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Blue Jay

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15 hours ago, Steel Warrior said:

I have a rule question on monster classes and growing large or larger.

The oslecamo rule is that if your character doesn't want to grow to a larger size, they can choose to take a +2 to a physical ability score in it's place.

With the RLA project when the opportunity to grow larger using Blue Jay's Savage Progression. Could we choose to simply remain size medium no bonus or penalty, simply just remain medium? The RLA Savage progression doesn't give any additional bonuses due to size changes, since the ability scores are set by monster level.

I'm resisting this sort of thing for my RLA Progressions. I didn't set out to create a new subsystem with its own rules and stuff: they're supposed to be the exact same monsters you see in the sourcebooks, with the LA being the only change. That's the reason why there's no bonuses for size changes: because size was already factored in to the design of the RAW monsters. I think the size of a monster becomes an important limitation on it: the Huge size of a treant deters many players from playing it, which I consider a good thing, because it's not necessarily in our best interest to make +18 Str easily accessible.

15 hours ago, Steel Warrior said:

(Monster Manual 2)

Even though the newer, psionic thri-kreen from Expanded Psionics Handbook exists, players can still choose to use the non-psionic thri-kreen from the earlier Monster Manual 2. This thri-kreen variant has LA +1.

Would it be best to simply leave it ECL 2 (No LA) for the non-psionic thri-kreen?
RLA Project has the psionic thri-kreen at 2hd and LA +1.

Our standard practice is not to change things from "official" sourcebooks. The RLAs were a very special exception that other mods granted when I asked very nicely, and I've tried to walk a very straight line with those things. The official LA for the non-psionic thri-kreen is +1, so it stays that way until MM2 gets the RLA treatment (which is highly unlikely to ever happen), or until we decide to make some kind of drastic change to how we do things at RFT.

I'd love to spend hours homebrewing and adjusting and tailoring monsters for my sense of proper balance and whatnot, but I don't have the time or energy for it, so I'm going to resist making changes that aren't really necessary.

Incidentally, the history behind that house rule comes entirely from me. Back before I was a moderator, I wanted to build a thri-kreen PC. However, there wasn't a Savage Progression for it. And, the only 3.5e version of the thri-kreen is the psionic version published in Expanded Psionics Handbook, which was assigned ECL 4 (which was not allowed at RFT without a Savage Progression). So, I asked for special permission to use the 3.0e version, that lacked psionics and had an ECL of 3 (making it playable at RFT). SamGronge let me do it. But then, I never got the application completed. Later, I got the RLA Project approved, the now the psionic thri-kreen has the same ECL as the non-psionic one, making it a little awkward.

Honestly though, the RLAs are a little too generous for our build rules at RFT: gestalt really mitigates a lot of the problems that people in the RLA Project saw in monster playability.

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3 hours ago, Blue Jay said:

I'm resisting this sort of thing for my RLA Progressions. I didn't set out to create a new subsystem with its own rules and stuff: they're supposed to be the exact same monsters you see in the sourcebooks, with the LA being the only change. That's the reason why there's no bonuses for size changes: because size was already factored in to the design of the RAW monsters. I think the size of a monster becomes an important limitation on it: the Huge size of a treant deters many players from playing it, which I consider a good thing, because it's not necessarily in our best interest to make +18 Str easily accessible.

Our standard practice is not to change things from "official" sourcebooks. The RLAs were a very special exception that other mods granted when I asked very nicely, and I've tried to walk a very straight line with those things. The official LA for the non-psionic thri-kreen is +1, so it stays that way until MM2 gets the RLA treatment (which is highly unlikely to ever happen), or until we decide to make some kind of drastic change to how we do things at RFT.

I'd love to spend hours homebrewing and adjusting and tailoring monsters for my sense of proper balance and whatnot, but I don't have the time or energy for it, so I'm going to resist making changes that aren't really necessary.

Incidentally, the history behind that house rule comes entirely from me. Back before I was a moderator, I wanted to build a thri-kreen PC. However, there wasn't a Savage Progression for it. And, the only 3.5e version of the thri-kreen is the psionic version published in Expanded Psionics Handbook, which was assigned ECL 4 (which was not allowed at RFT without a Savage Progression). So, I asked for special permission to use the 3.0e version, that lacked psionics and had an ECL of 3 (making it playable at RFT). SamGronge let me do it. But then, I never got the application completed. Later, I got the RLA Project approved, the now the psionic thri-kreen has the same ECL as the non-psionic one, making it a little awkward.

