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Tavern Tables (IC Thread)


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spacer.png"That was decidedly unpleasant. What is going on?" HooGrawr looks around for any indication of a source of the problem.


Active effects:







[URL=/sheets/?id=1794286][B][SIZE=+1]HooGrawr[/SIZE][/B][/URL] F CN/CG Just ... don't ask Owlbear/Barbarian 1 | Nymph, [B]Level[/B] 5, [B]Init[/B] 2, [B]HP[/B] 67/67, [B]DR[/B] 2/cold iron, [B]Speed[/B] 40 (swim 20) [B]AC[/B] 27, [B]Touch[/B] 17, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 25, [B]Fort[/B] 13, [B]Ref[/B] 10, [B]Will[/B] 8, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 5 [B]x2 Claw [/B] 10 (1d6+4, ) [B] Warhammer +1 [/B] 11 (2d6+5, x3) [B] Peck [/B] 5 (1d8+2, ) [B] Studded Leather Armor +1[/B], [B] Darkwood Shield +1[/B] (+4 Armor, +3 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size, +4 Deflect, +3 Natural) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 19 [B]Condition[/B] As Shown: Deceptively innocent form Natural form: Large size, no armor and -2 to AC and attack (from size change)
F CN/CG Just ... don't ask Owlbear/Barbarian 1 | Nymph, Level 5, Init 2, HP 67/67, DR 2/cold iron, Speed 40 (swim 20)
AC 27, Touch 17, Flat-footed 25, Fort 13, Ref 10, Will 8, Base Attack Bonus 5
x2 Claw 10 (1d6+4, )
Warhammer +1 11 (2d6+5, x3)
Peck 5 (1d8+2, )
Studded Leather Armor +1, Darkwood Shield +1 (+4 Armor, +3 Shield, +2 Dex, +1 Size, +4 Deflect, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 18, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 19
Condition As Shown: Deceptively innocent form
Natural form: Large size, no armor and -2 to AC and attack (from size change)


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Mariana Fury

There is a distinct 'glut' sound as the Moon Pool in the corner of the room re-fills after the room returns to normal. Almost instantly a water spout erupts from the surface and splashes on the to flagstone floor of the bar room. Instead of spreading around as might be expected the water starts to, what can only be described as, pile up as if filling an invisible statue. In a few seconds a young, pale woman with hair like seaweed is standing in the bar.


"What was that? It caused a sea-surge that drained the bay before it re-filled rather dangerously."


Whisp Fury

At the same time a window blows open as if there is a storm outside, leaves blow in and swirl about the room, forming a small wind spout in the open space which gradually coalesces in to the shape of a young woman.


"Who did that? Who did that? What's going on?"


Ember Fury

The flames in the fire places flicker and dance, perhaps driven by the apparent storm outside the window. A flame leaps from the hearth on to the floor and rises to take the form of yet another young woman, this one with firey hair and a harp in her hands.

"It's happening isn't it? Leofric, they're doing it again!"


Jules Fury

From the stairs to the Attic Library a fourth young woman comes running in. Some women are described as glowing, but this woman really is giving off a soft blue light as sparks run along the length of her hair and between her fingers.

"Did anyone else feel that? What's going on?"


She looks around the room at the disturbances to the furniture etc, and sees the other young women; "What are you three doing here?"

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Reg Fury

As the room returns to normal conversations, despite four young women appearing so dramatically, a glass starts to judder on a table. It wobbles sideways until it reaches the edge and then falls off towards the floor. Just as it would hit the stones a hand reaches up through the ground and catches it gently, the rest of the body of a large man made of earth and rock rising behind hit. He places the glass gently on the table and turns to face the room, shrinking as he does so to return to something approaching human size if humans routinely blocked doorways with their bulk.


"There's something wrong with the Forge, I can't get in to the lava pool; what's going on?"


Spotting the women he says,

"Is this anything to do with you four? You should know not to come here!"


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Leofric Banin

Leofric was all too happy to leave behind the snow-covered landscape of Jhq-bo, and that frozen cave full of undead and their powerful spells. If he never saw another undead creature again in his life, he would be quite content. And to think, there was a time he'd once imagined the possibilities of undeath himself...

"Time to go home, Micket," he said to the octopus in its familiar pocket of his satchel.

