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Blue Jay

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For each level, I find it helps to think about all the things that can be affected by taking any class and assessing line by line (HD, BAB, saves, boost to AC, increase CL, ...) If you list them all out in the two classes you get the best of each, imagine that the column has zeros where it doesn't apply to a class, but they don't stack. If you take two classes at the same level that boost your Arcane caster level by 1 it still only goes up by 1 as that's the maximum boost at any given level.

Weirdly, this means that taking:

Cleric 1 || Wizard 1
Cleric 2 || Wizard 2
Fighter 1 || Bloodline 1
would get you a Cleric with the spell slots of a L2 cleric but CL3, a wizard with spells and spell slots of a L2 Cleric but CL3 and a L1 Fighter which you may prefer as there is nothing, at least that I can think of, where having a 'treated as Fighter level X+1' would gain anything and so you wouldn't the losing anything by putting Fighter in the same level as Bloodline here. Normally the order you take classes doesn't really matter unless they require an unbroken progression, but I think it matters here.

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That all falls in line with my expectations, considering the rules in place (multi-progression and feature level cap). I think I have only one other question on the subject: 

Other than the "take Bloodline level(s) by xyz level(s) based on the strength of Bloodline" are there any restrictions preventing them from being taken sooner?

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3 hours ago, Sohala said:

That all falls in line with my expectations, considering the rules in place (multi-progression and feature level cap). I think I have only one other question on the subject: 

Other than the "take Bloodline level(s) by xyz level(s) based on the strength of Bloodline" are there any restrictions preventing them from being taken sooner?

I don't see anything RAW that suggests you can't take them earlier, as long as you take them before the required level is reached.

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1) Do Spell-Like abilities gain the benefits of Spell Focus: X?
I know there's that one feat form Book of Vile Darkness (Boost Spell-like) but that only applies to one. On the SRD of Spell-Like Ability it mentions they function in all ways as spells so I would maybe lean yes? Though online from what I read there's some debate since some sources for 3.5 make them fully separate and having nothing to do, but then no way to improve them. I do know there's separate metamagic feats for them so I'm not looking into things like that.

2) Has anyone successfully used a Crusader on Post by Post? I can't think of a simple/smooth/good way to deal with their recovery method that's random in each post aside just rolling each round and changing the number for each maneuver.

3) Would I be able to request Sarah from the Approved Characters to be moved into the Submission? Would be easier to do the rework under that thread to make sure nothings mixed up or people think it's weird that it's a re-build under an already accepted character.

4) I remember seeing somewhere someone said that if you quality for the class at level 6 (with the PRC that you're going for) you could take it at 6th level. I believe that's not normally the case in games but thought I'd check here.

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I can't offer an answer for #1, but I'm playing a Crusader/Bard atm and there really is no simple/smooth/good way to gain or recover maneuvers that are random. Not that I've found, at least.

For 4, see this rule text here:


You can take the 1st level of a prestige class at the same level that you qualify for it (provided you can qualify using the class on the other side of your gestalt, and not the PrC itself).


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40 minutes ago, Dnd4life said:

1) Do Spell-Like abilities gain the benefits of Spell Focus: X?
I know there's that one feat form Book of Vile Darkness (Boost Spell-like) but that only applies to one. On the SRD of Spell-Like Ability it mentions they function in all ways as spells so I would maybe lean yes? Though online from what I read there's some debate since some sources for 3.5 make them fully separate and having nothing to do, but then no way to improve them. I do know there's separate metamagic feats for them so I'm not looking into things like that.

2) Has anyone successfully used a Crusader on Post by Post? I can't think of a simple/smooth/good way to deal with their recovery method that's random in each post aside just rolling each round and changing the number for each maneuver.

3) Would I be able to request Sarah from the Approved Characters to be moved into the Submission? Would be easier to do the rework under that thread to make sure nothings mixed up or people think it's weird that it's a re-build under an already accepted character.

4) I remember seeing somewhere someone said that if you quality for the class at level 6 (with the PRC that you're going for) you could take it at 6th level. I believe that's not normally the case in games but thought I'd check here.

 Boost Spell Like Ability

Source: Book of Vile Darkness

One of the creature’s spell-like abilities is harder to resist than it otherwise would be.

Benefit:The saving throw Difficulty Class (DC) of a boosted spell-like ability is increased by +2. A creature’s spell-like abilities can be boosted three times per day, though the feat does not allow the creature to exceed its normal usage limit for any ability. Thus, if a succubus chooses to boost its suggestion ability, it can use a boosted suggestion up to three times that day.

Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, the creature can apply it to one of its spell-like abilities to give three additional uses of the feat per day. Thus if a Succubus took two feats in one ability, it could boost the ability six times per day, or if it took it once in two abilities it could use it three times per day in each.

Special: In the case of Warlocks this means selecting either Boost: Invocations or Boost: Eldritch.


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2 hours ago, Dnd4life said:

1) Do Spell-Like abilities gain the benefits of Spell Focus: X?
I know there's that one feat form Book of Vile Darkness (Boost Spell-like) but that only applies to one. On the SRD of Spell-Like Ability it mentions they function in all ways as spells so I would maybe lean yes? Though online from what I read there's some debate since some sources for 3.5 make them fully separate and having nothing to do, but then no way to improve them. I do know there's separate metamagic feats for them so I'm not looking into things like that.

2) Has anyone successfully used a Crusader on Post by Post? I can't think of a simple/smooth/good way to deal with their recovery method that's random in each post aside just rolling each round and changing the number for each maneuver.

3) Would I be able to request Sarah from the Approved Characters to be moved into the Submission? Would be easier to do the rework under that thread to make sure nothings mixed up or people think it's weird that it's a re-build under an already accepted character.

4) I remember seeing somewhere someone said that if you quality for the class at level 6 (with the PRC that you're going for) you could take it at 6th level. I believe that's not normally the case in games but thought I'd check here.

So, I can't help help with 3 or 4, but I do have several characters that use crusader as a class. I can honestly say, no. There is no simple or smooth way to deal with it that I have found other than rolling. However, for tracking I have all of my maneuvers prenumbered and I use a subtraction model every time I roll. Once I get down to the last maneuver, I know it's time to refresh as start new. It does help with keeping track and knowing which is what even if it is a bit cumbersome.

Also, while I'm not sure about the Spell Focus feats, I do know that Ability Focus and Weapon Focus both can affect the Spell-Like Ability depending on what that ability is. I can't see why not though if it has a spell equivalent.

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2 hours ago, Dnd4life said:

1) Do Spell-Like abilities gain the benefits of Spell Focus: X?
I know there's that one feat form Book of Vile Darkness (Boost Spell-like) but that only applies to one. On the SRD of Spell-Like Ability it mentions they function in all ways as spells so I would maybe lean yes? Though online from what I read there's some debate since some sources for 3.5 make them fully separate and having nothing to do, but then no way to improve them. I do know there's separate metamagic feats for them so I'm not looking into things like that.

2) Has anyone successfully used a Crusader on Post by Post? I can't think of a simple/smooth/good way to deal with their recovery method that's random in each post aside just rolling each round and changing the number for each maneuver.

3) Would I be able to request Sarah from the Approved Characters to be moved into the Submission? Would be easier to do the rework under that thread to make sure nothings mixed up or people think it's weird that it's a re-build under an already accepted character.

4) I remember seeing somewhere someone said that if you quality for the class at level 6 (with the PRC that you're going for) you could take it at 6th level. I believe that's not normally the case in games but thought I'd check here.

1) No, Spell Focus does not work for SLAs. Don't use Boost Spell-Like Ability, either: use Ability Focus (from the Monster Manual). It also only applies to one SLA, but it's a permanent boost, instead of a 3/day boost (though I suppose you could technically take both, if you want). Ability Focus is technically only for special attacks, but I think SLAs are always listed as special attacks, even when they aren't based on attack spells, so I'd let you use it even for SLAs that aren't strictly attacks.

2) Random rolls each round is what I've seen most players do.

3) I can do that for you.

4) Yes, you can take the 1st level of a PrC at the same level you qualify for it, provided you can qualify without using the PrC's abilities. I.e., you can't use the PrC's own abilities to meet the requirements. So, say you need BAB +6 to enter a PrC at 6th level. You would need to reach BAB +6 using the other side of your gestalt, not using the 1st level of the PrC itself. So, this build would work:

  1. Fighter 1 || Rogue 1
  2. Fighter 2 || Rogue 2
  3. Fighter 3 || Rogue 3
  4. Fighter 4 || Rogue 4
  5. Fighter 5 || Rogue 5
  6. Fighter 6 || Prestige Class 1

The 6th level of fighter would give you BAB +6, so you can meet the requirement here, and you can take the 1st level of the prestige class.

