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The Rusty Dragon (OOC)


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So current party we have:

Dakmoor the Barbarian
Dolora the Wizard
Huryn the Alchemist
Reda the Paladin-Ranger
Kanthar the Cleric/Hunter

I will treat this question selfishly, as Dakmoor would. Dakmoor doesn't want to be the only one taking a beating and would like someone to heal him.

I like Morgyn the dwarven paladin and Alastair the Druid for these roles. Looking at the apps though, I like the effort that went into Morgyn's a bit more. I am also partial to Starhawk's app. They put a ton of effort into it, and it includes the following gem:

"In the game she'd essentially be Dakmoor's wing man. I've played that role before in another game where FrancisJohn was playing Dakmoor.

I am a proven rapid poster, who won't ghost."


So if we do elect to have an additional PC, I'd recommend it come down to those two, Morgyn by Dorgyn, and Aubrae by Starhawk.

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Nice to meet you too. Looking forward to jumping in. For some reason I always feel like 5 person parties are the sweet spot for pathfinder, but I know opportunities to play are rare especially these days (looks at advertisements page. dodges tumbleweed.). Since I haven't been in this game yet I'm not sure where the party could use help. It looks like you could use a rogue for traps and locks? Whitehart's Syphilia seems pretty melee-centric too, though certainly no tank like Morgyn. I don't know enough about druid, but my understanding is that it could be melee-friendly, and I'm sure dhemon could work the class into any niche the party needs.


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1 hour ago, Kistler said:

@hoverfrog Is Reda at the current battle? Happy to jump in whenever.

Reda is upstairs, essentially just off screen. Feel free to jump in. On the map that is the door in the middle of the south wall where the stairs going up are.

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My thoughts, for whatever they are worth:

Role-wise, Syphilia fills a slot that no one else in the group or in the applicant pool does currently - the lock picker/trap disabler.

dhemon and shadowstar are both solid players and are each in one of the two games I'm running.

Morgyn and Alastair would both give us some back-up healing (which we otherwise won't have until Huryn reaches Alchemist 6 and can snag the infusions discovery).

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If I can interject to stump for myself a bit, I just realized I forgot to mention something. I held off on picking Al’s Slayer Talent because I wanted to ask about what the group would need. I probably should have made that clear in my application thread, but I was rushing a bit to get it posted and forgot, apologies.
I can grab Trapfinding with that, and tweak the skills/traits to get a decent Disable Device bonus, or grab a combat style to better fit a melee/ranged role if preferred.

Edited by dhemon (see edit history)
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To add a bit of a post app summary. My build of the shield champion archetype isn't a typical brawler. Mixed with some sacred shield and the combination will have a strong AC as well as the ability to give the shield Bonus around to the group. Along with Decent saves from divine grace and it a very good dex tank with half decent gear. Lastly it damage output gets strong later on the damage dice increase along with furry of blows. Martial flexibility offers.... well martial flexibility. This guy's role would be the frontline shield of the team.

Thanks for the kind word @Inash

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Welcome, Kistler!

Looking at all the applications, I'm partial to Alastair. As much as I appreciate the effort to keep Melonie in the game, I think Syphilia is too different for her to have much rapport with Dolora, so I'd rather Dolora get to know someone new rather than try to redefine her relationship. Druid Herbalism rocks, and in many ways is even better than a cleric for party healing, and Alastair seems like he might be able to hold his own in a fight too. No disrespect intended to the other applicants!

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@eriktd you'll need line of sight to cast grease. Moving forward 30 feet isn't quite enough. Also the range is only 35 feet and you're about 100 feet away.

Can everyone see the map in the spoiler?

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