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Year 2950: A Darkness in the Marshes


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(Barin-the nightly discussions with his kin)


Barin found his kin eager and willing to listen to his suggestions. As he spoke, they initially did not say anything in response, and they only nodded and at length conversed about the best way to do all those things... But in truth, they had no wish to undertake the difficult task of flooding the mines. It was not that they did not see the merit of that strategy, but they had put much of their skill and time in improving them... and to ruin all of that was not something they were about to attempt easily, even with the threat of goblins.


(OOC: Given the failure with a Sauron, Fundor et al will assure Barin that they'll do it... but in fact they have no intention of attempting it. Barin is oblivious to their intentions unless he passes a TN 16 Insight check; even on a success, his fellow dwarves will not be moved by any argument at this instance. You are free to attempt the check or not depending on your own preference.)


(Present time, at the gathering of the Woodmen)


spacer.pngAs the companions-old and new-discussed, the tall and ruggedly handsome figure of a Woodman approached them. Without introduction, he spoke to those assembled, speaking at first only a few words:

"Dwimmerhorn. Not Dwimmerdale."

He turned to Gramtyng, whom he knew, and the next words he spoke were primarily for the horse-man's ear. "I'd ask if you slept on it, but looks like no-one got much sleep anyway. These your friends? 'bout to embark in this mad mission without even knowing the name of the place?" He smiled, and it seemed as if his eyes twinkled with an impish glow.


  • I think only Dahr-Ol took 4 damage in the fight, which is recovered after resting.
  • Additionally, everyone (except those who don't have any) receives -1 Travel fatigue for resting.
  • Barin's Sauron adds +1 to the eye threshold.
  • Of those present, only Gram and Ernstyr know the Woodman-a man named Magric (though he often goes by the nickname 'The Hound'). He's a skill trapper and tracker, and familiar with the fields of the Gladden, and he's one of Hartfast's trusted scouts.
  • Information about the river-folk, only available to Gram and Ernstyr without a Lore check; others need to make that TN 14 check.
  • Stats in the first post of this thread updated.

River-folk of the Anduin

Some denizens of the Vales never settled at all. Called the éafolc (“River-folk”) by the Beornings and the Woodmen, these Men come of mixed stock; they count the forefathers of the Woodmen among their ancestors, but their blood is mingled with that of wandering wild men akin to the Dunlendings. The éafolc spend most of the year on the water, living on house-barges that wallow along the Anduin. They do build houses on stilts and piles sunk into the mud of the riverbank, but these are only temporary dwellings and vanish after a few years. They do not farm, but survive by fishing, hunting, gathering and trading; the river is their home, their road, their larder and their defence against their foes.

The West Anduin Vales is where they are most often encountered, but they paddle as far north as the Vales of Gundabad, and as far south as Nen Hithoel above the Falls of Rauros on little boats. Their houseboats — barges big enough for a whole family, including provisions and livestock — are much slower and less agile, and often must be hauled with ropes from the riverbanks when going upstream, and so rarely stray beyond the safe waters between the Old Ford and the borders of the haunted Golden Wood.

River-folk traders have a reputation as untrustworthy tricksters, and certainly they try to pawn off worthless ‘magic charms’ and broken knick-knacks if they can. However, most of their trade goods are of good quality. They bring furs, amber and timber from the north of the Great River, and carry wine, meat and iron tools from the south.

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Ernstyr of Rhosgobel

image.png.c4e8c72bc4927f7e9fc828e453de76dc.png"Madness it might be, yet I do not see the heroes of Númenor upon the horizon to take up the burden. And the dwarves and elves have their own concerns. No, it is for men of our age to don the mantle that our forebearers laid down. The Shadow consumes even those who strive not against it, but by striving we may yet stave off the darkness another day. Tell us, brother Woodman, what scents have reached the Hound's nose? What do you know of the dangers in our path?" Ernstyr could well believe that Magric would embellish the truth, but there would be few in all the vale who could match his knowledge of the wilderness--or his razor wit, wherefore Ernstyr chose the more direct response.


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spacer.pngUpon hearing Ernstyr's words, Magric turned away from Gramtyng and towards his fellow Woodman. What the bowman had said seemed to make him glad: his smile grew as if one both approving and amused.

"Hartfast didn't give me that byname for the sharpness of my nose," he answered, "...but likely because I hounded and pestered him after he took me in, though he's never admitted it."

