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Hey @iantruesilver I have a few questions/rule clearifications. I am using hero lab for the initial build as it is very good and flagging rule issues. A few of such PFS flags have me wondering.

1) Are Aasimar, specifically Angel-Blooded Aasimar (Angelkin), Allowed?

2) Can we stack archetypes, so long as they do not replace the same normal class ability/features?

3) Would selecting an Empyreal Lord such as Arqueris or Ragathiel for a deity be appropriate?

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Oh! Speaking of questions, there's one big one we should probably get out if the way.

Obviously we can't take it now, but how do you feel about Leadership?

You vetoed crafting empires, which I presume would be done through Leadership, buy not the feat outright with that ruling.

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30 minutes ago, Shadowstarr said:

Hey @iantruesilver I have a few questions/rule clearifications. I am using hero lab for the initial build as it is very good and flagging rule issues. A few of such PFS flags have me wondering.

1) Are Aasimar, specifically Angel-Blooded Aasimar (Angelkin), Allowed?

2) Can we stack archetypes, so long as they do not replace the same normal class ability/features?

3) Would selecting an Empyreal Lord such as Arqueris or Ragathiel for a deity be appropriate?

1) Yes

2) Yes

3) Possibly? I can't see a huge impact...

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9 minutes ago, Lwmons said:

Oh! Speaking of questions, there's one big one we should probably get out if the way.

Obviously we can't take it now, but how do you feel about Leadership?

You vetoed crafting empires, which I presume would be done through Leadership, buy not the feat outright with that ruling.

Leadership is an important one in this campaign, as if I haven't mentioned it, this WotR will be run without mythic rules. Leadership will not be banned.

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6 minutes ago, iantruesilver said:

Leadership is an important one in this campaign, as if I haven't mentioned it, this WotR will be run without mythic rules. Leadership will not be banned.

this pleases me greatly.

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Oh we aren't doing Mythic? That's a shame. I don't think that had been mentioned before

Is there a reason you don't want to use it? I always thought that Mythic was the main reason to play WotR, it's defining feature

Edited by Lwmons (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, iantruesilver said:

If I haven't mentioned it, this WotR will be run without mythic rules. Leadership will not be banned.

I approve this message.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Lwmons said:

Oh we aren't doing Mythic? That's a shame. I don't think that had been mentioned before

Is there a reason you don't want to use it? I always thought that Mythic was the main reason to play WotR, it's defining feature

It is and it isn't. WotR has an amazing story, and one that definitely fits well with mythic, no doubt about that.


My issue isn't with the theme. I love it. It's with the mechanics.


Allow me to tell a story.


Back in 2017-18, I ran a Second Darkness campaign on a live table for some friends. At the time, I thought y'know, the story lended decently to mythic rules, why not, let's try giving the party some extra oomph, cause afterall, I'm giving them some pretty nasty challenges (I had added in extra content from multiple non-Paizo sources, and custom created other things).


So, at the beginning of Second Darkness Book 2, the group were Lv 4 plus 1 Mythic Tier, which, by the books is the same as what you would start Book 2 of WotR with.


Hoboi. Sit down for this.


We had an elven wizard, and a dwarven fighter (barbarian? one of them two) at this point, plus a couple of other regulars amongst a rotating caste.


They were at this point on an island, which was supposed to present various encounters as they traveled across this island, which I would say comprised at least about 1/3 if not 1/2 of the book's encounters. The book, and their then naïve GM (me), assumed that "okay, they're gonna HAVE to encounter these encounters cause after all, it's on the island!"


So, the dwarf had taken this mythic thing that allowed him to run fast. To the tune of... You sitting yet? 2,400ft/min. They tied a rope around everyone's waists, one end to the dwarf, then the others after him at the other end. The elf then cast levitate on everyone other than the dwarf.


And he ran.


Essentially this dwarf kite-dragged the rest of the party at a speed that would be illegal in every single school zone in our civilized world, through the entire width of the island, faster than the record of Usain Bolt, effectively bypassing EVERY SINGLE ENCOUNTER on the island that was not inside a building.

Edited by iantruesilver (see edit history)
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I mean... That just sounds like a player acting in bad faith and not a problem with Mythic itself, Mythic is supposed to allow for over-the top power levels. But if you are going to veto it I suppose I won't press the matter. I just kind of wish that had been established somewhere and not first mentioned out of the blue like this. I don't need Mythic for my character, it's just kind of a bummer to know it's not an option now.

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5 minutes ago, Lwmons said:

I just kind of wish that had been established somewhere and not first mentioned out of the blue like this.


Sorry thats my bad. I had discussed it with @Mindcrime who is my swap partner for this, guess I had forgotten to inform the rest of the applicants.


7 minutes ago, Lwmons said:

I don't need Mythic for my character, it's just kind of a bummer to know it's not an option now.


I am committed to using everything available to me, including the suggestion from JJ's intro notes in book 2 to make up the difference though.


Now that being said, if there's something specific that you're thinking mythic will do that you can't somehow attain otherwise, please do let me know and we can discuss it.

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2 minutes ago, iantruesilver said:

if there's something specific that you're thinking mythic will do that you can't somehow attain otherwise, please do let me know

I want to run, like, really fast



But seriously, I was vaguely excited at the prospect, but never played with them so don't really know what they entail or what I'm missing. Happy to play either way.

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7 minutes ago, iantruesilver said:

I am committed to using everything available to me, including the suggestion from JJ's intro notes in book 2 to make up the difference though.


Now that being said, if there's something specific that you're thinking mythic will do that you can't somehow attain otherwise, please do let me know and we can discuss it.

The only specific thing I was looking at was the Beyond Morality ability from the Universal Path, to sort of retroactively justify the leeway you were giving me with the Paladin/God alignment discrepancy that comes with Milani.

There's not really anything I need from Mythic beyond that. Nata is a character I've been sitting on for a while and Mythic wasn't on the table when I originally came up with the concept. It's just a bummer, like I said, a super-high power game sounds like a lot of fun.

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Is this campaign still recruiting? I did notice and read that the mythic abilities aren't going to be used, which is fine.

I was considering a Gun Chemist archetype - Human. His backstory is, in summary, an inventive and driven survivor of a noble family who decided to spend his remaining family fortune to study things like physics, alchemy, blacksmithing, etc. to enact his revenge on the demons and become a dedicated monster slayer using ingenuity and knowledge.


I also apologize that I have not used Mythweavers games since before the change to the new website, so I may be a bit dumb when it comes to the new site.

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Mythic is unbalanced for sure, but not necessarily as unbalanced as regular pathfinder. Maybe the overall level of imbalance is a bit higher than normal. But if you don’t want to use them it’s your prerogative as the GM.


Going to do a Tiefling Druid but don’t think I’ll be touching anything that might need a GM ruling.

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