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Morgen Keep OOC

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The SRD does not have any specific rules for weapon oils in 3.5e. Thus you treat it like the spell it is meant to emulate. That's all I could find on how they work for ranged weapons. You can apply it to the ranged weapon itself, but it doesn't confer the effects upon ammunition in this way; as you noted earlier.

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6 hours ago, Faeryl_ said:

The SRD does not have any specific rules for weapon oils in 3.5e. Thus you treat it like the spell it is meant to emulate. That's all I could find on how they work for ranged weapons. You can apply it to the ranged weapon itself, but it doesn't confer the effects upon ammunition in this way; as you noted earlier.

Since it's not pertinent for now I think we should drop the subject until is needed. I simply refuse to believe that in the game so pain in the butt detailed something so obvious is not codified especially with such a number of alchemical items of which third if not more are oils or potions of some kind. It simply has to be written somewhere.


P.S. Sorry for delay I fell asleep


Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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It very well might be written elsewhere, but if it is I haven't seen it. You might have better luck asking in the Questions thread about it; maybe someone else can point us to a proper reference. I'm only going off what a quick google search tells me.

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Let's throw it at the hands of the mods and see what they say. I searched everywhere and the closest I came was to applying poison. It could be considered poison for baddies I guess but I doubt poison rules were meant to be used for this. The link where I bought the oil Potion And Oils is not the usual 3.5 SRD, but it is not the Homebrew link that tends to stumble some. I checked other's potions and compared them elsewhere and the writing is always the same which at least lends credence that the source is reliable. I even checked that the trademark is Wizards of the Coast, Inc. So the only stumbling block is that they didn't specify the number of ammo Bless Weapon Oil only flimsy notion that there is more ammo is that while they always mention weapon as singular, ammo they mention in the plural. But as arguments go it is not one I would hang my hat on. To be honest I doubt Mods will be better acquainted with the material but they might have more experience. And while I could argue on one side that if we remove "oil" it is a Bless Weapon spell that has always worked for a singular item, then again if I cross the ail and speak for defense I could say that "oil" is the entire point of it and hence can't be removed. It distills the spell the same way poison spell or disease spell could be turned into oils to be used on multiple arrows and bolts, this is no different just because it works for the other side. Then like in all courtroom dramas, I would take an oil bottle with the pint of liquid and on one side place Winter's sling bullet, and on the other, I would place a Greatsword so the difference in size seems more stark (I mean jury would inevitably look at the arrows shaft, feathers nor only the point. This way we boil it to the point. Pebble, the pint of oil, and a Greatsword. And the defense would rest there since it is great visual 6 feet long blade on one side, a simple pebble on the other and someone should believe a pint in the middle can enchant the pebble and nothing would be left for the sword, even another pebble.

Representatives from the other side have a harder job than, if they go into dry explanation half of the jurors would doze off, they would need also something snappy. I have no idea. Should we represent it to Mod court and live with the decision or place it on you?hence keep it contained to our game. But hand on heart I bought 5 vials under the assumption I'd be able to take 25 shots. Yeah, every arrow can be "dipped" only once and used after which is over. But I thought I'd be able to "dip" 5 arrows or I wouldn't spend 500 gold on 5 shots. My Mod was even more extreme:


On 3/25/2024 at 12:46 AM, Rudolf said:

Treat the bow with the oil, and then you’re good.

For the spells, there are two things happening. Standard druid spellcasting.

1) You spontaneously cast Nature’s Ally spells

2) You cannot cast spells that are the opposite of your alignment





So you decide. I'll be fine with whatever, but in the light that there was a misunderstanding between Mod who was reviewing, and I. I'd ask if you decide that if only 5 arrows are able to be enchanted to be allowed to adjust my purchase. I mean taking it to "Supreme Court" is nice and good since we kinda wash responsibility of our hands but we can screw someone else without even knowing, so maybe it would be best to contain it to our little game.

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By a strictly RAW reading, I think I'd have to keep it at 1 arrow/use. However, this doesn't make much sense to me. As you pointed out, that's really expensive and awful for ranged attackers. As such, I'll go with the "you may use one vial to anoint up to 5 pieces of ammunition" ruling.

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We can go by real d20 ruling that I ran into while I was searching, apparently, this is a common issue in d20 games. This was in the published errata for Dungeon Age, 3 projectiles per vial. So we came as close to an official ruling as possible, the game is d20, the issue is the same, only the game is different.

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So, potions and oils are a particular type of magic item: they effectively put a spell into a bottle. So, we read the spell descriptions…

Greater Magic Weapon

Alternatively, you can affect as many as fifty arrows, bolts, or bullets. The projectiles must be of the same kind, and they have to be together (in the same quiver or other container). Projectiles, but not thrown weapons, lose their transmutation when used. (Treat shuriken as projectiles, rather than as thrown weapons, for the purpose of this spell.)

Bless Weapon

Individual arrows or bolts can be transmuted, but affected projectile weapons (such as bows) don’t confer the benefit to the projectiles they shoot.

Irritatingly, Magic Weapon doesn’t say. I think Faeryl’s suggestion above is excellent.


(And Grudge, I’m sorry for the lousy advice about bless weapon earlier. You may sell it back at a full refund if you wish)


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9 minutes ago, Rudolf said:

So, potions and oils are a particular type of magic item: they effectively put a spell into a bottle. So, we read the spell descriptions…

Greater Magic Weapon

Alternatively, you can affect as many as fifty arrows, bolts, or bullets. The projectiles must be of the same kind, and they have to be together (in the same quiver or other container). Projectiles, but not thrown weapons, lose their transmutation when used. (Treat shuriken as projectiles, rather than as thrown weapons, for the purpose of this spell.)

Bless Weapon

Individual arrows or bolts can be transmuted, but affected projectile weapons (such as bows) don’t confer the benefit to the projectiles they shoot.

Irritatingly, Magic Weapon doesn’t say. I think Faeryl’s suggestion above is excellent.


(And Grudge, I’m sorry for the lousy advice about bless weapon earlier. You may sell it back at a full refund if you wish)


It's over someone mentioned the name "Mod" too many times 😂 Yeah we figured that, we been at it the entire day. The question is now how many pieces of ammo is affected. While the Bow stays the same would 1 bottle be able to affect 5 arrows? Since it's not GMW to affect 50 arrows.

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I'll let Joren place himself before I put Fang, Gwain will likely be one square behind Ryzia,again depending on Joren and Fang although most likely diagonally to the right so he is 10' to the North from Blue square (assumingly door).

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1 hour ago, Faeryl_ said:

Blue squares are doors/openings/transition points. There's a color key at the top of the map page.

Place Gwain at K-12 and Fang at K-13 or L-13 depending on Joren. I'll make IC post where Gwain moves that chest on L-13 so that square is accessible.

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While Joren will not be in the very front as he realizes that's the place of a sneaky person he has trained since a boy to be a bodyguard so he would be towards the front protective of those who need protecting.

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24 minutes ago, darlis moonbeam said:

While Joren will not be in the very front as he realizes that's the place of a sneaky person he has trained since a boy to be a bodyguard so he would be towards the front protective of those who need protecting.

Then Fang can go in the middle. Ryzia on one side, Fang, Joren, Gwain directly behind Fang, and Winter thanks to her range basically anywhere where she can peak in the room. Except if Joren has a ranged option then I don't know. He can go next to Gwain?

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Everyone should double check where they've been placed on the map and be sure it's roughly where you wanted. I can adjust it if not.

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