He laughed, and the sound of it made the grim hall seem a bit more mirthful for a moment, and a few Woodmen turned to look at him strangely, but they thought little of it, for they knew already that he was strange. The blood of fairies was in him, it was rumored-and he owed his good looks to it, or so he liked to say to any who would listen to such outlandish tales.

"Still: Sharp-nosed or not, the stench is strong enough that even lesser beasts can sense it. Orcs and wargs are in the Gladden, and tales of bandits to the north-though I hear they've been dealt with. Goblins swarming in the mountains and the foothills. And the river-folk speak of the Dwimmerhorn relit and reoccupied... though that I suppose you knew already. But few trust the éafolc, and fewer still pay them any heed."

He smiled at Ernstyr with hidden meaning, and he spoke no more.

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Gramtyng, son of Fastredspacer.png

Riders of Rohan | Standard of Living: MartialCallingTraits | AP: 1 | XP: 5 | DP: 0

Valour: 4 | Wisdom: 4 | End: 27/27 | Load: 15 | Fatigue: 1 [+1] | Hope: 11/14 | Shadow: 6 [0] | Parry: 6 | Weary: No | Miserable: No |Wound: No

Skills: Body 5 (8) | Heart 5 (7)| Wits 4 (5) | Weapons | War Gear | Equipment | Songs

"These are them." Gramtyng nodded with a forced half-grin. "Dont mind the mixup too much. I told them about my birthplace, Dwimmerhorn's twin. Must be why they thought of it." He shrugged. "The éafolc have their eccentrics, but cant be said they dont know the places. They're a decent lot, if a bit..." He wiggled his fingers. "Whimsical?"




Edited by Diofant (see edit history)
[𐍈] (3,2,1) = 6
tor(3,no) 11,3,2,1
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Cecil Brandybuck

Cecil twisted endlessly in the night, dirt still clinging under his fingernails. If Ernstyr was to be trusted, there were threads to Radagast’s plans unknown to him. How many other wanderers moved toward Gladden by his finger? What else had he told them? And how many had not returned?

That morning, he sat crumpled beside the hearth with crumbs in his lap. A great length of sun extended from the base of the wall to his feet, intercepted by the dull shine of stacked goblin blades.

He spoke to Ernstyr with a tired bluntness.

“Forgive me, but my companions are too polite to ask - why did the Brown Wizard send you? Did he tell you we would come? We were not told about you. We have been to the fields of Gladden. Or… at least skirted it. The fog was thick enough to spread on bread, but we slipped through. We saw no river-folk.” His eyes darted to meet Ernstyr’s. “and Radagast did not mention them."


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Barin Greycloak

Barin rejoined his companions as they completed their preparations for moving onwards. When he had a quick moment he spoke with Hartfast about the Dwarves being happy to seal the mine for the moment, and how they'd assist the menfolk of the settlement with hunting out other goblin incursions whilst preparing to flood the mines.

He managed to speak with conviction, for he truly believed that his kin would follow through on the suggestion.

Upon hearing the new woodman speak of the river-folk, he also added, "Aye, their reputation does precede them to the point that they're also spoken of all the way to Lake-Town. Well, amongst the more travelled folk passing through there. Still, I'd wager that whilst some of that untrustworthiness is warranted, folk like that tend to have an ear for the comings and goings in their domains, so if they're passing on whispers and rumours, I'd say there's likely more than a grain of truth to be found in them."



*sigh* yet another Eye 'o Sauron for Barin's conversation with his kin. So, he's coming away blindly oblivious to the fact they have no intention of flooding the mine. Stubborn fools that they are. Still, managed to pass the lore roll for the river folk with flying colours, so I'm riffing on that slightly that tell of them has made it all the way across Mirkwood amongst travellers (even though he's personally not had any exposure to them).

... also, I think that qualifies for pip 3 under Vocation APs too ...

Insight (TN16)
[𐍈] (5,2) = 7
tor(2,no) 11,5,2
Lore (TN14)
[ᚵ] (6,3) = 19
tor(2,no) 12,6,3
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Ernstyr of Rhosgobel

image.png.c4e8c72bc4927f7e9fc828e453de76dc.pngIf the barbs of Magric and Cecil with respect to the river-folk bothered him, Ernstyr strove to respond with as level a tone as could be mustered. Those who knew him well could see the strain upon his jawline. "Some among the river-folk may duly earn scorn for their mis-dealings, but you yourselves know they are men and not orcs. No agents of the shadow, to be certain. And if Radagast be your ally, then by his example be led; do not tar an entire people with the same broad brush."

