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The Doom of Glenn Hollow - IC

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Niko| AC 18 | Ini: 4 | BAB +3 | Hit Points: 38/39 | Size: Medium | Speed: 20/30 ft |
Touch: +10| Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +5 | FF: +18


Young sellsword, still with an asterisk hanging heavy over that job description, since it wasn't really a fully resolved issue, looks at the sorry mob waiting for them in the town and almost shudders as if they were outlaws. Despite having numbers these people were not warriors, at best few were retired warriors, too old or too injured to continue with that profession. If a fight actually took place it would be a massacre no matter the number and bravery of the locals.

Once seated in the house he carefully approached the subject "How bad things are when decent people like you decide to raise weapons? You must know that even victory would be a phyric one, and then there would be not enough live bodies to Reppel another attack. The situation must be desperate. Unlike my large companion..." he nods toward Zeff "I'd like to know not only about the King but the general disposition of threats in the area, for example, which of the outlaw camps would be most dangerous for the "Hollow"? Do they extort you often? Some of their leaders? Things like that."

Niko allows a careful smile "You know? If someone now yelled "Bandits are coming!" who would be first in your mind, if they are separated in several camps some of them could be...pruned. Without others noticing. Even better if leaders of some of those camps compete one against another for the favor of this Barrow King. All of that information would be welcome."


Tools of the Trade



Mwk Greatsword: 1d20+8, 2d6+3, (19/20x2)

Warhammer: 1d20+6, 1d8+3 (x3)

Dagger: 1d20+6, 1d4+3 (19/20x2)



Mwk Full Plate




Move: None

Standard: Attack


Powers: [8]=Max Number Of Psi Points, [5]= Current Number Of Psi Points

Level 1:


Force Screen

Precognition, Offensive

Prevenom Weapon










Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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Dolly the Deva: Dolly :: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e :: Myth-Weavers Online Character Sheets

Deva 4// Bard 4


1 - Aid, Detect Evil, each 2/day for every HD she has
2- Bless Weapon, Remove Fear, each 1/day for every HD she has
3- Consecrate, Continual flame*, Cure Serious Wounds, each 1/day for every 3 HD she has

4 -  Protection from Arrows, Daylight 2/day



HD: d8

Level Bab Fort Ref Will Feature
1 +1 +0 +2 +0 Movanic Body, Heavenly Soul, +1 Dex
2 +2 +0 +3 +0 Deva, +1 Cha
3 +3 +1 +3 +1 Soothing Presence of Nature, +1 Dex
4 +4 +1 +4 +1 Wings, +1 Cha
5 +5 +1 +4 +1 Lesser Protective Aura, +1 Dex
6 +6 +2 +5 +2 Heavenly Deflection, +1 Cha
7 +7 +2 +5 +2 Divine Equilibrium, +1 Dex
8 +8 +2 +6 +2 Greater Protective Aura, +1 Cha
9 +9 +3 +6 +3 Cleansing Weapon, +1 Dex, +1 Cha

Skills: 2+int modifier, quadruple at 1st level. Class skills are  Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival.

Proficiencies: Movanic Deva is proficient with simple weapons, two martial weapons of their choice and no armour.

Movanic Body: At 1st level, a Movanic Deva loses all racial bonuses it had and gains outsider traits (basically darkvision 60 foot). It is a medium outsider with a base speed 40ft and a Nat Armour bonus equal to her Con modifier.

Heavenly Soul: At each Movanic Deva level she becomes able to use soma SLAs a certain number of times per day, according to the following list. Save DCs are 10+1/2HD+Cha Mod.

1-Aid, Detect Evil, each 2/day for every HD she has
2- Bless Weapon, Remove Fear, each 1/day for every HD she has
3-Consecrate, Continual flame*, Cure Serious Wounds, each 1/day for every 3 HD she has
4- Protection from Arrows, Daylight, each 1/day for every 2 HD she has
5-Create food and Water, Prayer, Discern Lies,  each 1/day for every 3 HD she has, plus Tongues permanent effect on self.
6- Remove curse, remove disease, Neutralize poison each 1/day for each 4 HD she has
7-Death Ward,  Divination, Holy Smite, each 1/day for every 5 HD she has
8-Polymorph,  Hallow, each 1/day for every 7 HD she has
9- Atonement, Raise Dead, Commune, Ethereal Jaunt, each  1/day for every 9 HD she has.

*Note: unless she pays the material component, a Movanic Deva's Continual Flame only last 1 minute per HD.

A Movanic Deva who multiclass's for a divine casting class can count her Movanic Deva levels as levels of that class for purposes of CL and to learn new spells and get new spell slots. So for example, a  Movanic Deva  2 who took 1 level of cleric could choose to have CL 3 and get 2 2nd level spell slots (1 normal and 1 domain). She wouldn't get the spell knowns and spell slots of a cleric 2 however, neither would her Movanic Deva levels count towards turn undead and domain abilities.

In addition, a Movanic Deva may always use Charisma as her key ability score in any class she takes, instead of the normal one (like wisdom for normal clerics).

Ability Increase: the Movanic Deva gains +1 Dex at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and +1 Cha at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, for a total of +5 Dex and +5 Cha at level 9.

