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Tavern Tables (IC Thread)


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The tavern is bustling with all kinds of creatures. Some have arms coming from all over their body, others don't seems to have arms... Or a body. The tavern is a very lively place and the barkeep hands out drinks faster than people can order them. The waiters trays look as if they could fall any moment. Who knows what friends, or enemies, could be made here?

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A halfling poked his head in from a tear in reality, grabbed a nearby mug, and downed the smoking liquid within. He disappeared from whence he came and the mug was replaced in moments by less-than-amused waitstaff.

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A figure in a deep brown cloak enters the tavern. The cloak is edged with green stitching, and while most of it seemed to do its job well enough, the hood was cut wide enough to cover the creatures’ broad, curling horns. He pushed it back in order to show he had nothing to hide.


“Oh, me? An order? An ale would be ideal, thank you.”

As Ez waited for the drink, he removed a clay pipe and some tobacco from a small pouch at his belt. He began to pack dried, shredded leaves inside, and then lit it with a small splinter from the fire. He turns his attention to the other strange patrons. <What must they think of me, then?>



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Prince Belregar

image.jpeg.c89bd7c1f0e3fd7d2e14b63df740f8e6.jpegThe Tavern has been quieter than usual as of late. Whether most of the adventuring sorts have departed for other lands, or are busy attending to matters at home, or anything else that may be occurring in the infinite multiverse, fewer folk have been seen in the common room as of late. It is precisely in this moment when some higher profile patrons like to have a drink or two in peace, and perhaps mingle with others while avoiding the spotlight.

This was the case for one Prince Belregar, heir to the dragonborn kingdom of Amostiv. It is well known to the locals that he has been fighting the clan of devil-worshiping dwarves, Gavstor, that conquered his homeland over a decade ago. For the most part, this conflict has been waged in the shadows: subterfuge, espionage, rebellions, and the amassing of his scattered and enslaved people. When the Tavern demiplane itself came under attack, a large host of Gavstorians led one of the major assaults, intent on crushing him and all who had harbored him from their wrath. But now, he has been seen in the area less and less, either lingering in the depths of Fort Hope, or traveling about his home plane to rally his people for open war.

Whether it was out of a sense of nostalgia for an era that may soon come to end in his life, or whether he simply needed a change in scenery before he crossed the point of no return, the Prince was seen once again in the common room. The Barkeep welcomed him kindly and served him his usual: a glass of fine red wine. Not caring to disguise himself in this place, he sat upon a wooden stool dressed in all his fine regalia, the coat of arms of his people presented proudly on his cloak. While he is normally seen in the company of a dwarf, a mermaid, or a number of other bronze dragonborn, today he has ventured here all alone.

Still, despite what may come off as a rather imposing figure, he did not seem unwilling to socialize with anyone from any walk of life.

Mechanics & OOC

Belregar Statblock

Belregar Amostiv
Male LG Dragonborn Marshal 7/Legendary Leader 4 || Aristocrat 1/Fighter 6/Crusader 4, Level 11, Init -1, HP 149/149, Speed 30ft
AC 24, Touch 9, Flat-footed 24, Fort 13, Ref 5, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +10/+5   
+2 Lesser Fire Assault Bastard Sword of Balance +19/+14 (1d10+8+1d6 Fire, 19-20/x2)
Breath Weapon DC 19 (5d8, 45ft line)
+1 Heavy Plate, +1 Commander Darkwood Heavy Steel Shield (+10 Armor, +4 Shield, -1 Dex, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 20


  • Immune to Frightful Presence
  • +2 AC vs dragon-types


  • Marshal Auras (affects all allies within 60ft):
    • Motivate Dexterity (+5 to Dex skills/checks & initiative) [minor]
    • Motivate Attack (+2 to melee attack rolls) [major]

Legendary Leader

  • Fearless (fear immunity)
  • Greater Command (2/2)x/day
  • Quick Rally


  • Steely Resolve (0/10)hp
  • Furious Counterstrike (+0)
  • Zealous Surge (1/1)x/day
  • Heroic Success (1/1)x/day