Honestly though, the RLAs are a little too generous for our build rules at RFT: gestalt really mitigates a lot of the problems that people in the RLA Project saw in monster playability.

Ok, that's all I needed to know. I am working on a War Troll || OA Shaman build a little bit of a world of warcraft theme going here ;) The whole voodoo and loa thing.

I can just take the deceivingly innocent form to remain medium. Maybe as part of a tribal tradition, they consume flesh of their fallen family to carry their spirit with them. Some WoW trolls were cannibalistic. That could also explain why most WoW trolls were medium sized, with exception to some of the really big Dire Trolls.

Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
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Can the OA Shaman who gets an Animal Companion like a druid take the alternate animal companion from Dragon Magazine #357

Greenbound Summoning and Ashbound feats are from WoTC sources, but making sure there's no restriction for my character to take them. Hence I was thinking of having a plant companion to compliment it.

If the plant companion is allowed, can I flavor it like a vine-like carnivorous plant that my character can have wrapped around her body when not in combat?

Plant Companion

Plant Companion

Druids and rangers both attune themselves to the rhythms of the natural world, connecting to the vast web of life and calling upon special assistants. While usually drawn from the ranks of the animal kingdom, a few connect more with plants instead. Pouring a tiny portion of their life force into saplings or brambles, they rouse those that sleep, giving plants mobility and a measure of free will.

A plant companion improves in much the same manner as an animal companion, using the Table: The Druid's Animal Companion when determining such things as bonus Hit Dice and natural Armor Class adjustment. All plant companions begin play using the following statistics. When using Handle Animal to get a plant companion to perform a trick, its master does not suffer the normal -5 penalty incurred when dealing with creatures of types other than animal.


Always N Medium plant
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages none (understands master)
AC 13; touch 10, flat-footed 13
(+3 natural)
hp 9(1 HD)
Immune mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, polymorph, stunning, critical hits, sneak attacks
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee slam +1 (1d4+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +0; Grp +1
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10
SQ plant traits
Feats Toughness
Skills Hide +1 (+5 in its natural terrain), Listen +1, Move Silently +1, Spot +1


As you gain levels in druid or ranger, you can call upon more powerful animal companions whose abilities advance more slowly. Instead of a more powerful plant companion, though, you gain the ability to evolve the one you have, endowing it with new abilities. This requires a ritual that lasts 24 hours. Each new ability has a delay in levels between when you select it and when your plant companion gains it. You may select a new ability for your plant companion at any druid or ranger level in which a previously selected ability does not manifest. Your plant companion can only evolve one new ability at a time. For example, if at last level you choose to give your plant companion the bioluminescent ability, it gains that ability when you attain 2nd level. The most common plant companion special abilities follow.

Abilities marked with an asterisk may be taken more than once. Their bonuses or increases stack.

Alacrity (Ex): Your plant companion may, as part of a full attack action, make a bonus melee attack using its highest attack bonus. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Bioluminescent (Ex): Your plant companion glows in the dark, creating a non-magical illumination equal to a torch. It may suppress or reactivate this light as a standard action. Your plarit companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Blindsight (Ex): Your plant companion gains blindsight with a range of 30 feet. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Blunting Mold (Ex): Your plant companion develops a thick, cloying fungus along its length that automatically coats any slashing or piercing weapon that damages it. This mold causes the weapon to deal half damage on all aftacks until its wielder spends 1 standard action wiping it off. Your plant companion gains this ability after 3 levels.

Bonus Feat (Ex): Your plant companion gains a bonus feat. It must meet all of the feat's prerequisites. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Cactus Spurs (Ex): Your plant companion grows numerous wickedly sharp barbs along its length. Any creature that grapples it or attacks it with an unarmed strike or natural weapon takes 1d3 points of piercing damage. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Darkvision (Ex): Your plant companion gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Distracting Pollen (Ex): Your plant companion may, as a standard action, emit a cloud of red dust in a 10-foot radius centered on itself. All creatures within the red dust have partial concealment granting a 20% miss chance. This dust disperses after 1d4 rounds. Your plant companion can use this ability at will, but it must wait 5 rounds between each use. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Eldritch Fibers (Ex): Attacks your plant companion makes with its natural weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Growth Spurt (Ex): Your plant cOmpanion increases to Large size. You must select Powerful at least twice prior to taking Growth Spurt. Your plant companion gains this ability after 3 levels.

