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Character Creation Q&A


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How long have we been in Savannah? Obviously we've been here for at least a little while--enough to establish 1 dot havens and such. I'd assume that kind of thing takes a couple weeks?

3 hours ago, coreal said:

Given the length of embrace and Camarilla facing nature, humanity is the most likely path. I will consider other paths, but the fit will be more problematic and the rationale will need to be well justified.

So, I am very highly considering taking up the Path of Lilith. I'd like to run a little of that past you to see what you think.

My interest in the Path stems from the sense of self-empowerment. Cassie was basically owned by two separate factions and even blood bond in Chicago. This gave her a feeling of being out of control of her destiny. Enter the Path of Lilith; Cassie puts on a particularly brutal show one night--one where she went so far as to wound herself on stage in a moment of passion. It draws the attention of a Follower who leaves a calling card but doesn't make contact with Cassie; she has to work for her own knowledge of the Path, doing internet research and visiting some book stores before eventually being approached weeks (months?) later.

It would be at that point that she is offered a chance to learn the true nature of what she is in the cosmic scheme. Cassie has had strange touches with religion in the past, so she's intrigued by the offer, saying she's ready for whatever it means. She's no stranger to pain, but the torture session (lasting several days) brings her to the brink of her sanity and she has an epiphany that she has become a creature of "other" origin and need not the fragile shackles of a conscience. She realizes the only morality she needs is the power of her own convictions--to tear down all the lies of existence; both mortal and Cainite.

If you think that all sounds like a stretch or unrealistic or just plain a problem, I'll just stick with Humanity.

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16 minutes ago, Malkavian Grin said:

How long have we been in Savannah? Obviously we've been here for at least a little while--enough to establish 1 dot havens and such. I'd assume that kind of thing takes a couple weeks?

There will be a little prologue scene for each character covering how they got to Savannah, how they were set up with their haven/domain/etc. that they've got in place. So consider a couple of weeks covered in the prologue thread before things start to get complicated.


16 minutes ago, Malkavian Grin said:

So, I am very highly considering taking up the Path of Lilith. I'd like to run a little of that past you to see what you think.

I can see some opportunities with the Path of Lilith. Especially if it is a recent(ish) turn to take that path. There will be a lot of discovery and self-discovery aspects to what is going on in Savannah, so the themes of the Path would weave into that well enough.

42 minutes ago, GleefulNihilism said:

Or “Burning Love” 1 pt - If Johnny fails a roll to resist Frenzy from a Fire related stimulus he still has an extremely strong emotional reaction, just not necessarily flight-or-fight Panic.

I like this thought, instead of flight or fight he goes into 'fascinated'

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20 minutes ago, coreal said:

There will be a little prologue scene for each character covering how they got to Savannah, how they were set up with their haven/domain/etc. that they've got in place. So consider a couple of weeks covered in the prologue thread before things start to get complicated.

I can see some opportunities with the Path of Lilith. Especially if it is a recent(ish) turn to take that path. There will be a lot of discovery and self-discovery aspects to what is going on in Savannah, so the themes of the Path would weave into that well enough.

Okay, great! That all sounds perfect to me :) And I figured it would be something like 6 months of learning? And with her hectic "schedule" of practicing, partying, and playing (Oh the alliteration!) she really hasn't had a ton of time to do proper research. But I feel like the core of who she is really resonates with that Path, so she's able to at least pick on on the beginnings easily enough.

Another question!

Should we be avoiding any Flaws that gives us a rival (I'm looking at Hunted like a Dog) since that's part of the premise of the story you set up? I don't want things to conflict/overshadow. Oh would it work in the opposite direction and serve to amplify your premise?

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43 minutes ago, Malkavian Grin said:

Should we be avoiding any Flaws that gives us a rival (I'm looking at Hunted like a Dog) since that's part of the premise of the story you set up? I don't want things to conflict/overshadow. Oh would it work in the opposite direction and serve to amplify your premise?

You should avoid this kind of flaw. There are already two factions you need to call out as already not happy with you from whatever has happened in the last 30 years that generated the starting 50xp. You could even label one of the factions as having 'Hunted you like a Dog' but this move to a new city gives you the opportunity to let some steam out of the situation so it's not quite as intense, but if they spot you while on vacation... well...

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19 minutes ago, Summer Silver said:

Along those lines are there any flaws we should particularly stay way from either because you're not a fan of those kinds of characters or they clash with the game concept?

Avoid the Friendship/Enmity ones with Primogen or Clan, and the ones that define special resources or affinity with the city. I tend to only like one flaw per category, but I can be convinced otherwise with a good story.

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I'm not sure which I love more, V20 or Savannah, GA. I've been lucky enough to visit twice and I've wanted to run or play in a V:TM game there ever since. It really has that kind of atmosphere, especially once the sun goes down.

Quick question, since I'm thinking of a Nosferatu character. Would my character know whether the NSA has compromised ShreckNet (yet) in this timeline?

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5 minutes ago, Calrond said:

Would my character know whether the NSA has compromised ShreckNet (yet) in this timeline?

In this timeline SchreckNet was compromised, but the breach was discovered and contained before they realized what they'd happened upon. It still led to a dismantling of the network, but because the damage was much less, the penalties for using the internet for covert communication isn't as steep either. (and this is the extent of common knowledge on the topic)

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49 minutes ago, Calrond said:

I'm not sure which I love more, V20 or Savannah, GA. I've been lucky enough to visit twice and I've wanted to run or play in a V:TM game there ever since. It really has that kind of atmosphere, especially once the sun goes down.

Quick question, since I'm thinking of a Nosferatu character. Would my character know whether the NSA has compromised ShreckNet (yet) in this timeline?

...Huh. Great minds think alike, I suppose.

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4 minutes ago, GleefulNihilism said:

...Huh. Great minds think alike, I suppose.

Wow, I really like your character! I'm sure Freddie and Warl0ck would have plenty to talk about, especially since they occupy the same niche, but let me brainstorm a different character idea for myself. I had a few more character ideas that I can go with, like "Swamp Gangrel with a Houseboat" or "Southern Gentleman Tremere." I've used Freddie before, and I'm thinking I need a fresh character for this game.

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5 minutes ago, Calrond said:

"Swamp Gangrel with a Houseboat"

spacer.png + spacer.png = Profit? 😉

2 minutes ago, GleefulNihilism said:

The Swamp Gangrel with a Houseboat sounds fun too, to be fair. And so far my best other idea is the Mob Arsonist Pyromaniac Malk I mentioned earlier - which probably qualifies as too dumb to live, lol.

I thought Johnny sounded fun. It's perhaps a bit suicidal but no one ever claimed we Malk's had the best methods of our results 😉

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1 minute ago, whitelancer said:

Might anyone be willing to share with me a template for a character shet?

My stuff tends to be overly complicated, but you're free to clone any of it :3 I'm happy to share.

If you've never cloned, it makes copying sheets super easy, barely an inconvenience. Just press clone at the bottom of your post, hit source, copy all, then go to your page and paste it in your source and hit okay and save. Should be a direct duplicate.

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