Deva: At 2nd level, gains a bonus on saves against petrification and resistance to Acid, Cold and Electricity equal to her HD, and a bonus on saves against poison and resistance to Fire equal to half her HD.

Soothing Presence of Nature:  At 3rd level, unless magically compelled to do so, no animal or plant will attack a Movanic Deva.

In addition, she gains SR equal to 11+HD and DR/magic equal to ½ her HD. She may lower or raise back her SR as a free action at any time even if it isn't her turn.

Wings: At 4th level, the Movanic Deva grows beautiful feathery wings that allow her to fly at a speed of  10' per HD with good manoeuvrability.

Lesser Protective Aura: At the 5th level, as a free action, a Movanic Deva can surround herself with a nimbus of light that acts as a circle of protection against evil with a radius of 20 feet, with CL equal to her HD. The circle can be dispelled as normal but the Movanic Deva can create a new one as a free action at the start of her next turn.

Heavenly Deflection: As an immediate action, as long as she's holding a melee weapon, a Movanic Deva can deflect any ranged attack targeted against her, as well as spell and supernatural abilities, as long as they have the Movanic Deva as a specific target. This includes rays, orbs and spells with a single target that don't have attack rolls.

To succeed the Movanic Deva must succeed on a Reflex Save with DC 20+Enanchment of the weapon (in the case of a ranged attack)/Level of the spell(in the case of spell or SLA)/ half the HD of the attacker (if it isn't a spell, SLA or weapon). If the Deva succeeds the attack is deflected and completely nullified.

The Movanic Deva must be aware of an attack to try to deflect it.

Divine Equilibrium Movanic Devas are immune to the harmful effects of Positive-dominant or Negative-dominant planar energy traits.

Greater Protective Aura: The Movanic Deva's aura now replicates a minor globe of invulnerability with a 20-foot radius, CL equal to her HD, in addition to the magic circle against evil,  and blocks spells up to (Half HD)-3 level.

Cleansing Weapon: At will, as a swift action, the Movanic Deva may grant any weapon she wields the flaming property for 1 round. If the weapon already had the flaming property, it's upgraded to Flaming Burst. It ignores resistance to fire equal to the Monavic Deva's HD and has a 50% chance of ignoring immunity to critical and fire. If the weapon already had the flaming burst property, double the extra fire damage and it now has a 75% chance of ignoring immunity to critical and fire. At 20 HD this ability is always active.


As Dolly rested the night before she began to experience some pain in her back, the pain intensified and something broke out of her back as well as new bones growing. By the time the pain had stopped, she had grown a pair of pearly white wings. Also at this time, the curse that had been troubling her dissipated and this helped her focus on her new form and added abilities.

Waking and preparing for the day, her new wings had now dried out and granted her flight. Her magic grew stronger as she now could cast spells from the 2nd tier, being able to cast healing spells at this higher level meant she could keep the bigger hitters up and operational.

Upon entering the village and seeing the women ushering their children inside, Dolly knew they were frightened and in need of some hope that this Barrow King could be defeated. Dolly intended that they would be that hope, they then entered the building with Osgar and listened to their tale.

Dolly spoke as she ate "we have been sent to aid you from the Realm Folded Tavern, Myrna Swiftbow whom I believe is known to you called for aid and here we are. My name is Dolly and as you can see I am of celestial origin. We will be your aid in this endeavour and help you be rid of this Barrow King, please tell us what you know of them" she asked.




Bardic Knowledge
1d20+5 16
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Damien Oathsworn

HP: 33/33

Letting out a low whistle at the shimmering wings that Dolly had in the morning, Damein wondered if some gods just weren't playing favourites more openly than others. Shaking away such thoughts from his head he stuck to the group following along at a decent pace. Unfortunately they weren't able to reach the Hollow on their first hike but being near enough to see it ensured that they would arrive in the early morning.

Nodding at the right decision that the town's folk took in hiding away upon the appearance of another group that was not familiar to them Damien let the other members speak first. Hearing the village head speak of this Barrow King, Damien tried to recall what he could to share with the others.



[URL=/sheets/?id=2842257][B][SIZE=+1]Damien Oathsworn[/SIZE][/B][/URL] Male Chaotic Good Lesser Aasimar Cleric / Paladin, [B]Level[/B] 3, [B]Init[/B] 0, [B]HP[/B] 33/33, [B]Speed[/B] 40 [B]AC[/B] 14, [B]Touch[/B] 10, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 14, [B]Fort[/B] 8, [B]Ref[/B] 5, [B]Will[/B] 11, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] +3 [B]Masterwork Greatsword [/B] +6 (2d6+3, 19-20 / x2) [B]Masterwork Composite Longbow (Arrows) [/B] +4 (1d8+2, x3) [B] Chain Shirt[/B] (+4 Armor) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14 [B]Condition[/B] Dark Vision 60, Aura of Good (3), Smith Evil 1/day, Lay of Hands 12/12, Aura of Resolve (Compulsion) +4 to allies, Immune to Diseases, Detect Undead, Travel & Chaos & Knowledge Devotion, Destroy Undead Attempts 9/9,
Damien Oathsworn
Male Chaotic Good Lesser Aasimar Cleric / Paladin, Level 3, Init 0, HP 33/33, Speed 40
AC 14, Touch 10, Flat-footed 14, Fort 8, Ref 5, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus +3
Masterwork Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 19-20 / x2)
Masterwork Composite Longbow (Arrows) +4 (1d8+2, x3)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14
Condition Dark Vision 60, Aura of Good (3), Smith Evil 1/day, Lay of Hands 12/12, Aura of Resolve (Compulsion) +4 to allies, Immune to Diseases, Detect Undead, Travel & Chaos & Knowledge Devotion,
Destroy Undead Attempts 9/9,