Ironbark* (Ex): Your plant companion's natural armor increases by +3. Yon must select Powerful at least once prior to taking Ironbark. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Mirrored Bark* (Ex): Your plant companion develops a highly refractive surface, granting it a +2 bonus to Armor Class versus rays and a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws made to resist spells or spell-like effects. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Oakenbough* (Ex): Your plant companion's Strength score and Constitution score increase by +2. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Poisonous (Ex): All attacks by your plant companion deliver a mild poison (injury; DC 10 + half the plant's HD + the plant's Constitution modifier; Initial and secondary damage 1d3 Dex). Your plant companion gains this ability after 3 levels.

Powerful* (Ex): Your plant companion gains +1 Hit Die. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Roots (Ex): Your plant companion gains fast healing 1. Your plant companion gains this ability after 3 levels.

Scent (Ex): Your plant companion gains the scent ability. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Spines (Ex): Your plant companion can make ranged attacks (it can make as many ranged attacks in a round as it can normally make melee attacks) by firing tiny spines. It can either make melee attacks in a round or fire its spines; it cannot mix its attack types in a round. These spine attacks deal 1d3 points of piercing damage + half its Strength modifier, with a range increment 30 feet. Any additional effects that affect your plant companion's melee attacks (such as delivering poison) also affect its ranged attacks. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Sticky Sap (Ex): Your plant oozes a strong adhesive that might trap any melee weapon that damages it. When such an attack hits, the wielder must immediately make an opposed Strength check against your plant companion (your plant companion gains a +4 racial bonus on this check). If your plant companion succeeds, the weapon becomes stuck. You can pull the weapon free as a move action, but any other creature (including the weapon's owner) must use a standard action (that provokes attacks of opportunity) and succeed at an opposed Strength check. If the attacker succeeds he can pull his weapon free. Your plant companion gains this ability after 5 levels.

Swift* (Ex): Your plant companion's speed increases by 10 feet. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Tendrils (Ex): Your plant companion's reach doubles. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Thorns* (Ex): Your plant companion deals +1 point of damage with each attack and now deals only piercing damage. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Tremorsense (Ex): Your plant companion gains tremorsense with a range of of 60 feet. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

* You may endow your plant companion with this ability multiple times. Its effects stack.


Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
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I had not gotten an answer yet to my previous question, so I am going to go ahead and just build it with the plant companion and feats. It was the weekend, so I know people can be busy. :)

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On 5/4/2024 at 12:45 AM, Steel Warrior said:

Can the OA Shaman who gets an Animal Companion like a druid take the alternate animal companion from Dragon Magazine #357

Greenbound Summoning and Ashbound feats are from WoTC sources, but making sure there's no restriction for my character to take them. Hence I was thinking of having a plant companion to compliment it.

If the plant companion is allowed, can I flavor it like a vine-like carnivorous plant that my character can have wrapped around her body when not in combat?

Plant Companion

Plant Companion

Druids and rangers both attune themselves to the rhythms of the natural world, connecting to the vast web of life and calling upon special assistants. While usually drawn from the ranks of the animal kingdom, a few connect more with plants instead. Pouring a tiny portion of their life force into saplings or brambles, they rouse those that sleep, giving plants mobility and a measure of free will.

A plant companion improves in much the same manner as an animal companion, using the Table: The Druid's Animal Companion when determining such things as bonus Hit Dice and natural Armor Class adjustment. All plant companions begin play using the following statistics. When using Handle Animal to get a plant companion to perform a trick, its master does not suffer the normal -5 penalty incurred when dealing with creatures of types other than animal.


Always N Medium plant
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Listen +1, Spot +1
Languages none (understands master)
AC 13; touch 10, flat-footed 13
(+3 natural)
hp 9(1 HD)
Immune mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, polymorph, stunning, critical hits, sneak attacks
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0
Spd 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee slam +1 (1d4+1)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +0; Grp +1
Abilities Str 12, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 10
SQ plant traits
Feats Toughness
Skills Hide +1 (+5 in its natural terrain), Listen +1, Move Silently +1, Spot +1


As you gain levels in druid or ranger, you can call upon more powerful animal companions whose abilities advance more slowly. Instead of a more powerful plant companion, though, you gain the ability to evolve the one you have, endowing it with new abilities. This requires a ritual that lasts 24 hours. Each new ability has a delay in levels between when you select it and when your plant companion gains it. You may select a new ability for your plant companion at any druid or ranger level in which a previously selected ability does not manifest. Your plant companion can only evolve one new ability at a time. For example, if at last level you choose to give your plant companion the bioluminescent ability, it gains that ability when you attain 2nd level. The most common plant companion special abilities follow.

