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The Purple Dolphin Inn


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Adalmar weighs the woman at the entrance, then decides she likely doesn't know much.

He follows Lastanor up the steps, with some minor difficulties: he is not climbing them as smoothly as an actual dog would.
Attaching himself to the sahuagin - so that's who he is! I knew from the smell of brine that he was sea-people, but they all smell mostly the same - also has the benefit that people do not think he's a stray dog wandering in to steal some food.


He separates from Lastanor there, however, and heads straight for the hadozee. He gets two paws on the table to prop himself up and be in view of the first mate, then speaks up:

"Master Stormchaser, I believe? Nice to make your acquaintance."
He's done his homework on the Swift Vengeance; he's not here by chance.
"I believe the captain will want to see me, if not right away, then very soon. I'm quite certain she'll value my skills."

He may not be extroverted like many here, but he exudes quiet confidence... for a dog.


Worldly travelers will recognize his accent as being from the Hebdiren (a chain of islands west of Andar), but only the most adept will identify the origin of some markedly different pronunciations: the Dwarven tongue.

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A rakish sort of seagoing buccaneer type walked up the cobbled street to the entrance of the Purple Dragon Inn, boots clicking softly on the stones.

A finger twirled a long lock of red-brown hair as the personage read the sign outside the inn, then made his way directly through the main entrance into the common area, though there was an acknowledging bob of the head as he passed the older woman sitting outside.

A casual glance around the crowd. Seemingly indifferent to the throng he wove his way to the bar. To the observant it could be noted that at a table of old salts the conversation moderated slightly, the tone of the voices dropping a decibel or two. Here and there a few nods were exchanged, no jovial calls of comradeship renewed, but subdued professional greetings.

The man propped himself up by the bar, in no hurry to order, rather taking his time to observe the patrons, gauging the mood and feel of the room.

At one table there was a young sailor glancing about at the others with him, "Isn't that Vae? The butcher of the Carditz? Don't tell me he's taking the voyage?!" came a muted whisper, the head looked down at the tabletop not wanting to be seen to be speaking.
"He'll be interviewing same as the rest," was the calm response. "And don't you worry son, if he comes just do as he says, mind your manners and you'll be fine. He'll have your back, same as us."

Apparently satisfied with what he was seeing the man waved off the approaching barmaid and headed up the rickety stairs.

Noting a dog confidently talking to the first mate in the small anteroom, he paused to patiently wait his turn.


Edited by Thramzorean (see edit history)
Knowledge Arcana on dog
1d20+7 12
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Sven.png.a51d218807e0799d6405f6f3d17a2604.pngA small little one alights in front of the Purple Dragon. He heard the rumors and knew of the recruitment. Time to see if he can't make some gold and blow some stuff up! Dusting himself off, he looks at the door a moment before entering the madness and bustle that is a bar.

Seeing the sign right at the front, he tips his imaginary hat to the lady at the table before disappearing from her sight. Reappearing on the stairwell, he makes his way up the stairs to the third floor.

Making sure he looks good, he walking into the room only to be greeted by a talking gorilla. Not the first hadozee he's come across and probably not the last. "Good to meet your acquaintance. I am called Sven and while I may not look like it, I am probably one of the best navigators and pilots you'll find in this port or any for that matter. I'm also pretty decent at sabotage and infiltration. What else would you care know to start?"


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Almost immediately, the four-footed guest is on guard around the winsome fellow. He, along with the others, seem to be unable to decide how to categorize her lower half - sheep? Goat? Horse? She expected even fewer to know as much as the name for her kind. She would answer, but the human moves and talks faster than she can keep up. She barely gets in "I don't know" when asked if they were at war with the Sahuagin, and when he excuses himself to speak to Garth, she blurts out an affirmative in spite of herself and pushes on out of the room to head down the stairs.

She needed that wine, and she pressed on past the gawpers to the bar demanding the drink, promising twice the coin if the tender would bring it to her 10 minutes ago. She retreats to a corner to nurse it, albeit not removed from view of the bar, hooves thumping as she went to deter unwelcome company. She is found again by the self-proclaimed farm boy from Vern, both drinks in hand, after she has had a few gulps from a mug, a big one though not as tall as a pint, and a good deal more possessed of self that she seemed before.

"I strain to call it that, goodfellow. Closer to bedlam." she glances down at her mug. "But, better now. Did you say you were from Vern?"

OOC: Picking out a spot to relax requires some maneuvering for a bestial race. She went a little out of the way, so I "teleported" Dorian there after looking for her.
Anyone may spot Althea's table with line of sight from the bar where they might order their own food and drink.


Althea's appearance here for convenience. I don't think I added it to my OP.

Althea has a "just-washed in the river" look, wearing her hair long and swept back behind horns and ears. Before becoming a freebooter, Althea used to wear naught but a bra. After being introduced to the revolutionary notion of covering more skin than utility demands, the barrier between said skin now includes chain barding over a padded caparison and tunic. The paint on her face, in keeping with the traditions of her tribe, sets her apart as the exotic fish out of water in Andaron. Of course, this is all incidental to her four-legged lower ewe body, with a tan, shorthaired pelt.

