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Part I: Punching the Clock


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Akari Monduro



[b][url=/sheets/?id=2855926]Akari Monduro[/url][/b] [i]KASATHAS Operative NG[/i] [b]HP[/b] 10 / 10 [b]RES[/b] 5 / 5 [b]STAM[/b] 8 / 8 [b]Speed[/b] 30ft [b]Init[/b] 4 [b]KAC[/b] 16 [b]EAC[/b] 15 [b]Fort[/b] 4 [b]Ref[/b] 6 [b]Will[/b] 4 [b]CMB[/b] 24 [b]BAB[/b] 0 [b]Longsword[/b] 1 (1d8, -) [b]Laser Pistol[/b] 4 (1d4, Burn 1d4) [b]Str[/b] 13 (1) [b]Dex[/b] 18 (4) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 15 (2) [b]Int[/b] 17 (3) [b]Cha[/b] 17 (3)
Akari Monduro KASATHAS Operative NG HP 10 / 10 RES 5 / 5 STAM 8 / 8 Speed 30ft Init 4 KAC 16 EAC 15 Fort 4 Ref 6 Will 4 CMB 24 BAB 0 Longsword 1 (1d8, -)
Laser Pistol 4 (1d4, Burn 1d4) Str 13 (1) Dex 18 (4) Con 14 (2) Wis 15 (2) Int 17 (3) Cha 17 (3)



Skill Name Modifier
Acrobatics +13
Athletics +8
Bluff +8
Computers +8
Culture +8
Diplomacy +3
Disguise +3
Engineering +8
Intimidate +8
Life Science +3
Medicine +3
Mysticism +2
Perception +7
Physical Science +3
Piloting +12
Profession +2
Sense Motive +7
Slight of Hand +9
Stealth +12
Survival +7




Second Skin

Laser Pistol


50ft Titanium Cable

Personal Comm Unit

Creature Companion (Ilskitt) Peeka

Tier II Computer (Self Charging, AI)

Industrial Backpack

Hygiene Kit

R2E 1 weeks rations

64 CR

Feats and Abilities

Feats: Great Fortitude

Racial Abilities: Nomad: +2 INT, +2 CHA, -2 WIS; Desert Stride; Four-Armed; Crew Member; +2 Piloting; Natural Grace +2 Athletics/Acrobatics

Operative Class Abilities: Operatives Edge +1; Specialization: Ghost; Trick Attack +1d4

Languages: Common, Kasatha, Vesk, Yoski, Azlanti


Once Akari safely lands about two miles out from the hivemarket, he finishes up his landing protocols and switches on the internal comms for the ship. "Good afternoon boys and girls, we have safely landed on Akiton. We want to thank you for choosing Air Akari, we know you had zero choice on your air travel today, and appreciate that it was chosen for you. The temperature here is hot and dry and you might get sand in places that could be uncomfortable, so dress appropriately. It also appears to be a bit of a rambunctious group outside so might want to bring along your preferred attitude adjusters in case they decide that they want to play. My understanding is that the local authorities are nonexistent so no interruptions of playtime will be had."

After his announcement he turns off comms and cracks his knuckles before staring across the sands fondly, all desert planets make him feel like home as his people originally came from a desert planet, even though he personally had never been there. He checked he had his laser pistol and his ever present sword was strapped to his back before heading to the cargo hold to make sure the rig was loaded that he would be driving. Peeka hops up on his shoulder to travel with him.

Edited by darlis moonbeam (see edit history)
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The big man has a clear pep in his step. He moves with his usual big goofy grin as he straps on his armor and various weapons. "Yo, this is going to be lit. I have heard some wild stuff about this planet. I cannot wait to check out their bars, maybe start a fight." He says this last part as he checks the rack of his scattergun.

He steps into the cargo bay with Davir and helps the far too skinny man start loading.




