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General Hangout!

Varen Tai

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Wazzaaa! Thank you for the opportunity as well. That was one of the most stressful app process I ever thrown my hat in. I was looking at the forum every 15 minutes(ish) for the last 10 hours (yeah, obsessive much XD) O_o


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23 minutes ago, WumbologyMajor said:

Alright, that settles that.
Never applying to one of these again.
Not going to waste five hours or more of my life writing a character that I’m likely never going to get to play and stressing for a week only to be disappointed in the end.

This isn’t the first time this has happened to me, but hell if I won’t make sure it’s the last. I’d already decided that if I didn’t get in it would be the last time for me, but I didn’t want to sound like I was pressuring anyone, so I didn’t say anything.
That said, it’s a shame these application processes are so intensive, or I might not have to just cut myself off. But at the end of the day it is just not worth the headache.

Sorry to hear that, I get it though. I remember feeling that way through many many attempts, but I did get to explore the creative creation process and improve over time. Hope it doesn't sour you too much in the long run, but I totally get the frustration. All the best!

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Congratulations to everyone who made it in. It would be a blast to experience this opportunity to grow as a Storyteller. I was hoping to get in more to experience this learning process than to play at all. But not everyone can make it in, I get that. It was fun so far, but now I'll get some rest. I wish you 9 the best time ever.

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1 minute ago, TheRedGoat said:

Thank god the pressure is of- I mean oh darn I didn't get in. Such a shame that I'll have to go back to sleeping at a regular hou- I mean have to miss out on the game.

No kidding. This went from "I hope everyone has fun" to "I hope I don't make an ass out of myself in front of these guys" real quick. Planning to give it my best shot!

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And let me emphasize HOW GOOD the applications were. There's a reason this choice was so difficult. Don't be down on yourself for not getting the gold medal at the Olympics when just getting to the Olympics says a lot about your abilities.

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27 minutes ago, Rumrunner said:

Sorry to hear that, I get it though. I remember feeling that way through many many attempts, but I did get to explore the creative creation process and improve over time. Hope it doesn't sour you too much in the long run, but I totally get the frustration. All the best!

It does. I wish I could justify doing more of these. But I can’t. It’s not worth it.
I can’t fault the GMs because they can’t handle a party bigger than X people. But I can fault all the “it’s a good thing that D&D, which is a restrictive and creatively-stifling game, is making RPGs mainstream whilst also flooding the RPG community with the general mindset that a game system that’s closer to a wargame is actually a real RPG in lieu of something more collaborative like FATE or less restrictive to players like Savage Worlds” attitudes out there. The growing size of D&D’s player base is a bad thing because it leads to situations like this. And rather than broaden horizons and try an alternative model, such as one without a dedicated GM, people just stick to what D&D does because it’s all they know because the stranglehold it has on RPG space in general is so obnoxiously firm.
So yeah, I’m rather sour about it, but it’s more of a cumulative thing than anything sudden.

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12 minutes ago, PixCO said:

No kidding. This went from "I hope everyone has fun" to "I hope I don't make an ass out of myself in front of these guys" real quick. Planning to give it my best shot!

Don't worry, I'll make an ass out of myself real quick, that should take some pressure off... It's a race!

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I've been playing here for over a dozen years and some advertisements have more intense processes than others. When we switched over to the new site I was even part of the committee to figure out if we should change / improve the process.

The consensus was that our site continues to have the most effective process of the big pbp sites. The steel sharpens steel mentality promotes the healthiest games.

One suggestion often offered to people who are disappointed in the process is: look into the less popular systems. They tend to have less applicants and thus less competition.

Also worth noting, as someone who often rails against (new) GMs going with first come, first serve games, I typically warn that just because someone is invested in your game at noon on a Tuesday, doesn't mean they'll be invested next week.

Edited by Basil_Bottletop (see edit history)
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It's true -- I do look for games of other systems when they come up. Sometimes I even find them

And I'll keep an eye out, because if you do decide to guest star my character I'm happy to oblige.

The creative process is positive, yes. It's the anxiety that I can't stand. The "am I going to get in" suspense that happens and makes me anxious even if I consciously know I shouldn't be getting worked up over it.

Lol. Prolly shoulda specified that.

Edited by WumbologyMajor (see edit history)
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