Turning to Cecil, he went on, the tension in his voice slowly melting into resolve. "The Brown Wizard called me to this task, and he did tell me I should await allies in Mountain-Hall. Whether he gave you the same warning is, I suppose, his business alone. And yet I hope it is you he spoke of, for your words ring true: we must know what it is we are about if we are to engage in this deadly work. I suppose he asked my aid on account that I might be one of the few Woodmen the éafolc might be able to call friend. One who would not leave their lot to be the fodder of wargs.

"If you seek to quell their plight, along with that of all good folk who call the Gladden home, then I shall be your servant to the end."


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Dahr-Ol of the Beornings


"Beorn granted my father a chance to prove himself a better man than his kin. If you say these river dwellers are by and large good folk I will not leave them for the wargs. I will hear what they have to say."


Elfwynn gripped her spear tightly as an inner debate seethed. Finally she spoke.

"I would be a thrall if the members of this company had turned their back to my plight. It cost you dearly, but you did not turn me into the cold. Nor leave me to my pursuers. I have done what I can to repay that mercy. Perhaps visiting the river folk will gain the free people another unlooked for ally."


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spacer.pngNúr, son of Dridek, the ever-loyal dwarf that had accompanied Barin on many journeys, and bearer of many of his maps and burdens, unfurled a yellow, weather-worn parchment and placed it on a nearby table. It was a map of Wilderland, marked with many markings of this place or that-locations that Barin and Núr had already visited, or important landmarks or settlements that they knew or had heard about. Places that were important to know, should chance or necessity lead them there in the future.

Normally the young dwarf was reserved and spoke only a little, as his duty was with his master. But as the discussions around the table turned to the matter of the éafolc, Núr cleared his throat, in an awkward attempt to gain the company's attention. He pointed to Trader's Isle on the map, and he explained.

"I did see a few tents from afar as we paddled up the Anduin. But since Radagast had counselled secrecy, I did not suggest that we stopped. Now it seems that a few amongst us wish to investigate, master Barin?" he asked, as if seeking permission-in truth, he simply felt strange potentially correcting any of them.

Gramtyng remembered it, too. He had been to the isle a few years back. Núr was correct: there had been a few tents, but far fewer than he recalled from almost five years ago. It all fit with the signs and rumors of troubles in the area.



+2 Saurons for the Eye Threshold. Will update stats in a bit.

@Suzuki Stumpy that third pip needs great or better success and trait invocation; but Barin's Folk-Lore can apply here nicely, so the pip is yours!

@everyone a few useful bits of info:

  • Although it was only mentioned in passing, the company did see signs of the éafolc on the river ride up-here's the relevant post (link). Specifically the bit: 'The going got easier on the second day, just as Banna had told them. The mists gradually faded, giving way to clear blue skies as they paddled along past Trader’s Isle. Here the Éafolc, a wandering clan of river-peoples that the Woodmen distrusted, had raised many tents and a simple trading post. Gramtyng had visited the island a few years prior. Yet now speed and secrecy compelled them not to stop, and so they continued along without rest.'
  • For ease of reference, Traders' Island (or Trader's Isle) is shown in the map here.
  • It seems that the company is headed this way (if not, let me know, but we seem to have a consensus and I'm too lazy to make another poll). If so, you should...
  • ...roll Lore TN 14, if you want, for the Journey preparation phase. Successes will give you bonus dice (d6s) to spend while on the journey.
  • ...determine company roles. Since we lost Lachiel and Ingi, you may want to revise them. Currently, the Guide is Barin, the Scout is Dahr-Ol, and Cecil and Gramtyng are huntsmen, leaving the Look-out position unfilled. Remember, Guide relies on Travel skill, Scout-Explore, Huntsmen-Hunting and Look-out: Awareness. Only one Guide is possible; other roles can have multiple PCs. Magric will reluctantly agree to be Guide (he has a Travel score of 3); otherwise, he'll be scout (Explore 4).
  • ...I'll finish the 'session' soon and start a new one, so if you want to start thinking about Fellowship Focus, that's not a bad idea either.

