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Out of Crushednaughtybits


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17 minutes ago, Steel Warrior said:

I don't know much about the campaign, even though I briefly played it in a 5e campaign run by PR.

This time, I think my character background is he's out for vengeance. Whalebone killed his twin brother.

I wanted for this character at least try impersonal, simple Demons that need killing, hanging above mirror portal. With humiliating Whalbone as juicy bonus. Still not motivated enogh to kill him, but landing a hand (holdings a sword) to companion in need is 9-5 for Rand. I actually based on the intro wanted to have my character to have the first question. "If we make a big "BOOM" next to Whalebones camp would all Demons run to have a Whale based lunch there.


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Uncertain. It's not specified. GM suggested when I made my app originally that they'd been toying with the idea of the current season being winter, which implies cold, but never outright said anything either way. Either way, it's a massive, uninhabitable desert.

Edited by Faeryl_ (see edit history)
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8 hours ago, Starhawk said:

Shakes head in wonder.. unless of course we kill them first.


You monster, even the death row inmates get the last meal 😛 By the way, mention the best ex Planet in 40k and WoD in the name is awesome and I'm not jealous of not thinking something like that before at all, noooooo sir, not jealous one bit.

@paladinred So create food/water spells to be on the ready for some spellcasters, together with, endure elements. Magic, the ultimate wilderness survival tool. 😂 On a serious note now I'm thinking about doubling up on food traditions and taking extra waterskin.

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3 hours ago, paladinred said:

So what does 4 decades of marriage bring, total numbness of emotions, lol.


I will be making it winter, why? Because having a snowball fight is fun, lol.

It may be winter, but there's no rainfall.. So it's just damn cold without the snowballs.

Unless.. It's actually the equator and it never gets cold. Extreme heat and demon skeeters the size of horses.

Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
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I assume they won't let us ride them on account of being demons AND mosquitos, the two most evil things in the 'verse. Give me an honest Vampire any day over horse-sized mosquitos. They don't have even to be demonic. 💀

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10 hours ago, Grudge said:

Lol, exactly same train of thought, exactly same Amulet when googled. Only I figured if it can happen once, could again and just mathed out the price. Unlike you I didn't ask why. Did wonder, but figured not my problem. @bloodsprite likely has his own reasons. Also, I figured PR or you will appear to correct me if I'm wrong soon enough 😅


11 hours ago, Steel Warrior said:

Then why do you want them to be cold iron? Because that's why you have cold iron in the first place..

Trahim Silvergrace is a Alchemist Vivisectionist (Sneaks instead of bombs) that currently has the Discovery Feral mutagen that gives two claw & bite attacks.

So looking for ways to make them cold iron; my current tactic is via  VMC Sorcerer to Arcane Bloodline to get Amulet as Bonded Item, and I was building it up to be an Amulet of Mighty Fists, (because then I han eventually add holy and/or bane to my attacks). And if the GM is feeling benevolent I was hoping to make cold iron happen.

I was considering 'Weapon Blanch' as he is an alchemist, but " When poured on a weapon and placed over a hot flame for a full round" sounds painful when it comes to fingers and face.

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