But you can't qualify like this:

  1. Fighter 1 || Rogue 1
  2. Fighter 2 || Rogue 2
  3. Fighter 3 || Rogue 3
  4. Fighter 4 || Rogue 4
  5. Fighter 5 || Rogue 5
  6. Prestige Class 1 || Rogue 6

Rogue only gives +0.75 BAB/level, so without the prestige class, you would only have BAB +5.75, so you can't meet the requirement, even if the prestige class itself gives you the BAB you need.

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For once shot and simple question. 3.5E rough equivalent of 5E Goliath? I can swear I did read about some Race, Half-Giants maybe, but its blank both the book and the name.

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10 minutes ago, Grudge said:

For once shot and simple question. 3.5E rough equivalent of 5E Goliath? I can swear I did read about some Race, Half-Giants maybe, but its blank both the book and the name.

I mean, Goliath is a 3.5 race in Races of Stone.


+4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution: Goliaths are massively muscled, but their bulk sometimes gets in the way when they're trying to be nimble.

Monstrous Humanoid: As monstrous humanoids, goliaths are proficient with all simple weapons, but they have no proficiency with any armor or shield.

Medium: As Medium creatures, goliaths have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. However, see the powerful build ability description below for more details.

Goliath base land speed is 30 feet.

Powerful Build: The physical stature of a goliath lets him function in many ways as if he were one size category larger. Whenever a goliath is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the goliath is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A goliath is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature's special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A goliath can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject's size category.

Mountain Movement: Because goliaths practically live on the ledges and cliffs of the most forbidding mountains, they are particularly adept at negotiating mountain hazards. Goliaths can make standing long jumps and high jumps as if they were running long jumps and high jumps. A goliath can engage in accelerated climbing (climbing half his speed as a move action) without taking the -5 penalty on the Climb check.

Acclimated: Goliaths are automatically acclimated to life at high altitude. They don't take the penalties for altitude described in the Mountain Travel section. Unlike other denizens of the mountains, goliaths don't lose their acclimation to high altitude even if they spend a long time at a lower elevation.

+2 bonus on Sense Motive checks: When speaking to one another, goliaths tend to augment their verbal communication with subtle body language. They are likewise able to "read" the unintentional body language of others.

Automatic Languages: Common and Gol-Kaa. Bonus Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Gnoll, Terran.

Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass goliath's barbarian class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty. The tribal life of the goliaths produces many barbarians.

Level Adjustment: +1.

Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
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Lol, I was too lazy to look around the books and googled "Races Of Rock" not the answer I would have expected 😅 Yeah, that's the one I remember, and as I prayed it's false memory LA+1 I remember too. But I think they give enough to justify it and if I go Fighter on one side at Lvl 2 I won't miss much lvl 3s Feat. I just have to figure out an interesting combo. Thanks, Steel (and then he wonders why he's always "@" 😂

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1 hour ago, Grudge said:

Lol, I was too lazy to look around the books and googled "Races Of Rock" not the answer I would have expected 😅 Yeah, that's the one I remember, and as I prayed it's false memory LA+1 I remember too. But I think they give enough to justify it and if I go Fighter on one side at Lvl 2 I won't miss much lvl 3s Feat. I just have to figure out an interesting combo. Thanks, Steel (and then he wonders why he's always "@" 😂

I don't know if Goliath got an adjustment to LA; worth checking the link in the Character Build rules in case they got downgraded.

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1 hour ago, Delia2531 said:

I don't know if Goliath got an adjustment to LA; worth checking the link in the Character Build rules in case they got downgraded.

Well, it would be cool. But IMO it does have more stuff than some LA+1 races to justify it. Bonuses on Climb and Jump penalties, ability to wield Large weapons without penalty, ability to count like Large during maneuvers where it helps (like grapple or trip). I mean when you take Goliath, it's usually because you want to hit something up close, and all they get benefits that. Compared to some classes that, while better, designers weren't sure which way they would be built. So there are usually at least some abilities that end up unused. Here, you want a big guy to hit hard, and all kit is dedicated to that. You won't play Goliath to be Wizard or Ranger.


Edit: Just checked nothing about Goliaths that I could see, from big boys Half Ogres, Half Minotaurs, and one kind of Giants are mentioned that I saw.

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Yeah, even the normal Half-Giant from Expanded Psionics retained the LA +1. They don't have the the same strength bonus, but they do get other racials.

They never did RLA to Races of books unfortunately.

Oslecamo made a 1 monster level for Goliath, but they only get +1 str and +1 con, no penalties.

Edited by Steel Warrior (see edit history)
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