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Ghosts Come Home to Roost?


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Bochs (pronounced "Box")(BlackHammer)

AC: 18 HP:12

Shield Dwarf, Paladin

"But aren't those eggs?" whispered the Dwarf Paladin pointing at the small ovals in the pile. "Won't they protect those if the alarm goes up."



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Aeruiel Moonshadow   Half-Moon Elf Barbarian from Ashabenford

Aeruiel is eager to move along with any plan that doesn't involve an encounter with the ants. She feels that they could easily overrun them and make quick work of their bunch.


Aeruiel will follow where the party leads her.

AppearanceFemale half-elf, age 17, blonde, blue eyes, fair skin, 5'-7" tall weight about 125 lbs.

She is described as a willful and free spirited young woman, who likes playing pranks, and flies into fits of rage when bullied.




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
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Jessie says in a hushed tone responding to Bochs, "The eggs we saw were in the Queen's chamber. I did not see any eggs in the room with the piles of leaves that we would have to move through. However, I wasn't close enough to be absolutely sure," she honestly adds.

"But, yes, you're right. They will likely defend the Queen and her eggs in the back chamber where we saw the sawdust nest leaving the other room passable if the diversion is done properly and we move quietly and quickly," she adds politely with a sincere smile before looking, listening and then moving ahead again toward the Fey area unless someone counters her action.


Free Action:

Swift Action:

Move Equivalent Action:

Standard Action:


Full Round Action:

Jessie Tosscobble III's AppearanceJessie is small standing at 2 foot 8 inches and weighing a mere 27 pounds. As such, the lass intentionally keeps her brown hair long to cover her halfling features, which allows the rogue to pass herself off as a small humanoid or even young human or half-elven child when convenient or necessary.

Dressed dark purple clothing, which is overlaid with attractive black leather accoutrements, Jessie keeps the paraphernalia of her 'profession' secreted upon her person, and especially the authorities, except when in use.

Her friendly blue eyes and warm, sincere smile are disarming and allow the lass to paint a picture of a young girl who is completely unintimidating by all appearances, an assumption often made by others which suits her well and which she actively cultivates.

To promote this look of youth or innocence, most of Jessie's weapons, alchemical doodads, pack, and other equipment are kept hidden under her clothing and also by her large heavy dark green cloak.


Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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Having worked out strategy, Jesse now leads you back the way you'd come towards the smaller cavern with the natural spring in it, where the stairs from the ruined keep above come down. As you near the chamber, a strong sulfurous smell tickles your noses, and it gets stronger the closer you get to the chamber. Dampness enfolds Jesse as she enters the chamber proper and a familiar, somewhat shrill, voice calls out.

"So, the grave robbers return, as I knew you would! Brought me a head have you?!"

This time however, Jesse thinks she catches a glimpse of something in the water, the the edge of the dim light shed by the torch in Rodin's hand.




Note 1:

PC Spells:


[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]

Edited by Sorithar (see edit history)
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As Jessie leads the way toward the Fey pool, the Halfing remembers that the idea during their last encounter was to try and talk first, fight later. Thus, mimicking her prior strategy in an attempt to maintain the appearance of neutrality, the rogue stows her bow and draws a black metal dagger which she conceals behind her back as she moves forward.

Remaining quiet when the same 'ghost' voice calls out for its desired 'head', the tiny burglar remains quiet and stands so that her back is facing away from the pool of water and allows the smooth talkers among the 'Tall-ies' do the talking.

However, when Jessie catches a glimpse of something the water, presumably the creature, she stands smiling while slightly rocking back and forth on her heels and then toes in an absent-minded playful manner while hiding her free hand also behind her back allowing the rogue to secretly hold up one finger and then point at the edge of the pool of water where she saw the movement.

As she stands seemingly ignoring the entire situation, the opposite is true as the diminutive rogue watches out of the corner of her eye and carefully listens with her keen Hafling hearing for and more sights or sounds of movement or anything unusual in the pool of water, as well as the passageway down which the small stream is flowing.


