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The Doom of Glenn Hollow - OOC

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9 hours ago, Ensou said:

GM, did what I roll count as a Skill Challenge? Not sure I understood but you described well, so it will be more of my fault.

The rules for Skill Challenges come from 4th edition D&D, if you didn’t know.

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And they say nothing good came out of that edition. I actually regularly use their "minion" rules. For those who haven't bothered to pick up 4th, minions are copies of the creature with just 1 HP but normal other stats, so you can still miss them, and get hurt by them, but they die as soon as you connect. They are great for when you want to represent the party fighting large crowds. Have an appropriate amount of real creatures for the challenge and throw a few of these so the danger seems more imposing.

Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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On 3/26/2024 at 6:58 PM, rogueblade0729 said:

Yes, that was correct! The focus here is the skill check, as we are simulating a group effort in a way that tactical combat doesn't really work in. Attack rolls or spells cast can contribute to the check, but it still has to be tied to the skill.

This is really more of a creativity and rule-of-cool exercise than anything. It's worked in my games for years, so I'm deploying it again for you all :)


I understand the spirit. I attempted to edit a rule of cool moment as much as Survival on a hill can offer, so I hope that passes muster.

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I enjoy taking the best parts of the different systems I run and implementing them in my games. Skill Challenges from 4e are one of them.

@Ensou And yes, Survival is perfectly valid! As long as you have a story-driven or character-driven explanation for how you use it in this case, you got it.

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Alright everyone, you're nearly there! Only one more successful skill check is needed. Note that you can forfeit your roll for the round if you instead want to Aid Another in their skill check, to maximize your chances of success.

Damien is now awake, so he may also make a skill check, despite being carried like a sack of potatoes by the goliath.

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On 3/29/2024 at 1:09 AM, rogueblade0729 said:

I enjoy taking the best parts of the different systems I run and implementing them in my games. Skill Challenges from 4e are one of them.

@Ensou And yes, Survival is perfectly valid! As long as you have a story-driven or character-driven explanation for how you use it in this case, you got it.

Daitan has overcome the last team challenge. Niko is in range to the damn slaver, and Damien should be free to act with a punishing counterattack. Strangle the mofo.

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On 3/31/2024 at 12:14 AM, rogueblade0729 said:

Alright everyone, you're nearly there! Only one more successful skill check is needed. Note that you can forfeit your roll for the round if you instead want to Aid Another in their skill check, to maximize your chances of success.

Damien is now awake, so he may also make a skill check, despite being carried like a sack of potatoes by the goliath.


GM, if Daitan succeeds the challenge, can Damien move into an attack, since being on her shoulder, he is in range for a great many choices? What is the DC for gouging one of her eye out in such close proximity, just to check. Does losing an eye incur penalty to a number of rolls she has to make? Just curious.

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Gouging out the eyes will be pretty hard to pull off. We can roll with the grappling rules relating to pinning your opponent, but in this case instead of immobilizing them, you can get one or both of their eyes, depending on your level success.

Losing one eye takes a permanent -4 penalty to Spot checks and ranged attack rolls, while losing both confers blindness as a permanent condition. Of course, the right magic can cure either of these, probably something along the lines of regenerate.

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