Good luck!

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Barin Greycloak

"I wouldn't disagree with that. Though I'm unfamiliar with this part of the world, Núr and I would be happy to continue to act as guides, unless, of course, any of our newfound companions feel they have a better grasp of the lie of these lands?"




[7] (6,1) = 14
tor(2,no) 7,6,1
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Ernstyr of Rhosgobel

image.png.c4e8c72bc4927f7e9fc828e453de76dc.png"While I understand I have not yet earned the trust of your company, these lands are my home and I travel them regularly. If you are willing, I would be honored to share that knowledge--with the dwarves by my side to ensure my honesty." Ernstyr gestures to Magric and smiles wryly. "I may not have the Hound's reputation for wandering, but he can vouch that I am seldom lost."


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Gramtyng, son of Fastredspacer.png

Riders of Rohan | Standard of Living: MartialCallingTraits | AP: 1 | XP: 5 | DP: 0

Valour: 4 | Wisdom: 4 | End: 27/27 | Load: 15 | Fatigue: 1 [+1] | Hope: 11/14 | Shadow: 6 [0] | Parry: 6 | Weary: No | Miserable: No |Wound: No

Skills: Body 5 (8) | Heart 5 (7)| Wits 4 (5) | Weapons | War Gear | Equipment | Songs

"Beyond my skills as a hunter and a guide, there is not much more I can help with." Gramtyng shook his head. "I make a poor lookout - too used to observing from horseback."




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Cecil Brandybuck

He nodded to Dahr-Ol and Elfwynn. “Good! Ernstyr, then. I know less about these hills than my own backside! Leave me to hunting rabbits.”

He turned again to Ernstyr, idly extracting a bit of soot from his pipe.

“It’s settled, then - if Radagast trusts you, so do I. He has a good nose about these things, excepting the odd error of judgment.” he winked. “Not long ago, I too was a stranger, as was Lachiel. But we’ve become fast friends on his account. Should Lachiel stay behind, we could use another bow.”


Edited by Modest_Proposal (see edit history)
[2] (5) = 7
tor(1,no) 2,5
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spacer.png"To Traders' Isle, then." said Magric, looking a little relieved. "I'll scout ahead, though I doubt you'll need me. Or a guide, for that matter. The first leg of this journey may prove a weary way, but even a child could find it: just follow the Icewater as far as we can, and down the mountains we'll go, and down the hills and over the valley, until we reach the Anduin. It's downriver from there: I'll find us some boats if I can, else we'll have to leg it. As long as we can skirt around the Wolfswood, we should be fine."

As they spoke on, discussing the journey in further detail, the trapper made no mention of the Gladden: there, in the marshes that were formed about the confluence of the two rivers, the going would become much harder, and the perils greater: and there, his skills and services as scout would hopefully prove as good as Hartfast son of Hartmut had once claimed they were.

Still, all of this was in the distant future, and so Magric did not yet speak of it.



I'll add more in the coming days, including a map, but for now, let's call it the end of the first "session". And a long session it was! The following mechanics take effect:

1. Everyone with an unhurt/not miserable Fellowship Focus receives +1 current Hope (not max). I think that's only Gramtyng, who has Barin, and since Barin is ok, that's +1 Hope for him. Oh! And let's not forget Elfwyn for Dahr-Ol!

2. PCs with unassigned Fellowship Focus can do so now. This gives a small benefit at the end of every new session, and an ability to help their Focus in some skills. The cost/risk is a modest penalty (+1 Shadow) if their Focus becomes Wounded or Miserable (I think).

3. Fellowship pool is liquidated and then replenished. Since no-one used Fellowship points, all PCs receive +1 current Hope, except for Cecil, who gets +2.

4. Courage points are liquidated and then replenished. Cecil and Ernstyr receive +1 XP, +2 APs (‘general’, no particular category) and another +1 current Hope. As Barin and Dahr-Ol only have 2 Courage Points, they must choose only two of the above three benefits (let me know which in an OOC at the end of your next posts).

5. For finishing this session, XP is awarded to all PCs (3 XP per PC; it goes in the total and unspent categories). These can be spent later, in the Fellowship Phase (when the Adventure Phase has ended).

I'll also update stats in the first post when I can use my laptop. Enjoy!

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