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Durlag’s Tower - OOC


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Hey Folks! it's been a further 18 days since we saw signs of Life from Poor...

Just writing to say hi, hope you all still with us, keeping this beast alive.

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Bringing us up to speed. Not all details are included here but hopefully this gets us back into the mindset of what our heroes are trying to accomplish.

Once again, SEER needed your assistance.  A cloud giant of well-earned ill repute, Baron Rajiram, has begun mobilizing his forces in an effort to breach Durlag's Tower, an ancient dwarven bastion and the tomb of an ancient dwarf hero. Two vicious dwarf twins from Neverwinter, Bahldrak and Bellegia Slagspit, known mercenaries and assassins, are presumed to already be at the tower. What the Baron seeks is unknown, but Durlag's Tower houses ancient lore and treasures - none of which should fall into the evil giant's hands.

You were teleported from Beregost to Durlag's Tower by SEER and given a scroll that should allow you to return in a similar manner. Since your arrival at the vicinity of the tower you have begun exploring the surrounding area. You've encountered demon-spawned orcs and an undead beholder at a ruined forge. Eireann scouted the ruins of the western tower and an old dwarven hall, but no inhabitants were encountered. Together you scouted the ruins of the eastern tower and then you approached the gates of the main tower.

You found that the gates were protected with a complex lock. One piece of the lock's key seemed to resumble a holy symbol of Moradin that you found in the forge. Theren deduced that the missing section of the key was shaped like Silvanus' holy symbol - an oak leaf.

With the help of Lajal's magic he spoke with the animals of the area. They've reported unnatural things about the ruins and of the wooded copse nearby.

When you explored the soggy wooden copse you found that the leaves of the tress were unusual and matched the shape you were seeking. But someone, or something, hiding in the woods was watching you, and spoke of the "fat one in the tower" and laughed out loud. The voice eventually called upon its guardians and three invisible stalkers began to attack you.

The stalkers have used their advantage of flight to avoid the difficult terrain and move in and out of combat with you. But your prowess has gained you the upper hand as the fight rages on...

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Meta Wise: We got it now folks.. If i move up next to Theren. Eireann moves up from the South,??? come down from the North and Vall from over the trees..

We got it in a Kill box,that if tries to evade ,it may get multiple AO's from any of us on the diagonals.

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This could be the end, but it could always use Disengage to avoid AoO.

If it does that, then we are not being attacked, so that is still good. And if I hit, which I think I did, it will take 3d8 thunder damage if it moves away too. Too bad I can't get sneak attack due to disadvantage!

Edited by omegoku (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Oooo....we're inside the tower!

And for the fun of it, I asked Google's conversational generative AI (Bard) to generate the map of this area. Wasn't too shabby. I had to add in some extras, like statues and doors.

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Next thing you know, captchas are just going to be ai generated images that we have to tell it yes, you did good there and no, that's not a rubber duck at all.


... At least it'll stop bsing me about mopeds being motorcycles (legally they are very different things, at least in most jurisdictions) and all the other things it screws me with.

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That could very well be a thing. Most of those these really care more about how you move the mouse and the like then the actual choices you make anyway. So you could easily put a simple 'thumbs up, thumbs down' option instead.

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