Knowledge Local
1d20+8 20
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Pippendor Burrfoot




[URL=/sheets/?id=2834800][B][SIZE=+1]Pippendor Burrfoot[/SIZE][/B][/URL] Male Neutral Good Kender Scout 3/Rogue 3, [B]Level[/B] 3, [B]Init[/B] 7, [B]HP[/B] 27/27, [B]Speed[/B] 30 [B]AC[/B] 20, [B]Touch[/B] 16, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 16, [B]Fort[/B] 6, [B]Ref[/B] 8, [B]Will[/B] 5, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] 2 [B] MW Composite Shortbow [/B] +8 (1d4, x3) [B] MW Short Sword [/B] +4 (1d4, 19-20x2) [B] Throwing Axe [/B] +7 (1d4, x2) [B] Mithril Chain Shirt[/B] (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Misc) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10 [B]Condition[/B] None [B]Languages[/B]Common, Kenderspeak, Elven, Goblin, and Draconic Healing Belt: 1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage. 2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage. 3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.
Pippendor Burrfoot
Male Neutral Good Kender Scout 3/Rogue 3, Level 3, Init 7, HP 27/27, Speed 30
AC 20, Touch 16, Flat-footed 16, Fort 6, Ref 8, Will 5, Base Attack Bonus 2
MW Composite Shortbow +8 (1d4, x3)
MW Short Sword +4 (1d4, 19-20x2)
Throwing Axe +7 (1d4, x2)
Mithril Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Misc)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Condition None
LanguagesCommon, Kenderspeak, Elven, Goblin, and Draconic

Healing Belt:
1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.
2 charges: Heals 3d8 points of damage.
3 charges: Heals 4d8 points of damage.



Skill Name Modifier
Appraise 2
Balance 4
Bluff 5
Climb 0
Concentration -4
Craft 0
Decipher Script 4
Diplomacy 3
Disable Device 7
Disguise 0
Escape Artist 4
Forgery 2
Gather Information 1
Handle Animal 0
Heal 1
Hide 13
Intimidate 0
Jump 0
Knowledge(Dungeoneering) 5
Knowledge(Geography) 5
Knowledge(Nature) 4
Knowledge(Local) 4
Listen 7
Move Silently 8
Open Lock 10
Perform 0
Profession(Cook) 4
Ride 6
Search 5
Sense Motive 4
Sleight of Hand 6
Spellcraft 2
Spot 9
Survival 5
Swim 0
Tumble 6
Use Magic Device 2
Use Rope 2



Feats and Abilities 

Feats: Alertness(lvl1)Quick Reconnoiter(lvl3)


Racial Abilities: +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength, -2 Wisdom; +1 AC, +1 Attack, +4 to hide due to small size; speed 20 ft; +1 on all saves; +2 Spot; +2 Open Lock and Sleight of Hand; Lack of Focus -4 concentration; Taunt +4 bluff; Fearlessness immune to fear magical or otherwise.

Scout Abilities: Skirmish +1d6 +1 AC, Battle Fortitude +1, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Fast Movement +10 ft, Trackless Step

Rogue Abilities: Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding, Trap Sense +1, Evasion



Mithril Chainshirt (1100GP) Dungeon Masters Guide

MW Composite Shortbow w/20 Arrows(375GP) Players Handbook

MW Shortsword (310GP) Players Handbook

2x Throwing Axes (16GP) Players Handbook

Healing Belt (750GP) Magic Item Compendium Pg 110

Backpack (2GP) Players Handbook

Bedroll (1SP) Players Handbook

Blanket, Winter (5SP) Players Handbook

Fishhook (1SP) Players Handbook

Flint & Steel (1GP) Players Handbook

Small Steel Mirror (10GP) Players Handbook

Iron Pot (5SP) Players Handbook

Belt Pouch (1GP) Players Handbook

5x Bread, 5x Cheese, 5x Meat(3GP) Players Handbook

Silk Rope 50 Ft (10GP) Players Handbook

Sewing Needle (5SP) Players Handbook

Shovel (2GP) Players Handbook

Soap (5SP) Players Handbook

Tent (10GP) Players Handbook

Waterskin (1GP) Players Handbook

Whetstone (2CP) Players Handbook

Sunrod x2 (4GP) Players Handbook

MW Thieves Tools (1000 GP) Players Handbook

Explorers Outfit (10GP) Players Handbook

Warpony (100GP) Players Handbook

Bit & Bridle (2GP) Players Handbook

Military Saddle (20GP) Players Handbook

Saddlebag (4GP) Players Handbook

Feed x7(3SP5CP) Players Handbook

Spices (Pepper, Salt, Garlic, Cumin, Basil, Rosemary, Onion) (31GP 1 SP, and 5 CP) Arms and Equipment Guide Pg 31