Free Action:

Swift Action:

Move Equivalent Action: Signal with Free Hand

Standard Action: Full Senses to detect Foe


Full Round Action:

Jessie Tosscobble III's AppearanceJessie is small standing at 2 foot 8 inches and weighing a mere 27 pounds. As such, the lass intentionally keeps her brown hair long to cover her halfling features, which allows the rogue to pass herself off as a small humanoid or even young human or half-elven child when convenient or necessary.

Dressed dark purple clothing, which is overlaid with attractive black leather accoutrements, Jessie keeps the paraphernalia of her 'profession' secreted upon her person, and especially the authorities, except when in use.

Her friendly blue eyes and warm, sincere smile are disarming and allow the lass to paint a picture of a young girl who is completely unintimidating by all appearances, an assumption often made by others which suits her well and which she actively cultivates.

To promote this look of youth or innocence, most of Jessie's weapons, alchemical doodads, pack, and other equipment are kept hidden under her clothing and also by her large heavy dark green cloak.


Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Sleight of Hand to Signal with Being Noticed
1d20+3 5
1d20+4 6
1d20+6 20
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RodinToken.png.56386b76bbc0b62d9c4d7bada805098e.pngRodin Sethilaud

Wood Elf, Ranger



Rodin shakes his head as the voice starts talking again. He notices Jessie pointing, but is not certain if she is pointing at the pool or at something else over in that direction. He walks up next to her scanning the room.

Sorry. No heads for you at this time. We are just passing through. No need to worry about us.


Elven Lowlight vision, so he can see 40' a if full lit rather than the normal 20 of the torch.

Will take 10 on Spot and Listen checks for a total of 15 each when not in combat.

It gets a +3 bonus if any of those are applied to Drow or large spiders.


Rodin is still borrowing Auriel's bow.

The serpent tongue arrows do both slashing and piercing damage. They are designed to use to cut ropes and break things more effectively.





Spot check
1d20+5 6
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Aeruiel Moonshadow   Half-Moon Elf Barbarian from Ashabenford

Aeruiel asks her companions, "Why is this creature so interested in the head of another?" She can't imagine hating so one so much that their head would be appeasing to her contentment. Anyways, not that an answer would be satisfying, she is hoping the question will reach the "voice" and it will engage them in conversation ... maybe just long enough for their little rouge to do whatever she seems she is hinting at.


Aeruiel notices Jessie's not so subtle gesturing and hopes she has a better plan that Aeruiel does at this moment. She will instead try to draw out the conversation by asking a question to her companions in the hopes the "voice" hears and is compelled to explain itself, aka "Bond villain monologue". I assume this is a Bluff roll and I have no Bluff guys, so I apologize in advance.

AppearanceFemale half-elf, age 17, blonde, blue eyes, fair skin, 5'-7" tall weight about 125 lbs.

She is described as a willful and free spirited young woman, who likes playing pranks, and flies into fits of rage when bullied.




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
1d20 4
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The shrill voice calls out at Aeruiel's inquiry.

"I am no creature, I am the ghost of Galath the betrayed, I tell thee! The winged creature who lairs above mocks me I say! Bring me its head and you shall appease me!"

The damp and tight quarters make the voice echo and reverberate, slowly fading as the words repeat...




Note 1:

PC Spells:


[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]

Edited by Sorithar (see edit history)
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Morn Tallstag

image.png.9a00bffda4484b6d0b4510773b6259e4.pngMorn Tallstag, Human Bard
AC: 15 HP: 7/7

Morn isn't really sure what the crew means to do, and simply lingers near the back of the group as the others take charge. When the voice claims to be the ghost of Galath, he pipes up. "Really? The Ghost of Galath still around after all this time? The others here said the creature in the tree is quite nice, actually. What did he ever do to you?"





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Aeruiel Moonshadow   Half-Moon Elf Barbarian from Ashabenford

Aeruiel answers Morn, even though the question was not directed at her. "It is nice. This weird obsession with that creature's head is ... creepy. " She keeps an eye on Jessie in case she has a good plan that the rest of the party doesn't know about and is just stalling by engaging the voice. Keeping it busy so to speak so it will not notice or care about Jessie.


