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Tujan the Prison Isle

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Female Chaotic Neutral  Titan // Warlock
Level 3, Init 1, HP 32/36, DR 1/Lawful, 1/Cold Iron, Speed 40ft
AC 18, Touch 11, Flat-footed 17, Fort 7, Ref 1, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 3   
Comet +9 (2d6 + 9, x3)
Hideous Blow +9 (2d6 + 2d6 + 9, x3)
Slam +9 (1d4 + 6, x2)
Eldritch Blast +4 (2d6, x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +1 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 22, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 18
Condition None


"Another group that desperately needs saving," says Deianara. "We wouldn't be able to call back our ship for them, now would we?"

Deinara isn't carrying food or water, but looks around for any nearby towels or clean rags.


Search Check
1d20+7 12
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Finn| AC 17 | Ini: 3 | BAB +3 | Hit Points: 27/27 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |
Touch: +13| Fort: +5 | Ref: +4 | Will: +4 | FF: +14| Resistances: 1/cold iron



Finn leans on the door observing the group still not fully trusting them "Oh, if just someone was large enough asshole to point out we might not have ship some fifteen minutes ago if we need it. But of course, there is no such asswipes here." There is no audible emotion in Warlock's voice as he scans the new group and polishes his rapier from the muck of the last battle. It appears naked people leave a much larger mess than armored.

"If they hurry up they might reach the dock before they leave, or signal them to come back in some way. It was just one fight ago they couldn't get that far. Will they return though..." Finn shrugs


Tools of the Trade



Rapier: 1d20+7, 1d6, (18/20x2)

Dagger: 1d20+6, 1d4 (19/20x2)




Move: Taking 5' move

Standard: Eldrich Blast



Level 0 (DC 13, 5 slots/day):

Acid Splash

Disrupt Undead

Ray of Frost

Touch of Fatigue

Level 1 (DC 14, 4/5 slots/ day):

Shocking Grasp

Blade of Blood

Chill Touch

Kelgore’s Fire Bolt











Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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Kilgrim2.jpg.1b74654366aa4c618d0c60b16bb4412f.jpg Strunthal Stormbeard Character Sheet

Dwarf, Rogue (3)||Dwarven Paragon (1)/Fighter (2)

AC: 17 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) | HP: 38/38 (3d10) | Speed: 20 ft.

Touch AC: 13 | Flat Footed AC: 14
Senses: Spot: +8, Listen: +8, Search: +8
Str: 14 (+2) | Dex: 16 (+3) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 14 (+2) | Cha: 06 (-2)
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Goblin and Orc

My words, | My thoughts, | My actions . . .

Strunthal gives a sideways glance at the warlock as he makes his rude comment.

I suspect we could call them back in if they have already rowed back out to the ship. After all they are supposed to be staying out there and waiting for our signal to come get us. My only concern is that if we keep sending people out to the ship they might get overloaded and have to head back without us. In which case we are stuck here till they return. Which is fine, unless we end up having to make a hasty retreat.

For now lets leave them locked up in here and finish clearing the floor. That way if we find more survivors we can take them all out to the ship together.

He will wait to see if everyone agrees and then once the people are closed back in the room safely he will move across the hall to the door there and see what is behind door #2.


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Amyly says to Strunthal "give me a moment" and she takes off towards the entrance, it took about thirty minutes and she returns very sweaty and steaming "they....they.. got about a mile or so but I caught them up and so they are turning around and bringing the ship up to the dock" she then slumps down panting for her breath.

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Finn| AC 17 | Ini: 3 | BAB +3 | Hit Points: 27/27 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |
Touch: +13| Fort: +5 | Ref: +4 | Will: +4 | FF: +14| Resistances: 1/cold iron



Uncharacteristically from what they saw from him so far he gives the small creature a gentle squeeze on the shoulder "Good job." Before he moves forward and places a hand on Dwarf's shoulder to pause him and looks at others. "Could we exit the job for a few minutes until they pack their stuff and the boat comes back, I have some info and wouldn't want to disturb nurses further. It won't take long."


Tools of the Trade



Rapier: 1d20+7, 1d6, (18/20x2)

Dagger: 1d20+6, 1d4 (19/20x2)




Move: Taking 5' move

Standard: Eldrich Blast



Level 0 (DC 13, 5 slots/day):

Acid Splash

Disrupt Undead

Ray of Frost

Touch of Fatigue

Level 1 (DC 14, 4/5 slots/ day):

Shocking Grasp

Blade of Blood

Chill Touch

Kelgore’s Fire Bolt











Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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Kilgrim2.jpg.1b74654366aa4c618d0c60b16bb4412f.jpg Strunthal Stormbeard Character Sheet

Dwarf, Rogue (3)||Dwarven Paragon (1)/Fighter (2)

AC: 17 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) | HP: 38/38 (3d10) | Speed: 20 ft.