Edited by rorytheromulan
updated appearance (see edit history)
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Lastanor Nightwater

SahuaginDDtransparent.png.25eb0739bea280163e7e1e369828781c.pngLastanor's cloak fluttered as his head swiveled back and forth at the numerous...numbers, of people. A talking dog, a fairy on foot, a buccaneering buccaneer, whatever that four-legged centauroid was that just vanished down the stairs. Not to mention the human-looking ones.

Eventually, he just took a step back and stood with his back to the wall to let them go by if need be. After a few seconds, he pulled his hood back, revealing his fishy-lizardy face.
"I faced a giant squid, once." he said quietly, in Lothar's direction, "It was...a disconcerting experience."
After a couple of minutes of thought, Lastanor opened his mouth again;
"Down below, in ocean deep, there lies an endless dark.
No up nor down, no sky nor ground, no place for any shark.
The strangest beast of many arms, found in those crushing depths.
Its every movement was a song, a song of creeping death."

"From behind the veil of night, tentacles lashed out,
and...and more rhymes escape me at the moment."
Lastanor admitted, "Something about dancing in time to its song to avoid its hungry grasp."

After a few slightly awkward seconds, the sahuagin made a few popping noises with his mouth, "But, yes. I normally find the abyssal deep somewhat calming, but I would not wish being attacked by a tentacled monster in those depths on anyone."



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Ħraan Evermeer

Ħraan laughs along with everyone else as the songs are sung, although she frowns when talk turns to squid attacks. "The squids are dangerous, aye. Beautiful in their sheer power and scale.. but you shouldn't demonise or fear them. They're usually quite friendly unless provoked," she glances at Thorvald teasingly. "And think about what they represent. What better personifies the vast ocean than the largest of its wildlife? What better omen of the God's favour than to swim alongside one? No, there are more aberrant things below the sea's depths to point your tales at."


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Lothar Heirutsson


Lothar's attention flitted between Lastanor and Ħraan, his curiosity piqued by their tales of the ocean's depths and the creatures that dwelled within. With a nod of understanding, he listened intently as Lastanor recounted his encounter with the giant squid, his expression sympathetic.

"A disconcerting experience indeed," Lothar murmured, his voice filled with empathy. "The depths of the ocean hold many mysteries, and the creatures that dwell within can be both wondrous and terrifying."

As Lastanor's lyrical description of the ocean's depths unfolded, Lothar found himself captivated by the imagery evoked by his words. He nodded in agreement as Lastanor faltered slightly, understanding the difficulty of encapsulating such an otherworldly experience in mere words.

"A song of creeping death indeed," Lothar mused, a shiver running down his spine at the thought of facing such a formidable foe beneath the waves. "But it is going strait into my repertory, if you don't mind of course." 

Turning his attention to Ħraan, Lothar offered a warm smile, appreciating her perspective on the creatures of the sea.

"Indeed, there is much wisdom in your words," Lothar remarked, his admiration for her evident. "The ocean is a realm of untold wonders, and to swim alongside such magnificent creatures is a privilege indeed. Perhaps there are other tales to be told, of creatures more mysterious and enigmatic than the giant squid, lurking in the depths below.  It is as much terrifying than intriguing to find out.  I wish, if I'm ever employed by the estimated Captain Zentaru, to live the experience and survive the adventure, and have something to show the world, for the glory of my tribe which I proudly represent."

With a nod of agreement, Lothar raised his tankard in a silent toast to the vast and unfathomable depths of the ocean, where adventure and wonder awaited those brave enough to seek it.


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Dorian Hawkwind

Looking around the room after registering with the gorilla, Dorian cannot see the charming bariaur he was talking to. Hoping he didn't offend her by becoming distracted so quickly by all the other things going on, he determined to find her and set things aright.

Finding her at a table downstairs, with an empty glass by her side, he approaches and puts one of his drinks down for her. "My apologies, lady, for my churlish lack of attention. Such a busy place... so many strange and exotic folk. It's really quite overwhelming, isn't it? Do you mind if I join you?" 😊

Seating himself opposite, he goes on "I'm Dorian... Dorian Hawkwind. And yes, I'm from Vern. I grew up on a little farm near Hornbeam Grove, if you are familiar at all with the place. Used to play with the pixies and brownies as a lad, whenever I could escape from father and my chores. Good days. I've always felt a kind of... affinity for the fey folk. You have a free spirit about you that we humans mostly lack, I've found. It's all work, work, work and complaining about the weather with our kind. Sometimes you just need to lie back and take in all the beauty around you... not just think about where to build a fence around it!"

"But listen to me, going on so. Tell me about yourself. Where are you from and what brought you here today?" He smiles and takes a long drink, then listens intently to her response. ☺️



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Fenza Sendarine

"Good day to you, Sir. My name is Fenza Sendarine and I offer to the esteemed Melara Zentaru and the Swift Vengeance my skill with artillery. I have worked the ballistae and other siege engines for several years, and am well-read in alchemy and devices of all kinds. I am a capable sailor and mage, and can also heal the wounded and repair the ship."