OOC and Actions

HP: 11 / 11 EAC: 14 Fort: +5
SP: 11 / 11 KAC: 15 Ref: +4
Res: 3 / 3 Init: +8 Will: +4

===== Reactions =====

===== Actions =====


Ongoing Effects and Daily Use Things

Ongoing Effects:

Remaining Resources:

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DARWYN PRIESTLY ("Morgan Hunt") - Outlaw Human Operative 1 DarwynPriestlyv1.jpg.c9b7d66d7d308f78ee62fdb3405cb65b.jpg

HP: 10/10 | SP: 8/8| RP: 5/5 | EAC: 15 | KAC: 16 | FORT: +2 | REF: +6 | WILL: +4 |

INITIATIVE: +5 | LINK: M-W Character Sheet

PRIMARY WEAPON: Azimuth Laser Pistol - 1d4F - 20/24

Once the BD514 has safely landed, Darwyn unbuckles his safety harness and stretches to his full height. Thankfully Akari hadn't tried too many flashy maneuvers this go-round. "Morgan" then makes his way into the cargo-hold to join the others in loading their shipment for the trip to Hivemarket and Ka Imports.

Tarik's message was rather meaningless to the former smuggler, so he didn't really question what was told to Raenela and the others. A job was a job, after all, so long as he got paid.

Once the berries were loaded onto the cargo rig, he goes back to his cabin to retrieve his weapons and duster. He double-checks the charge on his laser pistol and secures his well-used survival knife to its sheath on his left leg. For good measure, he grabs his tactical baton and hides it into a pocket of his duster. With his second skin armor on, he makes his way to join the others.

Hopefully there's room on the rig this time since he had no intention of missing out on the action again. Just for good measure, he activates the transport's security systems before the crew leaves for its delivery.


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8syf8g2b.png.edf2e02a628e1f9907968396b5cf1f5a.pngDavir Karst  Cargomaster

"Nice sailin', Akari, lad. Keep it up and EJ will offer ya a job!", Davir adds, before nodding at Duncan. "That's the spirit! Remember, if an'one wants ta buy your sweat, it don't mean what ya think it means."

Buckling the pistol at his hip and undoing the overalls to show a fair amount of pale, black-etched flesh clad in an already slightly damp sweatshirt, Davir takes his spot at the back of the hauler. "Right, Pilot! Captain told me ta tell ya, we see an ol' lady this time, we run her over.", he shouts with an overly serious expression. "The ol' bag, not the Captain."


Borai - Solarian 1

HP: 13/13 | SP: 11/11 | EAC: 14 | KAC: 14 | FORT: +6 | REF: +3 | WILL: +2 | INITIATIVE: +3

Solar Weapon - 1d6+4+1+3 Slashing

Azimuth Lazer Pistol - 1d4F, off hand.




Edited by Zaathun (see edit history)
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Akari Monduro



[b][url=/sheets/?id=2855926]Akari Monduro[/url][/b] [i]KASATHAS Operative NG[/i] [b]HP[/b] 10 / 10 [b]RES[/b] 5 / 5 [b]STAM[/b] 8 / 8 [b]Speed[/b] 30ft [b]Init[/b] 4 [b]KAC[/b] 16 [b]EAC[/b] 15 [b]Fort[/b] 4 [b]Ref[/b] 6 [b]Will[/b] 4 [b]CMB[/b] 24 [b]BAB[/b] 0 [b]Longsword[/b] 1 (1d8, -) [b]Laser Pistol[/b] 4 (1d4, Burn 1d4) [b]Str[/b] 13 (1) [b]Dex[/b] 18 (4) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 15 (2) [b]Int[/b] 17 (3) [b]Cha[/b] 17 (3)
Akari Monduro KASATHAS Operative NG HP 10 / 10 RES 5 / 5 STAM 8 / 8 Speed 30ft Init 4 KAC 16 EAC 15 Fort 4 Ref 6 Will 4 CMB 24 BAB 0 Longsword 1 (1d8, -)
Laser Pistol 4 (1d4, Burn 1d4) Str 13 (1) Dex 18 (4) Con 14 (2) Wis 15 (2) Int 17 (3) Cha 17 (3)



Skill Name Modifier
Acrobatics +13
Athletics +8
Bluff +8
Computers +8
Culture +8
Diplomacy +3
Disguise +3
Engineering +8
Intimidate +8
Life Science +3
Medicine +3
Mysticism +2
Perception +7
Physical Science +3
Piloting +12
Profession +2
Sense Motive +7
Slight of Hand +9
Stealth +12
Survival +7




