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Part I: The Slaughtergarde Laboratory

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Camlann Cobb

Camlann wades into the fight, covering Fable's left flank and thrusts the spike of his halberd at the lizard.

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Move action: Camlann moves next to Fable.

Standard action: Standard attack w/ halberd.

Notes: Camlann has DR 3/cold iron.


Edited by raxivort (see edit history)
Attack w/ mwk halberd
1d20+5 19
1d10+3 1
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Father Wilwick Bramblemane, Halfling Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=17, Touch=12, FF=17 / HP=8/8 / Init=0 / Saves: Fort=5, Reflex=2, Will = 6  ________________________________________________________________________

Using his small size and exceptional speed, Father Bramblemane moves away from the fight to a location away from the attacking lizard so that the tiny Cleric can ply his skill with the sling.

Repeatedly spinning the ancient weapon in a circle until it becomes a blur, once he has a clear line of sight at the foe Wilwick releases a miniature lead bullet that whizzes through the air and strikes the reptile with blunt force spilling some of its cold blood.

Smiling at his success, the tiny Halfling Domain Priest quickly reloads his sling with another tiny lead bullet as the holy man prepares to move and then fire again as the skirmish continues to unfold.


DM - You indicated to use the prior rolls I had posted. 20 to hit the lizard. -4 Bludgeoning and Strength Damage to Foe.

Swift Action:

Free Action:

Move Action:

Standard Action: Attack Lizard with Sling - Total -4 Damage to Lizard

Move: Move up to 40 feet to get safe, clear shot

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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image.jpeg.988d75254c362aa82cbf7e00eda6246d.jpegCrescenda | WizardConjuror Variant of Wizard 1 | Spells used - L0: 1/4; L1: 3/4 | AC12/16Dexterity +2

Touch 12
Flat-Footed 10

If Mage Armor is cast and active, Hagen's Armor becomes: AC16, T12, FF 14
| HP: 6/6 | Fort +2 | Ref +2 | Will +3 | Spot/Listen +1/+1

Crescenda makes her best effort to find an angle from which to fire at the lizard before her allies close in to striking distance with it. If she should manage that, she sends a bolt flying at the lizard. If not, she hold her fire and waits for opportunity to arrive.

Conditions, Actions And Things Of Interest

Darkvision 60 ft

Resist 5    Cold
Resist 5    Fire
Resist 5    Electricity








Attacking with a crossbow
1d20+2 16
1d8 7
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Ce'luna, Vaathwood Guardian

Celuna.jpg.0a7482a3ff2482fe3c946963bca3c229.jpgFemale   High Elf   Druid 1  

Init 4 | HP 8/8 | AC 12, Touch 11, FF 10 | Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4

Ce'luna steps out from around the corner and fires off one shot before the rest of the party closes on the large lizard.




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Free Action: 

Swift Action: 

Move Action: Move to get clear line of sight

Standard Action: Ranged attack

Skill Checks


Continuing Effects: None


14; 1
1d20+4; 1d8-1 [10]; [10,2]
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Fable remains in place, loading her cross bow, and firing it at the lizard...


Out of Character - Actions

Loading, firing at Monitor Lizard; No Country for Moving Women, here!

Fable - Hand Cross Bow (Attack) - Monitor Lizard
1d20+3 4
Fable - Hand Cross Bow (Damage) - Monitor Lizard
1d4 2
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Celuna misses, unable to line up a shot from her position behind Fable. Crescenda spots her shot right past Celuna and Fable, around a corner and past a post and takes it, cracking a bolt in the lizard's shoulder--as shot that worthy of the finest marksman in the Valley. Willwick sneaks into the room, discovering the floor of the entrance is deep, sucking mud practically up to his waist (Difficult terrain). He cracks the lizard with a sling bullet. Fable fires, but misses. The lizard careens right for Fable, taking a hearty bite out of her. Fable collapses! (6 damage). Camlann rushes around the corner and slashes at the beast with his polearm, grazing his ugly face.


@Slayer4399 May take your round 1 turn. I can move your token for you if Roll20 is still causing problems.
@snugglepooh@raxivort@Ruess@Terran Can take your round 2 turns.

@Terran Standing on the same space as the post would give Wilwick +2 to AC, just so you know.

Initiative Order
Lizard -17


Edited by Chaz Hoosier (see edit history)
1d20+5 17
1d8+4 2
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image.jpeg.988d75254c362aa82cbf7e00eda6246d.jpegCrescenda | WizardConjuror Variant of Wizard 1 | Spells used - L0: 1/4; L1: 3/4 | AC12/16Dexterity +2

Touch 12
Flat-Footed 10

If Mage Armor is cast and active, Hagen's Armor becomes: AC16, T12, FF 14
| HP: 6/6 | Fort +2 | Ref +2 | Will +3 | Spot/Listen +1/+1

The battle begins... And one of theirs falls!

Crescenda leaves the reloading of her crossbow for later and rushes to haul Fable 's prone and bleeding form away from the lizard's jaws. It is not the best of plans but her magic is down to very little and her aim is likelier to harm her allies in that thick melee.

Conditions, Actions And Things Of Interest

Crescenda moves one square diagonally up-left/North-West and begins hauling Fable away from the combat as far as she can manage.