I know there is no plan, but Aeruiel doesn't, so she is just stalling.

AppearanceFemale half-elf, age 17, blonde, blue eyes, fair skin, 5'-7" tall weight about 125 lbs.

She is described as a willful and free spirited young woman, who likes playing pranks, and flies into fits of rage when bullied.




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
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RodinToken.png.56386b76bbc0b62d9c4d7bada805098e.pngRodin Sethilaud

Wood Elf, Ranger



Again, we have not seen any winged creature. There is a talking tree, or maybe something in the tree, but we have seen nothing. Whatever it is asked us to kill you and claims you are a fey not a ghost. So give the whole ghost crap a rest.

If you don't like this creature, why don't you leave and go somewhere else?

Rodin will just move past the small pool and head for the stream leading from it and follow that.


Elven Lowlight vision, so he can see 40' a if full lit rather than the normal 20 of the torch.

Will take 10 on Spot and Listen checks for a total of 15 each when not in combat.

It gets a +3 bonus if any of those are applied to Drow or large spiders.


Rodin is still borrowing Auriel's bow.

The serpent tongue arrows do both slashing and piercing damage. They are designed to use to cut ropes and break things more effectively.





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The shrill voice calls out at Morn's inquiry.

"Yes, the ghost of Galath haunts these caves, damned by my demise to guard my treasure for all time! The creature mocks me, it..."

Before the voice can finish, Rodin frustratedly moves forward to go round the small flowing spring.

"Leave my domain?! You shall not mock me as the winged devil does!"

With that, those of you in the cavern think you glimpse a strange, small winged creature, like a miniature fish-person, covered with scales and sporting jet black, bulbous eyes rise from the spring and flick a wrist in Rodin's direction before diving down into the spring. The small sphere of translucent liquid forms in the air and takes the shape of a deformed droplet of water before flying to splash over Rodin's chest, searing into his skin with a loud hiss that reverberates through the cavern and seems to continue to burn!




Note 1: Jesse can act in the surprise round and acts before the creature.

Note 2: DC 5 Spot Check to spot the creature before you can attack it.

Round 1

PC Spells:


Rodin [-4 (Acid)][Acid seems to still be burning]

Morn [][]

Jesse [][]

Aeruiel [][]

Bochs [][]

Max [][]

Kethra [][]

Creature [][]


[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]

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RodinToken.png.56386b76bbc0b62d9c4d7bada805098e.pngRodin Sethilaud

Wood Elf, Ranger



Rodin cries out in pain as the acid hits him and he drops to his knees. He quickly reaches for his waterskin and tries pouring it on the wound to stop the burning. It is clear to all that he is barely conscious and it is all he can do just to pour the water on himself. He glance at the pool and easily spots the little demon. If looks could kill the thing would have exploded. But in his current state, glaring angrily is all he can manage.


Elven Lowlight vision, so he can see 40' a if full lit rather than the normal 20 of the torch.

Will take 10 on Spot and Listen checks for a total of 15 each when not in combat.

It gets a +3 bonus if any of those are applied to Drow or large spiders.


Rodin is still borrowing Auriel's bow.

The serpent tongue arrows do both slashing and piercing damage. They are designed to use to cut ropes and break things more effectively.





Edited by Draidden (see edit history)
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Morn Tallstag

image.png.9a00bffda4484b6d0b4510773b6259e4.pngMorn Tallstag, Human Bard
AC: 15 HP: 7/7

Morn cowers away from the attack--the most threatening thing he's known until the strangling vine and this creature today was a rogue goose that terrorized the spot behind his neighbors shed! With a moment to think, he begins to sing a song that stirs the souls of his allies.



Activate Inspire Courage: +1 to Attack and Damage rolls, +1 saves against charm and fear effects.


Edited by Chaz Hoosier (see edit history)
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Bochs (pronounced "Box")(BlackHammer)

AC: 18 HP:12

Shield Dwarf, Paladin

Without speaking Boch's swings his heavy Crossbow to bear and releases a bolt at the annoying creature.


Heavy Crossbow at the critter



X bow with add +1 from Morn
1d20+3 7
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