Second Skin

Laser Pistol


50ft Titanium Cable

Personal Comm Unit

Creature Companion (Ilskitt) Peeka

Tier II Computer (Self Charging, AI)

Industrial Backpack

Hygiene Kit

R2E 1 weeks rations

64 CR

Feats and Abilities

Feats: Great Fortitude

Racial Abilities: Nomad: +2 INT, +2 CHA, -2 WIS; Desert Stride; Four-Armed; Crew Member; +2 Piloting; Natural Grace +2 Athletics/Acrobatics

Operative Class Abilities: Operatives Edge +1; Specialization: Ghost; Trick Attack +1d4

Languages: Common, Kasatha, Vesk, Yoski, Azlanti


Akari grins at Davir. "The Princess is safe with me, granny on the otherhand better watch out. You best hold on though, I would hate for your scrawny ass to fall out. You might break."

He chuckles as he finishes.

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With the ship landed and secured, now was the time to begin preparing for another day of chasing credits for EJ...


So sorry for the quiet there folks! I genuinely thought I'd added this with the initial post last week, so here's a quick updated post. I really gotta stop doing posts at the crack of dawn.

But yeah, now that you've landed you're free to walk or drive into Hivemarket. Consulting the Infosphere gets you a map of Hivemarket, the location of Ka Imports, and the quickest route to their office. You can also hire a taxi - 1 credit will cover a round-trip journey for the crew. I say this because loading up the rig's gonna take a few hours like it did on Castrovel, so it may be more time efficient to call or meet them first.

To reiterate, you're about 2 miles out from Hivemarket.

You can also call Ka Imports on ship or personal comms to touch base on the contract.

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DARWYN PRIESTLY ("Morgan Hunt") - Outlaw Human Operative 1 DarwynPriestlyv1.jpg.c9b7d66d7d308f78ee62fdb3405cb65b.jpg

HP: 10/10 | SP: 8/8| RP: 5/5 | EAC: 15 | KAC: 16 | FORT: +2 | REF: +6 | WILL: +4 |

INITIATIVE: +5 | LINK: M-W Character Sheet

PRIMARY WEAPON: Azimuth Laser Pistol - 1d4F - 20/24

After they finish loading the cargo rig,"Morgan" turns to Raenela. "Skipper? Do you want me to contact Ka Imports to verify the transaction specifics using the ship's comms?"


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 spacer.png Jin & Whiskey

HP: 10/10 | 10/10
Stamina: 9/9
Resolve: 4/4
EAC/KAC: 14/15 | 14/14

Jin SavesFort +5
Ref +5
Will +2
| Whiskey SavesFort +0
Ref +5
Will -1

"That's part of the job, isn't it?" Jin points out. "So I don't think we need the Captain's permission..."

He fires up the ship's comm unit and contacts Ka Imports. "Is Siski there? EJ has some yaro berries for her."

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There's no response to Jin's inquest on the other end of the comm. Just silence...

...and more silence...

.....and more silence.

Finally an automated response comes through.

"Hello. Unfortunately, the number you are trying to reach is currently out of service. Please forward any questions or concerns to the attached address. Have a pleasant evening."

The automated voicemail rattles off Ka Imports address in Hivemarket. It seems any discussion with Siski will have to happen in person.



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 spacer.png Jin & Whiskey

HP: 10/10 | 10/10
Stamina: 9/9
Resolve: 4/4
EAC/KAC: 14/15 | 14/14

Jin SavesFort +5
Ref +5
Will +2
| Whiskey SavesFort +0
Ref +5
Will -1

"Well, that's not a good sign." Jin sighs. "Oh well. I guess we're doing this the hard way. Let's go to that address."

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Raenala, having some more editing and content curation to do for her socials, elects to stay with the ship while the others head into town. Five hours later and the rig is loaded up, and the journey commences.

The route takes the group through the bustling streets of Hivemarket, where homes and businesses intermingle along broad streets that taper out near several roundabouts and other intersections. Traffic is slow, which unfortunately gives all manner of hawkers a chance to pitch their goods at the group whenever they stop; everything from cheap datapads of dubious ownership or roasted squox fresh from the grill, to pesh and offers of loving bliss from streetwalkers of all types try to separate the crew from their creds.