  • Improved Sunder

Magic Items

  • +1 Crimson Dragonhode Bracers
  • +1 Commander Darkwood Heavy Shield
  • Helm of Heroes (1/1)x/day


  • Rank 16 (Veteran)
  • +4 to associated skills
  • +2 to attacks w/ chosen weapon (Bastard Sword)
  • Commander Rating 4, Defensive Commander

Brunord Statblock

Male LG Gold Dwarf Cleric 10, Level 10, Init 1, HP 100/100, Speed 20ft
AC 19, Touch 8, Flat-footed 19, Fort 12, Ref 5, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus +7/+2   
+1 Heavy Mace +11/+6 (1d8+3, x2)
Masterwork Heavy Crossbow (Bolts [10/10]) +12 (1d10, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Battle Plate, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, -1 Dex, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 12


  • Turn Undead (4/4)
  • Good Domain
  • Protective Ward (1/1)


  • Darkvision 60ft
  • Stability
  • Stonecutting
  • Racial Bonuses


  • Protection Devotion (1/1)
  • Good Devotion

Lv 0 - 6/6
Lv 1 - 5/5 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 2 - 5/5 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 3 - 4/4 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 4 - 4/4 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 5 - 2/2 + 1/1 [D]

OOC: Come one, come all! I figured it's about time I dusted off an old veteran of the Tavern to meet some of the new blood, or reconnect with familiar faces.

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Meris Evenlight, Mermaid Diva

image.jpeg.226546b87d4e6ea89f0c4c272008cb90.jpegMeris nearly did a spit-take when Belregar stepped through the door. Apparently, she wasn't the only one feeling a little Tavern nostalgia recently. She tucked herself a bit further back into the moon pool corner, wondering how long it would take for him to look in that direction.

In a way, she was glad he'd come. The nostalgia wasn't quite all she'd hoped for. The only face she'd recognized so far was the Barkeep himself, and his greeting to her had been disappointingly lukewarm. It just seemed empty without all the faces she remembered from before: Syrene, Mariana, not even Dominus Marcus Sempronius Whatever-the-Rest-of-it-Was.

It used to feel like this place practically belonged to her: everyone knew her name, all eyes turned in her direction whenever she walked in, and people used to line up for some 'mermaid sugar' or to beg her to sing for them. Now... well, it felt weird being here when she didn't have any desire to flirt with anybody.

She'd certainly changed in more ways than one. Older, more mature, certainly... and now, taken. Of course, what would Belregar think if he saw her alone, back in this old haunt of theirs? He certainly knew her better than to think she was cheating on him --- she hadn't been that woman for a long time, after all --- but he'd certainly have some questions. Foremost among them would probably be, "Why are you hiding in the moon pool, Meris?"

She'd better think up a good excuse, because she certainly wasn't ready to come out just yet.

Mechanics & OOC

Stat Block

Meris Evenlight
Female N Mermaid Gestalt, Level 10, Init +4, HP 98/98, Speed Land 5 ft (30 ft landwalker), Swim 50 ft (- landwalker)
AC 22, Touch 21, Flat-footed 18, Fort +11, Ref +18, Will +13, Base Attack Bonus +9
+1 light crossbow +14+9 BAB
+4 Dex
+1 enhancement
ranged80-ft increment (air or water) (1d8+1+1 enhancement, 19-20/x2, special propertiesaquatic (no penalties for use underwater)
echoblade (+4 sonic damage while using Bardic Music)
quickloading (load as a free action)
+1 silver rapier +14 melee (1d8+2, x2)
tail (unarmed strike) +13+9 BAB
+4 Dex (Weapon Finesse)
melee (1d6+2+2 Int (Insightful Strike), x2)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 22
Condition Low-light vision

((OOC: I haven't girl-flirted with anyone in years! I don't know if I remember how to do it.))


