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2 hours ago, TricksterArcane said:

yeah, there's no way to legally get digital assets unless you buy a digital copy as well. For that, you can buy it on any digital platform, Roll20 or dndbeyond.

There is a physical + digital combo, but that is dndbeyond only.

If you haven't already, also review the AL DMs guide document and the Dragonlance AL adaptation guide.

I see. Thank you. :)

EDIT: Ok, I got the book now. Seems I can't download it, as I would with Paizo, but I can read it online as HTML and download maps and graphics from it in high quality.

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On 5/9/2024 at 2:49 PM, TricksterArcane said:

They have a specific info pack for building DungeonCraft adventures for AL. A new one is currently in the process of being updated, but I don't believe there are any drastic changes. If you want to be absolutely sure, you can follow the development progress on their Discord server.

FYI The dungeoncraft design guide was just updated to version 1.6; or will be soon on dndbeyond, it's up on their discord server.

Edited by TricksterArcane (see edit history)
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Well, I'll be...


Dungeon Masters describe hit point loss in different ways. When your current hit point total is half or more of your hit point maximum, you typically show no signs of injury. When you drop below half your hit point maximum, you show signs of wear, such as cuts and bruises. An attack that reduces you to 0 hit points strikes you directly, leaving a bleeding injury or other trauma, or it simply knocks you unconscious.

This is under "Describing the Effects of Damage" in the PHB.


I obliviously need to read the rules more often lol, but this is a change of thinking that I'll need to get adjusted to.

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1 minute ago, omegoku said:

Arrow is stopped by the armour, but dug deep enough to leave a bruise! Or sliced a cheek or bicep but glanced off.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Kind of like bulletproof armor; you'll definitely feel it, but your vitals are protected.

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3 hours ago, Gregorotto said:

Hmm. That's not the worst way to think of it, but how else am I supposed to describe it when a PC gets hit by an arrow?

If it's the ones that perforate, it's similar to stepping on a thorn while wearing shoes. You feel the sting of pain, and depending on how deep it went, you'll either feel the itch of a superficial scratch or the warmth of your own blood as the arrow tears and minces your flesh.

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Sheet: Elusya Eventide :: Dungeons & Dragons 5e :: Myth-Weavers Online Character Sheets
Log: Adventurers League Log

The question is where do the 10 additionally days of downtime come from? Did they come on their own with the level up?

This downtime would be extremely handy, so I can boost the character to level 3 before I rebuild it, but I am not sure whether that's correct.

I got it.

According to AL_PGv90.pdf, which was the right place to look at the time:

Downtime Days. Your character earns 10 downtime days after gaining a level (20 for tier 2 – 4 characters).

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I just heard about the Expedition to the Barrier Peaks coming out this July, and I just wanted to say "SHOTGUN!" Any DM planning to run that adventure I want in. Put me on your "Game Interest" list.

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20 minutes ago, 8w_gremlin said:

really! I call Dibbs!


Yeah, it's part of the Quests from the Infinite Staircase book. The book releases July, but AL guidance probably won't come until at least a month later.


Are you calling dibbs to run a game? If so, I'll join rauhric along for the ride :D

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Errr no, player, I've tried DMing Pbp a few times and suck at it.
(truth be told, I've been a forever GM in real lift for a few decades, and am burnt out a little, hence playing Pbp since mid covid times.
But I have eased back to GMing, by introducing some new young players to AL and D&D recently, so who knows. )

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Trying to run my own game I am seriously considering buying all digital copies of the books to meaningfully use the character creator at dndbeyond.com. For some reason I cannot see the personality page with the selected background and personality / ideals / bonds / flaws, I guess because I don't have a digital Player's Handbook (I do have a physical one, of course).

I don't like being ripped off, but my attempt to switch to Pathfinder 2 kinda failed and the pressure gets bigger. There would be some helpful tools, and having the originals, as opposed to ... shall we say externalised community backups would be helpful sometimes, even when I am travelling.

So, one questions: Does it allow phrasing your own custom personality, ideals, bonds, flaws. Can it do that by now? Or are you still forced to pick something from your background? Multiple choice isn't role playing to me.

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