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11 minutes ago, yxanthymir said:




Now about the colored font problem, did you or any staff member do anything about it, because last time the error didn't happen. Normally I would test more times before asking, but it seems a good opportunity to ask about it now.

The only change in the last week was the deployment of the shortcut for repeating the last selected color, so no. However, that might have had a side effect of replacing your local JS cached copy of the color plugin, which could help. Continue to report if you see anything.

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On 8/8/2023 at 2:33 AM, Wrassedragon said:

Is there a way to clone sheets on New Mythweavers like you could on the original site, other than doing it the long way? (i.e., saving the JSON of the sheet I want to copy, creating a new sheet, and then uploading the JSON into the new sheet) Are there plans to re-add sheet cloning to the new site?

I still can't find the feature. Can anyone else answer this question?

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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, darkhugh said:

Hi, is it possible to put private information within an OOC tag? Tried fiddling around with it but had no luck.

Technically yes, but it's really a pain right now. Here's the easiest method:

  1. Make the desired OOC tag with a title but no real contents.
  2. Make the private tag with the desired contents.
  3. Open Source mode, select and cut the private tag from <div class="mw-private... to its matching </div>, and paste that into the OOC to replace the default "Content...".

On the feature queue is to make the OOC-builder dialog fully featured.

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2 hours ago, prophane said:

Gotcha. Thanks

No formatting applied, but here's the raw cut:

| System                                        | Quantity |
| D&D 5e                                        |      114 |
| Pathfinder 1e                                 |       72 |
| Pathfinder 2e                                 |       44 |
| D&D 3.5e                                      |       42 |
| Miscellaneous                                 |       40 |
| Homebrew                                      |       15 |
| GURPS                                         |       13 |
| Mutants & Masterminds 3e                      |       10 |
| Starfinder                                    |        9 |
| World of Darkness                             |        9 |
| Fate                                          |        8 |
| Freeform                                      |        7 |
| Powered by the Apocalypse                     |        7 |
| Personal Creative Hub                         |        6 |
| Call of Cthulhu                               |        4 |
| Dungeon Crawl Classics                        |        4 |
| Shadowrun 4e                                  |        4 |
| Worlds Without Number                         |        4 |
| Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game               |        3 |
| Blades in the Dark                            |        3 |
| Castles & Crusades                            |        3 |
| D&D Basic (BECMI)                             |        3 |
| Fate: Accelerated                             |        3 |
| Fate: Core                                    |        3 |
| Ironsworn                                     |        3 |
| Palladium                                     |        3 |
| Star Wars                                     |        3 |
| Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary (4e) |        3 |
| 13th Age                                      |        2 |
| 7th Sea                                       |        2 |
| Champions                                     |        2 |
| Dark Heresy                                   |        2 |
| Empire!                                       |        2 |
| Lancer                                        |        2 |
| Mongoose Traveller (2e)                       |        2 |
| Naruto D20                                    |        2 |
| OD&D (Chainmail)                              |        2 |
| Shadowrun 5e                                  |        2 |
| Star Frontiers                                |        2 |
| Star Trek Adventures                          |        2 |
| Star Wars Saga Edition                        |        2 |
| Vampire: Dark Ages 20th Anniversary           |        2 |
| Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying                 |        2 |
| Amber                                         |        1 |
| Ars Magica                                    |        1 |
| Barbarians of Lemuria: Mythic                 |        1 |
| Blade Runner                                  |        1 |
| Cities Without Number                         |        1 |
| Cortex                                        |        1 |
| Coyote & Crow                                 |        1 |
| D&D 4e                                        |        1 |
| D20 Future                                    |        1 |
| D20 Modern                                    |        1 |
| Deathwatch                                    |        1 |
| Dungeon World                                 |        1 |
| Eclipse Phase                                 |        1 |
| Exalted 3e                                    |        1 |
| Fallout (2d20)                                |        1 |
| Hero                                          |        1 |
| Hyperborea 3e                                 |        1 |
| Iron Sworn                                    |        1 |
| James Bond                                    |        1 |
| Knave 2e                                      |        1 |
| Legend of the Five Rings 4e                   |        1 |
| Mage                                          |        1 |
| Marvel Heroic Roleplaying                     |        1 |
| Mörk Borg                                     |        1 |
| Night's Black Agents                          |        1 |
| Old School Essentials: Advanced Fantasy       |        1 |
| Paranoia                                      |        1 |
| Pendragon                                     |        1 |
| Pokemon Tabletop Adventures                   |        1 |
| Ryuutama                                      |        1 |
| Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SWADE)       |        1 |
| Scion                                         |        1 |
| Serenity                                      |        1 |
| Shadowdark                                    |        1 |
| Shadowrun                                     |        1 |
| Star Wars: Fantasy Flight Games               |        1 |
| Stars Without Number Revised                  |        1 |
| The One Ring                                  |        1 |
| The Quiet Year                                |        1 |
| Tunnels and Trolls 5e                         |        1 |
| Vampire: The Masquerade 5e                    |        1 |
| Warrior, Rogue, & Mage                        |        1 |
| Wrath & Glory                                 |        1 |

As you might guess, it's a lot of the usual suspects but a very large variety beyond that.

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/7/2024 at 8:43 PM, OutKastJones said:

How do i move all of my old files From OG myth-weavers to the new one

It's not possible to make a direct transfer of a game. The structures of the two are enough different--not to mention the extensive custom bbCode that was written for OGMW--that there isn't an out of the box tool that makes it possible. The old site will remain up in read-only mode indefinitely, and there is a field in the Games Settings panel for the new site that allows GMs to link to the corresponding OGMW forum.

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I asked this a while ago (I think, September?), is it now possible to hide sheets from friends? Or can I at least unfriend these people who aren't playing anymore somehow to don't see their sheets anymore? I'm unfortunately still seeing sheets of half a dozen characters of people who stopped playing in 2019/2020 ...

Once more, sorry if I *again* missed any updates on that.



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