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The Big House


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AC17, HP28/28, F+4, R+5, W+4, Init +6, Song 6/10. 1st:0/4.  Dex Dmg 3 (-1 to modifer)


AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 17, Fort 4, Ref 5, Will 4, CMB +3, Base Attack Bonus 2

mw longbow comp. (+1 str) +7 (d8+1, x3)

cestus +6 (1d4+1, 19-20x2) mithral chainshirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex)

Abilities Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 17 Condition None

Skills: +11 disable device;+10 sing(sense motive, bluff),diplo; +8: acro,escape,UMD, Ride; +7animal;+5appraise,climb,swim, perc, know(D,E,L,N)Ling


Heva wasn't surprised that a ghoul was discovered. It was quite possible that a ghast wasn't far behind it. " Just be careful. He might have drawn the short straw to be used as bait. That constraint might only be a fleeting " Heva replies to Edwin.

To give herself a better view of the interiors, Heva moves closer to the doorway. She keeps her longbow ready just in case fighting breaks out.





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image.jpeg.d2a8e07a33a39020c39594fe43fa14dc.jpeg Torren Grimstad

AC 23 (AC 21 Greatsword) HP 39/39, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1, Init +1

Male NG Human Fighter

Level 3 Init 1 HP 39/39 Speed 20
AC 23 (21 Greatsword) Touch 12 Flat-footed 21 (19 Greatsword) CMD 20 Fort 5 Ref 2 Will 1 CMB +8 Base Attack Bonus 3   
Great sword, Masterwork 10 (1d10+7, 19-20/x2)
Longsword 9 (1d8+5, 19-20/x2)
20 Str Composite Long bow 4 (1d8+5, 20/x3)
F. Plate/Hvy Steel Shield +9 Armor +2 Shield +1 Dex +1 Dodge

Str 20 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 8

Condition None 

Looking down from the window, dejectedly Torren says, "So we're not.... you're just breaking the door down.... and the light is... Oh for Flarn's sake. Why did I even come up here. I swear, I do my best to have a positive outlook on things and what good does it do? Nuthin, that's what. Why would we want to keep a perfectly good door intact? I don't know, why do...." He continues to gripe and grumble to himself as he lets himself down the rope. He dons his shield and makes sure it's secure as he grumbles because there's bound to be violence a moment or two. "... cause why listen to Torren anyway, he's just a guy in fabulously looking armor, thank you very much."


Move action: Climb Down

Standard action: Don shield

1d20+6 16
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spacer.pngEdwin Arcadia

AC13 HP 27/27 Fort 4 Ref 4 Will 4 Init +6 Perception +2(alertness,familiar +12)

Edwin Arcadia
M   human wizard, Level 3, Init 6, HP 27/27, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 12, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 1   
include alchemical reagent bonus Acid splash +3 (1d3+1, 20/x2)
masterwork Haramaki (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition: +2 trait bonus to will saves vs charm and compulsion
+2 racial bonus to survival checks to avoid getting lost 


Prepared spell

cantrips: acid splash, Prestidigitation, detect magic,dancing light

lvl 1: grease(used), mage armor,web bolt, ears of the city, (hydraulic push)(used)

lvl 2: create pitx2(used) (fog cloud)

wand of enlarge other charges: 49/50

School power uses: 7/8

"Dont look at me" he say at Torren "i'm as confused as you, feel like herding cats"

He then gesture to Raziel to keep quiet, the wizard move to the entrance and clear his voice

"Hello, dwellers of the manor, we, with a rater large number of followers, have stumbled on this village and found a variety of undead, created from the inhabitants we guess, if i recall correctly you are called ghouls in our books and are unlike the other undeads we have met: you are intelligent , able to speak, form groups, even entire societies.

I was hoping you would be interested in talking with me, set the groundwork for further negotiations, for example, were you the inhabitants of this village and got transformed too, or did you arrive later, drawn from the corpses?"

When he want it, Edwin can be a great spokesman

Edited by Rudra (see edit history)
1d20+14 19
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The ghoul, silver eyes in the shadow, replies, first in a hissing, blasphemous sounding tongue which Edwin does not know, but can guess is Necril. However, apparently seeing Edwin's incomprehension, the ghoul switches to Common.

"Came later. My question now..will you leave?", he hisses with clear malevolence in the tone.

