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Ghosts Come Home to Roost?


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Aeruiel Moonshadow   Half-Moon Elf Barbarian from Ashabenford

Aeruiel tries to react quickly to pull Rodin away from his current position. She knows not what happened but seeks to find out what struck him. She looks over his wound and tries to understand what is hurting him. She positions her small buckler over Rodin to block anymore attacks from whatever struck him. The image is comical as the shield is too small truly defend him sufficiently.


Aeruiel is all about defending Rodin at the moment and looking for the source of the assault.

Spot check to find attack.

I am not sure if the Spot check is her action this round.

Also note to self, "Remember you get +1 to attack and damage rolls thanks to your new friend Morn."

AppearanceFemale half-elf, age 17, blonde, blue eyes, fair skin, 5'-7" tall weight about 125 lbs.

She is described as a willful and free spirited young woman, who likes playing pranks, and flies into fits of rage when bullied.




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
Spot attacker
1d20+1 11
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When Jessie spies the fishlike sentient being in the small pool, it doesn't look like any Fey she has seen or even heard about in her entire life. Nonetheless, the creature's attitude and its initiation of an attack on Rodin indicated that peaceful negotiations are over and what must be done made most clear!

However, the sneaky rogue was ready for this, which fortunately allows Jessie to utilize her nearly other-worldly instantaneous reflexes and act in real time a few milliseconds ahead of the nasty carp's acid attack on her good buddy Rhodey.

In the flash of an eye and before anyone else in the entire room can react, the sneaky rogue whips a small black metal dagger at the foe and fortunately strikes the creature's slimy body in a critical location as it attempts to attack her friends!

The perfect positioning of the strike from unexpected and sneaky ranged attack allows Jessie to drive the piece of sharp cold iron deep into its flesh in the hopes of stopping the creature, interrupting its attack, or at least driving it below the surface of the water before it can harm anyone in the group.



If she is unable to stop or disrupt the creature's successful acid attack, Jessie slightly flinches when Rodin is severely harmed as indicated by his machinations as well as the acrid smell of dissolving cloth and skin reaches the diminutive Halfling's sensitive nose.

All of this causes the small rogue's blood to begin boiling in anger at the foul presumptuous enemy who demands heads and then attacks non-threatening enemies, well at least those it was aware of, without due provocation.

In response, Jessie takes a single step in order to use the cave wall as hard cover as she draws her fancy composite short bow and, after spotting the enemy, launches a razor-sharp metal tipped arrow at the foul fish-like creature.


Surprise Round Action: Sneak Ranged Attack with readied Cold Iron dagger which was in hand and concealed behind her back just for this specific reason - CRIT


Free Action:

Swift Action:

Move Equivalent Action: Draw MW Composite Short Bow

Standard Action: Attack Foe with MW Composite Short Bow

Move: 5-foot step to use cave wall as cover (+4 AC)

Full Round Action:

Jessie Tosscobble III's AppearanceJessie is small standing at 2 foot 8 inches and weighing a mere 27 pounds. As such, the lass intentionally keeps her brown hair long to cover her halfling features, which allows the rogue to pass herself off as a small humanoid or even young human or half-elven child when convenient or necessary.

Dressed dark purple clothing, which is overlaid with attractive black leather accoutrements, Jessie keeps the paraphernalia of her 'profession' secreted upon her person, and especially the authorities, except when in use.

Her friendly blue eyes and warm, sincere smile are disarming and allow the lass to paint a picture of a young girl who is completely unintimidating by all appearances, an assumption often made by others which suits her well and which she actively cultivates.

To promote this look of youth or innocence, most of Jessie's weapons, alchemical doodads, pack, and other equipment are kept hidden under her clothing and also by her large heavy dark green cloak.

CONTINUING EFFECTS: (Morn's Bardic Music - Inspire Courage +1 Fear Saves, +1 all Attacks, +1 Weapon Damage)

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Surprise Round Sneak Attack with Throwing Dagger
1d20+5 19
Confirm Possible Critical Hit
1d20+5 17
Critical Piercing Damage (1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3)
2d6 2,3
Sneak Attack Damage on surprised flat-footed foe
1d6 3
1st Round Spot Foe
1d20+4 12
1st Round Attack Foe with MW Short Bow
1d20+6 7
1st Round Piercing Damage
1d4+1 1
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Aeruiel Moonshadow   Half-Moon Elf Barbarian from Ashabenford

Aeruiel feels the creature is now in a position of weakness. She will try to reason with it. "Surrender! And we will spare your life!"