Touch AC: 13 | Flat Footed AC: 14
Senses: Spot: +8, Listen: +8, Search: +8
Str: 14 (+2) | Dex: 16 (+3) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 14 (+2) | Cha: 06 (-2)
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Goblin and Orc

My words, | My thoughts, | My actions . . .

Strunthal stops and does not check any other doors. He takes up a guard position in the hallway.

Yeah sure. Everyone grab their stuff and head for the boat. We can come back after they are safe.


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Devon Bohl | "My Speech" | 'My thoughts'| My actions.

Devon Bohl Sheet Male, Neutral Good, Human Wizard 3 // Factotum 3, Level 3, Init +6, HP 27/27, Speed 40ft
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3, BAB +2
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 08
Conditions None

Memorized Spells

SPELL SLOTS (Cantrip, DC 14) 3+3 | (1st, DC 15) 1+3+1 | (2nd, DC 16) 0+3+1 | (3rd) 0

  1. Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, (Caltrops*), (Caltrops*), (Caltrops*)

  2. Color Spray, Color Spray, (Grease*), (Grease*), (Lesser Orb of Acid*)

  3. Web*, (Web*), (Glitterdust*), (Glitterdust*)



Feats / Abilities

  • FLAW: Expeditious Dodge(RotW)
  • FLAW: False Focus(Pathfinder)
  • Wizard 1: Scribe Scroll
  • Human: Able Learner
  • 1st: Extraordinary Artisan(EbCS)
  • 3rd: Craft Wondrous Item
  • Trapfinding
  • Inspiration 3/3
  • Abrupt Jaunt 4/4
  • Arcane Dilettante 1/1


Devon goes to each of the refugees, offering food and water from the Haversack to each in turn. While doing so he also asks them for their information, Name, Title, etc, in order to add to his notes. He listens to the others about taking them to the boat and agrees that it's the best plan. Of course when they reach the boat he asks how much space they have remaining, just in case. He also looks over his numbers to see how many people, living or dead, are accounted for so far.


Nothing to see here. Move along.

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Finn| AC 17 | Ini: 3 | BAB +3 | Hit Points: 27/27 | Size: Medium | Speed: 30 ft |
Touch: +13| Fort: +5 | Ref: +4 | Will: +4 | FF: +14| Resistances: 1/cold iron



Seeing Devon caring for occupants Finn decides not to bother him and nods toward Argent (still assumedly NPCd by GM) and Deinara toward the door. Then exits with the Dwarf. Once when everyone who planned to come out was out Finn leaned against the wall and sighed like doing something he hadn't gotten used to.

"Ok, I just wanted to avoid the scene in front of prisoners/hostages, I don't know what to call them, like the last time. We have to, at least in front of them seem like we speak with one voice. First to move facts out of the way. My "contact" filled me up a bit on this Zief thing and there is very little good news. He was an "otherworldly being" even before his deification but it is unspecified were he just an outsider, or to our sorrow maybe a messenger of a higher being. But he reached the status of lesser deity by murdering Celestial Paragon. He rules over Chaos and Deformities. That part wouldn't matter that much if he wasn't captured under our feat and crazy ex-Halfling is trying to free him. Also, in the land of the liars, he would be ruler."

Warlock shifts thumbing the tip of his oversized Rapier "This is pertinent, and why I'm..." It seems like Finn will say "paranoid" but at the last moment, he changes his mind. "...on the edge, since we met the first batch of survivors. His followers are basically shapeshifters. Yeah, they can sprout malformities. But if it was for the "greater good" of causing more chaos they could just transform to pass as someone else, and we are shipping increasing numbers of people from this place. Ok, the last ones had just a sword, but here we have armed and armored guards too. They could overpower sailors easily, I thought it might be prudent while we march them through this narrow corridor for Argent to check everyone with his Detect Evil kinda discreetly, then we separate those who ping and find a way to make sure are they cultist or garden variety asshole."

He actually gives a silent chuckle "If it was up to me I would take their armor and weapons and give them to sailors, either for safekeeping or as an upgrade of theirs. I have no doubt they could easily find some law about the presence of unauthorized armed personnel on the ship, but I leave that one up to you. The last time I tried we got the sword we don't need."

He finishes and waits for any response, there is a barely visible twitch on his face as the voice in the back of his mind returns returns "They will spit in your face as always, just do what has to be done." He takes a breath and, in his mind, his voice somehow sounds more malicious than his Patrons "Pact is called pact for a reason, you've just been fed, good battle blood and not animal scraps. Speak before tomorrow and you've broken the pact and I am free." He feels presence on the verge of his consciousness like deciding whether should he test Finn's resolve, but it fades away. Warlock exhales and discreetly wipes cold sweat on his tunic.