Wheat Flour (3 GP) Arms and Equipment Guide Pg 31

Olive Oil (5GP) Arms and Equipment Guide Pg 31

Honey (1SP) Arms and Equipment Guide Pg 31

Funds Left over 227 GP, 1 SP, and 8 CP


Waking the next morning he helps clear out the camp and was the last to leave as he takes a shovel and buries the last embers of their fire so that there was no danger of a forest fire. He then spent much of the day a ways out from the rest of the party scouting and searching for any wild herbs, berries, vegetables or game that would add to their food supply. It's not like he was made of money and Zef could obviously put awaya good deal of food. When they made camp that night they could see the village was close now and would probably reach it the nwxt morning. He helps set up camp and cooks dinner once again. After another nights rest he follows the same pattern and is the last to leave after making sure there were no signs of tbeir camp being there and no chance of their fire to cause any harm to the forest. In time they reached the village that they were meant to help protect it seemed. As he looks around at their welcoming committee he realized that they would probably have their work cut out for them. Though he fidgets a bit as the leader spoke to them he tried to pay attention, at least as much attention as any kender could muster. "Barrow king sounds interesting, what exactly is a barrow?" As his mind raced through many permutations as to what a barrow may be, he at least figured it was not some type of barrel because that would not be much of a king. His mind suddenly seemed to go back over some of what was said before. "Food you say, you would not happen to have fried potatoes would you? The Inn of the Last Home, back where I am from had the best ones, a recipe of Otik himself I heard, though Tika may have tweaked the recipe. My uncle Tas raved about the place so I finally had to go there. He was a hero of the Lance you know..." he continued to ramble on for a moment though he eventually sputtered out as he realized what he was doing and that the others had really stopped listening to him anyway. He shakes his head sadly, it seemed no one but him cared about stories about his uncle Tas. He trudged silently behind the others into the inn his eyes darting from place to place, occasionally picking something up and just before he places it in his bag he realizes that he should not do that, it was second nature for his people and yet he wanted to be a hero like his uncle, so he needed to be different, better than other kender. To distract himself he once again ponders what a barrow king may be and if he heard anything about such in his travels.

Knowledge Nature
1d20+4 2
1d20+5 16
Knowledge local
1d20+4 9
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Niko| AC 18 | Ini: 4 | BAB +3 | Hit Points: 38/39 | Size: Medium | Speed: 20/30 ft |
Touch: +10| Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +5 | FF: +18


While waiting for the answer or answers from their host Niko almost without thinking answers to Pip "It's a type of burial mound, at least in my world they are already antiquated although not rare. There were fields with 10-15 of them on one spot, they would usually each represent one King or Chieftain buried with all their earthly possessions. One North Jarl famous for his sea raids was buried in his ship. Over time, as they stopped being used, most decorations go away and all you are left with is just a small hill. Recognizable as artificial only because there is more around or there is still someone taking care of them, at least from the habit."

Niko pauses wondering if he should add this next part "Newer barrows, last 100 years or so, are different instead of burial sites for kings they are usually mass graves near places of large battles where the dead are rolled in together. They are reclaimed by nature much faster. Although this guy being called the king it is likely of the former category. I wouldn't be surprised to see an underground maze. What bothers me is a part where "barrow" is supposed to be a grave, if this Barrow King is spry enough to move either word means something else than in my world or we are dealing with some undead."


Tools of the Trade



Mwk Greatsword: 1d20+8, 2d6+3, (19/20x2)

Warhammer: 1d20+6, 1d8+3 (x3)

Dagger: 1d20+6, 1d4+3 (19/20x2)



Mwk Full Plate




Move: None

Standard: Attack


Powers: [8]=Max Number Of Psi Points, [5]= Current Number Of Psi Points

Level 1:


Force Screen

Precognition, Offensive

Prevenom Weapon










Edited by Grudge (see edit history)
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HillGiant.png.072b7ec4287731ec93840f2406263797.pngZeff turns out to be an early riser, and can be seen out in the yard, practicing with his weapon. He moves through a series of motions that look very familiar, and at 7’10 he cuts an imposing figure. When done, he takes a few minutes to strap on all of his armor, and comes inside to eat a sizable breakfast.

“Do we know where this barrow is? And yeah, it’s a fancy hole in the ground for dead people. Maybe there will be some more skeletons, those guys were fun.”


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Music: Halls of Valor - LOTR: War in the North

Glenn Hollow

https://mwbaldrcdkstack-ipbuploads6f377ba5-6asvxg6ywium.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2024_04/image.jpeg.d537f485a47560a2344bbb42850e55f2.jpeg https://mwbaldrcdkstack-ipbuploads6f377ba5-6asvxg6ywium.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2024_04/image.jpeg.6bee9d50ea3c5e5a46b029966f91fb31.jpeg

Dolly and Damien are able to recall hearing legends of the Barrow King, told by various travelers to the Tavern from this land, Etharia. According to them, the Barrow King is the restless spirit of a mighty ruler from ages ago, during the days of terror wrought by Inguma, the god of nightmares. This ruler was proud and sought to bargain with Inguma for power, but in the end, this only drove the ruler mad and caused the downfall of his entire nation. The Barrow King is said to loathe all life, seeking to destroy the living whenever possible. He especially delights in making his victims suffer before snuffing them out. However much truth to the legends there are remain to be seen.

