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Part I: The Slaughtergarde Laboratory

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image.jpeg.988d75254c362aa82cbf7e00eda6246d.jpegCrescenda | WizardConjuror Variant of Wizard 1 | Spells used - L0: 0/4; L1: 0/4 | AC12/16Dexterity +2

Touch 12
Flat-Footed 10

If Mage Armor is cast and active, Hagen's Armor becomes: AC16, T12, FF 14
| HP: 6/6 | Fort +2 | Ref +2 | Will +3 | Spot/Listen +1/+1

Crescenda takes a moment from her observation to nod in approval at the violence her new companions are inflicting at closer range. After that she returns to maintaining a readiness with her readied crossbow so that she might fire on any new enemies who arrive, or that one goblin if it somehow slips away from its corner perch.


Conditions, Actions And Things Of Interest

Action: Preparing to fire crossbow at whatever hostile enter within field of vision.

Darkvision 60 ft

Resist 5    Cold
Resist 5    Fire
Resist 5    Electricity








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Camlann Cobb

With the hobgoblins defeated, Camlann asks Gwen for help in getting the bodies out of their nook and helps search them for items of value and use. He chooses to take one of the breastplates for himself and - after quickly cleaning off the worst of the blood and gore - removes his scale armour and straps on the newly acquired breastplate.

He rolls up the scale armour into a bundle and places it in the alcove. "It was pretty new. Might be looking to sell it or pass it on if we make it back out alive," he explains.

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image.jpeg.988d75254c362aa82cbf7e00eda6246d.jpegCrescenda | WizardConjuror Variant of Wizard 1 | Spells used - L0: 0/4; L1: 0/4 | AC12/16Dexterity +2

Touch 12
Flat-Footed 10

If Mage Armor is cast and active, Hagen's Armor becomes: AC16, T12, FF 14
| HP: 6/6 | Fort +2 | Ref +2 | Will +3 | Spot/Listen +1/+1

Crescenda watches the proceedings without comment while eyeing the doors that hostiles might arrive through - right until Camlann helps himself to a breastplate and tucks his old armor into hiding. Crescenda is visibly fighting her first impulse, and equally baffled by him tucking the armor into a bundle that Camlann is going to hide.

"You are certain it will be there when we return?" Crescenda manages, voice strained into neutral state. "Mayhaps we might carry the ladder with us to another room as a precaution?"


Conditions, Actions And Things Of Interest

Action: Doing her sincerest best to force herself to be civil and diplomatic.

Darkvision 60 ft

Resist 5    Cold
Resist 5    Fire
Resist 5    Electricity








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Father Wilwick Bramblemane, Halfling Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=17, Touch=12, FF=17 / HP=8/8 / Init=0 / Saves: Fort=5, Reflex=2, Will = 6  ________________________________________________________________________

Brother Bramblemane says a silent prayer to the gods when the battle ends in the party's favor, seemingly without alerting the Hobgoblins' companions.

After the group is ready to proceed, Wilwick motions for his friends to stand back and cover him and the Halfling holy man tries to investigate the double-doors and then carefully listening for any sounds emanating from the other side.

Having done his best, the Priest steps back, draws his sling, loads a bullet and says in a lowered tone, "That's all I can do. No idea if it's clear or not, but I didn't hear anything."

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   


Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:  

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
1d20+1 7
1d20+4 3
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Ce'luna, Vaathwood Guardian

Celuna.jpg.0a7482a3ff2482fe3c946963bca3c229.jpgFemale   High Elf   Druid 1  

Init 4 | HP 8/8 | AC 12, Touch 11, FF 10 | Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4

Before Ce'luna can get her second shot off, the newcomers rush in and slice up the remaining enemy archer.

She relaxes her bow, but keeps an arrow nocked, just in case, falling back to the cover of the pillar to guard the unopened door while the human male searches through the filthy goblin equipment, and then continues to keep eyes on Wilwick while the halfling priest examines it.