Tools of the Trade



Rapier: 1d20+7, 1d6, (18/20x2)

Dagger: 1d20+6, 1d4 (19/20x2)




Move: Taking 5' move

Standard: Eldrich Blast



Level 0 (DC 13, 5 slots/day):

Acid Splash

Disrupt Undead

Ray of Frost

Touch of Fatigue

Level 1 (DC 14, 4/5 slots/ day):

Shocking Grasp

Blade of Blood

Chill Touch

Kelgore’s Fire Bolt











Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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Image result for fantasy prison nurse female

One of the nurses asks Finn "could I make a suggestion, if you leave their armour and weapons here in their barracks then you will not have an issue. If you look at them closely you will see that they are not faking it, they have been to hell and back. I think on the top floor where most of the cells are is a "special" weapons cabinet, the weapons in there are magical as some of the prisoners have resistances" she says as they prepare to head out.


As the party led the people to safety Amyly talked to the nurse, asking about weird goings-on and any ghosts in the building. Victoria (the nurse) says "oh my yes, we had a man from some plane that was evil, hell or the abyss, he had two, you know" and she points to her groin area. Victoria said "oh, the stairs there had a prisoner disappear in there once. A guard was chasing him down the stairs and the bottom door was locked but when the guard reached the bottom he was nowhere in sight" which made Amyly stop and ask Strunthal "Strunthal, could you have a poke around the bottom of the stairs please" and she continued to escort the survivors to the ship.


@Draidden Check the area around the bottom of the stairs please.

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Kilgrim2.jpg.1b74654366aa4c618d0c60b16bb4412f.jpg Strunthal Stormbeard Character Sheet

Dwarf, Rogue (3)||Dwarven Paragon (1)/Fighter (2)

AC: 17 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) | HP: 38/38 (3d10) | Speed: 20 ft.

Touch AC: 13 | Flat Footed AC: 14
Senses: Spot: +8, Listen: +8, Search: +8
Str: 14 (+2) | Dex: 16 (+3) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 14 (+2) | Cha: 06 (-2)
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Goblin and Orc

My words, | My thoughts, | My actions . . .

Strunthal is just about to go check out the stairs when Amyly asks him to.


He heads over and starts inspecting the area in front of the stairs and then the bottom of the stairs themselves.


Search check
1d20+8 15
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Female Chaotic Neutral  Titan // Warlock
Level 3, Init 1, HP 32/36, DR 1/Lawful, 1/Cold Iron, Speed 40ft
AC 18, Touch 11, Flat-footed 17, Fort 7, Ref 1, Will 4, Base Attack Bonus 3   
Comet +9 (2d6 + 9, x3)
Hideous Blow +9 (2d6 + 2d6 + 9, x3)
Slam +9 (1d4 + 6, x2)
Eldritch Blast +4 (2d6, x2)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +1 Dex, +3 Natural)
Abilities Str 22, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 18
Condition None


"Taking some much needed precautions around survivors seems a fantastic idea, Finn." Deianara is in full agreement with the other warlock before the nurse speaks up about their group seeming to have gone to hell and back. "Still, it couldn't hurt to be cautious around future rescues."

As Strunthal goes to investigate the bottom of the stairs, Deianara follows not too far behind. The mysterious circumstance seemed sketchy, and she wanted to make sure Strunthal didn't end up in a compromising predicament on his lonesome.


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Kilgrim2.jpg.1b74654366aa4c618d0c60b16bb4412f.jpg Strunthal Stormbeard Character Sheet

Dwarf, Rogue (3)||Dwarven Paragon (1)/Fighter (2)

AC: 17 (+4 Armor, +3 Dex) | HP: 38/38 (3d10) | Speed: 20 ft.

Touch AC: 13 | Flat Footed AC: 14
Senses: Spot: +8, Listen: +8, Search: +8
Str: 14 (+2) | Dex: 16 (+3) | Con: 14 (+2) | Int: 14 (+2) | Wis: 14 (+2) | Cha: 06 (-2)
Languages: Common, Dwarf, Goblin and Orc

My words, | My thoughts, | My actions . . .

Ah. That explains it. There is a concealed door right here. Let's get these people to the boat and then we can come back and check it out.

He heads back over to the rest of the group and helps usher the survivors out to the boat. He fills the others in about the door once back with the others.