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Prince Belregar

image.jpeg.c89bd7c1f0e3fd7d2e14b63df740f8e6.jpegA warrior like Belregar has faced many situations in his life that were so fearsome, any would have broken lesser men. The downfall of his homeland and the death of his father. The mad pursuit through the wild. Unforeseen betrayals from those who once claimed to be friends. Gods-know how many monsters. The horrors of warfare. Yet, none of that quite matched the daunting nature of love.

It took a little while, but eventually, the Prince's gaze drifted off into the corner of the room. There, in all her beauty and wonder, was Meris, she who ruled his heart. The look on his face was a humorous blend of surprise, longing, and hesitation. How long had it been since they were last together? They used to make it a point to spend whatever time they could in one another's company, finding strength and comfort in each other's presence. But ever since preparations for the coming war have ramped up, that time became less and less, especially as Belregar spent more and more time on his home plane.

But with one look, it was plain for all to see how he still felt about her. Taking a large gulp of his liquid courage, he requested the bottle of wine and a glass for Meris, before rising from his seat. As he approached, he subtly adjusted his apparel to be as presentable as possible, his fierce appearance softening into a humble and heartfelt man. Then, once he was before her, he smiled kindly.

"Good evening, Ms. Evenlight," he greeted, holding out his hand. If she returned hers, he would take it and kiss it, as he had done many times before. Though he maintained the air of nobility, she could sense his fingers fidgeting ever so slightly, indicating the state of his nerves deep down. "It has been… too long. May I join your company tonight?"

Mechanics & OOC

Belregar Statblock

Belregar Amostiv
Male LG Dragonborn Marshal 7/Legendary Leader 4 || Aristocrat 1/Fighter 6/Crusader 4, Level 11, Init -1, HP 149/149, Speed 30ft
AC 24, Touch 9, Flat-footed 24, Fort 13, Ref 5, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +10/+5   
+2 Lesser Fire Assault Bastard Sword of Balance +19/+14 (1d10+8+1d6 Fire, 19-20/x2)
Breath Weapon DC 19 (5d8, 45ft line)
+1 Heavy Plate, +1 Commander Darkwood Heavy Steel Shield (+10 Armor, +4 Shield, -1 Dex, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 20


  • Immune to Frightful Presence
  • +2 AC vs dragon-types


  • Marshal Auras (affects all allies within 60ft):
    • Motivate Dexterity (+5 to Dex skills/checks & initiative) [minor]
    • Motivate Attack (+2 to melee attack rolls) [major]

Legendary Leader

  • Fearless (fear immunity)
  • Greater Command (2/2)x/day
  • Quick Rally


  • Steely Resolve (0/10)hp
  • Furious Counterstrike (+0)
  • Zealous Surge (1/1)x/day
  • Heroic Success (1/1)x/day


  • Improved Sunder

Magic Items

  • +1 Crimson Dragonhode Bracers
  • +1 Commander Darkwood Heavy Shield
  • Helm of Heroes (1/1)x/day


  • Rank 16 (Veteran)
  • +4 to associated skills
  • +2 to attacks w/ chosen weapon (Bastard Sword)
  • Commander Rating 4, Defensive Commander

Brunord Statblock

Male LG Gold Dwarf Cleric 10, Level 10, Init 1, HP 100/100, Speed 20ft
AC 19, Touch 8, Flat-footed 19, Fort 12, Ref 5, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus +7/+2   
+1 Heavy Mace +11/+6 (1d8+3, x2)
Masterwork Heavy Crossbow (Bolts [10/10]) +12 (1d10, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Battle Plate, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, -1 Dex, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 12


  • Turn Undead (4/4)
  • Good Domain
  • Protective Ward (1/1)


  • Darkvision 60ft
  • Stability
  • Stonecutting
  • Racial Bonuses


  • Protection Devotion (1/1)
  • Good Devotion

Lv 0 - 6/6
Lv 1 - 5/5 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 2 - 5/5 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 3 - 4/4 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 4 - 4/4 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 5 - 2/2 + 1/1 [D]