The portal back to the Tavern flickered once as he was about to step through it, and he paused to examine it warily. He hadn't prepared any spells for analyzing portals, but it seemed to have stabilized just fine anyway, so he stepped through. He was anxious to get back to the Tavern, to lay eyes on Ember again, to sit and study new spells with his newly-earned gold, to---

His feet failed to hit the floor on the other end, and he felt himself lurching in the air. Within a moment, his mind had registered the lack of substance or structure around him, and he immediately began to panic. His mind began quickly cycling through all the spells he hadn't prepared, that might have been at least sort of useful in this situation.

But then, his face hit the floor hard, and he blinked. It was the wooden floor of the Realm Folded Tavern. Had he merely imagined that horrible incident?

He lifted himself up to a sitting position, and re-adjusted his glasses. The right lens was broken, of course. He took them off and began absentmindedly casting mending on them as he squinted at the Tavern around him. Everything was a mess: tables overturned, chairs warped into monstrosities, food spattered and mutated all around...


He heard a familiar voice. "Ember! What a pleasant surprise to see you here waiting for me! I... What's happened to the Tavern?"

She answered with a question that was clearly rhetorical, but it was completely lost on him.

"What... what are they doing again? What's happening again? I..." His glasses made it back up to his face, and he looked at Ember, then at the rocky fellow talking about the Forge and lava pool. His brain drew a few connections. "Ah, this must be your... these are all your siblings, are they? Were you... I thought... were you not supposed to be in the same room? Perhaps you should... um, disperse, or whatever? I..." His brow furrowed as he looked around the room again. "This doesn't appear to be an elemental-related calamity.... not at first glance anyway. Perhaps... well, I guess I'd better refrain from making such statements with confidence, as I certainly don't know what sort of calamity might be associated with your..."

He trailed off, then cleared his throat. "Uh... I'm Leofric Banin. A pleasure to meet you."


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image.png.f921f715d3c730e9357888ffc674b534.pngJessica tries to raise her voice, but there was a limit when you were her size.


“Are you the one breaking the Tavern? Fix it!” she demanded, throwing a grape at Leofric.





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Leofric Banin

Leofric flinches as a grape hits him in the side of the head. "Miss, please!" he says, "I've..." He seems taken aback to see that his attacker was a little fairy. "I... Well, I've only just arrived from a dangerous mission in the frozen lands of Jhq-bo. I haven't the slightest idea what's going on here, nor had I any part in! The sort of magic that operates an planar realm such as this are far beyond my meager abilities, I assure you."

He catches sight of the Job Board and adjusts his glasses to look at it as he stands and walks towards it. He examines it carefully, looking at each of the open job advertisements. "From the looks of it... I suppose the Tavern's portals and basic magic seem to be functioning normally. I... does anyone here know if this could be related to any mission that's currently out? Or... has this happened before?"


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image.png.f921f715d3c730e9357888ffc674b534.pngJessica makes a frowny sort of face.


“While I am older than some, I’ve not been here long enough to know. I just know I dislike it. Read through the notes, see if there are clues?”


She was curious, but not enough to do it herself.




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The Fury Women

The four women all seem to speak at once; "Reggie, is that you?"

As Leofric appears and assesses the scene they continue to look at each other and around the room.

Reg Fury

The craggy-looking man sees the interaction between the newly arrived scholar and the fiery-looking Bard and a strange look passes across his face. When the scholar makes a comment about all being in the same place he calls out again; "You all know we shouldn't be together, we can't be together, how we came to be and what might happen if anyone got that power!"


Joules Fury

The sparkly (or should that be sparking?) one clicks her fingers, as if coming to some realisation. "Ah brother, but perhaps now is the time for us to come together again after all? Strange powers are at work here, perhaps we aren't part of the problem but part of the solution?"


Edited by Delia2531 (see edit history)
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Tham'mak| AC 16 | Ini: 5 | BAB +3 | Hit Points: 45/45 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |
Touch: +11| FF: +10 Fort: +7 | Ref: +5 | Will: +4 | Maneuvers Readied: 3/3



"Finally decent doors." the voice is deep but once glanced toward the doors, and saw that it reached the speaker's lower jaw it could be safely concluded it could be deeper. Tham lowers his head a bit and enters. Goliath is both larger and more muscular than it is usual for his species. The multitude of scars testify that was tested many times, as does the Minotaur horn he wears as the necklace.