Aeruiel will attempt to reason with the creature.

Also note to self, "Remember you get +1 to attack and damage rolls thanks to your new friend Morn."

AppearanceFemale half-elf, age 17, blonde, blue eyes, fair skin, 5'-7" tall weight about 125 lbs.

She is described as a willful and free spirited young woman, who likes playing pranks, and flies into fits of rage when bullied.




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
1d20+2 15
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Maximilian Cornelius Spurbright   Human Wizard from Cormyr

Unsure how to proceed, Maximilian retrieves a small vial of acid from his backpack and hurls it at the creature. It seemed to summon its attack on Rodin magically, so Maximilian thinks it's a creature that isn't resistant to acid, and giving it a taste of its own medicine seems like a satisfying action to take.




Throw acid 20 ft
1d20-2 20
Crit chance?
1d20-2 10
1d6 4
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Jesse swiftly tosses a dagger at the creature as it begins to conjure a glob of acidic fluids. The dagger strikes true and even seems to rattle the small creature, but despite what Jesse is certain is a blow to a vital are if the creature has any anatomy, it clearly does less than she'd anticipated. Though it frowns, it's glob of acid coalesces and strikes Rodin, searing him.

Rodin acts quick and retrieves a waterskin which he pours on the wound, slightly dousing its intensity, though not altogether cancelling the burning sensation. The creature immediately sinks down some into the pool, trying to conceal itself as it blends with the dark waters.

Morn immediately begins a heartening chant, sensing danger is now unavoidable. His words carry some enchanted might and bolster everyone's courage, lifting your spirits despite the confrontation.

Jesse quickly grabs her bow and looses an arrow at the diminutive creature, but the arrow flies wide, striking the pool of water and sinking down.

Aeruiel rushes to shield Rodin even as she attempts to reason with the creature once more. It seems none too pleased with this and even cowers some, or so it seems...

Bochs disregards this and takes aim, loosing a bolt from his crossbow at the creature, which also misses.

Maximilian draws a vial of acid without hesitation, somewhat relishing the irony, and hurls it at the small creature. It strikes and bursts upon its submerged body! The creature squeals in pain, the acid clearly effective despite its seeming affinity with the chemicals.

Kethra too tries her bow, but also misses with her bolt, Nead! She mutters under her breath.

The creature, non too pleased with the company's reaction, rises out of the water some hesitantly and opens its mouth to spew a cone shaped shower of acidic dropplets at Rodin and Aeruiel that cover the two with a sizzling sound even as the creature's own wounds seem to be slowly mending, water flowing over it to fill the voids of its burns and smear them clean. The creature giggles annoyingly.

"Spare me?! You're no fun!"




Note 1: Water does not fully cancel acid, however, it does dilute it, so applied only half damage for the second, last, round of damage. Good thinking.

Note 2: Rodin and Aeruiel, 5 [acid] damage, DC 13 Reflex for half (2) 

Round 2

PC Spells:


Rodin [-6 (Acid)][]

Morn [][]

Jesse [][]

Aeruiel [][]

Bochs [][]

Max [][]

Kethra [][]

Creature [-3][shaken]


[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]

Edited by Sorithar (see edit history)
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Aeruiel Moonshadow   Half-Moon Elf Barbarian from Ashabenford

Aeruiel flies in a RAGE when this creature continues to cause them problems. She charges with a yell, "AAAAHHHH!" and attacks with her battleaxe.


Aeruiel will attack the creature.

Also note to self, "Remember you get +1 to attack and damage rolls thanks to your new friend Morn."

AppearanceFemale half-elf, age 17, blonde, blue eyes, fair skin, 5'-7" tall weight about 125 lbs.

She is described as a willful and free spirited young woman, who likes playing pranks, and flies into fits of rage when bullied.




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
Battleaxe Attack (+3 +2 rage +1 bard)
1d20+6 8
damage (+2 +2 rage +1 bard)
1d8+5 8
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Jessie frowns when the creature pops above to blast party members with its acidic spittle, and then it ducks under the water using the pool to hide between its attacks making it harder to hit, harder but not impossible.

