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Minor update to Belgoth. He acquired a tiny hedgehog to shore up his awful Will save. I hope I updated everything correctly for it - I don't think I've used a familiar since the days of 3.0 👴

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2 minutes ago, saithor said:

I’m just imagining whenever their mind comes under attack they stroke the hedgehog and it calms them down.

>_>;; We admit nothing! Nothing!

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15 minutes ago, saithor said:

I’m just imagining whenever their mind comes under attack they stroke the hedgehog and it calms them down.

Genuinely surprised there aren't more emotional support service hedgehogs in the world.

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Lost the wind in my sails a bit for Nata. Since it's still so early in recruitment I might end up putting a pin in her and trying something else out. I've got a bit of a gimmick build I could tone down a bit that I think might actually be pretty fitting for the setting, an Aasimar Bloodrager with the Abyssal bloodline.

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9 hours ago, Trigun said:

While your hedgehog yells out It's No Use!


according to Nanny Ogg, the hedgehog, compared to a lot of other animals, is a very lucky animal indeed.

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16 minutes ago, farothel said:


according to Nanny Ogg, the hedgehog, compared to a lot of other animals, is a very lucky animal indeed.

*high fives in clacks*

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Lowkey considering a concept of a Lawful Good paladin of Asmodeus. Technically doable with the Pact Servant trait.

The Devil's Advocate.  In reverse.  A Public Defender arguing against the church's position in any given case.  A contract is only as good as its weakest clause and they seek to ensure all contracts are rock solid.  He's the one the poor all visit to make sure the contract they're about to sign doesn't have any surprises.  

And when a devil (or daemon) tries to weasel out of its side of a bargain, he's the one the Church calls on to smite them back into line.

Asmodeus brings order like no other can, his goal is to temper that order so it benefits the greatest number possible.

Edited by Lwmons (see edit history)
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A Devil’s Advocate of Devil’s Advocates.

That’s gotta have a name.

I’m going for a Half-Orc Slayer and secret Shelyn worshipper. Because Love should always win; sometimes that means a flowery speech that appeals to our better natures, sometimes that means in an epic tale of a chivalric knight with a courtly lady going on a quest, and sometimes that means a mean big guy with a shank an alleyway ambushing bigoted assholes.

Shoulda listened the first two times, ya Idjet.

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