I give the hadozee a moment to digest my words. "I fervently believe in the rule of law, Sir, and see the Swift Vengeance as a shining vessel of righteousness."


Edited by Sundust
Edited to reflect known technology and updates to character (see edit history)
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Lothar Heirutsson


Lothar glanced at the window, gauging the time with a quick assessment of the fading light. Satisfied, he determined that he had indulged in enough drink and respite after his lengthy journey to the Purple Dolphin, to seek employment. It was now time for him to pursue his fortunes and inquire about a position aboard the Swift Vengeance. With a graceful bow to his newfound friends and the attentive crowd that had savored his songs and tales, he bid them farewell.

"This has been a pleasure, truly," Lothar declared with genuine warmth. "But it is time for me to test my luck in the privateer business. May the gods watch over you all."

Confidently, he navigated through the bustling inn, moving with the ease of someone well-acquainted with taverns and taprooms. His diminutive stature afforded him an advantage in maneuvering through the throng. Before presenting himself to the imposing figure of the hadozee, he took a moment to discreetly check his breath (satisfied that it didn't carry too heavy a scent of wine), quickly smoothed his hair, and adjusted his clothing with meticulous care.

When his turn finally arrived, Lothar responded to the questions with flair and confidence. "I am Lothar Heirutsson, also known as Lothar the Dragonheart," he announced boldly. "I possess expertise in boat building and navigation, and my skills as a trained bard could also serve the ship's captain well, should the need arise for a capable seneschal."


Edited by Harding (see edit history)
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Garth Stormchaser

The hadozee glances around the room in between registering applicants, taking in bits and pieces of the conversation.

To Adalmar

Garth looks momentarily startled as the apparent canine speaks to him, but he recovers quickly. “You’ll certainly get your interview, but I still need to treat you like any other applicant and make you wait your turn. What name shall I write, and what skills do you have that would be useful on a privateer?”


To Sven

“That’s enough for a start, Sven; the Captain will have her own questions. Is there a family name I should record?”

To Fenza

The hadozee raises his eyebrows at the mention of bombards. “A rare skill, that. I imagine the Captain will be very interested in exploring your experience.”


Garth scratches his chin. “Seneschal. Not a position I’m familiar with. We haven’t had one of those, if memory serves. The Captain may want to know more detail about what you have in mind.”



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To Adalmar

Garth looks momentarily startled as the apparent canine speaks to him, but he recovers quickly. “You’ll certainly get your interview, but I still need to treat you like any other applicant and make you wait your turn. What name shall I write, and what skills do you have that would be useful on a privateer?”

The dog's ears droop momentarily, out of disappointment, but Adalmar recovers smoothly. Appearing an ingrate would not help his chances.

"What can I do? You name it!

Wind-working - a rare and prized skill.
Breaching defenses - from air, sea or... anywhere really.
Surgeon - I've set back many a broken bone.
Scout and tracker.

And though one obviously couldn't tell right now, I've spent much time aboard ships already - salty feet and all 'dat. I'll provide some names to the captain if she asks.

Mark me down as Adalmar, if you please."

While the list in itself is impressive, the delivery feels a bit rehearsed; clearly Adalmar's orator skills pale in comparison to many assembled here.

Barring any further question from Garth, he steps away calmly, letting the next in line get their turn.


Edited by namo (see edit history)
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Seeing the dog, Adalmar it had called itself, was finished, Vaeril stepped up to stand in front of the hadozee.

"Vaeril, but everybody calls me Vae. Boson or Master at Arms have been my most recent positions," the man stated promptly.

"You'll find me under V on the short list you and Cap'n Zentaru drew up of known Andoran officers just before this process, either that or you've already discarded me," Vaeril noted with dry humour, gazing at a neutral point somewhere above the first mate's head. For all his attempted humour Vaeril had hit the correct tone between levity and respect. Vaeril was standing to attention, talking to a superior officer, perhaps more importantly to Vaeril, Garth was a seaman of repute, a fellow professional in a small world of genuinely capable professionals.


Edited by Thramzorean (see edit history)
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Sven.png.a51d218807e0799d6405f6f3d17a2604.pngThe sprite scratches his head before shaking it slowly.


"No. No family name. No family either. Might make it a bit easier in case of an unfortunate incident."


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There's that smile again, but Althea senses that his motives are benign, ulterior or otherwise. She feels no compulsion to hold anything back, and speaks openly. "I'm here for the same reason as you are, I should think. Adventure, to wander, and gain wisdom of the world? The sea is as strange to me as any other place away from my land of birth. There was some push and pull over whether I should remain on Crendu. I was born with an inner wellspring of the gods' power and marked with the horns grown by our male kinsman, and so I roamed and chased whatever dreams that kept my feet on the shore until our elders could divine the gods' intentions for my blessing."

"I'm a healer, and some crewmen of Swift Vengeance ended up in my tent, so I healed them, and the druids and my kin took it as an omen. I went along with them on their journey as a trial to see whether seafaring and freebooting agreed with me. Thankfully, I haven't turned green just yet."


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