Timing the creature's movements and exposure above the surface of the tiny pond much like she used to hunt groundhogs and gophers when she was young, the diminutive rogue leans out and releases an arrow at the foe when it's above water and more vulnerable and then leans back in behind the cover of the cave wall.


AC = +4 due to cover from cave wall

Free Action:

Swift Action:

Move Equivalent Action:

Standard Action: Attack Foe with MW Composite Short Bow

Move: Lean out for attack and lean back for cover

Full Round Action:

Jessie Tosscobble III's AppearanceJessie is small standing at 2 foot 8 inches and weighing a mere 27 pounds. As such, the lass intentionally keeps her brown hair long to cover her halfling features, which allows the rogue to pass herself off as a small humanoid or even young human or half-elven child when convenient or necessary.

Dressed dark purple clothing, which is overlaid with attractive black leather accoutrements, Jessie keeps the paraphernalia of her 'profession' secreted upon her person, and especially the authorities, except when in use.

Her friendly blue eyes and warm, sincere smile are disarming and allow the lass to paint a picture of a young girl who is completely unintimidating by all appearances, an assumption often made by others which suits her well and which she actively cultivates.

To promote this look of youth or innocence, most of Jessie's weapons, alchemical doodads, pack, and other equipment are kept hidden under her clothing and also by her large heavy dark green cloak.

CONTINUING EFFECTS: (Morn's Bardic Music - Inspire Courage +1 Fear Saves, +1 all Attacks, +1 Weapon Damage)

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Short Bow Attack on Foe
1d20+6 9
Piercing Damage
1d4+1 3
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RodinToken.png.56386b76bbc0b62d9c4d7bada805098e.pngRodin Sethilaud

Wood Elf, Ranger



Rodin manages to dive to the side and avoid most of the acid spit attack. He moves to a position where he can shoot at the thing without risking hitting anyone if he misses. He then takes aim and waits for the thing to pop up and try to attack again, and fires, hoping to mess up any attack it is trying to make.


Elven Lowlight vision, so he can see 40' a if full lit rather than the normal 20 of the torch.

Will take 10 on Spot and Listen checks for a total of 15 each when not in combat.

It gets a +3 bonus if any of those are applied to Drow or large spiders.


Rodin is still borrowing Auriel's bow.

The serpent tongue arrows do both slashing and piercing damage. They are designed to use to cut ropes and break things more effectively.





Edited by Draidden (see edit history)
Reflex Save DC 13
1d20+5 14
1d20+5 9
Damage though I don't think it is needed
1d8 6
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Bochs (pronounced "Box")(BlackHammer)

AC: 18 HP:12

Shield Dwarf, Paladin

Box curses as he rewinds his crossbow, keeping an eye on the creature.



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Rodin moves to aim his bow at the location the creature had last shown itself.

Morn moves to a less exposed position.

Jesse quickly looses another arrow but it flies wide.

Aeruiel works herself up into a rage and lunghes at the small, strange creature, but the winged thing manages to evade her swing.

Bochs tries to reload his clunky, if lethal, crossbow.

Maximilian prepares his sling, but unsure where the creature is, hesitates.

Kethra quickly loads and tries her crossbow again, but once more, misses with her bolt. Nead! She mutters under her breath again.

The creature, clearly shaken by Aeruiel's sudden change of mood and actions, flies back, still half submerged and opens its mouth to spew another cone shaped shower of acidic droplets.

Rodin quickly reacts, having waited for this exact action, and looses an arrow at the diminutive creature, but the arrow flies wide, much to the elven archer's great chagrin!

The shower of acidic droplets covers solely Aeruiel with a sizzling sound even as the creature's own wounds continue to slowly mend, water flowing over it to fill the voids of its remaining injuries.




Note 1: Still need a Reflex Save from Aeruiel for Round 2: 5 [acid] damage, DC 13 Reflex for half (2)

Note 2: Round 3: Aeruiel, 5 [acid] damage, DC 13 Reflex for half (2) 

Round 3

PC Spells:


Morn [][]

Jesse [][]

Aeruiel [][]

Bochs [][]

Max [][]

Kethra [][]

Rodin [-8 (Acid)][]

Creature [-1][]


[For sake of clarity, any reference to cardinal directions in posts will assume that North is Top of Map as posted, unless a Compass Rose is visible.]