Darkvision 60 ft

Resist 5    Cold
Resist 5    Fire
Resist 5    Electricity








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Camlann Cobb

Camlann pushes through the mud in front of him and then closes on the lizard, stabbing with his halberd to try and distract it from chewing on Fable.

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Move action: One square forward through the mud (=10 feet), one square diagonally north-west (=5 feet). Total 15 feet movement.

Standard action: Standard attack w/ halberd (using rolls from round 1 = attack roll 24, piercing damage 4)

Notes: Camlann has DR 3/cold iron.


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Ce'luna, Vaathwood Guardian

Celuna.jpg.0a7482a3ff2482fe3c946963bca3c229.jpgFemale   High Elf   Druid 1  

Init 4 | HP 8/8 | AC 12, Touch 11, FF 10 | Fort 2, Ref 2, Will 4

Ce'luna steps up to lend aid in pulling Fable out of danger, attempting to stop the bleeding before she bleeds out completely.




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Free Action: 

Swift Action: 

Move Action: Move to get clear line of sight

Standard Action: Ranged attack

Skill Checks


Continuing Effects: None


Edited by snugglepooh (see edit history)
1d20+2 13
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Father Wilwick Bramblemane, Halfling Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=17, Touch=12, FF=17 / HP=8/8 / Init=0 / Saves: Fort=5, Reflex=2, Will = 6  ________________________________________________________________________

Father Bramblemane frowns and openly cringes when he sees Fable fall after the overgrown lizard attacks his colleague and takes a big bite of flesh out of the spell-slinger knocking her out of combat.

Fortunately, Crescenda quickly moves forward and successfully drags the unconscious girl back into the hallway to safety where Ce'luna is able to treat and stabilize Fable.

Since the enemy is focused on the rest of the party at the corner, Wilwick quietly takes a single step forward to stand next to the post as he lines up his next shot at the nasty cold-blooded reptile.

Once again, the diminutive holy man rapidly spins his sling in a nearly blinding circle before releasing a tiny lead bullet which flies through the air and strikes the reptile with 'explosive' blunt force, 'SMASH,' ripping through its meaty flesh without mercy!

Smiling at his amazing success at a critical moment, the tiny Halfling Domain Priest quickly reloads his sling with another tiny lead bullet if the creature is not dead as the holy man prepares to move and then fire again if necessary.


Swift Action:

Free Action:

Move Action: Reload Sling, if Lizard not Dead

Standard Action: Attack Lizard with Sling : -8 Critical Damage to Lizard

Move: 5 ft. step to space with post

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Attack Lizard with Sling
1d20+2 20
Confirm Critical Hit
1d20+2 16
1d3+1 Bludgeoning Damage (1-2=1, 3-4=2, 5-6=3) x2
1d6+1 6
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Father Wilwick Bramblemane, Halfling Cleric

spacer.pngQUICK STATS:  AC=17, Touch=12, FF=17 / HP=8/8 / Init=0 / Saves: Fort=5, Reflex=2, Will = 6  ________________________________________________________________________

As soon as the Lizard falls, Father Bramblemane smiles and quickly stows his sling now that combat has successfully ended and there are other important tasks to attend to with upmost urgency.

Once again, the diminutive Halfling holy man moves back through the mud with speed to spare as he rushes to the side of Fable, who is stabilized but still laying in a bloody unconscious nearly dead heap on the cold floor of the cavern.

Pulling out a thin twisted willow wand, the tiny Domain Priest gently touches Fable with the magic stick twice while praying to the gods for her recovery.

His efforts cause a warm blue glow to envelope her injuries causing all of the wounds to close and heal as it quickly dissipates leaving behind smooth skin like the injuries never occurred in the first place, which is replaced with an itchy feeling that too will soon fade.


Swift Action:

Free Action:

Move Action:

Standard Action: Use Cure Light Wounds Wand on Fable

Move: Up to 40 feet to side of Fable

Continuing Effects:  None

Edited by Terran (see edit history)
Cure Light Wounds Wand on Fable
1d8+1 2
Cure Light Wounds Wand on Fable
1d8+1 4
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Gwen Blodwenspacer.png

Gwen charges forward to help engage with the lizard but as she readies her blade to strike the creature was swiftly dispatched by Wilwick and Camlann. Gwen gives a small curse under her breath for being so slow.

Gwen moves up to check on Fable as Wilwick provides some aid to her. Seeing that she is out of immediate danger Gwen nods and moves forward to provide protection should anything heard the sounds of their fight.

Edited by Slayer4399 (see edit history)
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This was not the first time Fable went down, and she remembers this as she hits the ground. There was that incident with the acid flask... the barfight... the fisticuffs... the other fisticuffs. Suffice it to say, she does not go down with even a whimper, being used to the abuses of her chosen path.


Vitality is restored to her, however. "Gods damned.." Fable slaps at the ground, and then struggles up. She looks at the Brother. "Thank you... Once we get back to a decent place, I'll..." She rights her armor, and then looks at her cross bow. "Donate to a cause of your choosing. And, oil the trigger on this damn thing."


Out of Character - Actions

Sure, it's not SCARY WIZARD forgetting to go to Baldr and SCARY WIZARD's weird job schedule, it's a pretend magical thief lady's nice crossbow that's at fault!


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