After a few minutes the group finally reaches the address given for their client. Ka Imports is a large, square, three-story building (made of local sandstone) with oval-shaped windows. There's a wide double up front and - based on some of the signage - a loading door in the rear, away from the main street. The building's metal frame rusted over long ago by the looks of it, but of more pressing concern is the scene playing out in front of the building.

A handful of Hykli construction workers are lowering to the ground a neon blue sign that reads "Ka Imports". A new sign that reads "Ichihara Imports" leans against the building, ready to take the old sign's place. Based on the digital sign outside the business is currently closed, and most of the interior is dark.


Anyone interested in Ichihara Imports can give me a Culture Check at DC 10. Due to their Themes, Davir and Duncan both reduce that to DC 5. Jin's success on his Downtime Activity reduces that to DC 8.

The construction crew may be able to answer your questions, or you could try knocking on the front door.

Edited by Maester1216 (see edit history)
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Akari Monduro



[b][url=/sheets/?id=2855926]Akari Monduro[/url][/b] [i]KASATHAS Operative NG[/i] [b]HP[/b] 10 / 10 [b]RES[/b] 5 / 5 [b]STAM[/b] 8 / 8 [b]Speed[/b] 30ft [b]Init[/b] 4 [b]KAC[/b] 16 [b]EAC[/b] 15 [b]Fort[/b] 4 [b]Ref[/b] 6 [b]Will[/b] 4 [b]CMB[/b] 24 [b]BAB[/b] 0 [b]Longsword[/b] 1 (1d8, -) [b]Laser Pistol[/b] 4 (1d4, Burn 1d4) [b]Str[/b] 13 (1) [b]Dex[/b] 18 (4) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 15 (2) [b]Int[/b] 17 (3) [b]Cha[/b] 17 (3)
Akari Monduro KASATHAS Operative NG HP 10 / 10 RES 5 / 5 STAM 8 / 8 Speed 30ft Init 4 KAC 16 EAC 15 Fort 4 Ref 6 Will 4 CMB 24 BAB 0 Longsword 1 (1d8, -)
Laser Pistol 4 (1d4, Burn 1d4) Str 13 (1) Dex 18 (4) Con 14 (2) Wis 15 (2) Int 17 (3) Cha 17 (3)



Skill Name Modifier
Acrobatics +13
Athletics +8
Bluff +8
Computers +8
Culture +8
Diplomacy +3
Disguise +3
Engineering +8
Intimidate +8
Life Science +3
Medicine +3
Mysticism +2
Perception +7
Physical Science +3
Piloting +12
Profession +2
Sense Motive +7
Slight of Hand +9
Stealth +12
Survival +7




Second Skin

Laser Pistol


50ft Titanium Cable

Personal Comm Unit

Creature Companion (Ilskitt) Peeka

Tier II Computer (Self Charging, AI)

Industrial Backpack

Hygiene Kit

R2E 1 weeks rations

64 CR

Feats and Abilities

Feats: Great Fortitude

Racial Abilities: Nomad: +2 INT, +2 CHA, -2 WIS; Desert Stride; Four-Armed; Crew Member; +2 Piloting; Natural Grace +2 Athletics/Acrobatics

Operative Class Abilities: Operatives Edge +1; Specialization: Ghost; Trick Attack +1d4

Languages: Common, Kasatha, Vesk, Yoski, Azlanti


Akari looks at the construction and what appeared to be the disillusion of the comoany they were there to meet. "What bullshit is this?." he says to no one in particular before he spoke out to one of the construction workers who walked by "What happened to Ka Imports friend?"

He asks in a friendly manner as ge tried to remember anything he could about the new company that seemed to have bought out Ka Imports.

Culture DC 10
1d20+8 20
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DARWYN PRIESTLY ("Morgan Hunt") - Outlaw Human Operative 1 DarwynPriestlyv1.jpg.c9b7d66d7d308f78ee62fdb3405cb65b.jpg

HP: 10/10 | SP: 8/8| RP: 5/5 | EAC: 15 | KAC: 16 | FORT: +2 | REF: +6 | WILL: +4 |

INITIATIVE: +5 | LINK: M-W Character Sheet

PRIMARY WEAPON: Azimuth Laser Pistol - 1d4F - 20/24

"Morgan" already doesn't like what he sees. This is fahrbot! he thinks to himself.