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spacer.pngEdwin Arcadia

AC13 HP 27/27 Fort 4 Ref 4 Will 4 Init +6 Perception +2(alertness,familiar +12)

Edwin Arcadia
M   human wizard, Level 3, Init 6, HP 27/27, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 12, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 1   
include alchemical reagent bonus Acid splash +3 (1d3+1, 20/x2)
masterwork Haramaki (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition: +2 trait bonus to will saves vs charm and compulsion
+2 racial bonus to survival checks to avoid getting lost 


Prepared spell

cantrips: acid splash, Prestidigitation, detect magic,dancing light

lvl 1: grease(used), mage armor,web bolt, ears of the city, (hydraulic push)(used)

lvl 2: create pitx2(used) (fog cloud)

wand of enlarge other charges: 49/50

School power uses: 7/8

"I hope to leave this place as soon as possible, but our ship has sunk, we dont know where are we, or where is the closest settlement"

He mentally curse, was hoping these ghouls were part of the townsfolks, would have made things simpler

"if you came later, you came from somewhere else and, for reasons that currently escape me decided to lock yourself in this manor, could you enlighten me? also, you probably know this land better than us and the best way to get rid of us is to provide a valid alternative, maybe you know about another village? or city?"

Having established a contact, he seek information, persuading the ghoul will be hard but persuading the party will be a mythical feat, the wizard decide to deal with one problem at a time

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The ghoul hisses its answer in common to Edwin. "That's two questions, you don't play game." then after the claim that Edwin is cheating.. "Yes, I could enlighten you. ", a literal answer to Edwin's first question, then.. "Second answer is.. Yes, we know." .. another literal answer to Edwin's second question, the one the ghoul clearly considers bad faith. Following this there is a long pause.. "I have no more questions.. so game over.", the thing says with finality. The ghoul remains where he is, watchful and still, almost entirely behind a barricade of destroyed furniture.

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
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spacer.pngFather Raziel de' Fatale

AC1 HP 23/27 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 7 Init 0 Perception 6

Level 3 Init 0 HP 23/27 DR - Spd 30 ft.
AC 16/17 (melee/ranged) Touch 10 FF 16/17 CMD 1 Fort Ref 2 Will 7 CMB +4 BAB 2 Power Points 0/0 Action Pts 0
MW Morning Star +5 (1d8+3, x2)
Composite Long Bow +2 (1d8+2, x3)
Sickle +4 (1d6+3, x2)
Mithril Chain Shirt, Darkwood Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Str 14 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 19 Cha 16
Condition Normal



Channel Energy 7 times per day (1/7)


Animal Domain (Insect) - Exoskeleton 7 times per day (2/7)

Plant Domain (Leshy Caller) - Grant +4 sacred bonus Leshy's next attack 7 times per day (7/7)


0 LEVEL: Create Water, Guidance, Resistance and Stabilize

1st LEVEL: Calm Animals (Domain) 1/1, Cause Fear 1/1, Endure Elements 0/1, Shield of Faith 1/1

2nd LEVEL: Hold Animal (Domain) 1/1, Defending Bone 0/1, Spiritual Weapon 0/1


Cure Light Wounds Wand (41/50 Charges) 1d8+1

Father de' Fatale likewise was against cracking the house open or even attempting to penetrate it until tomorrow and, with the complaints by others in the group, he begins to wonder who made the foolish decision to proceed without preparing properly or even having the sword arms in the group assemble for potential action.

Likewise, the effort to speak to the fiends was almost as fruitful. Now it was just a question as to how many folks would have to pay the price for the unwise decisions. Since there was little to do and his powers were basically spent, the holy man moves back away from the front doorway and silently prays to the gods with his loaded crossbow in hand awaiting the worst and quietly wishing he was somewhere else at the moment.