Abilities marked with an asterisk may be taken more than once. Their bonuses or increases stack.

Alacrity (Ex): Your plant companion may, as part of a full attack action, make a bonus melee attack using its highest attack bonus. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Bioluminescent (Ex): Your plant companion glows in the dark, creating a non-magical illumination equal to a torch. It may suppress or reactivate this light as a standard action. Your plarit companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Blindsight (Ex): Your plant companion gains blindsight with a range of 30 feet. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Blunting Mold (Ex): Your plant companion develops a thick, cloying fungus along its length that automatically coats any slashing or piercing weapon that damages it. This mold causes the weapon to deal half damage on all aftacks until its wielder spends 1 standard action wiping it off. Your plant companion gains this ability after 3 levels.

Bonus Feat (Ex): Your plant companion gains a bonus feat. It must meet all of the feat's prerequisites. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Cactus Spurs (Ex): Your plant companion grows numerous wickedly sharp barbs along its length. Any creature that grapples it or attacks it with an unarmed strike or natural weapon takes 1d3 points of piercing damage. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Darkvision (Ex): Your plant companion gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Distracting Pollen (Ex): Your plant companion may, as a standard action, emit a cloud of red dust in a 10-foot radius centered on itself. All creatures within the red dust have partial concealment granting a 20% miss chance. This dust disperses after 1d4 rounds. Your plant companion can use this ability at will, but it must wait 5 rounds between each use. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Eldritch Fibers (Ex): Attacks your plant companion makes with its natural weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Growth Spurt (Ex): Your plant cOmpanion increases to Large size. You must select Powerful at least twice prior to taking Growth Spurt. Your plant companion gains this ability after 3 levels.

Ironbark* (Ex): Your plant companion's natural armor increases by +3. Yon must select Powerful at least once prior to taking Ironbark. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Mirrored Bark* (Ex): Your plant companion develops a highly refractive surface, granting it a +2 bonus to Armor Class versus rays and a +2 bonus on Reflex saving throws made to resist spells or spell-like effects. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Oakenbough* (Ex): Your plant companion's Strength score and Constitution score increase by +2. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Poisonous (Ex): All attacks by your plant companion deliver a mild poison (injury; DC 10 + half the plant's HD + the plant's Constitution modifier; Initial and secondary damage 1d3 Dex). Your plant companion gains this ability after 3 levels.

Powerful* (Ex): Your plant companion gains +1 Hit Die. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Roots (Ex): Your plant companion gains fast healing 1. Your plant companion gains this ability after 3 levels.

Scent (Ex): Your plant companion gains the scent ability. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Spines (Ex): Your plant companion can make ranged attacks (it can make as many ranged attacks in a round as it can normally make melee attacks) by firing tiny spines. It can either make melee attacks in a round or fire its spines; it cannot mix its attack types in a round. These spine attacks deal 1d3 points of piercing damage + half its Strength modifier, with a range increment 30 feet. Any additional effects that affect your plant companion's melee attacks (such as delivering poison) also affect its ranged attacks. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Sticky Sap (Ex): Your plant oozes a strong adhesive that might trap any melee weapon that damages it. When such an attack hits, the wielder must immediately make an opposed Strength check against your plant companion (your plant companion gains a +4 racial bonus on this check). If your plant companion succeeds, the weapon becomes stuck. You can pull the weapon free as a move action, but any other creature (including the weapon's owner) must use a standard action (that provokes attacks of opportunity) and succeed at an opposed Strength check. If the attacker succeeds he can pull his weapon free. Your plant companion gains this ability after 5 levels.

Swift* (Ex): Your plant companion's speed increases by 10 feet. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Tendrils (Ex): Your plant companion's reach doubles. Your plant companion gains this ability after 2 levels.

Thorns* (Ex): Your plant companion deals +1 point of damage with each attack and now deals only piercing damage. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

Tremorsense (Ex): Your plant companion gains tremorsense with a range of of 60 feet. Your plant companion gains this ability after 1 level.