He casually draws back his duster and makes sure that his laser pistol is easily reached. Still he won't leave the rig and its precious cargo of yaro berries without some sort of proper guard.


CULTURE Check (DC/5)
1d20+8 10
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Hykli worker, his hands full with a set of metal sheets, stops at the sound of Akari's voice and gives him a quick sizing up. Akari question prompts an equivocating shrug. "Guess is as good as mine buddy. We don't work for 'em - we've just been hired on for renovations. My advice? Try the front door. Or better yet try the loading door in the back." With that the Hykli hefts the metal sheets and resumes walking.

Not the most inspiring of answers, but what can you do? Still, the crew wasn't entirely in the dark; Akari and 'Morgan' had both heard of Ichihara Imports. Or rather they've heard of its parent company, Ichihara Holdings, the personal holding company of the influential Ichihara-Hong Family. Ichihara Holdings was a well-known name in the Pact Worlds, with stakes in all manner of business interests in the system. As it happens they were based on Akiton... but of more notable concern are the ties the company 'allegedly' maintained with the infamous Golden League, a prominent (and dangerous) criminal syndicate in the Pact Worlds.

The job, it would seem, had become a might more complicated...



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Akari Monduro



[b][url=/sheets/?id=2855926]Akari Monduro[/url][/b] [i]KASATHAS Operative NG[/i] [b]HP[/b] 10 / 10 [b]RES[/b] 5 / 5 [b]STAM[/b] 8 / 8 [b]Speed[/b] 30ft [b]Init[/b] 4 [b]KAC[/b] 16 [b]EAC[/b] 15 [b]Fort[/b] 4 [b]Ref[/b] 6 [b]Will[/b] 4 [b]CMB[/b] 24 [b]BAB[/b] 0 [b]Longsword[/b] 1 (1d8, -) [b]Laser Pistol[/b] 4 (1d4, Burn 1d4) [b]Str[/b] 13 (1) [b]Dex[/b] 18 (4) [b]Con[/b] 14 (2) [b]Wis[/b] 15 (2) [b]Int[/b] 17 (3) [b]Cha[/b] 17 (3)
Akari Monduro KASATHAS Operative NG HP 10 / 10 RES 5 / 5 STAM 8 / 8 Speed 30ft Init 4 KAC 16 EAC 15 Fort 4 Ref 6 Will 4 CMB 24 BAB 0 Longsword 1 (1d8, -)
Laser Pistol 4 (1d4, Burn 1d4) Str 13 (1) Dex 18 (4) Con 14 (2) Wis 15 (2) Int 17 (3) Cha 17 (3)



Skill Name Modifier
Acrobatics +13
Athletics +8
Bluff +8
Computers +8
Culture +8
Diplomacy +3
Disguise +3
Engineering +8
Intimidate +8
Life Science +3
Medicine +3
Mysticism +2
Perception +7
Physical Science +3
Piloting +12
Profession +2
Sense Motive +7
Slight of Hand +9
Stealth +12
Survival +7




Second Skin

Laser Pistol


50ft Titanium Cable

Personal Comm Unit

Creature Companion (Ilskitt) Peeka

Tier II Computer (Self Charging, AI)

Industrial Backpack

Hygiene Kit

R2E 1 weeks rations

64 CR

Feats and Abilities

Feats: Great Fortitude

Racial Abilities: Nomad: +2 INT, +2 CHA, -2 WIS; Desert Stride; Four-Armed; Crew Member; +2 Piloting; Natural Grace +2 Athletics/Acrobatics

Operative Class Abilities: Operatives Edge +1; Specialization: Ghost; Trick Attack +1d4

Languages: Common, Kasatha, Vesk, Yoski, Azlanti


Akari does not like what he is seeing about their current circumstances. "I really don't like this, the company that appears to have taken over have strong ties to the Golden League which is a criminal syndicate which holds prominence within the Pact Worlds. What have we gotten ourselves into here? Should we try and contact Tarika and get her thoughts on what we do next or go to the back loading docks and see what happens?"

He looks at Raenala and the rest of the crew as he asks his questions.

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