Actions for the round



Move: Move away from front door behind the front ranks - No room to show it on the map

Move Action:

Readied Standard: Readied Action to Attack Ghoul with Light Crossbow if it attempts to attack Edwin or any other member of the party



Edited by Terran (see edit history)
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Screenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngScreenshot_20240115-091914.png.5932cf21a5dcfc501fd9e2bd3fd48260.pngEd Billings - Some Ranger Fella and his Trusty Hound Dog

AC: 18 [16] HP: 29/36 Fort: 6 Ref: 8[6] Will: 6 Init: Perception: 8

Zebediah Edvard Billings IV
Male NG Human Ranger Level 3, Init 4, HP 36/36, Speed 30, AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, CMD 19, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 6, 

CMB +5, Base Attack Bonus 3

MW Composite Longbow (+2) 600gp (40x Arrows / 20x Incendiary Arrows) +9 (1d8+2, x3)
MW Longsword 315gp 8 (1d8+2, (19-20)x2)
Light Mace 5gp 8 (1d6+2, x2)
MW Chain Shirt (250gp) (+4 Armor, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 15, Dex 18 [15], Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Condition (-3 Dex)

Ed reckons spending the past half hour trying to get a fortified house open whilst preparing defenses outside the front door and then griping about the house getting opened up at the front door is a bit non-sensical, but he doesn't say anything about it. He just nods his appreciation to the goblin with the heavy pickaxe. After all, daylight was burning and Ed wasn't keen on bunking up in a village with a bunch of undead in it. People was gonna start getting hungry soon too. They'd probably like to eat and not get eatin at the same time.

As the mage starts negotiating with the foul creature inside the building, Ed starts figuring that this group needs to decide sooner or later whether they was gonna slay a bunch of evil, dead creatures and make this settlement safe or keep tryin' to make buddies of all these things. Cuz, he's pretty sure none o' these things is the trustable types and would mostly just like to kill everyone still breathin' and eat all of em' at their earliest convenience. And that's usually more than enough to constitute a thing that needs to be made full dead quickly, in Ed Billing's reckoning.

Seeing as no one else appeared to be in the right mood to orchestrate countermeasures, the normally quiet ranger decides to take it on himself and falls back into his soldierly paces. "You there!" he hollers up at Drew, "you mind hoppin' down over here? And... uh.... Torren," he says remembering the warrior's name, "I could use you up in front here as well! And also you, Sir," he says beckoning to the visored half-elf with whom he spoke briefly a few minutes prior. "If you fellas wanna form up tight here in the front, I think that'd be a good start and make everyone feel a bit easier... Ed says, preparing his bow. "MISS!" he hollers up to Heva on the roof. "I could use your bow down here!"

"You fellas with any magic in ya, if you don't mind, please formin' up in an arc at the rear. I don't reckon this talkin' is gettin' much further... and if you're outta magic,"
Ed announces widely, "feel free get yourself a crossbow or a rock or a sharp stick or somethin'... Cuz, I'm fixin' to clean this here establishment in short order!" the Ranger states, plainly growing impatient, along with everyone else.

In battle, things don't always go as intended. Best thing to do is be ready to roll with the punches and not lose your head. Ed was ready to roll right over this house with a torch in about one second. The place smelled absolutely terrible.

"BUGLER!! GET THE F#$@ ON OUTTA HERE NOW!!! This ain't no place for doggos!"

(Pending everyone gets into formation) "Whenever you're all done with your conversation there, Mr. Wizard Sir," Ed says, addressing Edwin.




Free: Talky talk talk


Move: Move into second row and draw bow.

Standard: Readied action to fire arrow.

Full Round:

Edited by Eborne1 (see edit history)
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spacer.pngEdwin Arcadia

AC13 HP 27/27 Fort 4 Ref 4 Will 4 Init +6 Perception +2(alertness,familiar +12)

Edwin Arcadia
M   human wizard, Level 3, Init 6, HP 27/27, Speed 30
AC 13, Touch 12, Flat-footed 11, CMD 12, Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 4, CMB 0, Base Attack Bonus 1   
include alchemical reagent bonus Acid splash +3 (1d3+1, 20/x2)
masterwork Haramaki (+1 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 10
Condition: +2 trait bonus to will saves vs charm and compulsion
+2 racial bonus to survival checks to avoid getting lost 


Prepared spell

cantrips: acid splash, Prestidigitation, detect magic,dancing light

lvl 1: grease(used), mage armor,web bolt, ears of the city, (hydraulic push)(used)

lvl 2: create pitx2(used) (fog cloud)

wand of enlarge other charges: 49/50

School power uses: 7/8

"Game? Cheat? i dont remember anyone saying this was a game, or that i was limited to one question at a time, but i thank you for your answers, we'll be here if you change idea and wish to speak again"

He move away from the door and gesture Torren and Raziel to come closer, whispering "give me some more time, i want to try one last thing, should take a minute, after that you can solve the problem the warrior way, just remember he said -we- not -i- "

Said that, hoping to have gained that extra minute, the wizard begin concentrating.