OOC: -

Edited by rogueblade0729 (see edit history)
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Malus| AC 15 | Ini: 4 | BAB +3 | Hit Points: 42/42 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |
Touch: +13| Fort: +5 | Ref: +6 | Will: +5 | FF: +12



A rather large and muscular man with the look of someone who hasn't left his cabin in a mountain for a good nice while (if ever) slowly walked inside as if unsure if should he be there. Which rather stood apart from his looks since if blindly asked 90% of normal people would doubt he was ever unsure about his position in the world and the last 10% would be blind. The last obviously unusual thing about him was the color of his eyes which were the color of the amber, like a wolf's or lion's. Although the shape was pretty Human-like.

A newcomer approached the bar looking to the pair in the basin and nodding in greeting, then turning toward the barkeep although by the loudness of the voice, it was clear that his question was directed to someone, anyone who could answer it "Excuse me?" His voice was a deep timber with a slight accent, definitely not as deep as the first time he left the mountains but still clearly noticeable "I'm sorry if I'm ruining some event, but...and this part might sound crazy to you, I don't know where I am. I was talking about walking the last stretch to Deepan Village when the fog fell, now fog lifted I see not only that I'm not in Deepan but those mountains were not there when the fog fell and lastly these trees don't grow in the part of the world where I am. Now I am familiar with the concept of teleportation" he seemingly vanishes and appears at the opposite length of the bar but he stays on the customer's side, not wishing to antagonize the barman or whoever was running the establishment.

Equally, he does not take any stance keeping his posture as neutral as possible "However I suspect this is something more potent. I'd just like to know more about particularies of my situation which are, you must admit, slightly odd."


Tools of the Trade



Unarmed: 1d20+5, 1d8+4, (x2)

Unarmed (Using Shadow Hand): 1d20+6, 1d8+5 (x2)







Stances: [X]=Non-Active, [O]= Active

Island of Blades [O]

Stance of Clarity [X]

Maneuvers: [X]=Non-Active, [O]= Active

Clinging Shadow Strike [O]

Burning Blade [O]

Sapphire Nightmare Blade [O]

Mighty Throw [O]

Stone Bones [X]

Sudden Leap [X]

Wolf Fang Strike [X]

Shadow Jaunt [O]







Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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Meris Evenlight, Mermaid Diva

image.jpeg.226546b87d4e6ea89f0c4c272008cb90.jpegShe knew Belregar well enough to recognize that the formalities were his way of flirting. At least, that's what she'd always told herself. Hopefully, that wasn't a self-confidence issue sneaking up on her again.

But, he had a way of making her not feel silly when she felt like she really ought to feel silly. She appreciated that from him.

She curtsied formally and daintily rested her hand in his to let him kiss it, the way he always did. "Your Highness," she replied, suppressing the giddy smile that was threatening her lips, "It has been entirely too long. We haven't seen each other face-to-face like this is quite a long time. You write such sweet letters, but it's simply no replacement.

"Funny that we meet by chance here. I haven't set foot in this place for... well, it feels like years, frankly." She looked around the room, her eyes falling on the certain table. She pointed towards it. "I think that's where we first met. I'd just gotten legs for the first time, remember? I twisted my ankle in those boots on the very first day that I ever had ankles."

She held up her hand, with the ring on the pointer finger. "The ring works better than the skirt ever did," she explained, "The legs feel real, natural, like I've always had them." It helped that she had also learned how to balance fashion and practicality with her footwear since then, too.

She sighed then and gestured for Belregar to sit. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to help the war effort as much you'd like me to," she said, "I think Father's been intentionally putting me on jobs that keep me away from it. Now that he thinks I'm going to marry a prince, there's no better ambassador for the company than me; but he's still got prejudices to overcome. And of course, he has to try to keep me out of danger. I did steer a ship off-course so I could fight some pirates, though. Don't tell Daddy, but his little girl needs some excitement in her life sometimes.