"Myrna Swiftbow?" Osgar questioned. "I'd not heard that the ranger was here to aid us. But I suppose that is her way; she's not overly fond of stone houses and feather pillows."

"Ah, but let's not put the horse before the cart here. Hear my tale, 'fore you begin to prepare! The Barrow King, as terrible and ruthless as he is, has never troubled Glenn Hollow before. It's the opposite, really. Outlanders flock here for safety. The Barrow King dogs them with nightmares and curses in the lands beyond our vale, but his magic cannot reach us within here. That must be why he's gathered these outlaws and cultists to do his bidding.

"Three months ago was when they first showed up. It was a day like any other: crops to tend, cattle to feed, wood to chop, beer to ferment, and so on. But on that morning, we awoke to discover that Calder Cob's house was raided in the night! Calder and his whole family, gone, like a puff of smoke. Strangely enough, all their valuables were left untouched. We gathered a search party to find them, but no matter where we looked, no tracks or signs of their passing appeared to us.

"In the weeks that followed, more and more of us went missing: the Brackenbrooks, the Foxgloves, the Appledores. We sent a messenger to our neighbors in the west--the dwarves of Clan Bjarvren--but she never returned. I suppose that's how Swiftbow learned of our plight.

"Nowadays, the Barrow King's pawns don't even try sneaking around no more. They come in broad daylight, once a fortnight, and take one of us away. Men, women, children, it don't matter to them. We've tried to fight back, but... well, we're not warriors. Wolves and boars, we can handle on our own, but these men? The Barrow King must've granted them his dark magic, for we can't even scratch them without losing three of our own.

"The good news is, I think I know where they're dragging 'em off to." Osgar withdraws a map and makes a mark along the river, about 60 miles southwest. "This is the forbidden burial ground, where no living man may walk. If the Barrow King's tomb is to be found anywhere, it's here. But, on occasion, we've also seen some of their warbands travel from out of the western hills. They may have an outpost set up there to keep watch over us, the bastards!"

The old man grits his teeth, his hands clenched into fists. Then, taking a deep breath, he lifted his gaze to the party. "If you're looking for coin, we've not much to offer you. The best we can scrounge up is 100 crowns per person in your party. Whatever you claim from the Barrow King's tomb is yours to keep; we've no interest in cursed treasure. But please, if you're here to help, rescue our people and put an end to this madness!"

Mechanics & OOC

Journey Roles

  • Guide - Daitan
  • Scout - ?
  • Hunter - ?
  • Look-out - ?

OOC: Check the "Map of the Area" below to see the Barrow King's tomb: it's the ruin marked with a triangle southwest of Glenn Hollow.

Osgar is offering the party 100gp each to rescue of the villagers and stop the Barrow King's cult. You know of two locations they operate out of: the fortified outpost in the hills, 1 day to the west; and the forbidden burial ground, a 3 day's march southwest.

As a reminder, Myrna Swiftbow said she would meet you all here after you arrived. If you choose to wait, she will be able to guide you through the wild to avoid being ambushed by the cult. But waiting also gives the cult time to learn of what has transpired, and to either prepare or react.

To Post: RP at will!

Map of the Area

glennhollowmap.PNG.f30b1e1741faa0b932c55bf8af062be0.PNG legend.PNG.dc90229e897b5902477e737590668a7a.PNG

@nexiss @Rudolf @paladinred @Ensou @darlis moonbeam @Grudge @Dnd4life

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Niko| AC 18 | Ini: 4 | BAB +3 | Hit Points: 38/39 | Size: Medium | Speed: 20/30 ft |
Touch: +10| Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +5 | FF: +18


Niko woke up earlier so he had enough time to fit in his usual practice, and was in the process of fitting the last of his armor nodding thankfully to Daitan for help with fixing it. He tightens the greaves before answering "How about we wait for the next time they come expecting the easy prey." He looked at their host "Every fortnight you said? How many days until the next arrival?" He looks at Zeff and others

"We take them out, take their clothes, those who can fit in it and others act as the new batch of prisoners, we fake them being tied and place their weapons somewhere near or even on them. That way we would first thin the herd a bit and then have others caught by surprise when their supposed comrades and "prisoners" jump them unexpectedly. Fight would be much easier that way."


Tools of the Trade



Mwk Greatsword: 1d20+8, 2d6+3, (19/20x2)

Warhammer: 1d20+6, 1d8+3 (x3)

Dagger: 1d20+6, 1d4+3 (19/20x2)



Mwk Full Plate




Move: None

Standard: Attack


Powers: [8]=Max Number Of Psi Points, [8]= Current Number Of Psi Points

Level 1:


Force Screen

Precognition, Offensive

Prevenom Weapon










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Dolly the Deva: Dolly :: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e :: Myth-Weavers Online Character Sheets

Deva 4// Bard 4


1 - Aid, Detect Evil, each 2/day for every HD she has
2- Bless Weapon, Remove Fear, each 1/day for every HD she has
3- Consecrate, Continual flame*, Cure Serious Wounds, each 1/day for every 3 HD she has