In a certain way the ghoul was correct, Edwin cheated, the whole negotiation was to test if the ghoul was able to communicate.

The village has inhabitants, they are undead, but are intelligent, know common and if kindly asked are willing to talk, his info-gathering spell should work, in theory.

"this is a powerful spell, i'll be blind and deaf for a bit" he inform Raziel

First thing, Edwin focus on the questions he will ask, he wont have time to decide once the spell is cast.

1: can you tell me about the other settlements that you know, including (approximate) direction and distance

2: can you tell if there are other threats(creatures/traps/hazards) in the village, what and where are they?

3: can you enlighten me on why you decided to come here an lock yourself into the manor?

Satisfied, he cast the spell and cross his fingers for extra magic boost



Edwin move back to his initial position and then cast Ears of the city, using the ghouls as sources for the rumors, this will take 3 rounds and edwin will be blind/deaf for the duration

Edited by Rudra (see edit history)
29; 22; 24
1d20+14;1d20+14;1d20+14 [15]; [15,8]; [15,8,10]
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_28df7068-b62f-4180-bf91-271603c67a4d.jpeg.3e99c019217305eae354e52a07e24185.jpegCyl Wradom

AC 26, HP 33/33, Fort 4, Ref 3, Will 3



, Init 2, Perception 10



Male LN Half-Elf Fighter,

Level 3 Init 2 HP 33/33 Speed 20'
AC 26 Touch 12 FF 24 CMD 23 Fort 4, Ref 3 Will 3 (Enchantments 7)/(Fear 8) CMB +7 BAB 3

Fauchard +8 (1d10+6, 18-20/x2)  
MW Silversheen, Reach, Trip, Weaponcorded
Cestus +7 (1d4+4, 19-20/x2)
Javelin (1) +5 (1d6+4, x3)

Masterwork Full Plate, Darkwood Full Shield (+11 Armor, +3 Shield, +2 Dex)

Str 18 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 8

Condition None 

Between the ranger's quips, the big man's bellyaching, and the wizard's indecision, Cyl was sure this lot had not been military. They didn't have time to stand around, and Cyl wasn't about to crawl up into some attic just to play peak-a-book with whatever foe had called this place home. So, he hacked away, peeling at the fortification board by board.

After spotting the ghoul, Cyl stood firm, planting his feet and holding his fauchard defensively before him. He wasn't one for diplomacy or negotiations, that was what diplomats were for. He personally didn't see why they didn't charge the creature and cut it to ribbons before it could harm anyone. But for now, he'd wait and listen.

Actions & Intents

Delay until/if the enemy moves within 10ft, at which point he'll attack.


Potential Actions

x3 AOO


Held & Worn

Right Hand: Fauchard, masterwork, Silversheen
Left Hand: Shield, Darkwood, 
Worn: Full-Plate, +1, Masterwork 

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spacer.pngFather Raziel de' Fatale

AC1 HP 23/27 Fort 4 Ref 2 Will 7 Init 0 Perception 6

Level 3 Init 0 HP 23/27 DR - Spd 30 ft.
AC 16/17 (melee/ranged) Touch 10 FF 16/17 CMD 1 Fort Ref 2 Will 7 CMB +4 BAB 2 Power Points 0/0 Action Pts 0
MW Morning Star +5 (1d8+3, x2)
Composite Long Bow +2 (1d8+2, x3)
Sickle +4 (1d6+3, x2)
Mithril Chain Shirt, Darkwood Buckler (+4 Armor, +1 Shield)
Str 14 Dex 10 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 19 Cha 16
Condition Normal



Channel Energy 7 times per day (1/7)


Animal Domain (Insect) - Exoskeleton 7 times per day (2/7)

Plant Domain (Leshy Caller) - Grant +4 sacred bonus Leshy's next attack 7 times per day (7/7)


0 LEVEL: Create Water, Guidance, Resistance and Stabilize

1st LEVEL: Calm Animals (Domain) 1/1, Cause Fear 1/1, Endure Elements 0/1, Shield of Faith 1/1

2nd LEVEL: Hold Animal (Domain) 1/1, Defending Bone 0/1, Spiritual Weapon 0/1


Cure Light Wounds Wand (41/50 Charges) 1d8+1

When the magician Edwin informs Father de' Fatale that the arcanist is going to weave a spell that will leave him temporarily blind and deaf for a time following its casting, the holy man nods affirmatively and merely says in a sincere reassuring tone of voice, "You're under my protection."