"He does have another weapons shipment for you, by the way. He's working through a middle man, in the hopes that he can avoid giving you a friends-and-family discount; but I told the middle man anyway, and I'm sure you'll get a report about it anyway.

"It's nice to see you face-to-face, though." She took his head in both of hers and began massaging it affectionately. "I'm tired of dealing with stuffy middle men, and financial ledgers and business transactions. Once you've finally made me a princess for real, perhaps I'll just spend all my time lounging about the palace looking decorative. I think I've just about had enough of this 'responsibility' nonsense."

Mechanics & OOC

Stat Block

Meris Evenlight
Female N Mermaid Gestalt, Level 10, Init +4, HP 98/98, Speed Land 5 ft (30 ft landwalker), Swim 50 ft (- landwalker)
AC 22, Touch 21, Flat-footed 18, Fort +11, Ref +18, Will +13, Base Attack Bonus +9
+1 light crossbow +14 ranged (1d8+1, 19-20/x2, special properties)
+1 silver rapier +14 melee (1d8+2, x2)
tail (unarmed strike) +13 melee (1d6+2, x2)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 22
Condition Low-light vision

((OOC: She traded in the mermaid's skirt for a proper ring of landwalking, which is a continuous-effect item.))


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Prince Belregar

image.jpeg.c89bd7c1f0e3fd7d2e14b63df740f8e6.jpegThe Prince was not ignorant of how his formalities and high-class manners affected Meris. It was drilled into him from a young age, being the son of the ruling family, so he never quite dropped it. Having been together for as long as they have, it was something of a social dance between them, each movement and word communicating more than just what it first seemed. In this case, he was elated to finally be in her presence again, and he intended to make the most of this time.

"Indeed it was," Belregar replied, following her gaze to the table. "I recall those days. They were despairing and lonesome, when it felt the entire world was against me. I had begun to think my only hope was to live the rest of my days quietly as a wandering mercenary, until some assassin got lucky." A grim look shadowed his expression briefly. "Then... I came to this place. I made friends, like Rhiannon and Daryl. I met you... by the gods, what a life I have lived since then."

As she revealed her ring to him, his inspected it briefly while listening to how it helped her. He nodded in approval, glad for her improved quality of life. When requested to sit, he did so, adjusting his cloak and his sword such that neither got in their way. Upon hearing the explanation of her absence, he looked upon her kindly, not a drop of judgement in his golden eyes.

A grin crossed his face when she admitted to her pirate adventure. "My lips are sealed on the matter," Belregar assured her. "I only wish I could have joined you. Bronze dragons have an affinity for the sea, a longing that has passed down to my kind. Perhaps we can share in another, some day. As for your father, do not worry. I will ensure my people have what they need, coin in the coffers included."

Her hands upon his draconic head sent sparks through him; an impressive feat, considering he literally breathes lightning. Closing his eyes, he leaned forward and tenderly pressed his forehead against hers. "I would make you a queen, my love, if you would have it," he said. "What you do with such a title is yours to decide. But, let us speak no longer of finance and war." Meeting her gaze again, he smiled and asked, "Come, would you tell me of the Cove? Share as much as you wish, down to the last crab. I would hear it all."

Mechanics & OOC

Belregar Statblock

Belregar Amostiv
Male LG Dragonborn Marshal 7/Legendary Leader 4 || Aristocrat 1/Fighter 6/Crusader 4, Level 11, Init -1, HP 149/149, Speed 30ft
AC 24, Touch 9, Flat-footed 24, Fort 13, Ref 5, Will 18, Base Attack Bonus +10/+5   
+2 Lesser Fire Assault Bastard Sword of Balance +19/+14 (1d10+8+1d6 Fire, 19-20/x2)
Breath Weapon DC 19 (5d8, 45ft line)
+1 Heavy Plate, +1 Commander Darkwood Heavy Steel Shield (+10 Armor, +4 Shield, -1 Dex, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 19, Dex 8, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 20