4 -  Protection from Arrows, Daylight 2/day



HD: d8

Level Bab Fort Ref Will Feature
1 +1 +0 +2 +0 Movanic Body, Heavenly Soul, +1 Dex
2 +2 +0 +3 +0 Deva, +1 Cha
3 +3 +1 +3 +1 Soothing Presence of Nature, +1 Dex
4 +4 +1 +4 +1 Wings, +1 Cha
5 +5 +1 +4 +1 Lesser Protective Aura, +1 Dex
6 +6 +2 +5 +2 Heavenly Deflection, +1 Cha
7 +7 +2 +5 +2 Divine Equilibrium, +1 Dex
8 +8 +2 +6 +2 Greater Protective Aura, +1 Cha
9 +9 +3 +6 +3 Cleansing Weapon, +1 Dex, +1 Cha

Skills: 2+int modifier, quadruple at 1st level. Class skills are  Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival.

Proficiencies: Movanic Deva is proficient with simple weapons, two martial weapons of their choice and no armour.

Movanic Body: At 1st level, a Movanic Deva loses all racial bonuses it had and gains outsider traits (basically darkvision 60 foot). It is a medium outsider with a base speed 40ft and a Nat Armour bonus equal to her Con modifier.

Heavenly Soul: At each Movanic Deva level she becomes able to use soma SLAs a certain number of times per day, according to the following list. Save DCs are 10+1/2HD+Cha Mod.

1-Aid, Detect Evil, each 2/day for every HD she has
2- Bless Weapon, Remove Fear, each 1/day for every HD she has
3-Consecrate, Continual flame*, Cure Serious Wounds, each 1/day for every 3 HD she has
4- Protection from Arrows, Daylight, each 1/day for every 2 HD she has
5-Create food and Water, Prayer, Discern Lies,  each 1/day for every 3 HD she has, plus Tongues permanent effect on self.
6- Remove curse, remove disease, Neutralize poison each 1/day for each 4 HD she has
7-Death Ward,  Divination, Holy Smite, each 1/day for every 5 HD she has
8-Polymorph,  Hallow, each 1/day for every 7 HD she has
9- Atonement, Raise Dead, Commune, Ethereal Jaunt, each  1/day for every 9 HD she has.

*Note: unless she pays the material component, a Movanic Deva's Continual Flame only last 1 minute per HD.

A Movanic Deva who multiclass's for a divine casting class can count her Movanic Deva levels as levels of that class for purposes of CL and to learn new spells and get new spell slots. So for example, a  Movanic Deva  2 who took 1 level of cleric could choose to have CL 3 and get 2 2nd level spell slots (1 normal and 1 domain). She wouldn't get the spell knowns and spell slots of a cleric 2 however, neither would her Movanic Deva levels count towards turn undead and domain abilities.

In addition, a Movanic Deva may always use Charisma as her key ability score in any class she takes, instead of the normal one (like wisdom for normal clerics).

Ability Increase: the Movanic Deva gains +1 Dex at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and +1 Cha at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, for a total of +5 Dex and +5 Cha at level 9.

Deva: At 2nd level, gains a bonus on saves against petrification and resistance to Acid, Cold and Electricity equal to her HD, and a bonus on saves against poison and resistance to Fire equal to half her HD.

Soothing Presence of Nature:  At 3rd level, unless magically compelled to do so, no animal or plant will attack a Movanic Deva.

In addition, she gains SR equal to 11+HD and DR/magic equal to ½ her HD. She may lower or raise back her SR as a free action at any time even if it isn't her turn.

Wings: At 4th level, the Movanic Deva grows beautiful feathery wings that allow her to fly at a speed of  10' per HD with good manoeuvrability.

Lesser Protective Aura: At the 5th level, as a free action, a Movanic Deva can surround herself with a nimbus of light that acts as a circle of protection against evil with a radius of 20 feet, with CL equal to her HD. The circle can be dispelled as normal but the Movanic Deva can create a new one as a free action at the start of her next turn.

Heavenly Deflection: As an immediate action, as long as she's holding a melee weapon, a Movanic Deva can deflect any ranged attack targeted against her, as well as spell and supernatural abilities, as long as they have the Movanic Deva as a specific target. This includes rays, orbs and spells with a single target that don't have attack rolls.

To succeed the Movanic Deva must succeed on a Reflex Save with DC 20+Enanchment of the weapon (in the case of a ranged attack)/Level of the spell(in the case of spell or SLA)/ half the HD of the attacker (if it isn't a spell, SLA or weapon). If the Deva succeeds the attack is deflected and completely nullified.

The Movanic Deva must be aware of an attack to try to deflect it.

Divine Equilibrium Movanic Devas are immune to the harmful effects of Positive-dominant or Negative-dominant planar energy traits.

Greater Protective Aura: The Movanic Deva's aura now replicates a minor globe of invulnerability with a 20-foot radius, CL equal to her HD, in addition to the magic circle against evil,  and blocks spells up to (Half HD)-3 level.

Cleansing Weapon: At will, as a swift action, the Movanic Deva may grant any weapon she wields the flaming property for 1 round. If the weapon already had the flaming property, it's upgraded to Flaming Burst. It ignores resistance to fire equal to the Monavic Deva's HD and has a 50% chance of ignoring immunity to critical and fire. If the weapon already had the flaming burst property, double the extra fire damage and it now has a 75% chance of ignoring immunity to critical and fire. At 20 HD this ability is always active.