Show Mechanics



Free Action: 

Swift Action: 

Move Action: 

Standard Action: 

Skill Checks


Continuing Effects: None

Edited by snugglepooh (see edit history)
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Camlann Cobb

"My dear lady, I'm not even sure that we'll all get out of here alive, but hopefully we will be driving our foes ahead of us rather than find them attacking from the rear. With that in mind, there shouldn't be anyone around to pilfer either my belongings or whatever spoils of war we choose to leave behind for now, but even a small precaution is better than none," Camlann explains his actions to Crescenda with a smile.

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Father Wilwick Bramblemane, Halfling Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=17, Touch=12, FF=17 / HP=8/8 / Init=0 / Saves: Fort=5, Reflex=2, Will = 6  ________________________________________________________________________

Openly sighing at this colleagues' trepidation to open the set of double-doors covered with images of the boogey-man, Brother Bramblemane says a silent prayer to the gods and then whispers, "Ok, if no one else is willing, then I'll open it up. Step back and cover me at least, will ya," the tiny priest adds with a grin.

Stowing his sling, the Halfling holy man draws his morning star and, once again sneaks forward before carefully listening at the portal with his extremely keen Halfling ears to see if he can hear any movement or anything unusual behind the enclosure.

Assuming the coast sounds clear, Wilwick reaches up and pulls the door on the left, while simultaneously using the massive door to shield him from anything behind the portal as it swings half-way open toward the archer's post before the minister stops it from fully opening as he prepares to shove it back closed upon a moment's notice.

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   Speak and Listen

Move:  Move forward

Swift Action:   

Move Action:   Open door on left (stay behind the structure of the door as it swings open using it as hard cover)

Readied Standard Action:   Readied Action to slam door shut upon the request of any of his party members or should the situation present that action as an obvious choice (Attacks occurring, traps going off, etc.)

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
1d20+4 20
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Through the crack in the doors it is clear there is no one in the room. Torchlight reveals a wide and high chamber of gray-green stone. Chains and manacles hang from the walls. A rough wooden table surrounded by four chairs sits in the middle, and copper doors are set in the northern wall beyond. Painted in red across those doors is the word "Skruum," which Fable recognizes as the goblin word for "Danger."

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Fable points to the word on the door. "It says 'danger', in Goblin. If they're going to mark something 'danger' where they've holed up, we ought to be careful..." Naturally, she loads her cross bow.

cr oss bow (see edit history)
Cross Bow Bolt Retrieval
1d10+1d100 1,67
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Father Wilwick Bramblemane, Halfling Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=17, Touch=12, FF=17 / HP=8/8 / Init=0 / Saves: Fort=5, Reflex=2, Will = 6  ________________________________________________________________________

When Fable translates the strange goblin gibberish to let everyone know that the opposing set of copper doors has been marked by the greenies as 'dangerous,' Father Bramblemane frowns as he sighs while thinking to himself, Of course, it does!

Being a priest completely untrained in the ways of burglars and sneaks, the diminutive Halfling knows full well that he has no business serving in such a role for the party. His only advantage was being so short that perhaps any traps which are set to kill the average size person will mostly miss and simply maim him!

Silver linings and all, the holy man thinks to himself as he verifies that the torture chamber is empty before quietly moving forward and pressing his ear near to the double copper doors in an effort to hear is the possible source of the danger described by the goblin warning, or the sounds of movement or anything unusual.

If he hears anything, then the tiny minister will quietly back off completely out of the room before whispering to his colleagues what he heard. However, if the coast seems to be clear, then the little padre will whisper, "Any assistance in searching will be appreciated while the rest of you guys cover me," as he tries to look to see how the doors are secured and if they are any obvious traps that his untrained eyes can detect, including looking for blood on the nearby floor.

Show Mechanics

Free Action:   

Move:  Move forward

Swift Action:   

Move Action:   

Standard Action:   Listen and then Search for Traps

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Spot before entering room
1d20+2 14
Move Silently
1d20+4 9
Search Doors and Nearby Room for Secrets
1d20+1 12
1d20+4 18
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