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Catfolk LA+1/Ranger 1, Ranger/Rogue 2, [B]Level[/B] 3, [B]Init[/B] 4, [B]HP[/B] 27/27, [B]Speed[/B] 40 [B]AC[/B] 19, [B]Touch[/B] 14, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 15, [B]Fort[/B] 5, [B]Ref[/B] 7, [B]Will[/B] 2, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 4 [B] MW Composite Longbow +1 Str (20 x Arrows) [/B] +9 (1d8+1, x3) [B] MW Scimitar [/B] +6 (1d6+1, 18-20x2) [B] 2x Throwing axes [/B] +8 (1d6, x2) [B] Mithril Chain Shirt[/B] (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Natural) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 14 [B]Condition[/B] None [B]Languages[/B] Common, Draconing, Halfling, Feline, and Sylvan Healing Belt: 1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage. 2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage. 3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.
Catfolk LA+1/Ranger 1, Ranger/Rogue 2, Level 3, Init 4, HP 27/27, Speed 40
AC 19, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15, Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 4
MW Composite Longbow +1 Str (20 x Arrows) +9 (1d8+1, x3)
MW Scimitar +6 (1d6+1, 18-20x2)
2x Throwing axes +8 (1d6, x2)
Mithril Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 14
Condition None
Languages Common, Draconing, Halfling, Feline, and Sylvan

Healing Belt:
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.



Skill Name Modifier
Appraise 3
Balance 4
Bluff 2
Climb 1
Concentration 1
Craft 0
Decipher Script 5
Diplomacy 5
Disable Device 6
Disguise 2
Escape Artist 4
Forgery 3
Gather Information 3
Handle Animal 2
Heal 1
Hide 9
Intimidate 2
Jump 1
Knowledge(Geography) 6
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 6
Knowledge(Local) 5
Knowledge(Nature) 5
Listen 7
Move Silently 10
Open Lock 6
Perform 0
Profession(Cook) 4
Ride 6
Search 6
Sense Motive 4
Sleight of Hand 4
Spellcraft 3
Spot 5
Survival 5
Swim 1
Tumble 6
Use Magic Device 4
Use Rope 5

Feats and Abilities 


Point Blank Shot(1st Lvl)

Track(Ranger class feat)

Rapid Fire (Ranger Combat Style Feat)

Endurance(Ranger Class feat)

Able Sniper(3rd Lvl) From Races of the Wild.


Racial Abilities:

+4 DEX and +2 CHA

Low-Light Vision 

+2 to Move Silently and Spot

+1 Nat Armor 

+1 LA


Rogue Class Abilities:

Sneak Attack +1d6




Ranger Class Abilities:

1st Favored Enemy Humanoid (Human)


Wild Empathy

Combat Style (Archer)




Mithril Chainshirt (1100GP) Dungeon Masters Guide

MW Composite Longbow +1 STR w/20 Arrows(501GP) Players Handbook

MW Scimitar (315GP) Players Handbook

2x Throwing Axes (16GP) Players Handbook

Healing Belt (750GP) Magic Item Compendium Pg 110

Backpack (2GP) Players Handbook

Bedroll (1SP) Players Handbook

Blanket, Winter (5SP) Players Handbook

Fishhook (1SP) Players Handbook

Flint & Steel (1GP) Players Handbook

Small Steel Mirror (10GP) Players Handbook

Iron Pot (5SP) Players Handbook

Belt Pouch (1GP) Players Handbook

Trail Rations x7 (3GP5SP) Players Handbook

Silk Rope 50 Ft (10GP) Players Handbook

Sewing Needle (5SP) Players Handbook

Shovel (2GP) Players Handbook

Soap (5SP) Players Handbook

Tent (10GP) Players Handbook

Waterskin (1GP) Players Handbook

Whetstone (2CP) Players Handbook

Sunrod x2 (4GP) Players Handbook

Thieves Tools (30 GP) Players Handbook

Explorers Outfit (10GP) Players Handbook

Light Warhorse (15)GP) Players Handbook

Bit & Bridle (2GP) Players Handbook

Military Saddle (20GP) Players Handbook

Saddlebag (4GP) Players Handbook

Feed x7(3SP5CP) Players Handbook

Spices (Pepper, Salt, Garlic, Cumin, Basil, Rosemary, Onion) (31GP 1 SP, and 5 CP) Arms and Equipment Guide Pg 31

Wheat Flour (3 GP) Arms and Equipment Guide Pg 31

Olive Oil (5GP) Arms and Equipment Guide Pg 31

Honey (1SP) Arms and Equipment Guide Pg 31

Funds Left over 14 GP, 15 SP, and 18 CP


Drewan was not a fan of continuing to send these folks to ship, it just was not smart. On that he agreed with Finn. He also did not agree with all of them going back to the boat now but it seemed that most others wanted to go back. He shrugged his shoulders and followed the others, keeping his eyes open and his ears perked to any hidden dangers

1d20+7 10
1d20+5 8
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