Dolly listened to the tale and felt saddened by such a terrible set of circumstances, she for one would want this barrow king dead. Setting her feelings aside Dolly thought about what was perhaps the best plan of attack, setting an ambush for them seemed like the better option to her. Dolly wanted to say something but allowed her companions to have their say first, they might just save lives.


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Music: Halls of Valor - LOTR: War in the North

Glenn Hollow

https://mwbaldrcdkstack-ipbuploads6f377ba5-6asvxg6ywium.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2024_04/image.jpeg.d537f485a47560a2344bbb42850e55f2.jpeg https://mwbaldrcdkstack-ipbuploads6f377ba5-6asvxg6ywium.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2024_04/image.jpeg.6bee9d50ea3c5e5a46b029966f91fb31.jpeg

Osgar answered, "I suspect they'll be back within the week. It's been 9 days since they were last here, and they rarely wait past 12."

Mechanics & OOC

Journey Roles

  • Guide - Daitan
  • Scout - ?
  • Hunter - ?
  • Look-out - ?

OOC: -

To Post: RP at will!

Map of the Area

glennhollowmap.PNG.f30b1e1741faa0b932c55bf8af062be0.PNG legend.PNG.dc90229e897b5902477e737590668a7a.PNG

@nexiss @Rudolf @paladinred @Ensou @darlis moonbeam @Grudge @Dnd4life

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Damien Oathsworn

"I'm not sure waiting for the next three days would be the best decision.. I feel they'd likely be aware of our presence considering we've escape the cultist's clutches. Not to mention, we were likely the next set of sacrifices for whatever they were planning on doing."

"Perhaps as Zeff mentioned it might be best to strike while the iron is hot and make for the outpost. They may be aware of has transpired but would not expect us to attack them. If we're able to move quickly, we may be able to reach the outpost, clear it of bandits, and then return before the usual raid comes. Granted it is a risk... And I don't think splitting our forces is ideal. If we wait though and are guided to the main base, there's no guarantee that the outpost won't attack here while we're gone, or pincer us."

"Worry not Mayor, some of us have a personal grievance to settle with the cultists. Your gold is appreciated but let's wait until after we've finished off the cultists and brought peace back to your area. I think as a group though we need to make a decision soon and stick to it."



[URL=/sheets/?id=2842257][B][SIZE=+1]Damien Oathsworn[/SIZE][/B][/URL] Male Chaotic Good Lesser Aasimar Cleric / Paladin, [B]Level[/B] 3, [B]Init[/B] 0, [B]HP[/B] 33/33, [B]Speed[/B] 40 [B]AC[/B] 14, [B]Touch[/B] 10, [B]Flat-footed[/B] 14, [B]Fort[/B] 8, [B]Ref[/B] 5, [B]Will[/B] 11, [B]Base Attack Bonus[/B] +3 [B]Masterwork Greatsword [/B] +6 (2d6+3, 19-20 / x2) [B]Masterwork Composite Longbow (Arrows) [/B] +4 (1d8+2, x3) [B] Chain Shirt[/B] (+4 Armor) [B]Abilities[/B] Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14 [B]Condition[/B] Dark Vision 60, Aura of Good (3), Smith Evil 1/day, Lay of Hands 12/12, Aura of Resolve (Compulsion) +4 to allies, Immune to Diseases, Detect Undead, Travel & Chaos & Knowledge Devotion, Destroy Undead Attempts 9/9,
Damien Oathsworn
Male Chaotic Good Lesser Aasimar Cleric / Paladin, Level 3, Init 0, HP 33/33, Speed 40
AC 14, Touch 10, Flat-footed 14, Fort 8, Ref 5, Will 11, Base Attack Bonus +3
Masterwork Greatsword +6 (2d6+3, 19-20 / x2)
Masterwork Composite Longbow (Arrows) +4 (1d8+2, x3)
Chain Shirt (+4 Armor)
Abilities Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 14
Condition Dark Vision 60, Aura of Good (3), Smith Evil 1/day, Lay of Hands 12/12, Aura of Resolve (Compulsion) +4 to allies, Immune to Diseases, Detect Undead, Travel & Chaos & Knowledge Devotion,
Destroy Undead Attempts 9/9,



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Dolly the Deva: Dolly :: Dungeons & Dragons 3.5e :: Myth-Weavers Online Character Sheets

Deva 4// Bard 4


1 - Aid, Detect Evil, each 2/day for every HD she has
2- Bless Weapon, Remove Fear, each 1/day for every HD she has
3- Consecrate, Continual flame*, Cure Serious Wounds, each 1/day for every 3 HD she has

4 -  Protection from Arrows, Daylight 2/day



HD: d8

Level Bab Fort Ref Will Feature
1 +1 +0 +2 +0 Movanic Body, Heavenly Soul, +1 Dex
2 +2 +0 +3 +0 Deva, +1 Cha
3 +3 +1 +3 +1 Soothing Presence of Nature, +1 Dex
4 +4 +1 +4 +1 Wings, +1 Cha
5 +5 +1 +4 +1 Lesser Protective Aura, +1 Dex
6 +6 +2 +5 +2 Heavenly Deflection, +1 Cha
7 +7 +2 +5 +2 Divine Equilibrium, +1 Dex
8 +8 +2 +6 +2 Greater Protective Aura, +1 Cha
9 +9 +3 +6 +3 Cleansing Weapon, +1 Dex, +1 Cha

Skills: 2+int modifier, quadruple at 1st level. Class skills are  Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival.

