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Out-of-Character Stuff

Blue Jay

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33 minutes ago, Faeryl_ said:

Yeah, PoE's campaign is pretty decent, though my last character (a bow ranger, I think) struggled a lot in the final two acts. I managed to brute force my way through it, but it was a pain. I think the D2 equivalent would probably be Hell difficulty, where you really need the best gear you can acquire (whether you do multiplayer and trade or SSF) if you want to succeed at the harder content. You can probably manage the regular campaign, but Ubers and Dungeon Challenges will be a PITA.

Bow Ranger is such a trap, I mean it's Ranger all promo for her shows bow and arrow but most popular builds are rarely that. But I'm also one of those stubborn asses who play it with the bow. Now with some ranger add-ons, it is easier (like ballista totem). Ironically I never had a problem with AoE, I usually play I expect by now archaic Lightning Arrow (ironically first or second skill you get in-game) crit build, Idealy on a fully linked 6-slot bow but 5 slots work fine. Lightning Arow+Chain+Elemental Damage+Multishot+Life Leach and as a weapon take a bow that already shoots more than one arrow. On the tree prioritize damage, attack speed, and crit. With that I melted a screen full of enemies. But, ironically, I never found good single target skill (which as you can imagine is an issue with bosses 😅 )

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Sorry, it is taking a very long time to load any Myth-Weavers webpage for me, if it doesn't just throw a 504 gateway timeout error first. Been trying to post all day, will try to make posts to the games I am apart of but I cannot really help the website not working for me.

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Apropos of nothing: I made another new character specifically because I wanted an excuse to use the Aristocrat NPC class. Not sure when/if they'll ever come to the RFT, but I thought it was funny and wanted to share. orc9.gif.e054518bfdbda453521a28379372dd16.gif

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I never liked 3e Eldritch Knight. It always felt too bland. If you want swords and sorcery combined, Duskblade is typically more fun. Especially since you don't have to decide between "do I hit it with my weapon, or cast a spell?".

This character is Aristocrat 2/Swordsage 1 | Dragonfire Adept 3 at "start". Background is unwritten, but the basic plot is 'princess chafes at responsibility and leaves home to seek power and glory while exploring her draconic ancestry'.

Full Build for those cuirous

The full, level 20 build is Aristocrat 2/Swordsage 1/Shadowcaster 4/Child of Night 10/Swordsage +1/Shadowcaster +2 | Dragonfire Adept 6/Totemist 2/DFA 12

It's probably pretty unoptimal, but I thought it was a fun idea.

Edited by Faeryl_ (see edit history)
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When it's the only option, sure, it's probably pretty great for an arcane gish. I'd never heard of Knight Phantom before, so I had to go look it up. The name is self-explanatory as it turns out; not that I'd expect otherwise. Although given the source book I'm not surprised I'd never heard of it.

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4 hours ago, Faeryl_ said:

I never liked 3e Eldritch Knight. It always felt too bland. If you want swords and sorcery combined, Duskblade is typically more fun. Especially since you don't have to decide between "do I hit it with my weapon, or cast a spell?".

This character is Aristocrat 2/Swordsage 1 | Dragonfire Adept 3 at "start". Background is unwritten, but the basic plot is 'princess chafes at responsibility and leaves home to seek power and glory while exploring her draconic ancestry'.

Full Build for those cuirous

The full, level 20 build is Aristocrat 2/Swordsage 1/Shadowcaster 4/Child of Night 10/Swordsage +1/Shadowcaster +2 | Dragonfire Adept 6/Totemist 2/DFA 12

It's probably pretty unoptimal, but I thought it was a fun idea.

Somebody else (I don't remember who) at RFT once played a character with 1-2 aristocrat levels. It was a noblewoman who invested most of her resources into the most aristocratic things the player could think of: she had social skills and spoke like 10 languages, but put the rest into Knowledge and Perform skills; then she didn't really have any combat abilities, and I think her magic was intentionally pretty subdued too. I don't think that experiment lasted long, but I remember thinking it sure was a ballsy way to play gestalt 3e.

Shadowcaster is a class I really want to like, but it just doesn't seem to amount to anything interesting. It doesn't have any real class features beyond the mysteries, and most of the mysteries either (a) have too subtle effect and narrow scope to be interesting, or (b) don't really feel like they tie into the "shadow" theme much at all. And it doesn't seem to multiclass particularly well with other classes that ought to benefit from the "shadow" theme, either (e.g., ninja or rogue). I've tried to build a shadowcaster || swordsage a few times, but I always seem to just end up with a swordsage.

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