  • Immune to Frightful Presence
  • +2 AC vs dragon-types


  • Marshal Auras (affects all allies within 60ft):
    • Motivate Dexterity (+5 to Dex skills/checks & initiative) [minor]
    • Motivate Attack (+2 to melee attack rolls) [major]

Legendary Leader

  • Fearless (fear immunity)
  • Greater Command (2/2)x/day
  • Quick Rally


  • Steely Resolve (0/10)hp
  • Furious Counterstrike (+0)
  • Zealous Surge (1/1)x/day
  • Heroic Success (1/1)x/day


  • Improved Sunder

Magic Items

  • +1 Crimson Dragonhode Bracers
  • +1 Commander Darkwood Heavy Shield
  • Helm of Heroes (1/1)x/day


  • Rank 16 (Veteran)
  • +4 to associated skills
  • +2 to attacks w/ chosen weapon (Bastard Sword)
  • Commander Rating 4, Defensive Commander

Brunord Statblock

Male LG Gold Dwarf Cleric 10, Level 10, Init 1, HP 100/100, Speed 20ft
AC 19, Touch 8, Flat-footed 19, Fort 12, Ref 5, Will 14, Base Attack Bonus +7/+2   
+1 Heavy Mace +11/+6 (1d8+3, x2)
Masterwork Heavy Crossbow (Bolts [10/10]) +12 (1d10, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Battle Plate, Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (+9 Armor, +2 Shield, -1 Dex, -1 Misc)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 12


  • Turn Undead (4/4)
  • Good Domain
  • Protective Ward (1/1)


  • Darkvision 60ft
  • Stability
  • Stonecutting
  • Racial Bonuses


  • Protection Devotion (1/1)
  • Good Devotion

Lv 0 - 6/6
Lv 1 - 5/5 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 2 - 5/5 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 3 - 4/4 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 4 - 4/4 + 1/1 [D]
Lv 5 - 2/2 + 1/1 [D]

OOC: -

Edited by rogueblade0729 (see edit history)
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Williorn Barrett, Abjurer

image.jpeg.c9cee2b35fa62ac8c337f66ea3d9fb71.jpeg"You have found yourself in the Realm Folded Tavern, my hulking friend," a robed man with messy brown hair replied, turning to Malus. "Do not fear, you are not the first to find yourself here on accident. We are in a pocket dimension of sorts, an enchanted chunk of land in the midst of the Astral Sea. A world between worlds, if you will. If you desire to find your way back home, I can be of assistance."

Nodding in greeting to him, he introduced himself, "My name is Williorn, abjurer and patron of this fine establishment. What might I call you, then?"

Mechanics & OOC


Williorn Barrett
Male LG Human Wizard 3/Master Specialist 4 || Archivist 7, Level 7, Init 1, HP 56/56, Speed 30ft
AC 12, Touch 11, Flat-footed 11, Fort 8, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus +3
Light Crossbow (x20 Bolts) +4 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
+1 Bracers of Armor (+1 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 10
Condition None


  • Summon Familiar (Raven)
  • Scribe Scroll
  • School Specialization (Abjuration)
  • Forbidden Schools (Evocation, Necromancy)


  • Dark Knowledge (Tactics, Puissance) (3/3)x/day
  • Lore Mastery (Arcana)
  • Still Mind (Ex)

Master Specialist

  • Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
  • Expanded Spellbook
  • Greater Spell Focus (Abjuration)
  • Minor School Esoterica (Ex)


  • Collegiate Wizard
  • Extend Spell
  • Academic Priest
  • Spell Focus (Abjuration, Enchantment)


  • Level 0: 4/4 + 1/1 [S]
  • Level 1: 4/3 + 1/1 [S] + 2/2 (Bonus)
  • Level 2: 3/3 + 1/1 [S] + 1/1 (Bonus)
  • Level 3: 2/2 + 1/1 [S] + 1/1 (Bonus)
  • Level 4: 1/1 + 1/1 [S] + 1/1 (Bonus)