* You may endow your plant companion with this ability multiple times. Its effects stack.


Plant Companion is fine for OA Shamans, and you can flavor it however you want, as long as you don't try to milk the flavor for unearned mechanical benefits.

Greenbound Summoning plus Ashbound... look, it's not that I want to restrict this, but your optimization style gives me a nervous tick. Greenbound Summoning is a notoriously overpowered feat. There's a forum post (allegedly from Ed Bonny, who claims to be the original creator of the Greenbound Summoning feat) saying it was originally intended it to be a Metamagic feat with a +2 slot-level adjustment on it. I kind of feel like we should implement something like that, because it's a really powerful feat.

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6 hours ago, Blue Jay said:

Plant Companion is fine for OA Shamans, and you can flavor it however you want, as long as you don't try to milk the flavor for unearned mechanical benefits.

Greenbound Summoning plus Ashbound... look, it's not that I want to restrict this, but your optimization style gives me a nervous tick. Greenbound Summoning is a notoriously overpowered feat. There's a forum post (allegedly from Ed Bonny, who claims to be the original creator of the Greenbound Summoning feat) saying it was originally intended it to be a Metamagic feat with a +2 slot-level adjustment on it. I kind of feel like we should implement something like that, because it's a really powerful feat.

Ok, I can just take Augmented Summoning for now, since we wouldn't be able to cast Greenbound Summoning until it's a 3rd level spell, 5th level caster.

Might want to add it to the house rules section for future reference.

Greenbound Summoning( Lost Empires of Faerun, p. 8)

You are learned in a long-forgotten manner of summoning once practiced by the Eaerlanni elves of the High Forest. Creatures answering your call are automatically imbued with the powers of the forest.

Prerequisite: Ability to cast any summon nature's ally spell,

Benefit: All animals that you summon using summon nature's ally acquire the greenbound template (see page 173) for as long as the summoning spell lasts. Greenbound Summoning uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell’s actual level.

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I figure it would be worth at least a no, but is there a way to get monk handwraps or brass knuckles that can be enchanted? Also can a sorcerer get eschew materials as a bonus feat at level one? I've seen the idea kicked around online in places but it's not something standard practice. I just think it would be something very flavorful if it was allowed.

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You can also buy a singular gauntlet to effectively enhance your unarmed strike.


This metal glove lets you deal lethal damage rather than nonlethal damage with unarmed strikes. A strike with a gauntlet is otherwise considered an unarmed attack.


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6 hours ago, Divinedragonslayer said:

I figure it would be worth at least a no, but is there a way to get monk handwraps or brass knuckles that can be enchanted? Also can a sorcerer get eschew materials as a bonus feat at level one? I've seen the idea kicked around online in places but it's not something standard practice. I just think it would be something very flavorful if it was allowed.

I was going through some books and did find some hand wraps I think, now as always question is was I looking 3.5 or 5E book. But there are several items for unarmed fighter

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Just a quick rules question; If I take levels in Rogue and Sorcerer as Gestalt up to level 3 and then stop taking levels in Sorcerer at level 4 to take Rogue/Arcane Trickster will I progress Sneak Attack damage at a faster pace?

Because technically from then on I would gain sneak attack damage bonus twice from Rogue and Arcane Trickster at 5th level and every odd level.

Please note that the Arcane Trickster states;

Sneak Attack

This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 every other level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th). If an arcane trickster gets a sneak attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack.

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Right. Sneak attack compares to sneak attack of a straight rogue of your level.


Sudden strike and skirmish are technically different. Also, see Unseen Seer, because Arcane Trickster has problems.

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12 hours ago, IWantBapo said:

Sneak Attack

This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 every other level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th). If an arcane trickster gets a sneak attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack.

The 'stacking' in RAW relates to non-gestallt, and so it means if you switch from Rogue to Arcane Trickster you keep progressing the Sneak Attack.

In gestallt at each level each class you take has a question 'improved SA this level?' With a Yes/No answer. You then get to take the best of either class, No/No = No, Yes/No (and No/Yes) = Yes, and Yes/Yes =Yes. This is common to all elements of a build.


Skirmish is not SA; it is extra damage but has different pre-requisites (move 10'). It does not stack with SA as a progression and therefore can be advanced at each level alongside Rogue.

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