult, and it will take a lot of time of discussion.
  • You can still RP the night time interaction, but if you do, please split your post into two parts, labelled clearly (e.g., after the attack / At the gathering in the morning) to avoid any weird timey-wimey shenanigans.
  • Your PCs can do whatever they want in the meeting, or we can fast-forward, as there won't be new information. Up to you!

Mechanically, you may now:

  • Recover a number of Endurance points equal to your basic heart rating for resting after the fight.
  • Recover another 2+basic heart points if you sleep (even for a little while).
  • Lower your Travel Fatigue by 1 if you sleep (even for a little while).

Please indicate if your character does, indeed, sleep at all after the fight at some point in your post.

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Dahr-Ol of the Beornings


Awakened from his nap, brief though it was, Dahr-Ol felt renewed and ready to be on his way. He had also formed the opinion that Ernstyr would be a boon to the company.

"Ernstyr, if you have been bidden to the Gladden fields by the wizard you are likely on the same path as us. A fortress, beholden to the Shadow. Dwimmerdale it has been called. Often surrounded by a deep fog, and often hidden in some way from those who oppose evil. We have come to learn what role it plays in the increasingly evil times which beset the peoples of the Vail. You are welcome to come with us."


Elfwynn stayed busy packing food and securing gear in packs. At the mention of the Dwimmerdale she paused momentarily to watch the hills, as if expecting another attack.



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Barin Greycloak

The following morning, after some, but nowhere near enough sleep, Barin, along with his companions began to make ready for their onward trek towards the Gladden Fields.

Leaving Núr to complete their final preparations, Barin took the time to go speak with Fundor and the rest of the Dwarves who were standing off to one side. In an animated discussion, he tried, once again, to convince them of the efficacy of not only sealing, but also of flooding the mines in an attempt to rid them of the Goblin menace.

He also advised on the sending out of night patrols into the hills and gullies surrounding the settlement to determine the source of the few who had attacked the previous night.

He was torn. Half of him wanted to remain here and aid his kinsmen - without the mine operational, they would be seriously lacking in resources and funds before long, and out here to the West of the great wood, they were too remote for aid to come from their kin in Erebor; but, he knew that he also had no choice but to continue on his way with his companions as bidden by the brown wizard.



Well ... there's zero point in mentioning that his cloak of persuasion gives him a +3 wisdom bonus to the roll given that it's so utterly atrocious...

Persuasion roll
[𐍈] (3,1) = 4
tor(2,no) 11,3,1
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Ernstyr of Rhosgobel

image.png.c4e8c72bc4927f7e9fc828e453de76dc.pngErnstyr offered a faint nod in response. "The name is familiar to me, though I can boast little knowledge of its curses. Truth be told I would undertake this journey whether bidden or no, for there are... good people among those of the river clans, regardless of whether my wood-brothers care to admit it. If Dwimmerdale be the source of their troubles, then it be the object of my quest."


[2] (3) = 5
tor(1,no) 2,3
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