  • Level 0: 4/4
  • Level 1: 5/5 + 2/2 (Bonus)
  • Level 2: 4/4 + 1/1 (Bonus)
  • Level 3: 3/3 + 1/1 (Bonus)
  • Level 4: 2/2 + 1/1 (Bonus)

The Network of Arcane Lore Academies

  • Affiliation Score: 14
  • +2 to one Knowledge skill (arcana)
  • +2 to any one other guild-associated skill of your choice (Spellcraft)
  • Mission completion vouchers are good for 2 free spells


Edited by rogueblade0729 (see edit history)
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felipe-bracioli-monk.jpg.801880d3559483d3787f017ce68115c6.jpgAs Kethar steps into the tavern everyone sees a strange creature, though no stranger than most in this place. Some would even recognize him as a Githzerai. His monastic outfit was fitting as most who knew the race, knew that they tended to live a life of self reflection most often found in a monastery. Though one odd detail was the strange weapon he carried. It was not your typical monk weapon as it appeared to be something like a cross between a quarterstaff and a short sword. Though you do notice that the way he carries it shows that he is very comfortable with it in his hands. He steps to the bar and makes an order "Do you have Oolong tea?" his eyes scan the tavern making note of the people there. He notes the lovers, as well as the rather large "human" though something seemed off there with the companion with him. He heard their conversation and nodded to himself. That was good information to know, though he came through a portal and not some mist. He was curious as to how that worked. Outside of portals the only other way he knew how to travel between planes was an ability his people had after many years of study and meditation to just shift between planes. He also noticed sprinkled among the people a handful of spirits though at first glance they appeared to be benign so he did not bother to chastise them. Though he did chuckle at the antics of one of them that seemed to be bouncing around the lovers making faces at them.

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Malus| AC 15 | Ini: 4 | BAB +3 | Hit Points: 42/42 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |
Touch: +13| Fort: +5 | Ref: +6 | Will: +5 | FF: +12



The large man looks down at himself like he self-assessing himself. "Hulking." "It's been a time when I thought of myself in such terms, but that was before I saw what that word cab truly mean. I doubt Humans have no much claim to it as others they use. As "Graceful." for instance. I do understand a lot of it simply pageantry. "Lobo Hulking Beastman of The North" will always sell more seats and earn more in bets than Malus DeVier orphan taken in by Akhan Deepka Ashram of the 9 Styles at 3 months of age.

"As for names Malus will do fine, I'm considering a change in my career and was on my way home to talk to my adopted parents...all 376 of them, about what I did and what I want to do. But they are large believers in the concept of faith, if I'm here, there must be reason for it. I heard about pocket dimensions, never been to one, what do you do here?" He notes the entrance of the new patron together with his monk robes, but these were not from home as neither was the race. Drawing from the knowledge of the Temple tomes, he could maybe place him at some sort of "Gith" which faction was beyond him.


Tools of the Trade



Unarmed: 1d20+6, 1d8+4, (x2)

Unarmed (Using Shadow Hand): 1d20+7, 1d8+5 (x2)







Stances: [X]=Non-Active, [O]= Active

Island of Blades [O]

Stance of Clarity [X]

Maneuvers: [X]=Non-Active, [O]= Active

Clinging Shadow Strike [O]

Burning Blade [O]

Sapphire Nightmare Blade [O]

Mighty Throw [O]

Stone Bones [X]

Sudden Leap [X]

Wolf Fang Strike [X]

Shadow Jaunt [O]







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Noran Bursk | HP: 60/60 | AC: 21 | Touch: 12 | Flat-footed: 18spacer.png


Stance: Island of Blades (All allies flank from any adjacent space)

Disguise: Normal (Young, Handsome, Elegant, Facny-man, See Image ->)

Concentration: n/a

Noran slid down the stairs into the great room, the faint scents of lavender and aloe wafting along behind him. He moved with a grace and etiquette rarely seen among the throngs of adventurers who frequent this particular tavern. His posture was rigid, such that only his feet, and the hems of his robes, seemed to react to his movementsee Berezka dancing. "If one can tolerate the more... rustic... aspects of our environs..."


