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Blue Jay

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Maybe there would be a way to do it without mechanics but I don't think it would be as fun. But I understand it's a hard no. And with the slow episodic nature of the game I doubt you're going to allow the mentor system as well. Moreover I'm just looking for ideas to interact more in the tavern when I'm not in missions with Lumina.

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4 hours ago, Divinedragonslayer said:

By the way what is the general feeling of starting a business ala rules from PHB II?

Reinforcing what Blue Jay said, it really doesn't work here. We were both burned by the same player, no longer at the RFT (or even MW I think) who came in to the RFT with the express idea of earning unlimited gold and gaining power that way. They were particularly unpleasant in their handling of it but we were too polite to do anything about it, but then they got banned at MW for something else.


RP-ing a business can add flavour, but using it to generate wealth/undercut the economy leads to disaster.

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11 hours ago, Divinedragonslayer said:

By the way what is the general feeling of starting a business ala rules from PHB II?

You -could- open a RP-only business. The prices would be the same as in the book, but other characters could buy from -you- and not someone else?

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My crafter character negotiates making stuff for other characters in character, usually at a pretty decent discount. It costs me some XP but I just level out his WBL when my character levels up, and gives other characters a chance to access the benefits of a crafter for some RP.

Edited by DragonFriend (see edit history)
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I thought there wasn't crafting for other players but I can't see anything in the rules. Cause technically that can break WBL as well. Since the gold isn't leaving the character into the system, it's going to another character, Dragon's then would go above his WBL technically. I was thinking about doing something like what Rudolf said but in the same way as Dragon. If I had made my Artificer I was going to see about opening an RP thread for items but there'd be no gold/exp exchanged since it's just an RP place. Either way it's definitely something interesting for at least an RP place.

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I've sold dozens of pieces of mundane and magic gear, often at half market price or right around there, to other characters including the characters belonging to the current mods. Regolith's armor was made by Oswald and sold to him at half market price.

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2 minutes ago, DragonFriend said:

I've sold dozens of pieces of mundane and magic gear, often at half market price or right around there, to other characters including the characters belonging to the current mods. Regolith's armor was made by Oswald and sold to him at half market price.

Yep; but his gear is now valued at market price for WBL so buying it from Oswald is just fluff now. 😀

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I honestly don't see why that is necessary. I spent his XP and Craft Reserve crafting all of those items, a real limited resource cost beyond gold. I just chose to spend those resources on other characters, same as if it was a normal D&D campaign with a more or less fixed party. It wasn't just fluff for Oswald.

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Right…but mods have to think about the entire ecosystem, not about one character.

If we allowed full in-game crafting, then every player would be incentivized to build a character who JUST makes stuff for their other characters. And that’s not what we want.

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If that is the case I want a full refund for all resources spent crafting items for other characters at the very minimum. Magic item crafting is hard limited by XP and character level. It takes a long time to build up a crafting character capable of making anything beyond basic items, and even a low level crafter is limited by how much XP they have available to them, same as a high level crafter. You have to be a level 7 artificer or level 9 arcane full caster just to craft a Handy Haversack, a basic item that just about every level 5 or 6 character has.

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I'll again place my unwanted two cents. If what @DragonFriend worked for him and his "customers" and there were no complaints so far I don't see the reason why Mods should interfere retroactively. If you don't want it anymore put a stop to it from now on but let the sleeping dogs lie. As for @Divinedragonslayer question, I have a question and a potential problem. Business on RFT plane or in various campaigns? If it is in RFT plane then I don't see it being different for the arena and would O.K. it depending on what kind of business it is, I can think of a few that could work. In the campaigns though I don't know because some of them are so short that I'm not sure you would get a return on investment so to speak.

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In my opinion, then it would rather enrich the RFT than clash with rules. It is not tied to any campaign, it is not mandatory to attend. It can have some RP shenanigans. And if someone wants to part with their gold to attend it, or in the case of guild pay membership. Og course details of how that would work should be worked out with mods. Here I will gracefully step off this part.

As the non sequitur I rather like the way @Blue Jay mentioned, awarding by WBL, since I as GM don't have to worry I will give too much or too little financially. Even if IC earns 100 gold and some items leveling up will raise that nicely. So yeah responsible, non-greedy owners that more enritch the RFT itself with interesting things than hoarding gold. So, by now I shoved my foot into three things I personally don't do or have no interest in (PF Feats, Crafting and Stores) I think there might be something wrong with me 😅

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