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Out-of-Character Stuff

Blue Jay

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It is kind of odd, I think my first Character with any casting was a Magus, and that was a horde of barbarians, fighters, and rogues after. I think I was just too lazy and Spells were just too big pain in the ass to first learn what type of spellcaster you are. Then learn everything about spells, then learn spells. I think I started playing spell characters because Magus could cast them by whacking someone with the sword 😋 Even now I think statistically Wizard is my least played class, followed by Sorcerer. I don't think I made a Either yet.

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I like Alchemist a lot, and Inquisitor. All their 2/3 casters fit my style pretty well. Full casters are tough to get started, there are weak early levels that I don’t enjoy.

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Something like gauntlets/amulet of mighty fists for adding weapon properties to your unarmed strike. Ring of Protection/Amulet of Nat Armor, Cloak or Vest of Resistance.

Most of these are just generic "this is a good/'necessary' item".

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Well, all of the +2 to a stat items are good for a monk, but there’ a lot of competition for the necklace slot. Usually amulet of mighty fists is the winner.

Monks are usually pretty mobile, but a ring of jumping or boots of elvenkind can really help with skill checks.

It’s always good to have a slashing weapon, and you want to be able to overcome DR/silver too.

Potion of fly?

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A Monk's Belt when you can afford it is almost a must. Your +2 stat boosting items will play into it. An amulet of mighty fists to start with is always a good option, but I hear good things about a necklace of natural attacks as well. Your mobility is always going to be good, especially with sorcerer casting to enhance it, so make sure to boost your output. Also, make sure to put the item combining from magic item compendium to work for you and some of those issues of too many items and not enough space eases a hair's breadth.

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Perhaps seek out sources of Pounce since you're a monk. IIRC, Flurry is a Full-Attack action, so being able to charge and then flurry will be a big boost to damage.

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DivineDragons - Ascetic Mage isn't a bad idea depending how far you plan to go down either side. It combines Sorc/Monk for CHA -> AC, sacrifice a spell slot for +attack/damage equal to slot level, and continues to scale the AC bonus. It doesn't do much for the unarmed damage, but you could PRC into Fist of the Forest, Thayan Gladiator (Personally one of my all-time favourite PRCs) or some of the more caster ones (Enlightened Fist) since you'd have all the requirements from one side.

Lots of good stuff to choose from.

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I thought about going Enlightened Fist myself but to be honest I'd end up losing two caster levels unless I get to place sorcerer levels in those spots. I'd rather go straight down the two grabbing Aesthetic Mage. Went with the good old raven familiar though I don't know if anyone has considered using a weasel. Those things looks like they could hose casters if I'm correct about the attach causing damage each turn thus requiring a concentration check.

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Just a heads up I will probably be throwing up a game here soon once I work out all the details in my head. It would be for four 1-4th lvl characters. I have not DMed in forever so will be a bit rusty but should hopefully be fun. So be on the lookout for it.

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