He continued to wind his way through the tables to one of the emptier corners, breaking his form only to occasionally stop and give some of the more distinguished patrons, like Meris, Lilith, and Prince Belregar, a quick, deep curtsey. Between his bows, he made an obvious show of studying the man who called himself Malus from head to toe. "And, I surmise, one such as yourself should have little problem doing so..."


Finding himself at a seat he deemed suitable, he produced a handkerchief from his sleeve and quickly dusted the chair and table before sitting. He handed the server a small card covered in elaborate script in exchange for a clearly pre-arranged snifter with little more than a few drops of dark, purplish liquid sliding around inside. "One can expect to enjoy any number of luxuries befitting the horde of even the grandest of dragons."


He held the glass to his nose for several moments, swirling the fluid within, smiling; a weird amalgamation of pleasure and mischief. "Of course, our venerable host can likely arrange for you to galivant about the wilderness, slaughtering goblins, zombies, or some such... should that prove to be your hearts desire."





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Williorn Barrett, Abjurer

image.jpeg.c9cee2b35fa62ac8c337f66ea3d9fb71.jpeg"Malus," Williorn echoed. "Three hundred and seventy-six parents? Goodness. And I thought two was already plenty!" Taking a drink of his wine as Noran made his introduction, he nodded along in agreement. "Indeed. The Tavern demiplane can be somewhere to call home, if you wish to stay for long. But there is plenty of work to be done about the place. The Barkeep posts calls for adventurers on the Board over yonder, or you can seek out any of the factions or guilds that take up residence nearby.

"As for myself, I've spent much of my time recently researching. A place such as this offers more insight into the arcane arts than most wizard colleges back home, if you know who to speak with."

Mechanics & OOC


Williorn Barrett
Male LG Human Wizard 3/Master Specialist 4 || Archivist 7, Level 7, Init 1, HP 56/56, Speed 30ft
AC 12, Touch 11, Flat-footed 11, Fort 8, Ref 4, Will 7, Base Attack Bonus +3
Light Crossbow (x20 Bolts) +4 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
+1 Bracers of Armor (+1 Armor, +1 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 10
Condition None


  • Summon Familiar (Raven)
  • Scribe Scroll
  • School Specialization (Abjuration)
  • Forbidden Schools (Evocation, Necromancy)


  • Dark Knowledge (Tactics, Puissance) (3/3)x/day
  • Lore Mastery (Arcana)
  • Still Mind (Ex)

Master Specialist

  • Skill Focus (Spellcraft)
  • Expanded Spellbook
  • Greater Spell Focus (Abjuration)
  • Minor School Esoterica (Ex)


  • Collegiate Wizard
  • Extend Spell
  • Academic Priest
  • Spell Focus (Abjuration, Enchantment)


  • Level 0: 4/4 + 1/1 [S]
  • Level 1: 4/3 + 1/1 [S] + 2/2 (Bonus)
  • Level 2: 3/3 + 1/1 [S] + 1/1 (Bonus)
  • Level 3: 2/2 + 1/1 [S] + 1/1 (Bonus)
  • Level 4: 1/1 + 1/1 [S] + 1/1 (Bonus)


  • Level 0: 4/4
  • Level 1: 5/5 + 2/2 (Bonus)
  • Level 2: 4/4 + 1/1 (Bonus)
  • Level 3: 3/3 + 1/1 (Bonus)
  • Level 4: 2/2 + 1/1 (Bonus)

The Network of Arcane Lore Academies

  • Affiliation Score: 14
  • +2 to one Knowledge skill (arcana)
  • +2 to any one other guild-associated skill of your choice (Spellcraft)
  • Mission completion vouchers are good for 2 free spells

OOC: -

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