If he noticed any tension in the room it didn't show as he walks toward the bar and leans his enormous Greataxe to the bar, just showing a perspective that not only his axe but all weapons were made for Giants. He flatly ignores near-godly creatures and their business. Just waiting for someone to come and take his order.


Tools of the Trade



Mwk Greataxe (Large): 1d20+10, 3d6+5 (x3)

Warhammer (Large): 1d20+8, 2d6+5, (×3)

Dagger(Large): 1d20+8, 1d6+5 (19/20x2)


Armor: Mithral Chain Shirt









Level 1: Punishing StanceIron Heart

Level: Warblade 1
Initiation Action: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Stance

You chop down violently with your weapon, lending extra force to your blows. These attacks come at a cost, as your enemies slash at your undefended legs and flanks.

You hold your weapon overhead, allowing you to chop down with superior force. However, this fighting stance leaves you vulnerable to an opponent's attacks. Only an initiate of the Iron Heart tradition can manage the perilous balance between trading attack power for defense. A lesser warrior would leave himself nearly helpless to resist an opponent’s attacks. While you are in this stance, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage with all melee attacks. You also take a -2 penalty to AC, because this fighting stance emphasizes power over a defensive posture.


Level 1: Charging MinotaurStone Dragon

Level: Crusader 1 , Swordsage 1 , Warblade 1
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature

You charge at your foe, blasting him with such power that he stumbles back.

As you roar across the battlefield, your position yourself to deliver a devastating charge attack. When you slam into an opponent, you crush him with concussive force and send him stumbling backward.

As part of this maneuver, charge, but replace the attack at the end of the charge with a Bull Rush attempt. Resolve the bull rush attempt normally. If your Strength check exceeds the opponent's result, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + your Str modifier in addition to pushing the target back as normal. Assuming your Strength check is high enough, you can push your target back more than 5 feet (as normal for a bull rush, but without having to follow).

If you have the Pounce ability or another ability that lets you make multiple attacks on a charge, those abilities do not apply to this maneuver.
Steely StrikeIron Heart

Level: Warblade 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round; see text

You focus yourself for a single, accurate attack, shrugging off your opponent’s blows and ignoring the need for defense as you make your assault.

The Iron Heart discipline teaches focus, allowing you to engage and defeat one opponent at a time. Your other enemies mean nothing to you as you press your attack.

You make a single melee attack as part of this strike. You gain a +4 bonus on the attack roll. All opponents other than the one you attacked gain a +4 bonus on attack rolls against you for 1 round.
Steel WindIron Heart

Level: Warblade 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: Two creatures

You swing your weapon in a broad, deadly arc, striking two foes with a single, mighty blow.

Through a combination of sheer power and unmatched talent, you make an attack that injures multiple opponents. As you initiate this strike, you make two melee attacks, each against a different foe that you threaten. Resolve each attack separately.
Leading the AttackWhite Raven

Level: Crusader 1 , Warblade 1
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack; 60 ft
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round

You boldly strike at your enemy. As you attack, you shout a war cry to demonstrate that victory is at hand. This attack inspires nearby allies to join the fray with renewed vigor.

When you make an attack, your allies take heart in your example and fight with renewed purpose. By stoking the fire of battle in your allies' hearts, you inspire them to greater heroics.

As part of this maneuver, you make a single melee attack. If your attack is successful, your allies gain a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls for 1 round against the creature you hit.

You are your own ally.

Level 2: Battle Leader's ChargeWhite Raven

Level: Crusader 2 , Warblade 2
Prerequisite: 1 White Raven maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 full-round action
Range: Melee attack
Target: One creature

You lead from the front, charging your enemies so that your allies can follow in your wake. The White Raven discipline teaches that he who seizes the initiative also seizes victory. You have learned to lead an attack with a mighty charge, the better to disrupt the enemy and inspire your allies in battle.

As part of this maneuver, you charge an opponent. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving as part of this charge. If your charge attack hits, it deals an extra 10 points of damage.










Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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A halfling woman wearing light armor wandered into the inn. At her side a short sword sized for a longsword for her size. She moved to look around at the gathered group with curiosity. I guess it's normal to meet such interesting people around here. She said before looking about slowly. She moved to the bar before looking at the bartender. Busy day today? She asked before crossing her arms for the moment. She leaned back before looking about again to take on the entirety of the bar since this was her first time here..

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image.png.f921f715d3c730e9357888ffc674b534.pngJessica flitters over toward the halfling, and lands nearby. They’re usually decent folk.


“It’s been ridiculous today. I don’t suppose you’re a wizard? One would be helpful to have around now. Even if you’re not, I’d be happy to buy you a drink. What looks good?”





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Bavari shakes her head before taking a seat at the bar next to the fairy. To be honest I'm not. I'm actually a light cavalry scout myself. My faithful riding dog Lucky is outside in the stables. She said as she looked around. While the other elementals looked human enough the earth elemental did catch her eye. So what's going on here? Remembering the offer of ale she gave a soft smile. Oh not right now. I need to rest for a bit but I do have to take care of Lucky and get some other things done.

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Not Again!

The Tavern begins trembling and shaking. An earthquake is brewing! Bottles tip and fall from the racks, shattering on the ground and spraying the Tavern floor with booze and broken glass. As you look around, the Tavern's innate, self-repairing magic seems to be working overtime, repeatedly repairing cracks in the walls as they appear, but each repair warps something else, and things are starting to look... wrong.

Something is definitely going very awry here in the Realm Folded Tavern!

OOC: Event

I'm about to start another mini-event here and in the Attic Library. "The Scythe and the Forge" has reached its climax, and the Tavern's Demiplane is starting to bend under the pressure of overloaded magic and the rapidly-slipping sanity of its lord, the Barkeeper. It will be up to the patrons of the Tavern to try to solve some puzzles and help tame the wild magic.

How this will work is that any character of any level can join in the story. I'll narrate some strange things happening in the Tavern, and your characters can attempt to address the problems that arise by rolling skill checks, saving throws or attack rolls, or by casting spells, and I'll award you some XP at the end of the event. The mechanics will be abstract and focused more on creativity than on mechanical mastery. There will be a main objective that needs to be achieved, and each successful action you take will help move the whole group closer to accomplishing that objective (more details to come).

Here are the rules:

  1. If you'd like to participate, please post in this thread or the Attic Library thread, with one or more of your characters responding to the earthquake in the Tavern. Be sure to report your character's level in your post. Use only characters that aren't currently on missions, please.
  2. The event will proceed in rounds: each player can take one action each round, and roll 1d20 (adding your skill, save or attack modifiers, as appropriate). Be as creative as you like in describing your actions (don't worry about the mechanics or typical action economy), and roll whatever you think best represents your character's effort for the round.
  3. If you want to use a spell that doesn't involve an attack roll, roll an appropriate skill check (possibly Concentration, Knowledge (arcana) or Spellcraft) to determine the effectiveness of your spell.
  4. I won't assign DCs to your actions, but I'll decide whether your action was successful by taking into account your character level, your creativity, and the appropriateness of your action (along with the results of your d20 roll).
  5. You can involve multiple characters if you want, but you must choose only one of them to roll an action each round (not one per thread: just one total across the two threads).
  6. I'll award XP to each player who participates, in proportion to the number of actions you roll. The XP goes to the player, not to a specific character, so you can assign it to any character you want (get your mission DM's approval before leveling up a character mid-mission).


Edited by Blue Jay (see edit history)
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image.png.f921f715d3c730e9357888ffc674b534.pngJessica briefly rolls her eyes at Bavari’s comment.


“Two things. One: you’re not obligated to order an ale, the tea is good, and the mead is rather too good.

Two: this is a -bar-. It stays in business by selling drinks. Are you -certain- I can’t get you anything?”


After the crash, Jessica stifles a small scream. “Oh, not more of this…”




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The Fury Siblings

The five watch the flexing of the space around them, look at each other, and back at the walls.


Joules Fury

The sparkly (or should that be sparking?) one calls out to her siblings. "It's the Barkeep, something is wrong with him, the power levels are all wrong. It's like that time before, but I think we can help regulate the flow of power. We need some space!"


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