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Durlag’s Tower - OOC


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21 hours ago, 8w_gremlin said:


oops, damn auto-correct on the phone...


thanks @cheezal I rectified the waves...

Remember, autocorrect generally defaults to words you use frequently...

(you might want to reset your learned words lol)

Edit: Or autocorrect needs a correction.

Just logically, frequency of words and all that, I can't believe 'genital' appears more frequently than 'gentile' in most conversation.

Outside of specific medical fields I suppose.

............ Turn off autocorrect! Down with our mistyped suppressor!

(Seriously though, rather than trying to improve the keyboard apps, they just say autocorrect everything. because ergonomics is *bad* when it's easily cover-upable)

Edited by Sylas (see edit history)
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@cheezal your attacks should be made with Disadvantage (invisible targets) - please roll two more d20s (for Firebolt and the Battleaxe attacks)

And point of order (no impact on anything), the Cantrip is your Action, and then the weapon attack is your Bonus action.


War Magic

Beginning at 7th level, when you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action.


Actually, Bloodaxe is 15 feet away from S2, and with the difficult terrain he cannot get into melee range. Dwarves have a Speed of 25, so you cannot move three spaces in Difficult terrain.

Edited by Poor_Knight (see edit history)
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@Sylas Vallemental also has Disadvantage on the Slam (which I presume is against S2).

Because they are "on fire" does not negate the fact that you cannot see them, so you still have Disadvantage (the faerie fire spell negates the power of invisibility, not normal fire).

This is two-pronged:

A) there is no rule for "on fire", and I'm inclined to rule that the creature is not completely covered in fire, e.g. a humanoid-shaped inferno. The "on fire" creature will have a much harder time trying to hide, but they are not rendered visible.

B) the creature in question is an air elemental...I think I'm giving leeway by allowing air to be "on fire" to begin with. As there is not a game mechanic or condition for being "on fire", thus stat blocks do not provide immunities for it. So using "common sense logic" to be on fire, something has to be flammable...perhaps air elementals are carbon dioxide or helium.

So, I'm ruling they are "on fire" and take the extra fire damage, but you still cannot see them well enough to negate the disadvantage from being invisible - just a mote of fire swirling in a chaotic fashion about the air.

Edited by Poor_Knight (see edit history)
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I was under the presumtption that the faeries fire,revealed the stalkers positions to us..otherwise there would be no point targetting them with a spell.

If i can't move on the ground (thats fine! but i can't visually determine what you are classifying as difficult range).

So if possible i will just adjust my move to stand still and cast firebolt at the same stalker..

If you require me to make a new spell attack roll with disadvantage i shall.. add it to my move.

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Faerie Fire does reveal invisible creatures, if they fail their save vs the spell. Stalker 3 did fail their save, so they are revealed. But Stalker 2 made their save, so they are not affected by the faerie fire spell.

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Well Ok it was my presumption i could see S2, if i can't i will target S3. If S1 is visable and since its the more hurt of 1 and 3 ,i would target S1 in priority over the two,but if i can only see S3 i will Firebolt them.

I just live by the motto,Dead monsters tell no tales... and they don't get to attack back..So S2 i was trying to take out of the battle.

Edited by cheezal (see edit history)
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I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to infer that normal fire did the same as faerie fire for the removal of advantage/disadvantage, I just forgot about it when I was making the rolls. For some reason the roller is completely broken if I try to do it on my desktop (my preferred method of post-making), but it (usually) works perfectly fine (if rather clunky) on my phone :(

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On 10/20/2023 at 6:07 PM, cheezal said:

Well Ok it was my presumption i could see S2, if i can't i will target S3. If S1 is visable and since its the more hurt of 1 and 3 ,i would target S1 in priority over the two,but if i can only see S3 i will Firebolt them.

I just live by the motto,Dead monsters tell no tales... and they don't get to attack back..So S2 i was trying to take out of the battle.

Sounds good.

On 10/21/2023 at 6:21 PM, Sylas said:


I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to infer that normal fire did the same as faerie fire for the removal of advantage/disadvantage, I just forgot about it when I was making the rolls. For some reason the roller is completely broken if I try to do it on my desktop (my preferred method of post-making), but it (usually) works perfectly fine (if rather clunky) on my phone :(

No worries, just illustrating my thought process on it and clarifying as needed.

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On 10/24/2023 at 2:53 PM, cheezal said:

What or who are we waiting for before we get an update please?


That'd be me ;) Well, actually I was looking for Bloodaxe's Disadvantage roll but now I see you changed your target so it's not required. Targeting S3 gives you Advantage (faerie fire) but I'll not wait for that.

Also, attained a new role at work so will likely impact my pace. Will keep chugging along though.

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