After stowing his light crossbow, Raziel draws a vicious looking morningstar as he moves to stand near Edwin allowing the magician to practice his 'trade' under the padre's direct protection, while the Priest of Erastil assumes a stance where he is ready to intercept any foe or stranger who threatens or attempts to attack the wizard as he works.

While he stands his impromptu watch and personal protection of the spell-slinger, Father de' Fatale keeps his eyes and ears focused on the surrounding environs, including the Ghoul in the house, watching and listening for any movement or even smelling anything unusual in the immediate area, including the now opened roof top, alerting his colleagues should he notice anything out of the ordinary.

Actions for the round

Free: Draw Morningstar as part of a Move


Move: Move back toward the home to stand next to Edwin

Move Action:

Readied Standard: Readied Action to Attack with Morningstar if anyone or thing attempts to attack Edwin



Edited by Terran (see edit history)
1d20+6 11
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Edwin after a few moments divines the following information..

1. You are on an island of some considerable size. There are small settlements to the east, north east and south east, the closest ones being small. Immediately to the east lies a swamp populated by xenophobic lizardfolk, to the west and the sea are Sahaugin and where you are now is a contested no-man's land between the two races.

2. The ghouls are the last danger, currently, in the village, all other undead having been eliminated.

3. It is a battlefield between Lizardfolk and Sahaugin, there were many corpses here from the fighting, but no longer. Ever and anon, some unlucky souls will founder here in a storm. The Manor, being fortified, is the only safe place between the warring races on either side..

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image.jpeg.d2a8e07a33a39020c39594fe43fa14dc.jpeg Torren Grimstad

AC 23 (AC 21 Greatsword) HP 39/39, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1, Init +1

Male NG Human Fighter

Level 3 Init 1 HP 39/39 Speed 20
AC 23 (21 Greatsword) Touch 12 Flat-footed 21 (19 Greatsword) CMD 20 Fort 5 Ref 2 Will 1 CMB +8 Base Attack Bonus 3   
Great sword, Masterwork 10 (1d10+7, 19-20/x2)
Longsword 9 (1d8+5, 19-20/x2)
20 Str Composite Long bow 4 (1d8+5, 20/x3)
F. Plate/Hvy Steel Shield +9 Armor +2 Shield +1 Dex +1 Dodge

Str 20 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 8

Condition None 

Satisfied that his shield is ready, Torren draws his longsword and raps his shield with it. In reply to Billings he says, "Yep, ready to raid."

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spacer.pngTheodmer Naejor
Spell Slots | Spells Prepared | AR : 3/9 | Active Effects

AC 14 HP 21/21 Fort 3 Ref 5 Will 5 Init 3

Theodmer Naejor
M N Elf Arcanist (Occultist), Level 3, Init 3, HP 21/21, Speed 30
AC 14, Touch 13, Flat-footed 11, CMD 14, Fort 3, Ref 5, Will 5, CMB +1, Base Attack Bonus 1
Sickle +1 (1d6, x2)
Light Crossbow (30) +4 (1d8, 19-20x2)
Silken Ceremonial Armor (+1 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 11, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12
Condition None

Bison :
Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8


AC 17, touch 9, flat-footed 17 (+8 natural, –1 size)
hp 42 (5d8+20)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +1


Speed 40 ft.
Melee gore +10 (2d6+12)
Space 10 ft., Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks stampede (see aurochs), trample (2d6+12, DC 20)


Str 27, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 4
Base Atk +3; CMB +12; CMD 22 (26 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack
Skills Perception +8

Letting out a sigh as he saw the others below choose to demolish the door, Theo followed Torren down the rope. The elf was many things, but willing to risk getting stuck alone on a roof atop a ghoul infested house with a rope right next to an open window was not one of those them. Instead, he joined the others, keeping behind the more heavily armored ones as he peered into the building.


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Ghouls 1st.

Everyone else 2nd.

Edited by Starhawk (see edit history)
1d20 20
1d20+5 15
1d20+1 5
1d20+6 4
1d20+4 3
1d20+2 1
1d20+3 13
1d20+1 10
Filthy Undead
1d20+2 20
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