Proficiencies: Movanic Deva is proficient with simple weapons, two martial weapons of their choice and no armour.

Movanic Body: At 1st level, a Movanic Deva loses all racial bonuses it had and gains outsider traits (basically darkvision 60 foot). It is a medium outsider with a base speed 40ft and a Nat Armour bonus equal to her Con modifier.

Heavenly Soul: At each Movanic Deva level she becomes able to use soma SLAs a certain number of times per day, according to the following list. Save DCs are 10+1/2HD+Cha Mod.

1-Aid, Detect Evil, each 2/day for every HD she has
2- Bless Weapon, Remove Fear, each 1/day for every HD she has
3-Consecrate, Continual flame*, Cure Serious Wounds, each 1/day for every 3 HD she has
4- Protection from Arrows, Daylight, each 1/day for every 2 HD she has
5-Create food and Water, Prayer, Discern Lies,  each 1/day for every 3 HD she has, plus Tongues permanent effect on self.
6- Remove curse, remove disease, Neutralize poison each 1/day for each 4 HD she has
7-Death Ward,  Divination, Holy Smite, each 1/day for every 5 HD she has
8-Polymorph,  Hallow, each 1/day for every 7 HD she has
9- Atonement, Raise Dead, Commune, Ethereal Jaunt, each  1/day for every 9 HD she has.

*Note: unless she pays the material component, a Movanic Deva's Continual Flame only last 1 minute per HD.

A Movanic Deva who multiclass's for a divine casting class can count her Movanic Deva levels as levels of that class for purposes of CL and to learn new spells and get new spell slots. So for example, a  Movanic Deva  2 who took 1 level of cleric could choose to have CL 3 and get 2 2nd level spell slots (1 normal and 1 domain). She wouldn't get the spell knowns and spell slots of a cleric 2 however, neither would her Movanic Deva levels count towards turn undead and domain abilities.

In addition, a Movanic Deva may always use Charisma as her key ability score in any class she takes, instead of the normal one (like wisdom for normal clerics).

Ability Increase: the Movanic Deva gains +1 Dex at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and +1 Cha at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, for a total of +5 Dex and +5 Cha at level 9.

Deva: At 2nd level, gains a bonus on saves against petrification and resistance to Acid, Cold and Electricity equal to her HD, and a bonus on saves against poison and resistance to Fire equal to half her HD.

Soothing Presence of Nature:  At 3rd level, unless magically compelled to do so, no animal or plant will attack a Movanic Deva.

In addition, she gains SR equal to 11+HD and DR/magic equal to ½ her HD. She may lower or raise back her SR as a free action at any time even if it isn't her turn.

Wings: At 4th level, the Movanic Deva grows beautiful feathery wings that allow her to fly at a speed of  10' per HD with good manoeuvrability.

Lesser Protective Aura: At the 5th level, as a free action, a Movanic Deva can surround herself with a nimbus of light that acts as a circle of protection against evil with a radius of 20 feet, with CL equal to her HD. The circle can be dispelled as normal but the Movanic Deva can create a new one as a free action at the start of her next turn.

Heavenly Deflection: As an immediate action, as long as she's holding a melee weapon, a Movanic Deva can deflect any ranged attack targeted against her, as well as spell and supernatural abilities, as long as they have the Movanic Deva as a specific target. This includes rays, orbs and spells with a single target that don't have attack rolls.

To succeed the Movanic Deva must succeed on a Reflex Save with DC 20+Enanchment of the weapon (in the case of a ranged attack)/Level of the spell(in the case of spell or SLA)/ half the HD of the attacker (if it isn't a spell, SLA or weapon). If the Deva succeeds the attack is deflected and completely nullified.

The Movanic Deva must be aware of an attack to try to deflect it.

Divine Equilibrium Movanic Devas are immune to the harmful effects of Positive-dominant or Negative-dominant planar energy traits.

Greater Protective Aura: The Movanic Deva's aura now replicates a minor globe of invulnerability with a 20-foot radius, CL equal to her HD, in addition to the magic circle against evil,  and blocks spells up to (Half HD)-3 level.

Cleansing Weapon: At will, as a swift action, the Movanic Deva may grant any weapon she wields the flaming property for 1 round. If the weapon already had the flaming property, it's upgraded to Flaming Burst. It ignores resistance to fire equal to the Monavic Deva's HD and has a 50% chance of ignoring immunity to critical and fire. If the weapon already had the flaming burst property, double the extra fire damage and it now has a 75% chance of ignoring immunity to critical and fire. At 20 HD this ability is always active.


Dolly stood up and says "my feelings are that we should wait for the cultists to come back to the village and ambush them, we then can hit the outpost and free Glenn Hollow" Dolly said as her familiar landed on her new wings.


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