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On 4/2/2024 at 7:42 AM, Eagleheart said:

Looking at downtime actions now. I didn't even know Starfinder had these. XD

...just a thought, but would Find Buyer help us sell our berries?

Prat mentioned a buyer before the crew left - Siski, manager of Ka Imports.

That said, Find Buyer could be used to help move the extra crate Prat gave the crew. However you need to be within a settlement or relatively adjacent, so you wouldn’t be able to do that in the Drift. Once you land in Hivemarket though…

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I finished up my part in the workout activity, not sure if anyone else wants to do a finish up post.


Probably to curse Akari for finishing with handstand push-ups. I remember having to do those when I studied martial arts when living in Asia. They were very intense.

Edited by darlis moonbeam (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the quiet folks, looking to get us back on track this week. Raenala’ll hold down the fort at BD514 while the rest of the crew heads into Hivemarket.

to expand on the current situation, any attempt to call Ka Imports with the number provided goes to voice mail and directs you to their physical location.

You’re free to leave the rig with the ship if you wanted to touch base with the company first.

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So question so I have a clear understanding. I know you mentioned a Taxi but how is our rig set up. Is the cargo section connected and can not be separated from the vehicle or are they separated and the rig can go while the other is loaded? Akari and Morgan can go check the place out in rig if it can be separated otherwise I guess they can take a taxi. It's probably best to follow a buddy system on a rough and tumble place like this.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gonna shoot for an update post tomorrow folks.

More pressingly, I wanted to gauge opinions on recruiting some more people for the crew. This wouldn't happen until the crew finishes up this job, but still wanted to get a sense where people stand on that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Feel free to hash things out on how to proceed. As mentioned in the post, you don't have to take Ainsley's offer. At that point you'd be doing the Find Buyer Downtime Activity.

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Heck! If Akari's there, then so is Jin.

As for our next move, I say that we don't accept her offer. Either we go look for another buyer for a better deal or we use this opportunity to force her to buy the precious cargo at a better price by saying we'll take the merchandise to their main competitors. Unless she knows that nobody else around her will offer anything better, it might be worth a shot.

Besides, we're supposed to get the cargo heisted at some point, aren't we?

"A crew of scoundrels, rogues, and misfits finds it hard to survive in a galaxy where everyone has a price. Targeted by a crime boss and his army of enforcers, preyed upon by faceless mega-corporations, and hounded by rivals, the crew of the Free Trader Oliphaunt line up the big score that will at last make them rich beyond their wildest dreams. But when their many enemies join forces and the crew loses it all, they find out there's two things in the galaxy that can't be bought: freedom... and revenge."

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