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Aeruiel Moonshadow   Half-Moon Elf Barbarian from Ashabenford

Aeruiel continues working herself into a RAGE and screaming "AAAAHHHH!" like a wild banshee throwing a tantrum. Her battleaxe swings recklessly trying to connect with the taunting creature. At this point she will not be satiated until it or her are dead.


Aeruiel will continue to attack the creature.

Also note to self, "Remember you get +1 to attack and damage rolls thanks to your new friend Morn."

AppearanceFemale half-elf, age 17, blonde, blue eyes, fair skin, 5'-7" tall weight about 125 lbs.

She is described as a willful and free spirited young woman, who likes playing pranks, and flies into fits of rage when bullied.




Edited by rauhric (see edit history)
Reflex Save round 2 Dc 13
1d20+2 14
Reflex Save round 3 Dc 13
1d20+2 7
Battleaxe Attack +6
1d20+6 15
1d8+5 3
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Jessie is starting to become frustrated with this foul water creature who seems impervious to the party's mundane attacks, while simultaneously is able to attack her friends with acid spittle at will while ducking in and out of the water.

Once again, the Halfling rogue tries to time the creature's movements to attack when the beast is above the surface of the small pool of water, at which time she launches an arrow with a razor-sharp metal tip at the enemy in the pond missing yet again.

In an effort to avoid an acid spittle attack, Jessie moves back into the cavern's passageway away from the small pool of water and reloads her bow for another attempt to strike the beast in the near future.



Free Action:

Swift Action:

Move Equivalent Action:

Standard Action: Attack Foe with MW Composite Short Bow

Move: As shown on map

Full Round Action:

Jessie Tosscobble III's AppearanceJessie is small standing at 2 foot 8 inches and weighing a mere 27 pounds. As such, the lass intentionally keeps her brown hair long to cover her halfling features, which allows the rogue to pass herself off as a small humanoid or even young human or half-elven child when convenient or necessary.

Dressed dark purple clothing, which is overlaid with attractive black leather accoutrements, Jessie keeps the paraphernalia of her 'profession' secreted upon her person, and especially the authorities, except when in use.

Her friendly blue eyes and warm, sincere smile are disarming and allow the lass to paint a picture of a young girl who is completely unintimidating by all appearances, an assumption often made by others which suits her well and which she actively cultivates.

To promote this look of youth or innocence, most of Jessie's weapons, alchemical doodads, pack, and other equipment are kept hidden under her clothing and also by her large heavy dark green cloak.

CONTINUING EFFECTS: (Morn's Bardic Music - Inspire Courage +1 Fear Saves, +1 all Attacks, +1 Weapon Damage)

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Attack Enemy with MW Composite Short Bow
1d20+6 3
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Morn Tallstag

image.png.9a00bffda4484b6d0b4510773b6259e4.pngMorn Tallstag, Human Bard
AC: 15 HP: 7/7

Morn continues to sing. He takes a step back and lets a crossbow fly at the creature while it isn't engage in melee with one of his allies.




Inspire Courage: +1 to Attack and Damage rolls, +1 saves against charm and fear effects.

Rolls Incoming


1d20+3 12
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RodinToken.png.56386b76bbc0b62d9c4d7bada805098e.pngRodin Sethilaud

Wood Elf, Ranger



Seeing that the creature seems to be using the water to heal itself, he decides to try something crazy. He drops his bow and charges the creature trying to bullrush it and drive it out of the water.


If he wins the strength test by more than 5, then he will continue to push the thing as far as he can. Assuming it does not kill him with its AoO.

Elven Lowlight vision, so he can see 40' a if full lit rather than the normal 20 of the torch.

Will take 10 on Spot and Listen checks for a total of 15 each when not in combat.

It gets a +3 bonus if any of those are applied to Drow or large spiders.


Rodin is still borrowing Auriel's bow.

The serpent tongue arrows do both slashing and piercing damage. They are designed to use to cut ropes and break things more effectively.





Edited by Draidden (see edit history)
Bullrush to push it out of the water
1d20+4 16
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