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Hehe... Okay, between Shiori, Mukuro and Kaede we're getting a shut in theme going, with all three at different stages of the phenom. Didn't see that coming. ;)

(Also, Takigawa High? ;) You after an explicit background link, @Zelphas? I'd be down for that, though not sure how best to go about it.)

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4 hours ago, Inquisitor D said:

Hehe... Okay, between Shiori, Mukuro and Kaede we're getting a shut in theme going, with all three at different stages of the phenom. Didn't see that coming. ;)

(Also, Takigawa High? ;) You after an explicit background link, @Zelphas? I'd be down for that, though not sure how best to go about it.)

Haha, definitely! I made Shiori a little bit more energetic and outgoing rather than withdrawn to bring out more contrast; she's not afraid of people, she just cannot socialize normally.

I grabbed the same high school name because I thought it would be fun to have that connection, if it comes up; I'd be happy to make a link, but if the link is only "two social outcasts go to the same school and know each other in passing as another outcast" that's fine by me as well.

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14 minutes ago, Zelphas said:

Haha, definitely! I made Shiori a little bit more energetic and outgoing rather than withdrawn to bring out more contrast; she's not afraid of people, she just cannot socialize normally.

I grabbed the same high school name because I thought it would be fun to have that connection, if it comes up; I'd be happy to make a link, but if the link is only "two social outcasts go to the same school and know each other in passing as another outcast" that's fine by me as well.

Hehe. ;) I could potentially see a weird sorta bond between them, if there's an event to initially bring them together. Mukuro inviting Shiori to record a voice in her audio drama might work? Shiori's social status wouldn't stop her (in fact, she's a prime candidate - she doesn't have another club to be involved in). Shio's outgoing side being positive but shy is pretty much the opposite sort of terrible social interaction to Mukuro's, who I'm seeing as more of a cold, inapproachably scary type. They could see something to learn from in each other. I can see them having VC up while Mukuro's editing video and Shiori's working on code at home.

And if they've got each other, trying out Digimon Go for the social aspect could be a little easier. Similar goals, backup from each other... all this is spitballing, but does the basic idea work?

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15 minutes ago, Inquisitor D said:

Hehe. ;) I could potentially see a weird sorta bond between them, if there's an event to initially bring them together. Mukuro inviting Shiori to record a voice in her audio drama might work? Shiori's social status wouldn't stop her (in fact, she's a prime candidate - she doesn't have another club to be involved in). Shio's outgoing side being positive but shy is pretty much the opposite sort of terrible social interaction to Mukuro's, who I'm seeing as more of a cold, inapproachably scary type. They could see something to learn from in each other. I can see them having VC up while Mukuro's editing video and Shiori's working on code at home.

And if they've got each other, trying out Digimon Go for the social aspect could be a little easier. Similar goals, backup from each other... all this is spitballing, but does the basic idea work?

I don't see anything that doesn't work; we can keep developing it if/when the game gets set up, depending on how things go!

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Yeah, does seem like a few with the same kind of starting point but very different responses. Kaede is less a"version to people" more "small-town dude in a big city with no idea how to navigate it". I tried to make him more interested in meeting people but with no idea how to do so in a metropolis to make joining up with whatever group the game has easier.

I kind of figure that the premise of older teens/young adults + excited for a new video game + the normal rpg stuff of being the kind of person willing to go on an adventure does kind of push in the direction of shut in a bit. :P

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Popping in to wish you good luck with the game! Was gonna make a character, but things aren't panning out well (things felt weak in how I executed it, which is always bleh), so here to show you interest another way. What you've got going seems neat :3

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1 hour ago, Niblooey said:

Popping in to wish you good luck with the game! Was gonna make a character, but things aren't panning out well (things felt weak in how I executed it, which is always bleh), so here to show you interest another way. What you've got going seems neat :3

I appreciate that, thank you! There's still a few days to submit an application if you end up changing your mind.



As for everyone else, I apologize for my lack of attentiveness these past few days. New cat is so much more of a headache than I thought he'd be. But I should be good to complete reviews for as many apps as I can today, and I'll be going through all of them to see which look complete and which are near completion.

