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  • Public Game 聽路聽 Last active

    The Realm Folded Tavern sits, as the name suggests, in a wrinkle in the Universe. Between planes, of the planes but not part of the planes. From here the Barkeep runs a tidy house where adventurers of all shapes, sizes, skills, and experience can rest, socialise, and (most importantly) find work.

  • Read Only Game 聽路聽 6 members 聽路聽 Last active

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  • Public Game 聽路聽 Last active

    The quest to bring The Stygian Stone to the edges of Hyperborea and toss it into the nether-regions of The Black Gulf. In the meantime, the heroes quest beneath a lotus den to root out a cult that has kidnapped a young Ixian and done great wrong to two of the heroes.

  • Public Game 聽路聽 Last active

    Central community for Paizo's Organized Play Campaigns- Pathfinder Society, Pathfinder Society 2E, and Starfinder Society.

  • Read Only Game 聽路聽 9 members 聽路聽 Last active

    Using GURPS to navigate the world of Greyhawk. These adventures will follow a group of adventurers finding their way in and around the Free City of Greyhawk.

  • Public Game 聽路聽 Last active

    Central community for Paizo's Organized Play Campaigns- Pathfinder Society, Pathfinder Society 2E, and Starfinder Society.

  • Open Game 聽路聽 24 members 聽路聽 Last active

    Welcome to Living Pathfinder (LPF) here at Myth-Weavers! Since our creation in 2010, we are a sandbox community of online play-by-post gamers that mechanically uses the Pathfinder roleplaying system, but create our own homebrew non-Golarion campaign content in the world of E'n. LPF is a community campaign setting where a large number of characters can interact in multiple different adventures, campaigns, and stories. Multiple adventures run simultaneously with their own game master and players. What happens in one adventure can directly affect another adventure, and what happens in all of the adventures affects what is happening in the world.

  • Open Game 聽路聽 32 members 聽路聽 Last active

    A community hub for all things GURPS. Games, discussions, characters, resources, etc.

  • Public Game 聽路聽 Last active

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  • Public Game 聽路聽 Last active

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