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Man my brain does stupid stuff. Had just settled down on doing a character with a dog line when I watched too much Girls Und Panzer, had to talk myself out of a tankmon/tankdramon idea and commandramon thoughts but then drifted toward Kokuwamon > Ballistamon > AtlurBallistamon with a bit of a better idea for the character themselves. Not sure yet on a Mega but probably one of the machine like ones with electrical themes like Raidenmon, unless MetalKabuterimon counts as a Mega.

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Just saying, Gundramon is right there.

The Hybrids are honestly so frustrating, just because they keep being represented as different ranks in different pieces of media. I have MetalKabuterimon as Ultimate in my notes.

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Man my brain does stupid stuff. Had just settled down on doing a character with a dog line when I watched too much Girls Und Panzer, had to talk myself out of a tankmon/tankdramon idea and commandramon thoughts but then drifted toward Kokuwamon > Ballistamon > AtlurBallistamon with a bit of a better idea for the character themselves. Not sure yet on a Mega but probably one of the machine like ones with electrical themes like Raidenmon, unless MetalKabuterimon counts as a Mega.

Don't stress it man, the creative process is fun! I can't tell you how many times I have flip-flopped regarding Lee's specifics.

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As the 26th comes to a close(at least in my timezone), I just wanted to thank everyone for applying! There's a lot of really good characters here and I hate having to pick between them. I am going to be spending the next couple days going through everything with a fine toothed comb, some I'll comment on, some I'll keep to myself as part of the selection process. During this time you're free to many any changes, corrections, or finishing touches to your characters that you like.

As mentioned in the beginning, I will likely be selecting 5-6 players, expecting at least some attrition as is common in PbP games, though I will be elated if we can see a full cast of six thrive! I've already seen some fun potential dynamics while reviewing characters, and I can't wait to see just what might come to life.

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Would a multi-tool suffice as a lock-pick set? Or could I just use a Lock-release gun and flavor it as a lockpick instead of tech?

OFC moot question if I don't make the cut. :) No worries though, I won't be grumpy if ya pass on me.

Edited by Smirk (see edit history)
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Alright, I swear this is going to be the last real delay on my part. I got moved to the night shift so instead of 8-4 I'm now 3-12, and while you'd think that gives me a lot of free time during the day(I sure did when I agreed to it), I was not prepared for just how badly this would throw off my schedule and mess with my day-to-day. But excuses, excuses. I promise this won't be representative of how things will look going forward.

Ripping the bandaid off, I am going with five players, in no particular order:

@Binks -- Kanno Kaede

@Zelphas -- Yamazaki Shiori

@Inquisitor D -- Murakara Kuroko

@Seandiggersby -- Rin Matsuda

@Passione -- Elmo Finger

I do want to thank everyone who applied, and apologize I can only take so many. I was really excited to see some of the characters and concepts you all came up with, and even if not here, I hope you get the opportunity to realize them in another game, Digimon or otherwise.

As I was considering characters and dynamics, one thing that I really found myself enjoying was the prominence of less-than-socially-adept characters, which I felt could lead to some very fun opportunities. I've no intention on dictating how any dynamics may or may not develop between the group, but "a bunch of introverts and their token extrovert friend have to save the day" is a very funny plot in my head.

That being said, I've obviously been a bit negligent with reviews up until this point(again, I swear that's not going to be the standard going forward), so if you have any other questions or concerns about your characters don't hesitate to ask me about them. I'm going to go through them all with a fine toothed comb on my next day off, but while reviewing them all for recruitment I didn't notice any significant problems.

First posts will be going up once everyone has joined, I'm going to be starting everyone off in a solo thread to introduce their partners and set the stage for the story. In the meantime, feel free to start establishing any pre-existing relationships if you would like to have them, or maybe see if everyone wants to come up with a unified posting format.

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Whoo! Happy to be here!

I'm not too worried about Kuroko, but I should flag she may need a second look - my rework of her background added some significant stuff from the first pass. But I agree that our socially awkward side is a fun possibility for this group. ;) With Kuroko, she actually has some social ability - but with her focus on Intimidation, it's very specific and not always useful. Being 'the scary one' isn't exactly something folk are always gonna like. ^^

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3 hours ago, Lwmons said:

one thing that I really found myself enjoying was the prominence of less-than-socially-adept characters,

Well that just makes me feel bad for seeing a gap in the party and filling it.

Oh well...

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